Private Video Online

Private Video Online


Private Video Online

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Videosprout is the perfect tool to send videos to friends and family or to share your business videos for marketing purposes. Share your video with anyone with an email address.
Only the people you share with will see the video. They'll get a unique URL which can then be shared via email, SMS, or any other distribution method.

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Dec 6, 2018, 6:40 am EDT
| 6 min read

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There used to be a time when sharing a video online was a tough job. These days, the problem has morphed into having too many options. Whether you want to share a video with the world, or only show it to your friends and family, the following websites will help you out.
YouTube is the world’s largest video sharing platform. It’s fairly easy to use (many video apps even support uploading directly to YouTube), and you can share videos publicly or privately for free.
To upload a video, you’ll need a Google account and to be signed into YouTube. On the top right of the screen, you’ll see the option to upload your video.
Clicking the button will take you to the following screen. You can then select your video files from your computer or drag-and-drop your files in the upload area.
You can also upload videos privately on YouTube if you wish. The option is not straight-forward, so let us explain. If you click the drop-down that says “Public,” you’ll see four options.
The “Public” option means that the video you upload will be public and appear in YouTube searches for the relevant terms. The “Scheduled” option makes a video public but sets its availability for a specific date and time.
For keeping videos private, there are two options, and this is what they mean:
The level of privacy you want to set on each video is your choice. You can upload all your videos publicly, or create a private collection just for friends and family.
Google Photos is another excellent way to share videos. The advantage of Google Photos is that it has a more straightforward interface than YouTube and sharing is easier through your mobile phone. It’s even possible that your videos are already uploaded to the site if you’re a Google Photos user. The service also supports albums, which can have both photos and videos, making it an excellent option for sharing pictures and videos together.
You can upload a video manually or use one of the videos that your phone backed up automatically , but shared albums give you more control and also allow other people contribute to the album so that pictures and videos from everyone can be organized in the same place.
You start by creating a shared album.
On the next screen, click the sharing icon.
On the next screen, you’ll be sharing the album with other people using their email addresses. You can also create a shareable link and send that to people instead.
Regarding privacy, there are three things that you need to know about Google Photos.
So, Google Photos isn’t quite as secure as YouTube if you have videos for which you want to restrict access. But, being able to combine videos and photos into albums is great and letting other people contribute to them can be a lot of fun.
One of the easiest ways to share your video is to upload it to Facebook. Most people have a Facebook account, which makes it easy to share your video with everyone. Choose the Photo/Video option from the post screen to upload the video. By default, the video’s privacy settings will be the same as you’ve set for your posts. So if your status updates are shown only to your friends, then your video will be too.
You can fine tune this by setting privacy options for individual posts. For example, if you’re set to post publicly to Facebook by default, you can still post a private video by clicking the drop-down menu on that post and choosing a different privacy option.
If you have any doubts about who’ll be able to see your video, Facebook has put together a helpful guide that you can go through.
If you find this complicated, then you can create a Facebook Group instead and upload your video there. Only the people who you accept as members of the group will be able to see the videos you upload there.
Vimeo is a video sharing platform similar to YouTube. The difference is that Vimeo is generally used by professional video creators to show off their work. But, you can use Vimeo to upload your home videos or any other videos that you like. Vimeo doesn’t run ads and is supported by professional creators who pay a subscription fee to host their videos.
There is a free plan too, but it does come with some limits. For example, you’re limited to 500 MB of uploads per week and 5 GB total. You also can’t use the free plan to upload videos for a business (and that includes videos containing any form of advertising). Paid plans start at $7 a month and go up to $75 a month. Detailed limits of the free plan are listed in Vimeo’s help docs .
Vimeo also supports privacy controls on uploaded videos. There are many privacy options, and most of them are available even for free members, including the option to password protect your videos.
You can find more details about all the privacy options on Vimeo’s overview page .
There are plenty of cloud storage providers which you can use to share videos, including Google Drive, OneDrive, and Dropbox. For demonstration, we’ll use Google Drive as an example.
On all cloud storage platforms, the idea behind organizing your video is the same. You can create a folder, add your videos to it, and then share the folder with the people you want. You can share individual files, but having a folder is almost always better. In the case of Google Drive, you add your video to a folder and then click the drop-down next to the folder’s name to see the share option.
