Private Static

Private Static


Private Static
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Created: September-12, 2021 | Updated: October-02, 2021
Class variables, commonly known as static variables, are defined using the static keyword in a class but outside a method, constructor (default or parameterized), or block.
Private static variables are frequently utilized for constants. For example, many individuals prefer not to use constants in their code. Instead, they prefer to create a private static variable with a meaningful name and utilize it in their code, making the code more understandable.
If a variable is declared static, then the variable’s value is the same for all the instances, and we don’t need to create an object to call that variable.
In the above example, we created a static private variable and printed its value.
Let us understand an example to see the difference between a private and a private static variable.
The PersonB object changes the eye variable in the above example, but the leg variable remains the same. This is because a private variable copies itself to the method, preserving its original value. But a private static value only has one copy for all methods to share, thus changing its value changes the original value.
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C# deals with two types of methods, namely static and instance methods (non-static methods).
The static method does not require objects or instances. The methods get called directly from the class name ( ClassName.StaticMethodName() ).
But what if you want to make these methods private?
Private static methods are methods that can only be accessed within the same class. They are usually used to encapsulate code only used by the class itself, but they don’t use the instance members. Having private static methods can improve the maintainability of your code by making it more modular.
Developers often question the benefits of private static methods in code and are unsure of their usage. So, in this post, let’s look at why you should have private static methods in your code.
Private static methods are methods that can only be accessed from within the same class. These methods are usually used to perform internal operations for the class. This can be initializing data structures or checking for valid input.
Private static methods can be called from other static or instance method in the same class, but they cannot be called from outside the class. The private static method can only access other static members, such as:
In C#, the private static class can’t access other instance members, nor reference the this keyword.
The class itself doesn’t have to be a static class to have the private static method.
Here are a few reasons for using them.
One of the reasons you should use private static methods is to reduce the complexity of the code. For instance, if there are multiple public methods in your code, there are multiple ways the program can manipulate the objects. Hence, error correction and debugging become extremely difficult.
On the other hand, having a private static method only visible from inside a class means the interface of the class reduces. In addition, this leads to a much simpler and more convenient code structure. So, you should declare a method ‘private’ whenever possible and use this utility well.
Since private static methods help you hide portions of the code internal to the class, they are a tool that should not go wasted. For instance, while working with a handful of developers on a project, you need to ensure they don’t accidentally access something meant to remain unedited. In this case, the methods you must keep untouched at all costs should be private instead of public.
In general, static methods are called using the class name. In this way, they cut down multiple lines of code that would, otherwise, create instances and objects of the methods.
Furthermore, a good practice is to call private static methods inside a public static method instead of writing a public method that goes on and on. By calling multiple private methods, you increase the readability of the code as it breaks down into smaller pieces .
In .NET, private static methods provide code optimization. If the method is not calling any instance methods or accessing any instance data of the class, you should declare it ‘static’. If it is internal to the class, it must be ‘private static’.
Once you have private static methods, the compiler will issue nonvirtual calls for this method.
In this way, the compiler will minus a check it does to see if the object pointer is null or not. Since for each private static method, it will skip this check, the code will perform much better. For a larger codebase, this can result in significant improvement in performance.
If a method is public, any member can access it. So, to change or delete this method, you would need to do it at every place inside the code where the method has been called. However, that’s not the case with private static methods.
You cannot invoke private static methods from outside the class, which allows them to be refactored freely. Furthermore, as they are internal to the class, there is zero chance of breaking or affecting any outside code while refactoring . Hence, a private static method provides a good opportunity for hassle-free refactoring.
The thing is, if you see a couple or similar private static methods performing a related task, you can perform the Extract Class refactoring to move them to a separate class.
If this is a question you’ve been asking – don’t do it!
You should not test private static methods. Private static methods are not part of the class contract, nor do they communicate information to the external environment. They merely carry implementation logic and are called by public methods to make the code reusable and readable.
Hence, running unit tests on these methods will only be a waste of time and might lead to you breaking the code every time you try to make a change.
A better approach would be testing public methods calling the private static methods. This will reduce the number of tests, and if the test is a success, the private methods are working correctly too!
In general, when you refactor using the Extract Method, Visual Studio would generate a private static method. But, how should you refactor a private static method?
In this case, the Extract Method doesn’t work because taking out simple chunks of code is not easy. However, you can go for the Method Object refactoring technique. In this refactoring you:
It makes the code more readable. However, its biggest advantage is that it allows you to test the private methods as you only need to know how the new class should work.
Private Static Methods can make your code reusable, readable, and convenient to debug. They lead to performance gains and also indicate where refactoring is possible. However, you should not test these methods directly. Instead, try testing the public method, which is called the private static method.
You will need to refactor the private static method using a method object and a new class to be able to test these methods indirectly. While many programmers are wary of them, these methods will facilitate you in many ways along your coding journey, from code optimization to duplication removal.
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A virtual machine (VM) is automatically assigned a private IP address from a range that you specify. This range is based on the subnet in which the VM is deployed. The VM keeps the address until the VM is deleted. Azure dynamically assigns the next available private IP address from the subnet you create a VM in. Assign a static IP address to the VM if you want a specific IP address in the subnet.
Use the following steps to create a virtual machine, virtual network, and subnet.
In the search box at the top of the portal, enter Virtual machine . Select Virtual machines in the search results.
Select + Create , then + Virtual machine in Virtual machines .
In Create a virtual machine , enter or select the following information:
Portal 3389 is selected, to enable remote access to the Windows Server virtual machine from the internet. Opening port 3389 to the internet is not recommended to manage production workloads. For secure access to Azure virtual machines, see What is Azure Bastion?
Select the Networking tab, or select Next: Disks , then Next: Networking .
In the Networking tab, select or enter:
Review the settings, and then select Create .
Azure provides a default outbound access IP for VMs that either aren't assigned a public IP address or are in the back-end pool of an internal basic Azure load balancer. The default outbound access IP mechanism provides an outbound IP address that isn't configurable.
The default outbound access IP is disabled when either a public IP address is assigned to the VM or the VM is placed in the back-end pool of a standard load balancer, with or without outbound rules. If an Azure Virtual Network network address translation (NAT) gateway resource is assigned to the subnet of the virtual machine, the default outbound access IP is disabled.
VMs that are created by virtual machine scale sets in flexible orchestration mode don't have default outbound access.
In this section, you'll change the private IP address from dynamic to static for the virtual machine you created previously.
In the search box at the top of the portal, enter Virtual machine . Select Virtual machines in the search results.
In Virtual machines , select myVM .
Select Networking in Settings in myVM .
In Networking , select the name of the network interface next to Network interface . In this example, the name of the NIC is myvm472 .
In the network interface properties, select IP configurations in Settings .
Select ipconfig1 in the IP configurations page.
Select Static in Assignment . Select Save .
If you notice after selecting Save that the assignment is still set to Dynamic , the IP address you typed is already in use. Try another IP address.
To change the IP address back to dynamic set the assignment for your private IP address to Dynamic , and then select Save .
From within the operating system of a VM, you shouldn't statically assign the private IP that's assigned to the Azure VM. Only do static assignment of a private IP when it's necessary, such as when assigning many IP addresses to VMs .
If you manually set the private IP address within the operating system, make sure it matches the private IP address assigned to the Azure network interface . Otherwise, you can lose connectivity to the VM. Learn more about private IP address settings.
When no longer needed, delete the resource group and all of the resources it contains:
Enter myResourceGroup in the Search box at the top of the portal. When you see myResourceGroup in the search results, select it.
Enter myResourceGroup for TYPE THE RESOURCE GROUP NAME: and select Delete .
Learn more about public IP addresses in Azure.
Learn more about private IP addresses and assigning a static private IP address to an Azure virtual machine.
Select Create new . Enter myResourceGroup in Name . Select OK .
Select No infrastructure redundancy required .
Select Windows Server 2019 Datacenter - Gen2 .
Accept the default subnet configuration.
Accept the default public IP configuration.

