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1)After new marriage in how many months after sexual intercourse baby is born ?
2)In a week how many times a new couple should have sexual intercourse?
3)What is the best way of having sexual intercourse postion of man and woman ?
4)How to recover the energy back that has wasted in masturbation ?
5)How can a man recognize having full sexual energy ?
6)How can a man recosgoize having week seual energy?
7)what is the standard sexual energy that a man should have for loving sexual
8)for normal healthy sexual man in how many time simens should be discharged time period ?
1)After new marriage in how many months after sexual intercourse baby is born ?
Provided there was no pregnancy before marriage, it takes 9 months so within the first year and before your anniversary, there "could" be a baby born.
2)In a week how many times a new couple should have sexual intercourse?
Should or could - but during the "honeymoon" phase, look for about 4 - 5 times a week.
3)What is the best way of having sexual intercourse position between a man and woman ?
This really depends on the couple and their preference, but "Variety" is key, don't be boring or predictive. Try new things.
4)How to recover the energy back that has wasted in masturbation ?
Don't masturbate, then you won't have to worry about gaining back the energy. Each person is different, so can't answer this for all people. It will affect people differently.
5)How can a man recognize having full sexual energy ?
Eat well, get enough rest, don't stress out over money and work and you should recognize your full potential for satisfying your partner.
6)How can a man recognize having weak sexual energy?
Getting tired quick and pre-mature ejaculation may be key indicators that a man is out of shape and needs to work on his ability to perform.
7)what is the standard sexual energy that a man should have for loving sexual intercourse?
Are you talking about the length of time he can perform before climax? If so, then again it differs, but keep in mind a man reaches this point normally before a woman does. Be creative, try new things, and please your partner in other ways. Less than 5 minutes is not good. Less than 10 minutes means your female partner probably isn't satisfied. About 20 minutes to 1 hour is good, longer is better, but what else is going on around you is also key to each session of intercourse...don't forget the foreplay.
8)for normal healthy sexual man in how many time semen should be discharged time period ?
I really don't know what you are asking here, but if you mean how many times over time, then 3 to 4 times a day for a healthy young man can be accomplished, but not every day, at least not and be good for the mate. The older you get, the longer it takes to re-energize. Then it could become once a day, or even once a week, but by that time, you might only get a chance once a month, but I hope not. Good luck.
I would recommend that you go to the library and get a book that will explain all you need to know without getting you into porn.
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Yahoo Answers is shutting down on May 4th, 2021 (Eastern Time) and the Yahoo Answers website is now in read-only mode. There will be no changes to other Yahoo properties or services, or your Yahoo account. You can find more information about the Yahoo Answers shutdown and how to download your data on this help page.

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