Private Open

Private Open


Private Open

What's the difference between and  

( en adjective )
Belonging to, concerning, or accessible only to an individual person or a specific group.
* {{quote-magazine, date=2013-06-14, author=( Jonathan Freedland )
, volume=189, issue=1, page=18, magazine=( The Guardian Weekly )
, title= Obama's once hip brand is now tainted
, passage=Now we are liberal with our innermost secrets, spraying them into the public ether with a generosity our forebears could not have imagined. Where we once sent love letters in a sealed envelope, or stuck photographs of our children in a family album, now such private material is despatched to servers and clouds operated by people we don't know and will never meet.}}

Not in governmental office or employment.
* {{quote-magazine, date=2013-07-19, author=( Peter Wilby )
, volume=189, issue=6, page=30, magazine=( The Guardian Weekly )
, title= Finland spreads word on schools
, passage=Imagine a country where children do nothing but play until they start compulsory schooling at age seven. Then, without exception, they attend comprehensives until the age of 16.

Not publicly known; not open; secret.
* {{quote-book, year=1963, author=( Margery Allingham ), title=( The China Governess )
, chapter=20 citation
, passage=The story struck the depressingly familiar note with which true stories ring in the tried ears of experienced policemen.

Protected from view or disturbance by others; secluded.

Intended only for the use of an individual, group, or organization.

Not accessible by the public.

Not traded by the public.
* {{quote-magazine, date=2013-06-22, volume=407, issue=8841, page=70, magazine=( The Economist )
, title= Engineers of a different kind
, passage= Private -equity nabobs bristle at being dubbed mere financiers. Piling debt onto companies’ balance-sheets is only a small part of what leveraged buy-outs are about, they insist. Improving the workings of the businesses they take over is just as core to their calling, if not more so. Much of their pleading is public-relations bluster.}}

Secretive; reserved.

(US, of a room in a medical facility) Not shared with another patient.

* ( done in the view of others ): secluded
* ( intended only for one's own use ): personal
* ( not accessible by the public ):

( en noun )
The lowest rank of the army.
A soldier of the rank of private.
( in plural privates) A euphemistic term for the genitals.
(obsolete) A secret message; a personal unofficial communication.
( Shakespeare )
(obsolete) Personal interest; particular business.
* Ben Jonson
Nor must I be unmindful of my private .
(obsolete) Privacy; retirement.
* Shakespeare
Go off; I discard you; let me enjoy my private .
(obsolete) One not invested with a public office.
* Shakespeare
What have kings, that privates have not too?
A private lesson.
If you want to learn ballet, consider taking privates .

* ( genitals ) bits, private parts

Derived terms
* in private
* privacy
* private language
* private parts
* private property
* private stock
* public-private partnership

1000 English basic words

( en adjective )
(not comparable) Which is not closed; accessible; unimpeded; as, an open gate.
* 1908, ( Kenneth Grahame ), ( The Wind in the Willows ) , Chapter 2
The open road, the dusty highway
* {{quote-magazine, date=2013-07-20, volume=408, issue=8845, magazine=( The Economist )
, title= The attack of the MOOCs
, passage=Since the launch early last year of […] two Silicon Valley start-ups offering free education through MOOCs, massive open online courses, the ivory towers of academia have been shaken to their foundations. University brands built in some cases over centuries have been forced to contemplate the possibility that information technology will rapidly make their existing business model obsolete.}}

Not drawn together, closed, or contracted; extended; expanded.
an open''' hand; an '''open''' flower; an '''open prospect
* Dryden
Each, with open arms, embraced her chosen knight.
(not comparable) Actively conducting or prepared to conduct business.

(comparable) Receptive.

* Bible, Acts xix. 33
If Demetrius have a matter against any man, the law is open and there are deputies.
* Shakespeare
The service that I truly did his life, / Hath left me open to all injuries.
(not comparable) Public; as, an open letter, an open declaration.

* Shakespeare
His thefts are too open .
* Milton
That I may find him, and with secret gaze / Or open admiration him behold.
(not comparable) Candid, ingenuous, not subtle in character.

* Alexander Pope
with aspect open , shall erect his head
* Shakespeare
The Moor is of a free and open nature.
* Addison
The French are always open , familiar, and talkative.
(mathematics, logic, of a formula) Having a free variable.
(mathematics, topology, of a set) Which is part of a predefined collection of subsets of X , that defines a topological space on X .
In current use; mapped to part of memory.

