Private Vpn

Private Vpn


Private Vpn

Тип договора: договор на месячную или годовую подписку, начиная с момента завершения транзакции. Нажмите здесь, чтобы ознакомиться с Условиями продажи .
Настройка: для запуска средства защиты/службы необходимо загрузить и установить продукт на каждое устройство и (или) завершить настройку.
Бесплатная пробная версия: при подписке на бесплатную пробную версию требуется указать способ оплаты (только кредитная/дебетовая карта или PayPal). Когда срок действия пробной версии истекает, начинается действие платной подписки, при этом взимается плата за первый период действия, если подписка не была отменена ранее. Срок действия специального предложения (или предложений) может истечь.
Цикл продления: подписка автоматически продлевается каждый месяц или год по истечении первоначального срока, если вы не отмените продление до даты продления в учетной записи или связавшись с нами здесь . Нажмите здесь для получения дополнительных сведений .
Цены на продление: могут быть выше стоимости первоначального срока действия подписки, а также могут быть изменены. С ценами на продление можно ознакомиться здесь . При наличии годовой подписки оплата взимается за 35 дней до даты продления подписки. Перед этим мы отправим вам уведомление по эл. почте, указав цену продления.
Отмена заказов и возврат средств : вы можете отказаться от договоров и запросить полный возврат средств в течение 60 дней с момента покупки годовой подписки и в течение 14 дней с момента покупки ежемесячной подписки. Для каждого ежегодного продления или бесплатной пробной версии с платной ежемесячной подпиской вы можете запросить полный возврат средств в течение 60 дней с момента списания средств. Для бесплатной пробной версии с платной ежемесячной подпиской вы можете запросить полный возврат средств в течение 14 дней с момента списания средств. Подробнее см. в документе Политика отмены заказов и возврата средств . Чтобы отменить договор или запросить возврат средств, нажмите здесь .
Обновления: ваша подписка может включать в себя обновление продукта, службы и (или) средств защиты и получение новых компонентов, которые могут добавляться, изменяться или удаляться в соответствии с положениями и условиями документа Соглашение о лицензировании и предоставлении служб .
Использование: только для некоммерческого или домашнего использования. Если у вас возникли проблемы с добавлением устройства, свяжитесь с нами .

