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By Алексей Н , July 20, in News of greenhouse plant growing. By Алексей Н , April 27, in Greenhouse complexes and mills. By Робот , July 3, in Greenhouse complexes and mills. By Робот , February 12, in News of greenhouse plant growing. By YugAgro , June 23 in Exhibitions and conferences, seminars and events. By Робот , June 8, in Greenhouse complexes and mills. Leading forum of the greenhouse industry. A platform for communication of experts and novice specialists of protected soil. News greenhouse industry and business, new projects, greenhouse technologies. Greenhouse business and enterprises: complexes and combines, farms. Official information, websites, news, reviews and discussions. Multilevel systems for growing shelving plants, vertical systems, urban farms city farms , container and others. Greenhouse projects, business plans and investments in greenhouses. Where to start: questions from beginners. Legislation on greenhouses: legal acts, regulations and other documents. Legal questions and answers. Designing and construction of industrial greenhouses, complexes, combines. Selection of coating for the greenhouse. Greenhouse structures and materials. Organization and efficiency of work in greenhouse production. Vacancies and resumes,. Systems for monitoring and controlling the microclimate in the greenhouse, sensors and weather station. Ventilation of the greenhouse - ventilators and fans. Shading and energy-saving screens, cooling of greenhouses, SIZ. Algorithms for climate control of greenhouses. Systems of electric illumination, illumination in industrial greenhouses, discussion of technologies of plant fluorescence. Water treatment. Drip irrigation and irrigation systems for greenhouses, low-volume hydroponics, sprinkling and flooding. Sprinklers and nozzles, valves, droppers and fittings. Substrates, trays, pots. Preparations, drainage and disinfection of the solution. Software for the greenhouse software programs are climatic, agrochemical, phytomonitoring, etc. Agro-chemical laboratory - greenhouse analyzes and samples. Measuring instruments and sensors for agronomists and specialists of protected soil. Measuring instruments of illumination, electrical conductivity, acidity, humidity, thermometers, etc. Disinfection and treatment in greenhouses. Sprayers for the treatment of plants in greenhouses, fog generators, sulfurizers, etc. Automation and greenhouse equipment, all kinds of technical solutions for the greenhouse. Adaptations and tricks. Greenhouse carts, cassettes and pots, boxes, scales, disinfectants and other equipment and automatics for hothouse economy. Cultivation of a cucumber in a greenhouse, technologies and nutrient solutions, substrates, light culture. Cucumber diseases, pests, viruses and other problems. Growing tomatoes, tomatoes in a greenhouse. Technologies of growing tomato, solutions, substrates, etc. Deviations, tomato diseases, pests, viruses. Growing of lettuce, green and spicy-flavored crops in greenhouses. Salads, arugula, chicory, sorrel, baby-lyfi, dill, coriander, parsley, celery, oregano, thyme, basil, etc. Cultivation of various vegetables, spices, medicinal plants and greenery in a greenhouse. Various edible crops, including algae, etc. Chemical protection of greenhouse plants. The use of pesticides, the strategy of their application in the greenhouse, and other chemical technologies. Integrated protection of plants in the greenhouse. Biological method of plant protection, entomophages, technology of application. Biological and chemical stimulators of growth and development of greenhouse plants. Pollination: bumblebees and bees. Greenhouses, greenhouses, conservatories, winter gardens and solar vegetarians: country, farm, homestead. We share the experience of building small greenhouses. Technologies of growing vegetables, flowers and greens in small farm, homestead and country greenhouses. English-speaking forum. Professional greenhouse industry. About everything. Different opinions and discussions. Chatter talk, smoking room, flood about everything. Only polite. Transitions to individuals, insults and curses are prohibited! All Activity Home. Увеличение тепличных площадей и технологий для закрытого грунта в мире By Редактор , Wednesday at AM in News of greenhouse plant growing тепличные технологии закрытый грунт and 1 more Tagged with: тепличные технологии закрытый грунт тепличное растениеводство. Тепличный комплекс КГСАУ «Хабаровское специализированное лесное хозяйство» By Редактор , Tuesday at AM in News of greenhouse plant growing тепличные комлексы хабаровск and 3 more Tagged with: тепличные комлексы хабаровск хабспецлесхоз сеянцы лесных культур посадочный материал. Реально ли в условиях Севера выращивать овощи? By Алексей Н , July 20, in News of greenhouse plant growing север ямал and 2 more Tagged with: север ямал губкинское строительство теплиц. ООО 'Экоферма 'Кушкульские теплицы' под Оренбургом By Алексей Н , April 27, in Greenhouse complexes and mills кушкуль оренбург and 4 more Tagged with: кушкуль оренбург тепличные комплексы строительство теплиц кушкульские теплицы оренбургская область. Агрокомплекс 'Мартыновский', с. Мартыновка, Сафакулевский район, Курганская область By Робот , July 3, in Greenhouse complexes and mills чурилово тепличные комплексы and 5 more Tagged with: чурилово тепличные комплексы мартыновский тк мартыновкий курганская область сафакулевский район курган. ООО «Агропромышленная компания «Кумир», Орловская область на месте бывшего ОАО «Юбилейное» By Робот , February 12, in News of greenhouse plant growing орёл строительство теплиц and 5 more Tagged with: орёл строительство теплиц теплицы белогорья орловская область афд кемикалс инвестиции ак кумир. XVIII специализированная выставка 'Защищенный грунт России ' By BKB , May 12 in Exhibitions and conferences, seminars and events теплицы россии защищённый грунт россии and 2 more Tagged with: теплицы россии защищённый грунт россии выставки мероприятия. Международная с. By YugAgro , June 23 in Exhibitions and conferences, seminars and events выставка «югагро» выставки and 2 more Tagged with: выставка «югагро» выставки