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You are here: Home / Linux / Secure Your Online Privacy With These Linux Distributions
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Last updated September 29, 2020 By Abhishek Prakash 22 Comments
Brief : This article shows you the list of best privacy-focused Linux distributions . This article is intended for readers who are extremely concerned about their only privacy.
Privacy is a serious and much-debated issue. In this age of cyber espionage and electronic surveillance, privacy becomes a crucial subject.
While most of us Linux users care about our privacy to an extent, some people take it to an ‘extreme level’. Such people are often termed ‘privacy freaks’ (not in a derogatory manner).
The good thing about Linux is that it has got a distribution for (almost) everyone’s needs. Privacy is not an exception. There are Linux distributions specifically focused on privacy. These privacy-focused Linux distributions provide you with tools and configurations to escape electronic surveillance, hide your digital footprints and retain your anonymity from advertisers, data gatherers, etc.
Now, I am not going to tell you why you should care about your privacy . I am also not going to show you how to stay anonymous online. You can choose to utilize our actionable guide on using Tor to enhance privacy
But, I leave that decision to you if you want to go to the length of using a dedicated Linux distribution for privacy.
In case, you have already made up your mind or just being curious about it, here are the best secure Linux distros .
Tails is a live Linux distribution that has been created with one thing in mind, privacy. You can put it up on a DVD, USB key or SD Card and use it as a live system on any computer. You can even upgrade the live USB or disk to a newer version.
The thing with Tails is that it doesn’t store anything locally. Your activities die as soon as you boot off the system.
Apart from that, Tails provide you complete anonymity with a pre-configured Tor browser . This helps you to stay anonymous on the internet and circumvent censorship.
Tails also has a long list of pre-installed privacy software. You can see the entire list here .
Whonix is another popular Tor based Linux system. It is actually a heavily reconfigured Debian Linux that is designed to run inside a virtual machine.
The virtual machine provides a sandbox that keeps your actual system (also called host system) safe.
What separates Whonix from running any Linux system in VM is that the entire traffic from Whonix VM is ‘Torified’. In other words, it uses Tor protocol for accessing internet. Which means that your connection is ultrasecure and encrypted.
This picture might help you understand its functioning.
Best thing about Whonix is that you can use it inside any other operating system, be it Linux or Windows or MacOS.
Qubes OS comes with a compartmentalization feature. It is based on Fedora.
Compartmentalization offers exceptional privacy. Because, whenever you run a program in this OS, it places them in an isolated virtual environment and once you close the program, no one will ever be able to find out the session data.
You would want a system with at least 16 Gigs of RAM and a decent processor to make use of it easily.
Qubes OS makes use of the RPM package manager and can run on almost any hardware. This distro is being upheld by online privacy activists for many years. Even whistle-blower Edward Snowden said that it is the “ best OS available today “. If you want absolute anonymity and if you want to keep your data to yourself whether offline or online, this is the OS you want.
Qubes also comes with full-disk encryption by default and users can configure or personalize their encryption parameters according to their needs. This guarantees that data is always secured between sessions.
Note: IprediaOS is no longer maintained. Also, you may not be able to download it from the official source.
Unlike the above two, Ipredia was NOT based on the Tor protocol. It utilized I2P (Invisible Internet Project) protocol which provides an anonymous web connection, the same as Tor. I2P is heavily linked to the dark net .
IprediaOS was a Fedora-based Linux distribution with GNOME desktop environment . It can be used as a live USB or installed on a hard disk.
It came preinstalled with anonymous email, bit torrent, and IRC clients to provide you an anonymous internet experience.
The biggest drawback of IprediaOS was that it can only be used to browse i2p sites. You did not have the ability to browse normal websites on Ipredia OS.
Note: No longer developed/maintained but you can still find the ISO file to try it out.
Formerly known as Ubuntu Privacy Remix, Discreete Linux is based on Debian Linux. It aims to give professional-grade privacy to people without deeper computer knowledge.
Like Tails, Discreete Linux can also be used only as a live operating system. So you can put it on an external disk, USB or SD Card and use it as a live system.
