Private Questions

Private Questions


Private Questions
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1 Aug 2020

5 min read

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When Avengers: Endgame passed Titanic in total box-office, what Titanic director sent Kevin Feige a congratulatory message?

James Cameron

Steven Spielberg

Martin Scorsese

Leonardo DiCaprio

Would you rather be

Lebron James / Simone Biles

Beyonce / Ed Sheeran

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Modern life is very busy, and it’s easy to find distractions from those more meaningful questions that float into our minds (usually while we lay awake in bed!). But that doesn’t mean we don’t all have our own thoughts, ideas and philosophies. We tend to conceal these thoughts and feelings, thinking that they’re too personal to share and that nobody would be interested in hearing them.
An effective way to get to break through superficial conversations and get to know someone else on a much deeper level is by asking personal questions that bring to surface these deeper ponderings. The next time you are unwinding with a colleague or a close friend , try asking them a personal question and see if they’re willing to share. You may find that by giving them an outlet to talk about themselves, they may find it therapeutic . If you pay attention and listen, you’ll also learn more about them, boosting your relationship with them to a deeper level.
Sometimes it takes a bit of icebreaking to get to more personal questions. If you sense the mood is a bit too stiff, then play a round of Brightful Meeting Games first. It will be sure to loosen everyone up and prime them for more meaningful relationship building.
Asking the right insightful question is a great way to get to know someone on a deeper level. If you're looking to have some great conversations, the best way by playing Question of the Day on Brightful.
Thought provoking prompts are automatically generated and there is a timer for everyone to speak. You can invite friends, colleagues or family from anywhere across the world. The best part is that it's free!
1. Why are you passionate about what you do?
2. Where do you see yourself in 5 years’ time?
3. What do you think makes a good leader?
4. Do you think money is important?
6. What is the most surprising fact you’ve learnt about yourself?
8. What is your personal philosophy in life?
9. What do you think your role is in this world?
10. What do you believe is true about human nature?
11. When it comes to your work life, how much is due to your hard work and how much to the environment?
14. What do you wish you had asked your parents before they passed away?
15. What is the best and worst advice you have received?
16. What does it mean to you to make a difference in the world?
17. Do you think that education is important?
18. Where is the best place in the world you’ve ever been to?
20. Where is there room for improvement in your life?
21. What do you think is the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen or experienced?
22. How do you balance your personal and professional life?
23. What do you think makes a great leader?
24. What are you most thankful for?
25. What is the biggest decision you’ve had to make?
26. What has impacted you the most?
27. Does listening to music affect you, and how?
28. What does your daily routine look like?
29. What was the worst phase in your life?
30. What do you believe is most important for happiness in life?
32. What is your favourite movie or book series?
33. What were the best experiences and events that happened to you in the last 12 months?
34. What are you most passionate about?
35. What do you do when life gets hard?
36. What do you do to combat negative thoughts in your life?
37. What do you want to be known for after you die?
38. What makes you different from others?
39. How does it feel to be your age?
41. What is the difference between ordinary and extraordinary?
42. How would you describe your personality?
43. What do you hope to accomplish in the future?
44. How is your relationship with your parents?
45. What is the first thing you think of when you wake up?
46. Do you like being able to communicate with others through social media?
50. How does your family feel about your work?
51. How do you feel about your relationships?
52. What are you most grateful for in your life?
53. What is the most important lesson you learnt in life?
54. How do you balance work and leisure?
55. Do you hold any convictions that you are willing to die for?
56. What is the biggest regret you have in your life?
57. Where is your favourite place to relax?
59. How would your friends describe you?
63. What is a quality you admire in others?
64. Would you relocate to a place where you don’t have any family or friends?
66. What is your greatest achievement?
67. How do you feel about your relationships with your family?
68. Where are you currently in your life?
69. Do you think that technology is improving lives?
72. What do you do in order to keep your friends and family close?
73. How do you react to your own mistakes?
74. What are your ambitions in life?
75. What was the best phase in your life?
76. What is your favorite quote and why?
77. Who has influenced you the most?
78. What is the hardest thing you’ve ever done?
80. What do you like doing in your free time?
81. How do you react to change in your life?
82. What is the biggest obstacle/challenge you are facing right now?
83. How do you live a productive life?
84. What qualities do you think are important in a family?
85. How important is your family to you?
86. What book and movie spoke to you, and in what way?
87. What do you think of your generation?
88. What will people say about you at your funeral?
89. What is one thing you want to let go of this year?
90. What was the last place you went to?
91. What do you think is the purpose of life?
92. If you were going to have an operation, what would your operation be about?

Tired of searching for new conversation starter questions?

With over 1,000+ of the best questions in one place, you will never run out of questions again.

