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Because we're dedicated to guillotine leagues, when we run your league, everything just works. After each week of the regular season, the team that scored the fewest points that week is eliminated and its entire roster of players become free agents, eligible to be acquired by the rest of the league. Waiver wire pandemonium ensues. There are no head-to-head matchups.
This private league can support 8-18 teams. The service costs $36, which is $2 per owner in a full league. Entry fees and prizes are handled by your league.
Private leagues are for family and friends
Your league handles any entry fees and prizes
The service costs $36 ($2 per owner in a full league)
© 2022 Guillotine Leagues  |  © Heavy Blade, LLC 2021. All rights reserved.

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Private League system allows players to create their own Path of Exile leagues with different mods.
There will be a selection of modifiers to choose from at no additional cost that makes the league more difficult. Once a league has started, the mods cannot be changed. This is so that players who complete difficult objectives in the league can easily demonstrate that all the mods were present at the point that it was achieved.
Path of Exile has already increased the Private League member limit by 1,000. This means you can purchase more player slots now and increase your Private League up to a maximum capacity of 3,000 players. GGG will continue to incrementally increase the limit every day until reach a cap of 10,000 players or if GGG hits any issues with size limits. The reason for doing this slowly is to ensure that there aren’t any technical issues that occur by having too many players in a Private League.
Additional player slots and days can be purchased at any time once the league has started.
It is not possible to extend a league further than two months.
The payment can be crowdfunded. Players invited to the league can contribute points towards the cost. Once the crowdfunding has completed, the league will be created. It is also possible to crowdfund later additions of time or player slots in the same way.
Characters (or their entire league state) in private leagues can migrate to the parent league at any point in time, just like with regular Solo Self-Found leagues. Since Private leagues will only make the game harder this presents no fairness issues to the economies that the characters are moved into.
If the league is parented to the current challenge league and that challenge league ends, it loses its challenge league properties and becomes parented to regular Standard or Hardcore.
Monsters deal 10% increased Damage.
These mods often come in several tiers, and make monsters harder in various ways. You can add whichever combination of these various mods you desire to increase the challenge of monsters in the league.
Monsters deal 20% increased Damage.
Monsters have 10% increased Attack, Cast and Movement Speed
Monsters have 20% increased Attack, Cast and Movement Speed
Increased Monster Elemental Damage I 
Monsters gain 15% of Physical Damage as extra Fire, Cold and Lightning Damage
Increased Monster Elemental Damage II 
Monsters gain 30% of Physical Damage as extra Fire, Cold and Lightning Damage
Monsters fire 2 additional Projectiles
Life, Mana, Energy Shield and Flasks do not refill when you go to town.
In Famine leagues, your life, mana, energy shield and flasks do not refill when you go to town. This can be added alongside other mods to create the ultimate live-off-the-land league.
Players have -20% to all Resistances
Having a blanket resistance penalty not only makes combat harder, but also increases the difficulty of finding a set of perfect gear that meets all your resistance needs.
Players have -40% to all Resistances
Players have no access to the Stash or Guild Stash
This one’s for the true masochists. Without the ability to store items for later, characters in a No Stashes league need to live off the land with constraints that make completing Path of Exile a lot more challenging. You can parent to an SSF league to disable trade, guaranteeing that your characters are fully self-sufficient.
Items of Magic or Rare rarity will not drop, they can be crafted.
In leagues of this type, you can only find normal and, at their usual drop rate, unique items, so you have to use every currency item you find to add mods to your gear. You’ll find yourself actually using Orbs of Transmutation , running out of Essences and treasuring every Chaos Orb for its intended purpose. Trade values of currency items will likely be extremely different in leagues like this, due to opportunity cost.
NPCs will not have the option to sell or buy.
In a No Vending league, you can’t buy items from or sell items to NPCs in town. You’re still able to complete quest objectives, but can’t rely on vendor recipes or NPC shops to gear up.
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Sadia Awal Alo - September 7, 2022

Sadia Awal Alo - September 7, 2022

Sadia Awal Alo - September 7, 2022

Sadia Awal Alo - September 7, 2022

Sadia Awal Alo - September 7, 2022

League of Legends players will be able to hide rank, match history, gameplay stats, and more by making their accounts private.
UPDATE: It seems, Riot hasn’t pushed this update in the live servers. Therefore, it is now still unclear whether it will go live into live servers or not.
Over the last few years, Riot Games has been getting a lot of criticism for their lack of actions against game-running behavior players. However, after the community outrage , Riot did start to take extra measurements and implemented multiple new punishment systems in League of Legends.
They even tested the “controversial” /all chat disabled feature to observe if it helps reduce in-game toxicity — well that only sparked community outrage, again.
League’s fundamentals are based on its popular ranked system. And just like every other thing, a lot of the time many players are constantly targeted for being low-elo. Moreover, as the match history is public, which is a good thing, some players also judge others through that.
However, in patch 11.23 PBE, Riot Games has been testing another feature called “Make my profile private” that would hide players’ rank, match history, and gameplay stats for other League of Legends players.
Here’s how you can easily hide your rank, match history, and gameplay stats in League of Legends:
Simply enabling the ‘Make my profile private’ will instantly hide your rank, match history, and gameplay stats from other League of Legends players. This new feature will also prevent your friends and other players from spectating your games.
It is still unclear what will happen to stats sites like,, and others after making accounts private.
However, enabling the ‘Make my profile private’ option should make your account private from Riot’s API, which those third-party sites rely on, and prevent your rank & match history from showing up to those sites as well. (It’s our speculation and Riot is yet to make an official announcement)
Unfortunately, it is not possible to hide name, level, and icon in League of Legends even after making accounts private. Riot pretty much cleared in the ‘Make my profile private’ option’s description that players’ summoner name, icon, and level are always public.
Now, the real question arises, should you make your account private in League of Legends? Well, that depends.
If you’re on a big losing streak and believe you can be targeted for this, you should enable this feature. The same goes for rank, if you’re constantly harassed over your rank this new ‘Make my profile private’ option is just for you.
However, in normal circumstances, I’d recommend leaving that option unchecked.
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