(business) Not fulfilled.

Not settled or adjusted; not decided or determined; not closed or withdrawn from consideration.
an open question
to keep an offer or opportunity open
(music, stringed instruments) Without any fingers pressing the string against the fingerboard.
Not of a quality to prevent communication, as by closing waterways, blocking roads, etc.; hence, not frosty or inclement; mild; used of the weather or the climate.
an open winter
( Francis Bacon )
(phonetics) Uttered with a relatively wide opening of the articulating organs; said of vowels.
(phonetics) Uttered, as a consonant, with the oral passage simply narrowed without closure.

* ( not closed ) accessible, unimpeded

* ( accessible ) closed, shut

Derived terms
( Terms derived from the adjective "open" )
* break open
* clopen
* drop open
* half-open
* keep a weather eye open
* keep an eye open
* lay open
* open-air
* open-and-shut
* open-armed
* open-arse
* open bar
* open book
* open cluster
* open-collar
* open compound
* open content
* open design
* open-ended
* open-eyed
* open-face
* open-faced
* open fireplace
* open goal
* open-handed/openhanded
* open heart surgery
* open-hearted
* open-hearth
* open house
* open interest
* open letter
* open listing
* open loop
* open marriage
* open matte
* open mic
* open mind
* open-mouthed
* open outcry
* open outsourcing
* open-plan
* open problem
* open proxy
* open sandwich
* open sea
* open season
* open secret
* open sight
* open source
* open system
* open water
* open-work
* openable
* openside
* Open University
* wide open
* with open arms

( en verb )
To make something accessible or remove an obstacle to its being accessible.
* , chapter=7
, title= Mr. Pratt's Patients
, passage=I made a speaking trumpet of my hands and commenced to whoop “Ahoy!” and “Hello!” at the top of my lungs. […] The Colonel woke up, and, after asking what in brimstone was the matter, opened his mouth and roared “Hi!” and “Hello!” like the bull of Bashan.}}
* {{quote-book, year=1963, author=( Margery Allingham ), title=( The China Governess )
, chapter=20 citation
, passage=‘No. I only opened the door a foot and put my head in. The street lamps shine into that room. I could see him. He was all right. Sleeping like a great grampus. Poor, poor chap.’}}

To bring up (a topic).

To make accessible to customers or clients.

To start (a campaign).

To become .
* , chapter=1
, title= Mr. Pratt's Patients , chapter=1
, passage=I stumbled along through the young pines and huckleberry bushes. Pretty soon I struck into a sort of path that, I cal'lated, might lead to the road I was hunting for. It twisted and turned, and, the first thing I knew, made a sudden bend around a bunch of bayberry scrub and opened out into a big clear space like a lawn.}}

To begin conducting business.

To enter upon; to begin.
to open''' a discussion; to '''open''' fire upon an enemy; to '''open''' trade, or correspondence; to '''open a case in court, or a meeting
(cricket) To begin a side's innings as one of the first two batsmen.
(poker) To bet before any other player has in a particular betting round in a game of poker.

(transitive, intransitive, poker) To reveal one's hand.

To load into memory for viewing or editing.
To spread; to expand into an open or loose position.
to open a closed fist
to open matted cotton by separating the fibres
(obsolete) To disclose; to reveal; to interpret; to explain.
* Francis Bacon
The king opened himself to some of his council, that he was sorry for the earl's death.
* Bible, Jer. xx. 12
Unto thee have I opened my cause.

* ( to make accessible ) close, shut

Derived terms
* open a can of whoop ass
* open fire
* open one's big mouth
* open sesame
* open shop
* open the attack
* open the face
* open up
* reopen

( en noun )
A sports event in which anybody can compete; as, the Australian Open.
(electronics) a wire that is broken midway.
The electrician found the open in the circuit after a few minutes of testing.
( with the ) Open or unobstructed space; an exposed location.
I can't believe you left the lawnmower out in the open when you knew it was going to rain this afternoon!
Wary of hunters, the fleeing deer kept well out of the open , dodging instead from thicket to thicket.
( with the ) Public knowledge or scrutiny; full view.
We have got to bring this company's corrupt business practices into the open .

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