You can then share the folder in three ways.
Other cloud storage providers might handle sharing differently, so please go through their documentation carefully to understand the difference.
An important thing to note about using cloud storage is that most cloud providers don’t let you watch the video online. You and the people you share the video with will probably have to download the video to a computer or mobile phone and then watch it. Of course, if that what you want people to be able to do, then cloud sharing is a great option.
Image Credit: studiostock /Shutterstock
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Upload and play your videos straight from your browser
Laura Haleydt - Brand Marketing Manager, Carlsberg Importers
Diana B - Social Media Strategist, Self Employed
More than just an online Video Trimmer
VEED’s online video uploader lets you share your videos with your audience without asking them to download any software. Your viewers can watch your content straight from their browser. Just upload your video to VEED or create one using our free webcam and screen recorder. Share the link and they can watch the video from any popular browser!
Select a video you’ve recorded from your device and upload it to VEED. You can drag and drop your files into the editor. You can also create a video using your webcam and VEED’s webcam recorder.
VEED allows you to edit your videos before sharing them. You can crop, rotate, and resize your videos. Use our online video editor to create professional-looking videos.
Click on ‘Export’. You can now share your video’s link with your friends or peers.
When you upload your video to VEED, you can set its privacy to either Public or private so you can control who has access to your content. Plus, there will be no ads to distract your audience from watching your video. They can enjoy ad-free viewing for free. You don’t have to pay or subscribe to remove ads. No other videos to click or play next.
Your uploaded videos will be ready for embedding on any site that allows you to embed videos. That means your viewers don’t have to open a new browser to view your content. You can just copy and paste the embed link to the website and your video will play right from the site. Just click on the Share button and select Embed.
If you need to share your videos to collaborate with other creators, you can allow commenting. Just toggle the blue Comment button on the top of the screen. Only people you’ve allowed access to your videos can comment on them. Everyone who can view your video can also see the timestamp in the comments. This makes it easier to collaborate and work together.
1. Upload your video to VEED or create one using our webcam recorder. 
2. Edit your video using our video editor. 
3. Export and share the link with your friends!
While there are several sites that allow you to upload your videos, VEED stands out because of its easy-to-use interface and fast rendering times. It also features a free video editor so you don’t have to get out of the app to ensure that your videos are of professional quality!
VEED is completely free to use! We do offer a premium subscription but you can use most video editing tools plus the online video viewer for free.
Absolutely! VEED also features a free and easy-to-use video converter. Upload videos of any format and download them in the format that you prefer.
Click on Upload or click on the plus (+) icon on the bottom-right of the Timeline and select Record. Give VEED permission to access your webcam and start recording!
The easiest way to crop videos (free & paid ways) whether on Windows 10 with VLC or online with VEED. Here's how!
Everything you need to know about Instagram Reels. From how to upload a Reel to how to brainstorm ideas. Dig in!
Want to grow your YouTube channel but are stuck on what to post? We did the work and curated a list of 105 ideas every creator should know about.
VEED lets you do so much more than just upload and share your videos online. It is a complete and powerful video editing software that lets you create professional-looking videos in just a few clicks. You don’t need any video editing experience. Create stunning videos that you can share on social media in just minutes. Add images, audio, text, and subtitles to your videos. Use our stock videos and personalize them, and so much more!
The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.
Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.
Veed is a great piece of browser software with the best team I've ever seen.
Veed allows for subtitling, editing, effect/text encoding, and many more advanced features that other editors just can't compete with. The free version is wonderful, but the Pro version is beyond perfect. Keep in mind that this a browser editor we're talking about and the level of quality that Veed allows is stunning and a complete game changer at worst.
I love using VEED as the speech to subtitles transcription is the most accurate I've seen on the market.
It has enabled me to edit my videos in just a few minutes and bring my video content to the next level
The Best & Most Easy to Use Simple Video Editing Software!
I had tried tons of other online editors on the market and been disappointed. With VEED I haven't experienced any issues with the videos I create on there.
It has everything I need in one place such as the progress bar for my 1-minute clips, auto transcriptions for all my video content, and custom fonts for consistency in my visual branding.
The easy way to create stunning videos, add subtitles and grow your audience.
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