Private Url

Private Url


Private Url

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Stephan Hadinger Sr Mgr, Solutions Architecture
As a solutions architect, I often need to send large files to customers, such as architecture diagrams and service presentations. To avoid sending heavy attachments in email, I first upload the content on Amazon S3 , then send a pre-signed URL to allow the customer to securely download the content. However, S3 pre-signed URLs are generally over 250 characters and may be split in several lines by email clients. It’s more convenient and user-friendly to generate a shortened URL. As this content is often confidential, I tend to avoid using public URL shortener services. This is when I realized it was super easy to build a private one.
In this post, you’ll see how to build your own private URL shortener using a serverless architecture, which leaves you with full control over your application while leveraging managed AWS services like AWS Lambda , AWS API Gateway , and S3. Because you don’t need to manage your own servers anymore, it’s easy to build applications that are natively scalable, secure, resilient, and very cost effective.
The following graphic shows the admin page.
This next graphic shows a generated short URL ready to copy and paste.
It’s a little known feature: S3 can act as a redirection engine.
First, you need to activate “website hosting” on your S3 bucket. Then you create an empty object for each short URL (a random 5-character ID) and attach the “website redirect” metadata with the target (long) URL. When the end user hits the short URL, S3 automatically responds with a HTTP redirect to the target (long) URL, without you needing any code. For more information, see Configuring a Web Page Redirect .
To avoid proliferation of these redirect objects, you can enable a lifecycle policy to automatically delete objects, for example, after 7 days.
In order to create redirection objects, you need a simple admin page: a static HTML page hosted in S3 and built with jquery . When you choose Shorten , it triggers a POST request to API Gateway, which securely invokes a Lambda function (~70 lines of code) after validating all parameters. The code in Lambda simply stores an empty object in S3 with a random 7-character name, and assigns the metadata for the HTTP redirect.
To avoid CORS configuration and have a simple friendly domain name, wrap all pieces behind a single Amazon CloudFront distribution as shown in the diagram below. There are three CloudFront actions:
The CloudFormation template below creates all components for the URL shortener: S3 bucket, Lambda functions, API Gateway API operation, and Amazon CloudFront distribution.
Note: the template creates three Lambda functions: The LambdaShortener-xxx function contains the main code and the other two functions, LambdaURLtoDomain-xxx and LambdaS3Copy-xxx, are helper functions used as CloudFormation custom resources.
Using a full serverless application has several benefits: the application is natively multi-AZ and automatically scales whether you have one request per month or tens per second.
Now evaluate the cost of the URL shortener for a simple scenario: You create 1000 short URLs per month and each is viewed by 1000 users – i.e., 1 million requests per month. Here is a cost estimate for the Oregon region split by services:
The overall cost is less than 12 cents per month .
This simple version is the starting point to your creativity. There are many ways you can improve this simple version, for example:
Please send us your comments and ideas.

GitHub - jeroenvanagt/ private _ url : Private URL Plugin for WordPress
Build a Serverless, Private URL Shortener | AWS Compute Blog
Private URL Shortener With PHP Tutorial | Code Wall
Python Auth. private _download_ url примеры... - HotExamples
YOURLS: Your Own URL Shortener

Copyright 2021 Code Wall. All rights reserved.

YOURLS is a package that allows you to build your very own link shortening tool, just like the popular tool. YOURLS is an open-source package released under the MIT license. This tool can be set up for your own private use which is ideal for things like a social management system or intranet service. Furthermore, you could build an entire link shortener service and compete with the likes of!
In this tutorial, we will set up YOURLS on a local PHP stack (XAMPP).
To build this link shortening tool we are going to need the following on the local system/production system.
With XAMPP we can define a custom URL using the httpd-vhosts.conf file.
For this tutorial, my custom URL is going to to be and the root folder defined as /my – Feel change to change this to suit.

DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs/my"

AllowOverride All

And add the following to your hosts file in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc or equivalent.
Then, it will be a good idea to create a new database in your MySQL build. You can do this with some syntax like below, change the name ‘links_db’ to your desired database name. –
And that is all the prerequisites we need in place. Now we can move on to setting up and configuring the YOURLS package on our local system.
Download the package source files from the releases page on GitHub.
Extract the files into a folder in your root directory, the same folder that was referenced in the httpd-vhost.conf file – – Of course, this folder can be the name that suits you, but make sure they match the conf file.
Locate the config-sample.php file within the /user folder. Make a copy of the config-sample.php file and rename it to config.php .
Open the config.php file with your code editor and adjust the following values to suit your environment. For this tutorial, the database created was named my_links_db with the default root username and a blank password.
Then, we need to define a username & password, I’ve just used root/password for this tutorial
/** Username(s) and password(s) allowed to access the site. Passwords either in plain text or as encrypted hashes
** YOURLS will auto encrypt plain text passwords in this file
** Read for more information */
$yourls_user_passwords = array(
'username' => 'password',
'root' => 'password',
// You can have one or more 'login'=>'password' lines
Navigate to the /admin URL in the browser, for this tutorial, it will be 
You should be presented with the following page –
Hit the ‘Install YOURLS’ button, and you should be presented with something like the following screenshot.
Now, we can navigate to in the browser and log in with the username and password we defined in the config.php file. Once logged in, we will see the admin interface.
Now we can start utilizing the tool, add your favorite URL to the ‘Enter the URL’ text field, for this example, was used. On the right-hand side to this input, add a custom identifier if you want for example ‘cw’. If not, the tool will automatically generate a custom identifier for the short URL.
Lastly, we click shorten the URL, and bam, the link is shortened and added to the database. See the image below –
Now, we can literally type in in the browser, and the homepage of this blog is loaded. It’s so cool!
Another really good feature of this package is when you hover over one of the table rows, some action icons appear. One of which is a ‘stats’ icon, once clicked another page is loaded, see below –
More than one thing worth noting here –
All this is well and good, but, most likely, we want to expose this tool to the front end users. So, how do we do this? Luckily, YOURLS comes ready for this and it’s easy to follow, well-documented API allows you to pass in URLs to be shortened.
For simplicity, I’m just going to create an index.html file in the my/ root folder.
Copy the following HTML which includes basic HTML5 markup, calls in Bootstrap & Jquery from a CDN.
This should result in something that looks like the following –
Next, we want to write the JavaScript that will call to the API, passing in the custom URL the user types in.
Add the following JavaScript, just before the closing body tag.
Type in your custom URL to be shortened and hit the Shorten button. Here’s the result below –
And, now if we check the /admin interface, we can see this URL has been registered –
This brilliant little tool could be the basis of the next big URL shortening tools! Do you feel like taking on some of the big guys!? Of course, this package is great for a side-of-learning and even to add to some real-life web-systems. YOURLS also has more to offer if you have a dig around of their site too, additional API actions , etc. It’s well worth a look.
One thing about this library is its pure simplistic setup, it really is lovely to use. Let me know in the comments if you get it set up, and even better, if you make a live URL tool with it!

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