Private Key List Balance

Private Key List Balance

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Every Bitcoin addresses with balances, ~ 28 millions of them, are listed here. They are yours to view, search, analyze, as well as ... to collide!
Bitcoin use private public key cryptography, you first acquire a private key, you then go through some computational steps to get your public key. Bitcoin address is the public key, to "unlock" a Bitcoin address, you need its corresponding private key. In fact, owning the private key is THE proof that you own that address. A private key is a 256 bit long zeros and ones.

You can produce private keys by writing down 256 zeros and ones by hand, or by running a computer program, or by loading a web page (this is what we do here). Once you produce a private key (256 bits of zeros and ones), you can follow Bitcoin's algorithm to produce the public key, then convert the public key to the so-called "base58" format. You will get 2 formats from a single private key - compressed and uncompressed base58 address. Refer to this page for a detailed explanation.

If you are extremely lucky, your generated private key may correspond to an address that has some BTC balance in it already. This process can be thought as "collision" - your private key just happen to "collide" with another BTC address's private key.

By the process of RIPEMD160 to compute public key from private key, the mapping of domain to co-domain is signifantly downsized, this leads each single Bitcoin address to have roughly 2^96 private keys corresponding to it. You just need to find one!
If you could do 2^80 computations you'd have a whopping 50% probability that 2 keys in the 2^80 generated keys collide (be the same).

2^80 is the magic number, had we have this massive computation power, Bitcoin would be in the state of collapse.

So how big is 2^80 ?

It is a huge number in the short run.

In the long run, maybe not. How long is long run? We are talking 10-15 years.

To put things in perspective, at the time of writing, the world's fastest super computer can do 200,000 teraflops per second at peak performance, that's nearly 2^58 computations per second, but let's take 1/2 of its peak - 2^57, then that monster machine will need 2^23 seconds - 92 days to gain 50% chance to collide a private key.

Thinking 50% chance as tossing a fair coin, you toss it once but don't get the desired result (head), toss it a few more times, you'll have no problem getting a head.
Another perspective, at the time of writing, Bitcoin's network hashrate is about 50,000,000 TH/s (declined from its peak 60,000,000 TH/s), that is close to 2^66 computations per second, if that computing power is used to collide a private key, it only takes 2^15 seconds - 32,000 seconds, - less than half a day. But remember, Bitcoin's mining algorithm is SHA256(SHA256(block info)) - SHA256 twice, for generating a private key, you only need SHA256 once, that means you can get much better performance with the same amount of hardware investment due to simpler circuit design.
Indeed, classical computers approach the physical limit to get faster clockrate, but they are spawning more cores. These days Moore's Law seem to happen on multiplying cores, it won't surprise people if, in 10 years, you run a desktop computer of 1000 CPU cores, your GPU (Graphic Card) is already creeping to give more and more computational threads. With ever increasing CPU cores and GPU ALU count, the overall classical computing power is still growing exponentially.

And don't forget the game changer - the quantum computers that are already on the horizon, that seem to progress fast in terms of number of qubits they can control state. Some are provided on the cloud (IBM), you can test run some quantum algorithm by manipulating a small number of quantum circuit gate on IBM website All in all, the difficulty of colliding is constant, but the computing power is growing at exponential rate, time seem to favor colliding private keys.
We've received a lot of requests to download the entire Bitcoin database (this website) into one file, to entertain this request, here's the link to the file in CSV format All Bitcoin Address with Balance in a CSV File

The format of the data is as follows:
BTC address in base58 format; Balance in Satoshi; BTC address in hex (RIPEMD160) format;

An example:
35hK24tcLEWcgNA4JxpvbkNkoAcDGqQPsP (base58 BTC address); 25550215632356 (balance in Satoshi); 2beec605c9a6512f55fe93ad76753e24fc8579b0 (The same BTC address, but in RIPEMD160 format)

For further questions, comments, corrections, suggestions, send email to support at vpntop dot com.

