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By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. To learn more, view our Privacy Policy. To browse Academia. Альманах посвящен теоретическим и методологическим проблемам изучения власти и элит, вопросам эволюции и функционирования властных групп в России и других странах, трансформации российского общества, структур власти и практик групп доминирования. Особое внимание уделено сравнительным исследованиям элит, а также взаимовлиянию элитных групп и гражданского общества. Издание представляет интерес для широкого круга обществоведов, исследующих проблемы власти и властных групп, преподавателей социологии, политологии и истории, а также политических практиков — экспертов, консультантов и действующих политиков. Anton Korolenkov. Tatiana Kushch. Argumentativeness of the decision of the questions, concerning the history of the Despotate of Epiros, as well as representativeness of sources of information are specified. The importance of the conducted prosopographic investigation which allowed to reveal the structure of ruling class of Epirus is underlined. Some debatable questions connected with studying of the political history of the Despotate of Epiros are assigned. Виталий Тихонов. Jana Larina Prokopenko. Abstract: The article is devoted to the role of so-called «virtues» of clupeus aureus in the official ideology of the first Roman emperor. According to the author, Augustus did not search for a certain sample for these «virtues», but he was guided by existing circumstances. He used recent events, for example battle of Actium etc. This campaign was the response to an aspiration of some oppositional politicians to win popularity in the new conditions. Наслади и забрани ред. Заимова, Н. Александрова, , ел. Maria Shusharova. The Ottoman administrative practice rarely provides examples of sensitivity to irrational. Paul Kroopkin. Archetype of Sacredness: The article discusses the archetype of sacred, which was introduced for an individual psyche, and is considered in a historical perspective — both when it was formed as a result of aromorphosis in the evolution of pre-human tribes, and when it was involved in another aromorphosis, setting off a social evolution. It was found that despite the secularization in the developed countries, a sacred continues to be important for people and society though in other form than before. Olga Khavanova , Rudolf Paksa. Evgeny Kunts. Судьба Никола Фуке, изобилующая яркими триумфами, завершается многолетним тюремным заточением, а затем и смертью 23 марта года в пьемонтской крепости Пиньероль всеми забытого, прежде весьма могущественного вельможи. Изучению судебного процесса над опальным суперинтендантом финансов Никола Фуке — события не до конца, осмысленного — посвящена безусловно заслуживающая внимания книга Винсента Дж. Nikolai Seregin , Roman Pochekaev. The book deals with the theoretical and historical aspects of the study of elites in nomadic societies of Eurasia in Late Antiquity. Much attention is given to research methodology of elite groups in the sociopolitical organization of the nomads of South Siberia and Central Asia. Based on the analysis of archaeological material and written sources data for demarcation of various types of elites in societies of nomads is given. Special attention is paid to sacralization of rulers of nomads and the influence of the religious factor on the ideological basis of the legitimacy of power. The publication will be useful to historians, specialists on religious studies, archaeologists, ethnographers and everyone who are interested in the social and political history of the nomadic peoples of Eurasia. Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. Remember me on this computer. Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. Konstantin Zavershinskiy. Related Papers. Политическая элита Эпирского царства в гг. Political Elite in the Principality of Epirus in Moscow; Saint-Peterburg. Тихонов В. Петрухинцев, Лоренц Эррен. Токарев А. Специальный выпуск. Кунц Е. Предисловие к книге: Винсент Дж. Коррупция при дворе Короля-Солнце. Взлет и падение Никола Фуке.

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