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Atlanta Area Portrait & Automotive Photographer
Linda is just well gorgeous she looks fab x
Could Theresa tempt you…I know she could tempt me x
Mfpuce porte une combinaison en voile noir
Mfpuce porte une petite robe noire très sexy
Frivolous in a mini skirt, without bra and panties, but with suspenders and fishnet stockings. / Frivol im Minirock, ohne BH und Slip, dafür mit Strapshalter und Netzstrümpfen unterwegs.
Mfpuce montre son joli petit sexe dans des petites robe sexy
...just the last drink before close the weekend, cheers!

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Posted in RANDOM     6 May 2014     102124     9

Not all white but all trash without a doubt.
Bet you a dollar that if we didn't have food stamps and welfare, more than half of these photos wouldn't have been taken. Natural selection is a harsh mistress.
Not only white trash i see black and latin too...the worst of all is the fact that they show to the childrens "its ok undress to submit pics to facebook"....if that bitches go undress at least they can make alone and let their kids off the picture....fucking foxy attitude a total disrespect to mother labor
"Not now, hun. I'm trying to get you a new daddy!"
just being able to reproduce dose not qualify these people to be called mom.

Amazing Photographs From the 1959 Women’s Diving and Swimming Championships in Florida
Incredible Vintage Photographs of Women Flaunting the Inflatable Bras to Look Like Marilyn Monroe in 1952.
Stunning Photos of Irène Tunc in the 1950s and ’60s
Fascinating Photos of the Bugatti Type 101
A cool photo collection that shows what naughty ladies looked like in the 1950s. They were probably funny but rebellious.
These interesting photographs were taken by Steven Martin on the beaches of Florida, mostly on the southeast coast, in the 1980s. ...
The Brazilian magazine Trip published for the first time the lost Janis Joplin topless photos in Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro, in the summer ...
Anita Ekberg shot arrows at paparazzi who followed her home late at night on October 19, 1960 from a round of nightclubs. The blonde Swedi...
Grease is one of the most iconic films ever made. It was first released in 1978, and decades later, the movie is still as celebrated as it ...
“The back room” at Max’s was the coolest, hippest place to be in the city circa 1972, and the great club, owned by Mickey Ruskin, was the ho...
Born 1925 in Grosse Pointe, Michigan, American actress Julie Harris debuted on Broadway in 1945, against the wishes of her mother, who wante...

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Natalie Portman, Nude

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