Private Telegram

Private Telegram


Private Telegram
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If you want to join a Private Telegram Group , then you can use this page to find active groups. There are many telegram groups available, so you should be able to find one that suits your interests. Follow to participate in Premium Groups of Web Developers and Programmers to learn something new.
Once you find a group that you want to join, simply click on the link and you will be taken to the group chat.If you are not a member of Telegram, then you will need to download the app before you can join a group. Below we’re going to share Private Telegram Group Channel Links:
Join Private Telegram Channels to prepare yourself for Private Jobs and study for their Entrace Exams.
Final Word: We hope you found the Private Telegram Group Links that you were looking for. You can join any of these groups and stay updated with the latest things.
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Custom Animated Emoji, Gifting Telegram Premium, and More
700 Million Users and Telegram Premium
Notification Sounds, Bot Revolution and More
Today's update introduces the Telegram Emoji Platform, animated emoji in messages and captions…
Telegram now has over 700 million monthly active users. Today we're launching Telegram Premium – a subscription that lets you support Telegram's continued development and gives access…
Telegram is so simple you already know how to use it.
Telegram messages are heavily encrypted and can self-destruct.
Telegram lets you access your chats from multiple devices.
Telegram delivers messages faster than any other application.
Telegram has no limits on the size of your media and chats.
Telegram has an open API and source code free for everyone.
Telegram keeps your messages safe from hacker attacks.
Telegram groups can hold up to 200,000 members.
Telegram lets you completely customize your messenger.



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Stack Overflow

"ok" : true ,
"result" :{
"id" : 1101361374 ,
"is_bot" : true ,
"first_name" : "Example Bot for Blog" ,
"username" : "example_blog_bot" ,
"can_join_groups" : false ,
"can_read_all_group_messages" : false ,
"supports_inline_queries" : false

"ok" : true ,
"result" :[
"update_id" : 726362299 ,
"message" :{
"message_id" : 3 ,
"from" :{
"id" : 877419474 ,
"is_bot" : false ,
"first_name" : "Alex" ,
"last_name" : "Sarafian"
"chat" :{
"id" : -475387861 ,
"title" : "Example Blog Bot" ,
"type" : "group" ,
"all_members_are_administrators" : true
"date" : 1585150611 ,
"text" : "Hello"

"ok" : true ,
"result" :{
"message_id" : 4 ,
"from" :{
"id" : 1101361374 ,
"is_bot" : true ,
"first_name" : "Example Bot for Blog" ,
"username" : "example_blog_bot"
"chat" :{
"id" : -475387861 ,
"title" : "Example Blog Bot" ,
"type" : "group" ,
"all_members_are_administrators" : true
"date" : 1585151160 ,
"text" : "Hello"

© 2021 Alex Sarafian. Powered by Jekyll & Minimal Mistakes .
If you need a bot for your personal home automation, then this post describes how to achieve what is perceived as a private bot on Telegram.

In this post, I want to explain how to create a private bot in Telegram . With private , I’m referring to bots that are not possible to be found by others or won’t interact with others. These sort of bots are meant usually for some personal automation, where the bot act as the delivery entity to you or your family.
With Telegram bots are not private. Everybody can find them. The difference is that a certain communication channel with the bot can be made private. This is a group with the bot that you and the bot are members of. This sort of private channels is usually useful for home automation, where the bot is to speak with one person only.
Some very nice people who read recently my post pointed out that the creation of the group to maintain privacy is not necessary and just using the chat_id is good enough. Thanks to @Jerry,@Terry and @J for their feedback and clarification from the comments section. I’ve not modified the rest of the post and please refer to their comments below if you don’t want to create the group. Thanks guys.
Creating the bot is generally easy by following instructions on Bots: An introduction for developers using the BotFather .
BotFather, [25.03.20 16:02]
Alright, a new bot. How are we going to call it? Please choose a name for > your bot.
Me, [25.03.20 16:03]
Example Bot for Blog
BotFather, [25.03.20 16:03]
Good. Now let’s choose a username for your bot. It must end in bot . Like > this, for example: TetrisBot or tetris_bot.
Me, [25.03.20 16:03]
BotFather, [25.03.20 16:03]
Done! Congratulations on your new bot. You will find it at> example_blog_bot. You can now add a description, about section and profile > picture for your bot, see /help for a list of commands. By the way, when > you’ve finished creating your cool bot, ping our Bot Support if you want a > better username for it. Just make sure the bot is fully operational before > you do this.
Use this token to access the HTTP API:
Keep your token secure and store it safely, it can be used by anyone to > control your bot.
For a description of the Bot API, see this page: https :// core . telegram . org / > bots/api
That’s it. The new bot is available and anyone can find it as Example Bot for Blog .
The bot has been deleted and therefore all sensitive information is irrelevant.
This is a simple step. We need to do this now because afterward, we will disable the ability of the bot to be added into conversations.
This group we have created is going to be also our private chat with the bot.
By default, the bot can be added to a group conversation by anybody who can find it. To make sure this doesn’t happen, we need to disable this.
BotFather, [25.03.20 16:13]
Choose a bot to change group membership settings.
Me, [25.03.20 16:13]
BotFather, [25.03.20 16:13]
‘Enable’ - bot can be added to groups.
‘Disable’ - block group invitations, the bot can’t be added to groups.
Current status is: ENABLED
BotFather, [25.03.20 16:13]
Success! The new status is: DISABLED. /help
If you try to add your bot into a group, you can’t. So it is best that you already start a group with it before doing this step. You can always enable the group joining feature, create a group with it and yourself and then disable it again.
In the Telegram Bot API the API of Telegram is described. To interact with this bot we need the API token 1101361374:AAHS_DYrAUohT-HQXVKKz-M1howAxvXdRLA which the BotFather provided to us. The general uri pattern is https :// api . telegram . org / bot /METHOD_NAME . Notice that the token follows the word bot in the URL.
For example the getMe method will provide information about the bot. Just do a GET with this URL https :// api . telegram . org / bot1101361374 : AAHS _ DYrAUohT - HQXVKKz - M1howAxvXdRLA / getMe .
To send messages to this private group we’ve created with the bot, we will need to target it by providing the chat_id parameter that represents this group. The chat_id is also necessary for all integrations with other tools like Zapier or Integromat and this is why it is important.
To extract it use the getUpdates method. Do a GET with this URL https :// api . telegram . org / bot1101361374 : AAHS _ DYrAUohT - HQXVKKz - M1howAxvXdRLA / getUpdates . If the result is empty then just type something to the bot in this group.
Note that this method returns results only when the bot is not enabled for privacy . If you want to enable privacy, make sure you do it after extracting the chat_id as explained below.
Hello is the message I had sent to the bot to make sure I could get results with getUpdates .
From the JSON, the chat_id is -475387861 . We can use this send a message using the sendMessage method.
The sendMethod is much more complicated but for the purposes of this demonstration, a simple GET with a simple message will suffice like this URL https :// api . telegram . org / bot1101361374 : AAHS _ DYrAUohT - HQXVKKz - M1howAxvXdRLA / sendMessage ? chat _ id =- 475387861 & text = Hello .
And this has happened in the group with the bot
Example Bot for Blog, [25.03.20 16:46]
To enable encryption of the communication with the bot, you must enable the privacy feature.
BotFather, [25.03.20 16:09]
Choose a bot to change group messages settings.
Me, [25.03.20 16:09]
BotFather, [25.03.20 16:09]
‘Enable’ - your bot will only receive messages that either start with the ‘/’ > symbol or mention the bot by username.
‘Disable’ - your bot will receive all messages that people send to groups.
Current status is: ENABLED
BotFather, [25.03.20 16:09]
Success! The new status is: ENABLED. /help
Remember that after doing this the getUpdates method from the API will return empty results or the last encrypted message.


