Private Sub

Private Sub


Private Sub
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8. The private macros doesn't show in the macro options by default, as they are marked private ( Private keyword prevents a macro from showing in the macro list). Usually, the only macros that need to be private in Excel are the worksheet/workbook events, or macros refered by other macros that don't need to be accessed by the user.
To declare a procedure as Private , simply add " Private " before the procedure sub statement: Private Sub HelloEveryone () MsgBox "Hello Everyone" End Sub The second procedure would not be visible in the Macro window to Excel users, but can still by used in your VBA code. AutoMacro - VBA Code Generator Learn More Procedures with Arguments
Apr 2, 2021 Top Personal Submarines 1) Phoenix 1000 2) Necker Nymph 3) The SportSub Collection 4) Triton Personal Submarines 5) VAS Submarine 6) EGO Compact 7) The Killer Whale Submarine 8) Spy Master 9) U-boat Submarines 10) Seabreacher X 11) Scubster 12) DeepFlight Super Falcon 13) Neyk Submarine 14) Seamagine Aurora-5 15) Deepflight Dragon
Use Option Private Module For Module1, then in Module 2: for a Sub ; qualify what you're calling with the Module it's in, like so: Module1.myCheck () for a Private Sub ; use Application.Run and qualify what you're calling with the Module it's in, like so: Application.Run ("Module1.myCheck")
One of the most important features of Private subs is that they do not appear in Excel's Macro window. Let's assume Module1 contains the following two macros: Private Sub NotVisible () MsgBox "This is a Private Sub " End Sub Public Sub IAmVisible () MsgBox "This is a Public Sub " End Sub The Macro window will only display the Public sub .
Mar 29, 2022 Private : Optional. Indicates that the Sub procedure is accessible only to other procedures in the module where it is declared. Friend: Optional. Used only in a class module. Indicates that the Sub procedure is visible throughout the project, but not visible to a controller of an instance of an object. Static: Optional.
Sep 15, 2021 Private Async Sub startButton_Click(sender As Object, e As RoutedEventArgs) Handles startButton.Click Await DoSomethingAsync() End Sub Private Async Function DoSomethingAsync() As Task Dim delayTask As Task(Of Integer) = DelayAsync() Dim result As Integer = Await delayTask ' The previous two statements may be combined into ' the following statement.
That said, you deserve to check out these 12 personal subs that you could actually buy today—if you were fabulously wealthy, of course. Seabreacher X Price: $80,000 If you've ever wanted to be a...
Aug 12, 2021 「 Private Sub 」は同じモジュールから呼び出せる 「 Private Sub 」は同じモジュールからのみ呼び出すことができます。 なので、他のモジュールから呼び出すことはできないです。 「 Private 」は他のモジュールから呼び出せない 「 Private 」を付けると、「他のモジュール」から呼び出すことができないです。 他のモジュールから呼び出すとエラーとなります。 他のモジュールから呼び出すとエラーとなりました。 「 Private 」は同じモジュールから呼び出せる Private は同じモジュール内にある場合に呼び出せます。 実行してみます。 同じモジュール内にある Private を呼び出せました。
Mar 7, 2021 Private Sub Worksheet_Change (ByVal Target As Range) MyVal = Range ("Total4").Value With ActiveSheet.Tab Select Case MyVal Case Is > 0 .Color = vbBlack Case Is = 0 .Color = vbRed Case Else .ColorIndex = xlColorIndexNone End Select End With If Not Intersect (Target, Me.Range ("b:b")) Is Nothing Then Target.Offset (0, 1).Activate
How do I use a Private Sub in Excel
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The private macros doesn't show in the macro options by default, as they are marked private ( Private keyword prevents a macro from showing in the macro list).
Usually, the only macros that need to be private in Excel are the worksheet/workbook events, or macros refered by other macros that don't need to be accessed by the user. As you are not in this case, you may try to make the macros public by removing the Private at the beginning of the sub definition).
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I have two modules, Module1 and Module2.
In Module2, I would like to run myCheck sub in Module 1 then do another operation:
It does not work. If I place Private Function myCheck within the same module then it works. Is there a special method to call a sub or function from another module?
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Use Option Private Module For Module1, then in Module 2:
for a Sub ; qualify what you're calling with the Module it's in, like so:
for a Private Sub; use Application.Run and qualify what you're calling with the Module it's in, like so:
Using Private Module hides it's contained sub/s in the Developer > Macros list.
Read through the comments in the code below to see what does and doesn't work.
To confirm the behaviours yourself:
Create a new Excel, open Developer > Visual Basic, insert 3 Modules.
Copy the below code blocks into the relevant modules.
You can use Application.Run to do this:
The macro will stay "invisible" for the users if they display the Macros Dialog Box (Alt+F8), since it's still private.
A second option is to introduce a dummy variable as an optional parameter in the Sub , like this:
This too, will hide the macro in the Macros Dialog Box (Alt+F8), but it can now be invoked the usual way.
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When writing VBA macros, the concept of Private or Public is important. It defines how VBA code within one module can interact with VBA code in another module.
On social media you can to set parts of your profile so that everybody can see it (Public), or only those you allow, such as friends or followers, to see it (Private). The Private vs. Public concept in VBA is similar, but since we’re talking about VBA here, it’s not quite as straight forward.
Before we launch into the difference between Public and Private, we first need to understand what Modules are, and how they function.
Modules are the place where we enter and store VBA code.
Worksheet Modules are generally used to trigger code which relate to that specific worksheet. Each worksheet contains its own module, so if there are 6 worksheets, then you will have 6 Worksheet Modules.
In the screenshot above, the VBA code is contained within the Worksheet Module of Sheet1 and is triggered only when Sheet1 is activated. Any code in a Worksheet Module based on worksheet events applies only to the worksheet in which the code is stored.
