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Private Protected Access Modifier In C#

Varun Bhandarkar

Updated date Feb 21, 2019





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Access Modifiers are special keywords used in a C# program to specify the scope of the members of the class. We will learn about the newly introduced Private Protected Access Modifiers in this article.
In December 2017, Microsoft released C# version 7.2 and within that, it introduced a new compound access modifier - Private Protected. While the existing modifiers have become very common across the C# developer community, there is still confusion going on about private protected. Let's take a closer look at all the access modifiers available in C# along with their behavior.
Access Modifiers are special keywords used in a C# program to specify the scope of the members of the class. Each access modifier has its own behavior which is used to achieve a very important principle of OOP; i.e., encapsulation.
With the addition of a new compound access modifier in C# 7.2, the count of access modifiers available in C# goes to six. 
If any of the above explanations is confusing to you, don't worry. I have demonstrated the behavior of all of the access modifiers through the code below.
Please keep in mind that private protected requires version 7.2 of C#. To accomplish this,
 Now, let’s take a look at the code.
I hope I was able to demonstrate the behavior of all access modifiers along with Private Protected and this article will help you for better understanding of the concept. Your feedback is always welcomed.
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Protected vs Private Access Modifiers in Java
// Java Program to illustrate Protected Access Modifier 
  protected String name = "Geeks for Geeks" ;
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    // Creating an object of Main class 
    // Displaying the object content as created
    // above of Main class itself  
    System.out.println( );
// Java Program to illustrate Private Access Modifier
    private String name = "Geeks for Geeks" ;
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Creating an object of Main class
        // Displaying the object content as created
        // above of Main class itself
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Got It !
Access modifiers are those elements in code that determine the scope for that variable. As we know there are three access modifiers available namely public, protected, and private. Let us see the differences between Protected and Private access modifiers. 
The methods or variables declared as protected are accessible within the same package or different packages. By using protected keywords, we can declare the methods/variables protected.
The methods or variables that are declared as private are accessible only within the class in which they are declared. By using private keyword we can set methods/variables private.
Now after having an understanding of the internal working of both of them let us come to conclude targeted major differences between these access modifiers. 
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Protected can be used within the same class
Private can be used within a same class
Protected can be used in the same package subclass
Private can not be used in the same package subclass
Protected can be used in different package subclass
Private can not be used in different package subclass
Protected can not be used in different package non-subclass
Private can not be used in different package non-subclass

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When and why should I use public , private , and protected functions and variables inside a class? What is the difference between them?
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public scope to make that property/method available from anywhere, other classes and instances of the object.
private scope when you want your property/method to be visible in its own class only.
protected scope when you want to make your property/method visible in all classes that extend current class including the parent class.
If you don't use any visibility modifier, the property / method will be public.
More: (For comprehensive information)
When you declare a method (function) or a property (variable) as public , those methods and properties can be accessed by:
When you declare a method (function) or a property (variable) as protected , those methods and properties can be accessed by
Outsider members cannot access those variables. "Outsiders" in the sense that they are not object instances of the declared class itself.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot access protected property GrandPa::$name
When you declare a method (function) or a property (variable) as private , those methods and properties can be accessed by:
Outsider members cannot access those variables. Outsiders in the sense that they are not object instances of the declared class itself and even the classes that inherit the declared class.
Notice: Undefined property: Daddy::$name
Fatal error: Cannot access private property GrandPa::$name
This subject is not really out of scope, and I'm adding it here just to prove that reflection is really powerful. As I had stated in the above three examples, protected and private members (properties and methods) cannot be accessed outside of the class.
However, with reflection you can do the extra-ordinary by even accessing protected and private members outside of the class!
Reflection adds the ability to reverse-engineer classes, interfaces,
functions, methods and extens
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