Chatbot ,

Low-Code ,


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How do you send a private message on Telegram?
B.Tech from University Institute of Technology, RGPV ( Graduated 2022 ) · 1 y ·
How do you send a private message in Telegram?
How do I send a message to a Telegram channel admin personally?
How can I chat with a non-mutual contact on Telegram?
How do I send Telegram secret messages?
How do I send a message to a non mutual contact on Telegram?
user of several years; expert in app features · Author has 277 answers and 774.6K answer views · 1 y ·
How do you send a private message in Telegram?
How do I send a message to a Telegram channel admin personally?
How can I chat with a non-mutual contact on Telegram?
How do I send Telegram secret messages?
How do I send a message to a non mutual contact on Telegram?
Why can’t I send messages to a non-mutual contact on Telegram?
How do you send a message to mutual friends on Telegram?
How do I chat on Telegram without adding anyone in my contact?
How can I send a message to a Telegram channel?
How do I make a mutual contact on Telegram?
How do I send a message to an unsaved contact on Telegram?
How can I know the channel admin in Telegram?
How do you send a message to yourself on Telegram?
How can my Telegram channel member also send messages to the channel?
How do I send a private message in Telegram when anyone join to Public group. I know welcome message, but it will show to everone?
How do you send a private message in Telegram?
How do I send a message to a Telegram channel admin personally?
How can I chat with a non-mutual contact on Telegram?
How do I send Telegram secret messages?
How do I send a message to a non mutual contact on Telegram?
Why can’t I send messages to a non-mutual contact on Telegram?
How do you send a message to mutual friends on Telegram?
How do I chat on Telegram without adding anyone in my contact?
How can I send a message to a Telegram channel?
How do I make a mutual contact on Telegram?
Something went wrong. Wait a moment and try again.
There you can start a chat where, no message is saved on the telegram server (**just like INCOGNITO) it also has a self destructing timer.
If you have a chat and you don't want to show on the home….then you can use the “ARCHIVES".
When you ARCHIVE a chat, it gets hidden and when you swipe down the home then it appears.
So the private chat works as an INCOGNITO, and archive works as PRIVATE chat.
You can send one from a person’s profile by tapping the ‘Send Message’ text or, if you aren’t looking at the person’s profile, you can add them as a Contact to start a conversation. To do that you need to know either their phone number or their Telegram username.
Also, if you open the side menu and go to Contacts, when you tap on any of them, it will open a chat where you can send the messages.
If you’d like to send a message in a Secret Chat, you’ll need to open a person’s profile, tap the three dots you’ll see in the corner and choose ‘Start a Secret Chat’. Or just open the side menu and hit ‘
You can send one from a person’s profile by tapping the ‘Send Message’ text or, if you aren’t looking at the person’s profile, you can add them as a Contact to start a conversation. To do that you need to know either their phone number or their Telegram username.
Also, if you open the side menu and go to Contacts, when you tap on any of them, it will open a chat where you can send the messages.
If you’d like to send a message in a Secret Chat, you’ll need to open a person’s profile, tap the three dots you’ll see in the corner and choose ‘Start a Secret Chat’. Or just open the side menu and hit ‘New Secret Chat’.

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