Prize in details.

Prize in details.

ሸገር ገበታ

Users Vote
1st Place - 500 ETB Shoa Gift Card and 3 Pizza from Effoi Pizza. You know Effoi they’re one of the best pizzas in town.

2nd Place - 2 Burger from InNout. You can have any burger you want from their menu. They’re rebranding their and we hope their new name will be catchy.

3rd Place - 12 Pack of Donuts from Dink Donuts. Yes, everybody loves donuts and you don’t have to be sad about that your prize is just donuts. They’re one of the best donut places in town and your prize is worth of 600 ETB 🤩

Admin Pick (Best photos)

1st Place - Weekly Unlimited Internet Package & 2 Pizzas from Effoi. You don’t need Shoa Gift card. Your photos are already good and you won an unlimited weekly internet package. Now take more beautiful photos while eating your Effoi pizza and share them on social media. (Don’t forget to tag @shegergebeta 😉)

2nd Place - 2 Chicken Wings or Nugget from InNOut. Yes! InNout didn’t forget 2nd place for admins pick too.. they’re giving you an options to pick your favorite chicken. Chicken nugget or wings! That will be your choice after you won.

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