Проблемы молодежи (Young people’s problems) . Реферат. Другое.

Проблемы молодежи (Young people’s problems) . Реферат. Другое.


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Everybody says your youth is probably the best time of young life, that being
young means romance, love, new discoveries & so on. But it is also the most
difficult time because you have to make some very important decisions, which
will influence all your future life.

Things are not easy nowadays even for adults, but for teen-ages, who have to
find their own place in society, it’s very difficult. It’s necessary not only
to adapt to your society, but also to be confident about your position in 5, 10
or 20 years time.

For your future it is essential to have a good job. Every girl or boy leaving
secondary school should choose an institution of higher education, or if he or
she doesn’t want to study any more, choose a job straight way.

Put even if you are studying, you need money of your own to pay for extra
clothes, tapes, books. It something the problem.

Emotional problems for young people can be far more difficult than financial
ones. The typical teenager problem is drug-habit. Some young man use drugs,
because they think that will be cool guys. But they don’t understand, that it’s
wrong. Some of them can’t stop that, and they become dependent on drugs. And
they commit different serious crimes, because they need some money to buy

Youth is also the time to meet your first love. It is, of course, wonderful,
but, as it is widely known that first love often has an unhappy end, this also
increases young people’s problems.

We also face the problem how to spend our free time. We can do it in different
ways. Some of teen-ages spend their free time in different night clubs. Other
young people spend their free time in the streets.

Another typical problem for most of the teen-ages is problem with their parents.
Leo Tolstoy said: “All families are happy in the similar way and unhappy in its
own way”. And happiness or unhappiness of any family mostly depends on
relations in it.

So many families so many family relations. Each family establishes its own
relations in its own way. It has its own traditions & customs & its own
unwritten constitution including rights & duties of every member of the
family. The level of democracy is also different in different families, which
mostly depends on the viewpoints of adults usually not coinciding with a
child’s point of view. So the problem of misunderstanding becomes urgent. Some
people can it generation gap. It as a rule sharpens as soon as a child
approaches his or her difficult teens. And both sides (parents & children)
should be patient & tactful & it’s the only way to settle down all the
problems & stay friends.

Parents say that its difficult to discipline children. But experts state that
parents will get the best results if they try to prevent or stop misbehavior in
natural, logical & when possible fun ways. Here are some pieces of advice
to help them keep their kids in line.

So, as you see, it is very difficult to be young nowadays, as, need, it always
was. But you only can be young once, & some wonderful things can happen
only when you’re young. So, it is be to enjoy youth while it lasts.

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