Private Static Cat Getkitten

Private Static Cat Getkitten


By Vanessa Salvia Updated June 10, 2021
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​Cuteness may earn compensation through affiliate links in this article.​
Is cat static electricity making cuddling no fun? Learn some tips on how to stop static shocks when you're petting your cat.
Image Credit: jakubzak/iStock/GettyImages
One of the best parts of having a cat in your home is being able to cuddle with him, but cat static electricity can make cuddling with your cat no fun. Especially if you're petting your cat during the winter, you're likely to be rewarded with a static shock that sends your cat flying into the next room and then eyeing you suspiciously the next time you approach. Luckily for both you and your cat, there are a few ways that you can get rid of static hair on both yourself and your cat for more comfortable and enjoyable wintertime petting.
Why am I generating so much static electricity?
The more you understand about static electricity, the better you'll understand how to get rid of static. Static electricity is often caused by a static charge buildup that results from contact between materials. Shuffling your feet across the carpet is a common example of a situation that generates a static charge.
The zap you feel when you touch your cat occurs because you're touching a grounded object (your cat), giving the static charge a path to the ground. It can be difficult to avoid generating a static charge in some situations, especially when there's little humidity in the air, such as in the wintertime. With less humidity, the air is less conductive, increasing the strength of the zap that you and your cat feel.
Using water to get rid of static electricity
One of the simplest ways to get rid of static electricity in your cat's fur is to use water. Dip your fingers into some water or mist your hands lightly before you pet your cat. Water will discharge static electricity, so if you are carrying a charge, you won't transfer it and end up with a "static cat."
Invest in a humidifier to increase the amount of moisture in your home's air and get rid of static hair naturally. By running the humidifier every day, you'll make the air more conductive to electricity. This can help to prevent the buildup of a static charge and can also minimize the severity of the zap if a static charge does build up.
The Homasy Cool Mist Humidifier is ultra quiet at only 22 decibels and sprays ultra-fine mist to keep your cat's area from feeling soggy. The Envion Therapure TPP220 does more than just humidify the air. The 4-in-1 product is also an air purifier that helps remove dander as well as being a heater and a fan.
How to prevent static shock on a cat bed
Is your cat resting on a synthetic cat bed or blanket, such as one made of fleece? If so, the synthetic fabric can contribute to the creation of a static charge. Instead, look for a bed or blanket that's made of natural fibers, like wool. These natural fibers are less likely to create a static charge.
Earthtone Solutions Cozy Pueblo Felted Wool Cat Cave Bed will keep your kitty warm in the winter as she snuggles into its felted wool depths. The cave can also be flattened out to provide a padded resting spot when the weather turns warmer.
If your cat's coat is dry, he may experience more static than a cat with a well-conditioned coat. Try a grooming spray or some grooming wipes on your pet regularly to help keep his coat conditioned and healthy.
CHI for Cats Cleansing & Refreshing Wipes are pH balanced and contain coat-nourishing moisturizers to get rid of static on your cat's fur. This low-moisture alternative to bathing is easy to do while petting your cat as you relax together.
How to stop static hair with brushes
Grooming your cat could contribute to the buildup of static electricity, especially if you're using a plastic brush. Choose a metal brush over a plastic one. Even better, purchase an ionic brush, which is specifically manufactured to help prevent the buildup of static electricity.
It might seem like common sense to rub a dryer sheet on your cat to reduce static electricity. After all, dryer sheets can help to get rid of static in your clothes, so they must work on your pets, right? However, it's dangerous to expose your cat to dryer sheets.
Dryer sheets contain cationic detergents, which are corrosive. Cationic detergents can cause serious health issues in pets, including burns to the eyes or skin, vomiting, seizures, muscular weakness, collapse, and even coma. If your cat is ever exposed to dryer sheets and displays these symptoms, consult a vet immediately.
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две таблицы, кошка и котенок (одна ко многим), в таблице котенка есть 5 записей и 1 в таблице кошек. котенок имеет цвет, 2 в белом и 3 в желтом. Я написал следующий HQL, который возвращает Cat.
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btw, что по дизайну. Вы не можете фильтровать коллекцию с помощью ограничения.
Если вы посмотрите ближе, hibernate дважды перейдет к БД: один раз с вашим запросом и один раз, чтобы получить коллекцию.
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Короче говоря, вы не хотите выбирать кошку, но хотите выбрать некоторых своих котят:
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Запрос запрашивает всех кошек с желтыми котятами, но как только у вас есть кошка, вы просите всех своих котят (а не только желтых).
Мы могли бы помочь вам больше, если вы покажете, как вы сопоставили/аннотировали классы Cat/Kitten.
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