The Workbook Module is generally used to trigger code which relates to workbook level events.
In the screenshot above, the VBA code will run when a workbook is opened. Every workbook has its own module.
UserForm Modules generally contains code which relates to UserForm events. Each UserForm contains its own module.
In the screenshot above, the VBA code will run when the user clicks on the button in the UserForm.
Standard Modules are not related to any specific objects and do not have any events related to them. Therefore, Standard Modules are not triggered by User interaction. If we are relying on events being triggered, then the Workbook, Worksheet or UserForm Modules may call a macro within a Standard Module.
The screenshot above shows a code which when run, will password protect the ActiveSheet, no matter which workbook or worksheet it is.
The final type of VBA module available is a Class Module. These are for creating custom objects and operate very differently to the other module types. Class Modules are outside the scope of this post.
The terms Public and Private are used in relation to Modules. The basic concept is that Public variables, subs or functions can be seen and used by all modules in the workbook while Private variables, subs and functions can only be used by code within the same module.
Let’s look at each of these in turn.
When thinking about the difference between Public and Private subs, the two main areas to consider:
Where Private or Public is excluded, VBA will always treat the sub as if it were Public.
One of the most important features of Private subs is that they do not appear in Excel’s Macro window.
Let’s assume Module1 contains the following two macros:
The Macro window will only display the Public sub.
I don’t want you to jump to the conclusion that all Public Subs will appear in the Macro window. Any Public sub which requires arguments , will also not appear in this window, but it can still be executed if we know how to reference it.
Can the code be run from another macro
When we think about Private subs, it is best to view them as VBA code which can only be called by other VBA code within the same module. For example, if Module1 contains a Private Sub, it cannot be called by any code in another module.
Using a simple example here is a Private Sub in Module1:
Now let’s try to call the ShowMessage macro from Module2.
It will generate an error, as the two macros are in different modules.
But don’t worry, there are many ways to run a macro from another macro . If we use the Application.Run command, it will happily run a Private sub. Let’s change the code in Module2 to include the Application.Run command:
Instead of an error, the code above will execute the ShowMessage macro.
Working with object based module events
Excel creates the Worksheet, Workbook and UserForm Module events as Private by default, but they don’t need to be. If they are changed to Public, they can be called from other modules. Lets look at an example.
Enter the following code into the Workbook Module (notice that I have changed it to a Publc sub).
We can call this from another macro by using the name of the object followed by the name of Public sub.
This means that we can run the Workbook_Open event without needing to actually open the workbook. If the sub in the Workbook Module is Private, we can still use the Application.Run method noted above.
VBA functions are used to return calculated values. They have two main uses:
Functions created without the Private or Public declaration are treated as if they are Public.
Calculating values within the worksheet (User Defined Functions)
User Defined Functions are worksheet formulas which operate the same way as other Excel functions, such as SUMIF or VLOOKUP.
The following code snippets are included within Module1:
If we now look at the Insert Function window, the IAmVisible function is available for use:
Functions must be declared in a Standard Module to be used as User Defined Functions in Excel.
Functions used within VBA code operate in the same way as subs; Private functions should only be visible from within the same module. Once again, we can revert to the Application.Run command to use a Private function from another module.
The code above will happily call the NotVisible private function from Module1.
Variables are used to hold values or references to objects which change while the macro runs. Variables come in 3 varieties, Public, Private and Dim.
Public variables must be declared at the top of the code module, directly after the Option Explicit statement (if you have one) and before any subs or functions. The following is incorrect and will create an error if we try to use the Public Variable.
The correct approach in Module1 is this (The Public variable is declared before any subs or functions):
As it is a Public variable, we can use and change the variable from any module (of any type) in the workbook. Look at this example code below, which could run from Module2:
Private Variables can only be accessed and changed by subs and functions within the same Module. They too must also be declared at the top of the VBA code.
The following demonstrates an acceptable usage of a Private variable.
Most of us learn to create variables by placing the word Dim at the start. Dim variables behave differently depending on how they are declared.
Dim variables declared within a sub or function can only be used within that sub or function. In the example below the Dim has been declared in a sub called CreateDim, but used within a sub called UseDim. If we run the UseDim code, it cannot find the Dim variable and will error.
If a Dim variable is created at the top of the module, before all the subs or functions, it will operate like a Private variable. The following code will run correctly.
You might be thinking that it sounds easier to create everything as Public, then it can be used anywhere. A logical, but dangerous conclusion. It is much better to control all sections of the code. Ask yourself, if somebody were to use your macro from Excel’s Macro window, should it work? Or if somebody ran your function as a User Defined Function should it work? Answers to these questions are a good guiding principle to help decide between Public and Private.
It is always much better to limit the scope of your subs, functions and variables initially, then expand them when required in specific circumstances.
Automate Excel so that you can save time and stop doing the jobs a trained monkey could do.
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I’m guessing the examples in this post didn’t exactly meet your situation. We all use Excel differently, so it’s impossible to write a post that will meet everybody’s needs. By taking the time to understand the techniques and principles in this post (and elsewhere on this site) you should be able to adapt it to your needs.
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Great job. Very helpful to clear concept specifically related to VBA modules.
Thank you – I appreciate the feedback.
Well structured tutorial on the Modules, Functions, Variables and their scope. Thank you!
It was so helpful! Thank you, it’s the best I could find.
Will a publicly declared variable in a Sheet or the ThisWorkbook module not be accessible in the standard non-sheet-specific modules? For instance, I used “Public myStr as string” in ThisWorkbook’s module, but when referencing that variable in Module 1, Compile tells me it’s an undeclared variable. I have Option Explicit at top of all modules.
Yes, it works if you reference the variables in the right way. In Module1,
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