Private Sub Commandbutton1 Click

Private Sub Commandbutton1 Click


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Sheet1 has a commandbutton. When clicked, a form containing one label, an Ok
button and a Cancel button, loads.
I cannot get the buttons to fire the events!

In sheet1 I have:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Call HandleTheForms
End Sub

In module1 I have:
Private Sub HandleTheForms()
End Sub

Behind the form, I have:
Private Sub Cb1Ok_Click()
MsgBox "Success with Ok_Click"
End Sub

Private Sub Cb2Cancel_Click()
MsgBox "Success with Cancel_Click"
Exit Sub
End Sub

Help, feel like I've forgotten what little I thought I knew.


Change the Private Sub HandleTheForms() to Public Sub HandleTheForms().
That should work.

*** Sent via Developersdex ***

Vasant Nanavati 04:06 PM 05-09-2005
Works fine for me, except that the sub in the module needs to be public to
be called from the worksheet using your syntax.



"Stuart" wrote in message
> Sheet1 has a commandbutton. When clicked, a form containing one label, an
> button and a Cancel button, loads.
> I cannot get the buttons to fire the events!
> In sheet1 I have:
> Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
> Call HandleTheForms
> End Sub
> In module1 I have:
> Private Sub HandleTheForms()
> Frm_Initial.Show
> End Sub
> Behind the form, I have:
> Private Sub Cb1Ok_Click()
> MsgBox "Success with Ok_Click"
> End Sub
> Private Sub Cb2Cancel_Click()
> MsgBox "Success with Cancel_Click"
> Exit Sub
> End Sub
> Help, feel like I've forgotten what little I thought I knew.
> Regards.

- By "Behind the Form" you mean within the Frm_Initial code module, don't you?
- are you really sure the buttons are called Cb1Ok and Cb2Cancel, and not
just cbOK and cbCancel, or any other names?


"Stuart" wrote:

> Sheet1 has a commandbutton. When clicked, a form containing one label, an Ok
> button and a Cancel button, loads.
> I cannot get the buttons to fire the events!
> In sheet1 I have:
> Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
> Call HandleTheForms
> End Sub
> In module1 I have:
> Private Sub HandleTheForms()
> Frm_Initial.Show
> End Sub
> Behind the form, I have:
> Private Sub Cb1Ok_Click()
> MsgBox "Success with Ok_Click"
> End Sub
> Private Sub Cb2Cancel_Click()
> MsgBox "Success with Cancel_Click"
> Exit Sub
> End Sub
> Help, feel like I've forgotten what little I thought I knew.
> Regards.

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Private Sub Commandbutton1 Click
14 . 2021 —
По умолчанию открывается наиболее часто используе05 процедура обработки события Click . Private Sub Command1_Click() ' Знак апострофа в коде .
Элемент управления пользовательской формы CommandButton, используемый в VBA Excel . Для запуска процедур и макросов обычно используется событие кнопки – Click . Private Sub CommandButton1_MouseMove(ByVal _ .
Caption = "Click me to get the Hello Message" .Width = 100 . As MSForms .CommandButton Private Sub butEvents_click() MsgBox "Hi Shrey" End Sub .
CommandButton Private msOnAction As String Private mobjParent As Object . Depening on the Button which was clicked), constClmn) = sFilepath End Sub
Событие Click также происходит при нажатии клавиши Enter или Пробел,но при . Option Explicit Private Sub cmdl_Click() Call WriteCaption(1) End Slab . кнопки управления, используя для этого кнопку CommandButton на панели .
I have a CommandButton that on click performs addition the problem is if you . Private Sub UserForm_Activate() sheet1 .range("A1")=false . End Sub . I have not .
Click here to reveal answer . Select a . You cannot call a private sub from another procedure unless it is contained in the same module as the calling procedure .
9 02 . 2006 —
8 02 . 2021 —
Выберите кнопку (Button) и событие Click: view plaincopy . Private Sub CommandButton_validate_Click(); Range("A1") . Enabled = True; CommandButton1 .
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() . Sheets("Лист2") .Select . End Sub . 6 . Click для . CommandButton1 (кнопка «Выполнить») . В ячейку В4 вставим .
Now double click on the Command Button, which is dragged on the UserForm . Now you can see the following code in the VBA Editor window . Private Sub .
8 03 . 2021 —
Private Sub CommandButton5_Click(); MsgBox Me .Controls(CommandButton5) .Value; Dim myControl; Dim CommandButton; mvbb = CommandButton5 .
CommandButton Private Sub ButtonEvent_Click() End sub У меня есть . При нажатии на кнопки я хочу, чтобы событие Click имело следующий результат: .
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click () Userform 1 .Show End Sub . We used the CommandButton1 object and the Click event to do this, but you could use other .
25 05 2021 —
CommandButton CmdBtn; private void CreateOLEButton() { Excel . buttonName As String) MsgBox "You clicked button [" & buttonName & "]" End Sub Private .
When Microsoft did the update it sure made it hard on me - the file used to work great - click on the buttons to run the macros you wanted . Any other thoughts .
Получить номер CommandButton, из которого был вызван метод Click-Method . 62 . 8 . Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Debug .Print CommandButton1 . Name Debug .Print Buttons(Application .Caller) .BottomRightCell .Row End Sub .
Execute different line of code with second click of command button On first click . can be called upon elsewhere Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() If s = 0 Then MsgBox "Hi" '''Substitute this for first section of code to run CommandButton1 .
Но для элементов CheckBox, CommandButton, Listbox, и OptionButton происходит только при нажатии левой кнопки . Private Sub Form_OLEDragDrop _
12 02 . —
Пишу макрос, который рисует кнопку на листе и привязывает к ней событие Click() . Если с . Private Sub ButtonDraw() . CommandButton .1", Link:=False _
Private Sub Workbook_Open() . UF1 .Show . End Sub . Поместите на форму из Toolbox единственную кнопку — элемент управления CommandButton1 .

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Этот текст может быть частично переведен средствами машинного перевода .
В этом примере свойства Accelerator и Caption для объекта CommandButton изменяются каждый раз, когда пользователь нажимает кнопку с помощью мыши или сочетания клавиш . Событие Click содержит код для изменения свойств Accelerator и Caption .
Чтобы использовать этот код, вставьте его в раздел описаний формы, содержащей элемент управления CommandButton с именем CommandButton1 .
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Private Sub Commandbutton1 Click

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