Bitcoin rich list top to bottom, private keys are generated random for fun, to try to collide a private key with BTC balance.
BTC Address with Balance Random Generated Private Keys Compressed Uncomp'd BTC
288126.20075526 34xp4vRoCGJym3xR7yCVPFHoCNxv4Twseo KxTWLLDG6mMLHHWhQDB32ayu2bj4HxvW4UNi86qh2yRYNDHBBTDF 1KCLvVx... 1FnA9cP... 0
110841.60571778 1P5ZEDWTKTFGxQjZphgWPQUpe554WKDfHQ Kxqtuo1Rs7LaA3GcmYARGTyBYZCThQ63PF5xV9rr1hoCNhbbzyWj 12grtg6... 1q2Ez4s... 0
94505.1139653 37XuVSEpWW4trkfmvWzegTHQt7BdktSKUs KwKZzFgFv3LKCrXtdvDvLYJuPnmu5bSRoJWzF1PVzvv5w2n7QKZE 1DtiCvq... 1L4Cr5D... 0
85064.02156623 38UmuUqPCrFmQo4khkomQwZ4VbY2nZMJ67 L2XZyCXZVto7B5weekqYeVUaNMs7t4twN1yZDGDss6nctfvpNg7R 19BuMUK... 1Ecm7N9... 0
82513.71289157 3Kzh9qAqVWQhEsfQz7zEQL1EuSx5tyNLNS L1ncbzbdK475irxLZzqpASyUSUJpEopuMvh5Z6akQTgGw791nL1K 1GPikVx... 1Poozms... 0
79957.20678552 1FeexV6bAHb8ybZjqQMjJrcCrHGW9sb6uF L1Le9yvhV9tQ2WWFY2TQXZDqipe9ENot3aeg7sr8TzuiVtPgPtes 1A91kAe... 1G7XW96... 0
73601.13641685 3LYJfcfHPXYJreMsASk2jkn69LWEYKzexb KxwPCrrzZvsz1veLQKYSdan9P4sojZtCSbnZ6CFUVf2NzqzbAf2X 14bxyvn... 1GthWcg... 0
73000.43361144 35hK24tcLEWcgNA4JxpvbkNkoAcDGqQPsP L3j46cFerY3f6ejCeFEgbTSNQNhgaRZ3c6BbqpbiUUFAeca5uSNX 18AVS4C... 14rNCkW... 0
66934.16035959 19iqYbeATe4RxghQZJnYVFU4mjUUu76EA6 L5jSUz8GGhuaiQj878xBGGhYvrsr2DNa7U1U2vsbv8ePkm6eeaJ8 1BuVGwY... 12STUqb... 0
58814.9779333 3LQeSjqS5aXJVCDGSHPR88QvjheTwrhP8N Kza1nS8hjL3kEyGAc9pWWJFyfG8rRc3YWdTo8fj4Lq5KaRdQ7pU3 1HXqpJZ... 1ERRp3H... 0
53880.0604549 1LdRcdxfbSnmCYYNdeYpUnztiYzVfBEQeC L5GNdWH4xpqPZFta3jFDQJyKJq2r1ujg4fGkoDsaK4QvRRXSdMdq 1AyLL7Z... 1PNtXXT... 0
51830.3598038 1AC4fMwgY8j9onSbXEWeH6Zan8QGMSdmtA Kz5fGrKzdezpJaUNqg9fkXFnLcMpUxNeshCj4VkYzyGmUus9b9Tt 17ZC6L9... 1JGvzUD... 0
44000.08617126 1LruNZjwamWJXThX2Y8C2d47QqhAkkc5os KxsfwJrfRZEJpQvTjQiWS3x79WyKT1zkSB5hZvSRL4omBfqKQXEm 1AuXCQ3... 1DGLbPV... 0
40013.96037953 3Gpex6g5FPmYWm26myFq7dW12ntd8zMcCY L4AJTnP7baQN4s4f3xV4Ugwr17VJj1Jo9zDqTpiwEPXtmqC8yZCk 14v84Be... 1EGjSSL... 0
40001.86898733 385cR5DM96n1HvBDMzLHPYcw89fZAXULJP L18Acy9RUjUpKUviVHrKvZh68ZHjq3YhXiMeGaArcwAKV8Z4Xsyv 1JRqzj6... 1MV2BGz... 0
39708.95669299 36KAwNUR8VeLpUfGwdk7LEN6F4yvoRWMjn KycBSmUUrn2mAvHE38f4Sq4MhXyjGDnS1stN2Aixw8pqPbpVB6ti 1BYva1H... 1ATh2xD... 0
35236.71289266 3EBpAZUAW5Tzyd2FhmmUZnYgftxJkKSLmJ L3GpHqtXmx9jXEioWN276NNBYYpyWJRN4LDUgH15KFtWQYvAztXA 12uHkCf... 13U7TrA... 0
32950.00313888 3LCGsSmfr24demGvriN4e3ft8wEcDuHFqh KyGt4X1Q6MvFQeFpPd4mDx3yjaqTouAEHQLCLozLBx5G3JY7rm17 1E56aXi... 1MayhY6... 0
32354.00000564 12XqeqZRVkBDgmPLVY4ZC6Y4ruUUEug8Fx KyQia1inBDFSTJhbcLCZ6cvLEPEQchmD5bBxY6FKbTHCMSX8GE3q 1Nmmmvi... 1E1pgVS... 0
31275.34535966 3FHNBLobJnbCTFTVakh5TXmEneyf5PT61B L1bv9DFRhCZmLDTdTFh9oeYnPQmFavBc1MaHkdfmYabogPS5pcGZ 197B3QQ... 1JRtUD4... 0
31000.06998788 12ib7dApVFvg82TXKycWBNpN8kFyiAN1dr L33rKUf4ckr7gQuUoCFmt8CYVqeiuzeukDpPXziSUR5JGa7knAft 1Q2dGPk... 18ErqbT... 0