Discreete Linux is a read-only system meaning that after every reboot, your system is in the same state as it was at the first use. This way even if a surveillance software was installed in one session, it cannot be continued in the next session.
Perhaps it is one of the most user friendly privacy focused Linux distribution in this list.
Mofo (yes, the same street slang) is a privacy-focused Linux distribution to help you escape electronic surveillance. It is built on top of Ubuntu with the MATE desktop environment.
Mofo Linux is basically Ubuntu with plenty of privacy tools installed and configured by default. You can learn more about it in our separate article on MOFO Linux .
If you already use Ubuntu, Mofo could be a familiar choice.
Note : It isn’t actively maintained anymore.
Subgraph OS is a work in progress by open source security company Subgraph .
Subgraph uses Tor to provide anonymity. It also has its own secure email client and instant messenger. To provide an extra layer of security, it uses sandboxing of applications so that the system itself is not impacted.
Subgraph OS uses a modified Linux kernel with enhanced security. File system encryption is mandatory here.
To be honest, I don’t use any of these privacy Linux distros . What about you? Are you concerned about your privacy enough to use any of these Linux?

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Creator of It's FOSS. An ardent Linux user & open source promoter. Huge fan of classic detective mysteries ranging from Agatha Christie and Sherlock Holmes to Detective Columbo & Ellery Queen. Also a movie buff with a soft corner for film noir.
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Security-centric Linux distributions arenow going to bemore helpful than before because  online privacy protection  is one of the important problem our generation facing today.
Since many popular operating systems which we trust with our data and information claims to protect our privacy itself spying on us . So if you are concerned about your privacy or you think your operating system is leaking your personal online details without your permission — then it’s the time to ditch that OS .
Why you should need a secure and privacy-focused Linux distro ?
Actually open source operating systems , I mean Linux distribution s are now becoming more and more popular among users because of many reasons . One of the features of Linux distros is its security and privacy protection.
Almost every Linux operating systems are built to serve users , not to spy on users personal life. So you if you are a general tech geek you can start protecting your online privacy by simply installing any simple Linux distro.
But you are really serious about online privacy, then you should use one of this privacy protection security-centric Linux distribution.
Since these operating systems are not suitable as desktop replacements, so most users will probably also need to use a ‘regular’ operating system for day-to-day use, in which case be sure to perform sensitive tasks only within the secure Linux environment.
The Amnesic Incognito Live System (Tails)  is is a security-focused Debian-based Linux distribution. The main moto of the this Linux OS is to provide complete Internet anonymity for the users.
Tails is a live security-centric Linux operating system that you can start on almost any computer from a DVD, USB stick, or SD card and leave no trace on the computer you are using unless you ask it explicitly. The important feature of Tails is, all its outgoing connections are forced to go through Tor and non-anonymous connections are blocked. The Tor Project has provided financial support for its development.
The product ships with several Internet applications, including the web browser, IRC client, mail client and instant messenger, all pre-configured with security in mind and with all traffic anonymised.
Whonix is another privacy and security focused Linux distribution based on  Debian GNU/Linux that run on Tor anonymity network. The operating system consists of two virtual machines — One solely runs Tor and acts as a gateway, which is called Whonix-Gateway. The other, which is called Whonix-Workstation, is on a completely isolated network.
Whonix benefits anyone who does sensitive work on their desktop or online. Only connections through Tor are possible. With Whonix, you can use applications and run servers anonymously over the Internet. DNS leaks are impossible, and even malware with root privileges cannot find out the user’s real IP.
Unlike Tails, Whonix is not “amnesic”; both the Gateway and the Workstation retain their past state across reboots. Not being amnesic improves security on the Gateway, by allowing Tor’s “entry guard” system to choose long-lived entry points for the Tor network, reducing adversaries’ ability to trap users by running malicious relays.
Linux Kodachi is based on Debian GNU/Linux operating system and built around the modern GNOME desktop environment. It will provide you with a secure, anti forensic, and anonymous operating system considering all features that a person who is concerned about privacy would need to have in order to be secure.