югагро краснодар. ТК «Успенский» в Болховском районе By Робот , June 8, in Greenhouse complexes and mills тк успенский экопродукт and 5 more Tagged with: тк успенский экопродукт тепличные комплексы строительство теплиц тепличные проекты орловская область болховский район. Forums Start new topic. News of greenhouse plant growing News greenhouse industry and business, new projects, greenhouse technologies. Exhibitions and conferences, seminars and events Activities for specialists of protected soil and entrepreneurs. Greenhouse complexes and mills Greenhouse business and enterprises: complexes and combines, farms. City farms - multi-tier systems for growing plants shelving, vertical and others Multilevel systems for growing shelving plants, vertical systems, urban farms city farms , container and others. Projects, business plans and investments Greenhouse projects, business plans and investments in greenhouses. Legislation, legal acts and industry standards Legislation on greenhouses: legal acts, regulations and other documents. Construction of greenhouses, structures and materials Greenhouse technologies and equipment Designing and construction of industrial greenhouses, complexes, combines. Realization, marketing, prices and profitability Prices and cost of greenhouse products, sales volumes, logistics, profitability, etc. Organization and efficiency of work Organizational, technical and socio-economic issues Vacancies from employers Resume from applicants Organization and efficiency of work in greenhouse production. Commercial ads Private and commercial ads are only from members of our community. No spam. Energy and microclimate of greenhouses Heating and power supply of industrial greenhouses Ventilation, cooling and shading of greenhouses screens and whitening Top dressing of greenhouse plants with carbon dioxide CO2 Power supply of industrial greenhouse complexes: boiler rooms and cogenerators, GPU, GTU and power plants. Systems of electric illumination in greenhouses Spectral composition of light for growing plants Systems of electric illumination, illumination in industrial greenhouses, discussion of technologies of plant fluorescence. Watering, solutions, substrates and fertilizers for low-volume hydroponics Water treatment. Computer programs: climatic, agrochemical, phytomonitoring Software for the greenhouse software programs are climatic, agrochemical, phytomonitoring, etc. Measuring instruments and sensors, agrochemical laboratories Agro-chemical laboratory - greenhouse analyzes and samples. Disinfection and treatment: sprayers, aerosol generators, sulphurators Disinfection and treatment in greenhouses. Automation, trolleys, trays and cassettes, other equipment Automation and greenhouse equipment, all kinds of technical solutions for the greenhouse. General questions of technology and biology Agronomy, biology and related topics. All that is not included in the previous forum headings. Cucumber Technologies of cucumber cultivation, hybrids and varieties Problems with cucumber: physiological disorders, diseases and pests Cultivation of a cucumber in a greenhouse, technologies and nutrient solutions, substrates, light culture. Tomato Technologies of tomato growing, hybrids and varieties Problems with tomatoes: physiological disorders, diseases and pests Growing tomatoes, tomatoes in a greenhouse. Salad and green Growing of lettuce, green and spicy-flavored crops in greenhouses. Pepper and eggplant Cultivation of pepper and eggplant in the greenhouse. Strawberries and other berries Growing strawberries and other berries in greenhouses. Mushrooms: champignons, oyster mushrooms Cultivation of mushrooms - mushrooms and oyster mushrooms in greenhouses and mushrooms. Other food crops Cultivation of various vegetables, spices, medicinal plants and greenery in a greenhouse. Roses Technologies of growing roses, cutting and storing Problems with roses: deviations, diseases, pests Growing roses in a greenhouse. Tulips Growing tulips in greenhouses. Гербера Growing gerbera in a greenhouse. Other flowers and ornamental plants Cultivation of different flowers and ornamental plants in greenhouses and greenhouses. Chemical protection of plants: pesticides, application strategies and technologies Chemical protection of greenhouse plants. Biological protection of plants: biomethod and application of biological preparations Integrated protection of plants in the greenhouse. Chemical and biological regulators of plant growth and development; pollination Biological and chemical stimulators of growth and development of greenhouse plants. Structures and equipment of farming and cottage greenhouses Greenhouses, greenhouses, conservatories, winter gardens and solar vegetarians: country, farm, homestead. Agrotechnics of plants in farm and country greenhouses Technologies of growing vegetables, flowers and greens in small farm, homestead and country greenhouses. Miscellaneous about farmhouse and country greenhouses Forum of greenhouses: amateurs and farmers. All that is not included in the previous headings. Greenhouses designs and technologies Equipments for modern greenhouses Growing technologies and means English-speaking forum. About GreenTalk. Everything that concerns the work of GreenTalk. Chatter talk Chatter talk, smoking room, flood about everything. Popular Now Изменения показателя pH при выращивании розы на минвате By AlexBulat , Wednesday at AM in Watering, solutions, substrates and fertilizers for low-volume hydroponics розы рн and 3 more Tagged with: розы рн минвата гидропоника проблемы с розами. Сообщения на форуме. Изменения показателя pH при выращивании розы на минвате. Компьютерные программы соревнуются в выращивании тепличных культур. Деформация листа базилика. Мне эти провалы в листовой пластинке напоминают начало дефицита фосфора. Попробуйте немного повысить содержание фосфора в растворе. Нет возможности часть кислоты дать ортофосфорной? Маловато кальция. Очень вероятно, что это связано с процессом семеноводства. У базилика ведь гибридов нет, только сорта свободного опыления, вот и выбивает отклонения от общего уровня. Sign In Sign Up.

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