Private Key Generator Balance Program

Private Key Generator Balance Program


Private Key Generator Balance Program

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Marin Sagovac

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Generate Bitcoin Private Keys and check them against

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Generate Bitcoin Private Keys and check them against blockstreams liquid api. I've tried blockcypher and but run into issues with limits that I'm FAAARRR to lazy to work around with a round robin of profile switches or setup a full archival node of my own to fire against. Feel free to fund my
Stupid Python3 Script that Generates random private keys and checks them in this poor mans Mining for BTC - same chances as solo but you could find an address w/ money in it πŸ€‘ This is for entertainment only and is designed to demonstrate how IMPOSSIBLE it is to realistically get a collision and take control of someone else's coin...Credits to @Shlomi for the inspiration...
BIG OL DISCLAIMER : I cannot emphasize this enough - this is for DEMONSTRATION and ENTERTAINMENT purposes ... you will have much better success finding employment, buying bitcoin and holding it than to have this little goofy script find a populated private key with a balance....though if you happen to find a populated address you may as well call the pressess and let em know you beat the odds with that extreme luck.
* I had to use cfscraper to get around the issue of cloudflare on the v2 version of the script which uses this version will scan an entire page at a time of keys..though idk if the underlying site is to be trusted (ie they just tell you the funds are zero and sweep the funds into their own wallet first)
TODO: I believe the richlist is down right now but someone offerred a different page which I'll look intoat some point.
Here's a demonstration of it in action

Generate Bitcoin Private Keys and check them against

Bitcoin Private Keys Directory
GitHub - Frankenmint/PKGenerator_Checker: Generate Bitcoin Private Keys ...
Keys .lol | Cryptocurrency private key database with balance checker
Private Key Generator - 2xoin Crypto Tools
Private key (privkey) hunters - unite!

Yes, your private key is on this website too, but don't worry, nobody will ever find it.

If you want to try searching for your wallet, click one of the buttons below.

A private key is basically just a number between 1 and 2 256 .
This website generates keys for all of those numbers, spread out over pages of 128 keys each.

This website doesn't actually have a database of all private keys, that would take an impossible amount of disk space.
Instead, keys are procedurally generated on the fly when a page is opened.
The page number is used to calculate which keys should be on that page.

Finding an active wallet is hard, but not impossible.
Every time you open a random page, you have a chance of finding someone else's fortune.

If you're curious which page your wallet is on, you could do a search for it.
That will show you exactly which page your wallet is on.

The balance of each wallet is automatically checked.
Wallets with a balance are colored green.
Wallets that have been used in the past but are now empty will turn yellow.
Wallets that have never been used are red.

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