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Многоуровневая защита ваших устройств, игровых учетных записей и цифровых ресурсов.
Технология Norton блокирует тысячи угроз каждую минуту.
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Yes, but you can get a free account in only a few minutes. Just sign up on our home page!
You can instantly secure 1 device at a time with our free service, and have up to 10 simultaneous connections with PrivadoVPN's premium service, twice as many as most VPNs.
Yes! You can get PrivadoVPN for any of the above services and connect to a secure server in minutes. Once you finish signing up and verifying your email, you'll be able to log in and choose an available server, then connect with one click. You can sign up for our free VPN service and get 10GB of data per month, or choose a Premium plan and get unlimited data and access to our full global server network.
In most countries, it is perfectly legal to use a VPN. Depending on which country you are in, there may be specific laws that forbid particular VPN features, so you should either consult a lawyer or extensively research the local laws, but it is entirely legal in the vast majority of places worldwide.
Not only are our servers based in Switzerland, so our free VPN users get the benefit of some of the best consumer privacy laws on Earth, but unlike other free VPNs, we also keep no activity logs, are completely ad-free, give our free account users more server choices than anyone else, and provide more no-strings-attached, unlimited speed, free vpn servers, and monthly data than anyone else.
It's so easy to download and use PrivadoVPN on your phone. Simply choose your operating system above and click the "Download for [your OS]" button. It will bring you to the appropriate appstore where you can download and install the software the same way you would any other application.
Right now we don’t have any specific plans to create free vpn apps for Linux, but PrivadoVPN is fully compatible with Linux. You can follow our step-by-step instructions to set up PrivadoVPN on your Linux system.
Ⓒ 2022 PrivadoVPN All rights reserved Grafenauweg 8, CH-6300 Zug, Switzerland
"WireGuard®" and the "WireGuard®" logo are registered trademarks of Jason A. Donenfeld.
Your Windows PC has a number of vulnerabilities that a VPN can help defend so that you're less likely to be the victim of online snooping and malware.
When you install the PrivadoVPN app for Windows , you're getting two forms of protection:
Your IP address, the unique number that identifies your devices online, is hidden behind one of our secure servers so you can be anonymous online.
Every byte of data that leaves or comes into your computer is encrypted end-to-end, so it can't be intercepted in transit or seen by third parties.
You can use PrivadoVPN on all of your devices. Whether through the free, dedicated app for Windows, iOS, macOS, and Android, or manually installed, you'll be able to take advantage of our global secure server network that will not only hide your location, but send all of your data through an end-to-end encrypted tunnel. Whether you're at home, out on the town, or traveling internationally, your information will remain closely guarded. Select your operating system above to see if we have an app for you. If not, follow our step-by-step guides guides to install PrivadoVPN manually.
Connect instantly with one button to a secure free VPN server, then stop worrying.
The PrivadoVPN app will automatically find and recommend the fastest server for your location, or you can choose from any of our global servers.
Activate our Kill Switch option so, if you become disconnected from the VPN, your Internet will also shut down until you reconnect. That way you can feel secure knowing you'll never send unsafe data, even by accident.
Hundreds of servers in Countries and cities around the world.
Super fast connections and the ability to find the fastest server for your location instantly.
One-click connection on Windows, iOS, macOS, Android, Android TV, and Amazon Fire TV Stick.
Choose the location you want to in order to securely watch content from around the world.
Every bit of data that exits or enters your computer does so through a secure encryption tunnel, preventing data leaks and making sure people can't see your information while in transit. You get the same protection whether you're using our Free or Premium service.
Choose from the best VPN protocols including OpenVPN, IKEv2, WireGuard®, and SOCKS5 to perfectly balance security and speed for your needs.
A lot of other free VPN service will put restrictions on online entertainment and certain file transfer protocols on their free service. They will either restrict the speeds you get (throttling) or just not allow you to do those at all.
PrivadoVPN is the only virtual private network that not only allows you to enjoy online entertainment and all file transfer protocols with a free VPN account, but will not throttle your speeds when you do. That means that you don't have to worry about excessive buffering while you're trying to enjoy a movie or severely reduced data transfer speeds like you might find on another free VPN provider.
So if you’re looking to catch up on your favorite show or download a large file, our free vpn download can get you going in minutes.
You can sign up for PrivadoVPN Free or PrivadoVPN Premium right now. Simply download our free VPN client for Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, AndroidTV, and Amazon Fire TV Stick and follow the signup process. You'll have increased privacy and security in minutes on up to 10 computers, mobile phones, laptops, tablets, and more. Watch online video, game, browse, and download with world class encryption and complete anonymity. We keep no logs on your activity and, as a Switzerland-based company, you're protected by some of the strongest consumer privacy laws in the world. Don't waste another minute with unsecure data. Download PrivadoVPN today and experience the freedom of anonymous, encrypted Internet on all your devices.
Not everybody is comfortable using a limited free version of a VPN. The fact of the matter is that a free VPN can be dangerous. Not every free is as dedicated to protecting your data security.
However, PrivadoVPN stands out from other free VPNs in that it provides service which is guaranteed to keep no logs of user activity, nor will it sell your data like other VPN services with a free version might. That means your browser data, your downloads, and any other information on your protected devices will not go beyond your control.
When it comes to trusting a VPN with your data, you need to look for the following things.