28151.05836538 12tkqA9xSoowkzoERHMWNKsTey55YEBqkv KxUsrkGqYkvuQp1g9ND3An4dJZBBbohQfpEyByNGgWtyVDgrW2m4 1K4sGpP... 1PeNpZj... 0
28000.89876425 3D8qAoMkZ8F1b42btt2Mn5TyN7sWfa434A KzvyuKM8SyjGWNZCtWgBVsgd3zMMjnHFmvYk8kHUxPaEGWbZXVeS 12nByaQ... 1Eco43X... 0
24495.3504297 17MWdxfjPYP2PYhdy885QtihfbW181r1rn KxJrRn4RW9xWAaQGi95dWDLsuQ98fTJ9TuckGkLbwPxiQXaTfavB 1NCnMDg... 1EU8cWx... 0
24168.07021504 3FpYfDGJSdkMAvZvCrwPHDqdmGqUkTsJys KxdTufFJaJxMFEN1XbMc7zEbNTDTRVDESHj4HoqBXgaNZLVB5uJa 1GFiKkL... 1HMSJCa... 0
23969.0015367 19D5J8c59P2bAkWKvxSYw8scD3KUNWoZ1C L5dw5y8tEMbZCQiyLFDDtzxccWNjf7CN8qr7uuovkQ6fETAhBTKx 1GB35NK... 1342LuD... 0
23430.51814302 1aXzEKiDJKzkPxTZy9zGc3y1nCDwDPub2 KzcPWjmNmdjbyGf3zkxwq9t2dVoAsoGQrV8QLnmWanCs1f5CHfgg 1zDCYvP... 1KAQK8j... 0
22899.99043553 1932eKraQ3Ad9MeNBHb14WFQbNrLaKeEpT L3s4xboSVPNmMWtWTQQLvs718zsrPP5KVSpY84NJAjkcpdsmvroy 17CHS6W... 13MG7r3... 0
22400.00007111 1MDq7zyLw6oKichbFiDDZ3aaK59byc6CT8 L56RwxiNtFaVaPyhzerofKaAbDHiZoWyboCdaYbEfqXprsQJWvbs 17y9GXU... 1N3W6Yi... 0
21967.50136665 3FupZp77ySr7jwoLYEJ9mwzJpvoNBXsBnE L2Xg6k5QSLbJneAcK84NfLYPWha8D3yiXSKjamzLswaVcq7wAgwG 14KD4bv... 14ePCW7... 0
20008.00192617 17rm2dvb439dZqyMe2d4D6AQJSgg6yeNRn KyohvBY5gqsaryjRVBDWiftfsewaJ7RLwiyvxz1UfEwfZABo3Zkk 1C1WoGy... 1EezF3j... 0
19950.74026442 3HSMPBUuAPQf6CU5B3qa6fALrrZXswHaF1 L31qaQEkerfFbz2Q5v7cZrFndtV9NvjuG47HTYyED9rP48k5Taii 1GzeJTG... 1HsmdeU... 0
19586.8394681 3H5JTt42K7RmZtromfTSefcMEFMMe18pMD Kz7XSHazFE9tD5wDSoM956b72EvgBggVz2G8R13a4Qpnr95urBLt 14v6Eak... 1Exyxh9... 0
19414.43069647 1PeizMg76Cf96nUQrYg8xuoZWLQozU5zGW KyVU77g7ocTvSKETzoiV81nWaXiNAKUd1MFzNQB6gNxBFNaHJjJ9 1Kfq51p... 1LcN7gY... 0
18799.99657552 38FkZJ32qaNTieBFUVHqQS1LQAZK8VFKkx L5QuSgXRG8yRTFWSQ78VQrGH8fz63ZW7Xyov5aVdYxkHUYdp7Qfg 17o74NL... 1GSkLBz... 0
18433.15506291 3DVJfEsDTPkGDvqPCLC41X85L1B1DQWDyh L4QZrUytydstwCXWYcVe6j666MyvVE9QFRm5aLhaStEQk9Phupsv 1L1aoiL... 14SVaVR... 0
16006.38277092 39szwP9jSLnf61pEzqBKu5Go4cKwD8oWRn L3A2gHpBW6E8EnN8ePo5bXYA812NGQZUg3Mayxjvv2AgPo7ZJjSK 1H7MQRC... 1CbgPE2... 0
15745.55590409 1GR9qNz7zgtaW5HwwVpEJWMnGWhsbsieCG L5jcHaw9BPUkbSg8Rqh8g4szKMxpiQwxrFpW8PdcAhThq7v3k6gR 16wpzEL... 16Tj85M... 0
15629.71271755 16S67V8PRG5sUh13Rgsj1AKVnpJYhHz4rN KzQ1PggdboaQciMx1e9c7wmDsXR1iwaaD2EdzqVTngYR8yMRXGwj 14FRShh... 1Nq2aPn... 0
15128.06838885 39gUvGynQ7Re3i15G3J2gp9DEB9LnLFPMN L239i7vwhdgsb2jmev6kwdomDbznq3btcj3G6HGMaYEA8GBAVdTu 18rLHsb... 13hzNEK... 0
Balance Address with Balance Random Generated Private Keys Compressed Uncomp'd BTC
Fact: You own a Bitcoin address by possessing its private key, by design, each Bitcoin address has roughly 2^96 private keys corresponding to it.

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Private Key List Balance

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