Private Var Db

Private Var Db


Cydia 1.1.16 and newer creates this folder (which is on the user partition) and it moves here /Applications, /Library and /Library/Themes on its first run to free up space on the system partition, leaving symlinks from the original path. This allows you to install tweaks and 3rd-party applications without the risk of filling up your root partition. Older Cydia versions use /private/var/stash instead.

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I'm trying to use fileProvider in iOS 11, and I have a database on device at file:///private/var/mobile/Containers/Shared/AppGroup/xxxx/xxx.db
I would like to open this folder in order to open this database by SQLite manage. How to do this?
Randall Wang
Randall Wang 937●33 gold badges●99 silver badges●2424 bronze badges
2,700●55 gold badges●2323 silver badges●3737 bronze badges
You can use Simpholders to open the group container for your simulators. It has a 10 day trial period.
Puneet Sharma
Puneet Sharma 9,019●11 gold badge●2525 silver badges●3131 bronze badges
Thank you. If Simpholders can do it.There must be a way for us to do that, too.the Question is how – Randall Wang Jul 19 '17 at 6:20
@RandallWang: You can print the path of your group container.Have a look at the selected answer :… – Puneet Sharma Jul 19 '17 at 6:41
Thanks, I find a workaround.Use simulator instead of the device.Then I can open the path. ps, Simpholders is not working when I using Xcode 9 beta – Randall Wang Jul 19 '17 at 8:44
Simpholders only gives you access for Simulator version, you can also access simultor path by
You will get file in your "finder folder" directory
Vivek Gajbe
Vivek Gajbe 382●11 silver badge●1414 bronze badges
But if you want access iPhone file directory it is not access – Vivek Gajbe Aug 14 '19 at 7:42
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