Virtual meetings can get impersonal and tedious. Brightful's games transform your meetings into a fun and joyful experience. Connect deeply with your team, community and loved ones.
With 1000+ of the best trivia questions categorized in one place, you will never run out of questions again.
Find 1000+ of the quirkiest, funniest, and most interesting Would You Rather questions all in one place.
Find 1000+ of the quirkiest, funniest, and most interesting Would You Rather questions all in one place.
2 Jul 2021 –
4 min read
20 May 2021 –
6 min read
16 Nov 2020 –
4 min read
If you have ever witnessed a great storyteller in action, you will understand first hand just how powerful telling stories is as a way of communication. The act of telling
It’s no secret that having great relationships with your coworkers makes everybody’s experience at work not only enjoyable but also more meaningful. Building strong relationships with others requires
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40+ personal questions that will open hearts and souls. These personal questions are great to ask a girl or to ask to a guy.
Dedicated to your stories and ideas. Learn about us.
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1. Where would you like to be in 5 years?
2. What was the experience that impacted you the most in your life?
3. What type of relationship did you have with your parents?
4. Would you be with someone who doesn’t have the same beliefs as you?
5. How would your best friends describe you?
6. Do you usually follow your heart or your head?
7. Would you put your family or your friends first if you had to choose one?
8. What did your last relationship teach you?
9. What do you think of online dating?
10. Do you prefer dating just one person and see where it goes or dating multiple people until you make a decision?
11. What are the qualities you’re looking for in someone you want to grow old with?
12. What are you most grateful for in your life?
13. If you could change anything about your past, what would it be?
14. What’s the one thing you would like to change about yourself today and why?
15. If a psychic could tell you what will happen in the future, what would you want to know?
16. If you knew that you only had one year to live, what would you change in your life?
17. If money and career were no object, what would you really be doing?
18. What do you do when you don’t get something you worked really hard for?
19. Do you hold grudges or do you forgive easily?
20. What are some of your favorite quotes and why do you relate to them?
21. Where do you go when you need some inspiration?
22. Who is the first person you call when you’re in trouble?
23. Which fictional character do you believe is the most like yourself?
24. What is the craziest thing that you’ve done with someone?
25. Do you like someone you’re interested in to pursue you or do you prefer to do the chasing?
26. What is the best advice you’ve ever been given?
27.  If you could marry anyone in the world, who would it be and why?
28. Do you think confessions make a relationship stronger?
29. Did you ever judge someone for the dark secrets they told you?
30. What is your dream vacation and who would you take with you?
31. What is one thing you’ve always wanted to cross off your bucket list, but haven’t yet?
32. Would you ever just quit everything and start over in a new country?
34. How do you feel about staying friends with exes?
36. If you could choose one superpower, what would it be and why?
37. What is your biggest regret in life so far?
39. What was your favorite romantic moment and why?
40. What is your favorite childhood memory?
41. Are you still in touch with your childhood friends?
42. What do you do when you’re angry?
45. How long does it take you to really trust someone? 
Writing makes me feel alive. Words heal me.

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Through a series of letters, author Rania Naim examines past and present relationships. If you are moving on from any kind of relationship, this book is your new best friend.
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Okay, students, have you ever been asked a question—by a teacher, parent, or friend—and you gave an answer that seemed good at the time only to think of something better later on? Yeah, that happens to the best of us!
Now picture this: It’s time for your private school interview . You’re a little nervous, but that’s normal because this is your big chance to make a great impression. Maybe you’re having an in-person interview , sitting face-to-face, or perhaps it’s remote via Zoom or Skype . Either way, when that first question comes, you smile, a feel-good wave of confidence washing over you because you know exactly what you want to say. 
Doesn’t that sound better than kicking yourself afterward for thinking of the answer you wish you gave ? You bet your asparagus it does!
Here’s the thing: Interviewing is a skill just like belting out a perfect tune on an instrument or hitting the game-winning jump shot. Getting good takes practice and repetition, gradually building comfort and confidence. 
You can practice with the private school interview questions listed below. These are actual questions that get asked, and we want to thank the following admission folks for contributing to this list. Check their schools out, you may find that one of them is the best private school for you .
As you practice answering these questions with a parent, friend, or relative, think about what they mean to you and how you can convey your unique self through detailed answers. Also work on smiling, enunciating and talking at an appropriate volume, and making eye contact. And don’t be afraid to ask questions about the school in return. In fact, we recommend it! The goal is to have an enjoyable conversation.
Let’s get on to the questions, shall we?
Icebreaker questions about the weather or the latest pop-culture phenomenon are sure to quickly take a personal nature. These questions will help you get used to talking about yourself.
Questions that we all can relate to are ideal for school interviews, and these days, there’s nothing more topical than the pandemic. You very well may get a question similar to the following.
You’re applying to a school, so it’s a safe bet that you’ll get asked about your current educational experiences. 
In the getting-to-know-you process, admission officers want to envision how you’d fit into their school’s community. Questions like these help paint the picture. 
The questions you receive will likely be different but similar to many of these. By practicing, you’ll discover how to best tell your unique story so there will be no regrets afterward. Go ace those interviews — you’ve got this!
Now that you’re an interview rock star, let’s review how to write an awesome private school admission essay .
Read the most up-to-date advice on finding and applying to your best-fit school. 
How much time can your family save applying to private schools with the Standard Application Online (SAO)? Learn how you can save 14 hours or more with the SAO.
It's a question without a one-size-fits-all answer. Let's take a look at the factors families should consider to bring clarity to the question about getting in.
How can you get your child ready for boarding school? Here are some things you can start doing well before you load up the car and say your goodbyes.

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