Private Tutor

Private Tutor


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Синонимы арабский немецкий английский испанский французский иврит итальянский японский голландский польский португальский румынский русский турецкийBETA китайскийBETA
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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.
In 1795, Raikes was sent to the continent to study modern languages under a private tutor.
В 1795 году Рейкса отправили на континент, где он изучал современные языки с репетитором.
He was educated at home by a private tutor and later at Mintholme College.
Образование получил на дому с репетитором, а позже в колледже Минтольма.
Remaining there to teach from 1403 to 1407, he subsequently moved to Venice to serve as private tutor to the Barbaro family.
Преподавал там с 1403 по 1407 годы, после чего отправился в Венецию, где работал частным учителем в семье Барбаро.
During the time he worked as a surveyor, he also served as a private tutor to the children of John Marie Durst.
Во время работы инспектором, он также был частным учителем у детей Джона Мари Дарста.
A dinner scene. 4 family members and a private tutor, all sitting at one side of the table.
Четыре члена семьи и частный преподаватель, все сидят по одну сторону стола.
She has lived in the United States since, where she also works as a private tutor.
С тех пор она живёт в США, где также работает частным педагогом.
I put him in school. I got him a private tutor.
Отправил его в школу, нанял ему репетитора, уберёг от наркоты.
Lemoine taught as a private tutor for a short period after his graduation from the latter school.
Лемуан преподавал в качестве частного преподавателя в течение короткого периода после его окончания Политехнической школы.
I have chocolates from my mother and my private tutor Ayaka-sensei.
I'll find another town, another school, maybe work as a private tutor for a while.
Найду другой городишко, другую школу. А может немного поработаю как частный учитель.
He was educated at the Holy Ghost School and by a private tutor in Basingstoke before going to Oriel College, Oxford.
Он получил образование в школе Святого Духа и частного репетитора в городе Бейзингстоук, прежде чем идти в Колледж Ориел, Оксфорд.
I'll even hire a private tutor if we have to.
In 1905, he traveled to Paris and settled in Germany, where he worked as a private tutor until 1910.
В 1905 году посетил Францию и Германию, остался в Германии как частный репетитор до 1910 года.
Between 1844 and 1847 Fallmerayer served Maximilian as a mentor, and occasionally as a private tutor, on historical and political questions.
Между 1844 и 1847 годами Фальмерайер служил Максимилиану как ментор, и время от времени как домашний учитель, по историческим и политическим вопросам.
Lemoine also lectured at various scientific institutions in Paris and taught as a private tutor for a period before accepting an appointment as a professor at the École Polytechnique.
Лемуан посещал лекции в различных научных учреждениях в Париже и преподавал в качестве частного репетитора в течение всего периода, прежде чем принять назначение в качестве профессора в Политехнической школе...
In Salzburg Fallmerayer found employment as a private tutor, and enrolled in a Benedictine seminary, where he studied classical, modern, and oriental philology, literature, history, and philosophy.
В Зальцбурге Фальмерайер нашёл работу домашним учителем, и поступил в Бенедиктинскую семинарию, где изучал классическую, современную и восточную филологию, литературу, историю, и философию.
You want me to get her a private tutor so she could stay home and get her schooling, and I'll do it.
Ты хочешь, чтобы я нанял ей персонального репетитора, чтобы она могла оставаться дома и учиться, я так и сделаю.
Sorry. Private tutor can't write it.
Как обидно, домашний репетитор не может написать это слово.
Private tutor of English for schoolchildren.
Частный репетитор по английскому языку для школьников.
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B. Miller
Last Modified Date: February 18, 2021
A private tutor is an individual who works one-on-one with students to provide extra help and instruction in a particular subject. For younger students, tutors might provide overall help with schoolwork, such as assisting students in developing good study skills, or helping them get ready for tests. A private tutor may get paid for this work, or he or she might do it on a volunteer basis. Some colleges and universities will offer college credit for acting as a tutor to other students, provided the student completes a specific number of hours per semester, but this is not common.
Virtually anyone with expertise in a given subject may decide to become a private tutor. In many schools, peers or older students will tutor each other, or older students will work with younger students. In colleges, students working in a certain major may work with students who have to take courses in that major, but may be struggling with it. Students pursuing English or communications degrees, for example, will frequently work as private tutors at a "writing center" or other study center on campus to help students write and edit their papers for class.
An individual who is not currently a student may choose to become a private tutor as well, as they can frequently earn money for these services. Retired teachers, for instance, will often choose to tutor students, and parents are often more comfortable with this as well. A teacher may work with a student in a specific area in which he or she is having trouble, and provide assistance, or the teacher may develop lesson plans to help students in a more general way. Individuals who are simply experts in certain fields may also decide to become private tutors, whether they ever taught professionally or not.
Private tutoring is not limited to academic work. Private tutors may also exist for individuals learning a musical instrument, or working on their singing voice. Students who are particularly dedicated to a sport, such as those who might want to earn a college scholarship in the sport, might hire someone to work with them one-on-one to develop the skills necessary to succeed. There is almost no better way to learn than receiving personalized instruction from someone who is an expert in the field, which is why so many people choose to work with a private tutor at some point in their lives.
The role of a private tutor is to motivate the student to learn. Private tutors help students express themselves in an education system that is ever increasing in complexity and a world that is becoming more competitive by the day.
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