Kodachi is also a live privacy protection operating system with established VPN connection + Tor Connection + DNScrypt service running. The entire OS is functional from your temporary memory RAM so once you shut it down no trace is left behind all your activities are wiped out.
Trusted End Node Security (TENS)  is a Linux-based live CD with a goal of allowing users to work on a computer without the risk of exposing their credentials and private data to malware, key loggers and other Internet-era ills.
It includes a minimal set of applications and utilities, such as the Firefox web browser or an encryption wizard for encrypting and decrypting personal files. The live CD is a product produced by the United States of America’s Department of Defence and is part of that organization’s Software Protection Initiative.
IprediaOS is a fast, powerful and stable operating system based on Linux that provides an anonymous environment. All network traffic is automatically and transparently encrypted and anonymized by I2P.
I2P is an anonymizing network, offering a simple layer that identity-sensitive applications can use to securely communicate. All data is wrapped with several layers of encryption, and the network is both distributed and dynamic, with no trusted parties. Many applications are available in IprediaOS, including mail, peer-peer, bittorrent, IRC chat and others.
Subgraph OS — a Debian-based Security-focused Linux operating system that aims to combat hacking attacks easier, even on fairly low-powered computers and laptops.
Subgraph OS comes with all the privacy and security options auto-configured, eliminating the user’s manual configuration. The secure Linux distro provides several security, anonymous web browsing and hardening features. Subgraph OS uses a hardened Linux kernel, application firewall to block specific executables from accessing the network and forces all Internet traffic through the Tor network. The distribution’s file manager features tools to remove meta-data from files and integrates with the OnionShare file sharing application. The Icedove e-mail client is set up to automatically work with Enigmail for encrypting e-mails.
heads is the perfect privacy-focused Linux distribution for those wishes to control their anonymity on the Internet using the Tor network. heads is based on Devuan and one of he important feature is that it only uses only free software — meaning you can gain access to any source code that is included in heads, at any time. In heads, all your Internet traffic is sent over Tor by default and also, there is an option to turn it off if you prefer.
Qubes OS is the Fedora-based security-focused Linux operating system. Unlike other secure Linux distro, Qube OS implements a Security by Isolation approach, so that when some malicious software compromises one of the components of the system, it would get access to only the data inside that environment. Qubes uses the security of the Xen hypervisor, the same software relied on by many major hosting providers to isolate websites and services from each other.
To improve your privacy and anonymity on the internet, Qube uses Whonix and Tor to filter all network traffic. Qube OS is the recommended security-oriented Linux distro by many experts — Edward Snowden using it.
Alpine Linux is based on musl and BusyBox and it is the only independent general purpose privacy-focused Linux distribution in the list. It was designed with security in mind; it has proactive security features like PaX and SSP that prevent security holes in the software to be exploited.
Also, it is one of the lightweight Linux distros which only requires no more than 8 MB and a minimal installation to disk requires around 130 MB of storage.
Discreete Linux a Debian based operating system with the special purpose of protecting data and system against surveillance attacks with trojan software. It is one of the user-friendly security-centric Linux distros designed for ease of use by people without deeper computer knowledge but high-security requirements.
The main feature of Discreete Linux is that it provides an isolated, local work environment that is not accessible to spyware, so that the sensitive data can be processed, encrypted, and stored securely and is protected against such surveillance and espionage attacks.
Soon we will add more security-centric Linux distros with online privacy protection feature. Now choose a best Linux distro from above list and use it along with your existing OS.
You are right… If anyone is concerned about privacy then they should switch their OS to Linux…
you forget to mention Subgraph OS – the new Debian-based Linux distribution which provides several security, anonymous web browsing and hardening features.
What mentioned here is great , except some dead distros:
1- Discreete Linux = Dead
2- IprediaOS = Dead
3- Trusted End Node Security = unknown (mostly dead)
4- SubgraphOS = last downloadable image updated before one year 22/9/2017 (mostly Dead or Freezed)
Why is Subgraph OS on anyone’s list? It’s dead. Citadel is dead. They’re not ever going to release anything. Drop them.
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