Yes, but you can get a free account in only a few minutes. Just sign up on our home page!
You can instantly secure 1 device at a time with our free service, and have up to 10 simultaneous connections with PrivadoVPN's premium service, twice as many as most VPNs.
Yes! You can get PrivadoVPN for any of the above services and connect to a secure server in minutes. Once you finish signing up and verifying your email, you'll be able to log in and choose an available server, then connect with one click. You can sign up for our free VPN service and get 10GB of data per month, or choose a Premium plan and get unlimited data and access to our full global server network.
In most countries, it is perfectly legal to use a VPN. Depending on which country you are in, there may be specific laws that forbid particular VPN features, so you should either consult a lawyer or extensively research the local laws, but it is entirely legal in the vast majority of places worldwide.
Not only are our servers based in Switzerland, so our free VPN users get the benefit of some of the best consumer privacy laws on Earth, but unlike other free VPNs, we also keep no activity logs, are completely ad-free, give our free account users more server choices than anyone else, and provide more no-strings-attached, unlimited speed, free vpn servers, and monthly data than anyone else.
It's so easy to download and use PrivadoVPN on your phone. Simply choose your operating system above and click the "Download for [your OS]" button. It will bring you to the appropriate appstore where you can download and install the software the same way you would any other application.
Right now we don’t have any specific plans to create free vpn apps for Linux, but PrivadoVPN is fully compatible with Linux. You can follow our step-by-step instructions to set up PrivadoVPN on your Linux system.
Ⓒ 2022 PrivadoVPN All rights reserved Grafenauweg 8, CH-6300 Zug, Switzerland
"WireGuard®" and the "WireGuard®" logo are registered trademarks of Jason A. Donenfeld.
Your Windows PC has a number of vulnerabilities that a VPN can help defend so that you're less likely to be the victim of online snooping and malware.
When you install the PrivadoVPN app for Windows , you're getting two forms of protection:
Your IP address, the unique number that identifies your devices online, is hidden behind one of our secure servers so you can be anonymous online.
Every byte of data that leaves or comes into your computer is encrypted end-to-end, so it can't be intercepted in transit or seen by third parties.
You can use PrivadoVPN on all of your devices. Whether through the free, dedicated app for Windows, iOS, macOS, and Android, or manually installed, you'll be able to take advantage of our global secure server network that will not only hide your location, but send all of your data through an end-to-end encrypted tunnel. Whether you're at home, out on the town, or traveling internationally, your information will remain closely guarded. Select your operating system above to see if we have an app for you. If not, follow our step-by-step guides guides to install PrivadoVPN manually.
Connect instantly with one button to a secure free VPN server, then stop worrying.
The PrivadoVPN app will automatically find and recommend the fastest server for your location, or you can choose from any of our global servers.
Activate our Kill Switch option so, if you become disconnected from the VPN, your Internet will also shut down until you reconnect. That way you can feel secure knowing you'll never send unsafe data, even by accident.
Hundreds of servers in Countries and cities around the world.
Super fast connections and the ability to find the fastest server for your location instantly.
One-click connection on Windows, iOS, macOS, Android, Android TV, and Amazon Fire TV Stick.
Choose the location you want to in order to securely watch content from around the world.
Every bit of data that exits or enters your computer does so through a secure encryption tunnel, preventing data leaks and making sure people can't see your information while in transit. You get the same protection whether you're using our Free or Premium service.
Choose from the best VPN protocols including OpenVPN, IKEv2, WireGuard®, and SOCKS5 to perfectly balance security and speed for your needs.
A lot of other free VPN service will put restrictions on online entertainment and certain file transfer protocols on their free service. They will either restrict the speeds you get (throttling) or just not allow you to do those at all.
PrivadoVPN is the only virtual private network that not only allows you to enjoy online entertainment and all file transfer protocols with a free VPN account, but will not throttle your speeds when you do. That means that you don't have to worry about excessive buffering while you're trying to enjoy a movie or severely reduced data transfer speeds like you might find on another free VPN provider.
So if you’re looking to catch up on your favorite show or download a large file, our free vpn download can get you going in minutes.
You can sign up for PrivadoVPN Free or PrivadoVPN Premium right now. Simply download our free VPN client for Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, AndroidTV, and Amazon Fire TV Stick and follow the signup process. You'll have increased privacy and security in minutes on up to 10 computers, mobile phones, laptops, tablets, and more. Watch online video, game, browse, and download with world class encryption and complete anonymity. We keep no logs on your activity and, as a Switzerland-based company, you're protected by some of the strongest consumer privacy laws in the world. Don't waste another minute with unsecure data. Download PrivadoVPN today and experience the freedom of anonymous, encrypted Internet on all your devices.
Not everybody is comfortable using a limited free version of a VPN. The fact of the matter is that a free VPN can be dangerous. Not every free is as dedicated to protecting your data security.
However, PrivadoVPN stands out from other free VPNs in that it provides service which is guaranteed to keep no logs of user activity, nor will it sell your data like other VPN services with a free version might. That means your browser data, your downloads, and any other information on your protected devices will not go beyond your control.
When it comes to trusting a VPN with your data, you need to look for the following things.

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