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A static class is basically the same as a non-static class, but there is one difference: a static class cannot be instantiated. In other words, you cannot use the new operator to create a variable of the class type. Because there is no instance variable, you access the members of a static class by using the class name itself. For example, if you have a static class that is named UtilityClass that has a public static method named MethodA , you call the method as shown in the following example:
A static class can be used as a convenient container for sets of methods that just operate on input parameters and do not have to get or set any internal instance fields. For example, in the .NET Class Library, the static System.Math class contains methods that perform mathematical operations, without any requirement to store or retrieve data that is unique to a particular instance of the Math class. That is, you apply the members of the class by specifying the class name and the method name, as shown in the following example.
As is the case with all class types, the type information for a static class is loaded by the .NET runtime when the program that references the class is loaded. The program cannot specify exactly when the class is loaded. However, it is guaranteed to be loaded and to have its fields initialized and its static constructor called before the class is referenced for the first time in your program. A static constructor is only called one time, and a static class remains in memory for the lifetime of the application domain in which your program resides.
To create a non-static class that allows only one instance of itself to be created, see Implementing Singleton in C# .
The following list provides the main features of a static class:
Creating a static class is therefore basically the same as creating a class that contains only static members and a private constructor. A private constructor prevents the class from being instantiated. The advantage of using a static class is that the compiler can check to make sure that no instance members are accidentally added. The compiler will guarantee that instances of this class cannot be created.
Static classes are sealed and therefore cannot be inherited. They cannot inherit from any class except Object . Static classes cannot contain an instance constructor. However, they can contain a static constructor. Non-static classes should also define a static constructor if the class contains static members that require non-trivial initialization. For more information, see Static Constructors .
Here is an example of a static class that contains two methods that convert temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit and from Fahrenheit to Celsius:
A non-static class can contain static methods, fields, properties, or events. The static member is callable on a class even when no instance of the class has been created. The static member is always accessed by the class name, not the instance name. Only one copy of a static member exists, regardless of how many instances of the class are created. Static methods and properties cannot access non-static fields and events in their containing type, and they cannot access an instance variable of any object unless it's explicitly passed in a method parameter.
It is more typical to declare a non-static class with some static members, than to declare an entire class as static. Two common uses of static fields are to keep a count of the number of objects that have been instantiated, or to store a value that must be shared among all instances.
Static methods can be overloaded but not overridden, because they belong to the class, and not to any instance of the class.
Although a field cannot be declared as static const , a const field is essentially static in its behavior. It belongs to the type, not to instances of the type. Therefore, const fields can be accessed by using the same ClassName.MemberName notation that's used for static fields. No object instance is required.
C# does not support static local variables (that is, variables that are declared in method scope).
You declare static class members by using the static keyword before the return type of the member, as shown in the followi
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