Private Investor

Private Investor


Private Investor

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Private Investors are the individuals or firm that shows a keen interest in investing their money in a company to lend a financial hand to the company & contribute to its growth & earning a value for their investments. 
Private Investors are a key source to raise startup capital for the businesses. Startups looking for Private Investors have not only received good financial aid but also the assistance of experts’ knowledge.
With every Private Investor investing in your firm, a range of opportunities and exposure comes through it. As your business grows, the requirement of capital rises, & raising capital from financial individuals & institutions becomes a herculean quest. So here we have listed crucial particulars that every founder must know before approaching private investors. 
Private Investors are individuals with pockets full of knowledge, experience, expertise & of course money. There are different forms of investors. These private investors have varied interests, preferences, strengths, terms, & distinct work patterns with founders.

To find the right investor, every entrepreneur must be aware & have an understanding of different types of private investors, their approaches to investments, and the motivation to invest in startups. Generally, there are four types of private Investors. 
This comes under the easiest & the most cost-effective method to raise funds i.e. through the immediate social circle. A great source for initial startup money, as the trust and association with the founders, pre-exists, whereas, usually it requires to be built from scratch while raising through other investors.
Discuss with friends & family. Decide, if you want them to invest or just a loan is enough from them. A loan wiil be the easiest choice, as you will pay it back. Whereas an investment means giving a proportionate stake in the company & sharing of risks. 
An investment will get you more money, with no installments to be paid in-between, like in the case of loans. 
However, maintain professionalism when it comes to money. Because private investors will make money only if the company proves profitable. Give them a proper pitch, present your business plan & make sure they understand the risks involved in investing their money. 
Angel Investors can be professionals, including, doctors, lawyers, or business associates, or seasoned entrepreneurs. The first thing that matters for any individual to invest is Interest, Willingness & Wealth to invest hundreds and thousands of dollars in businesses in return for profits, 
However, SEC or Securities Exchange Commission defines angel investors as accredited investors, that reach a net worth of at least $1 million and earn $200,000 a year or $300,000 a year jointly with a spouse. 
Although angels invest a “limited” amount. The angel investment market in the US & Canada is more than $26 billion. As the pandemic hit the global crisis by 12 percent, & a decrease in the number of deals by 30 percent, that means USD 1.5 trillion of unallocated capital is yet to be invested. 
This shows better opportunities, as the global crisis is at the onset of showing a downward trend.
 Equity investment is based on the valuation of the company, It’s an ideal option for those, who are likely to grow to large size businesses and are on their way towards an exit strategy, or looking for more business growth. 
Technically, equity investments, are for later-stage companies that already have a good amount of assets to leverage. To get noticed or to find good equity investors, the key is to have strong growth projections and a secured business plan. 
As they take big risks, show them the big returns. Once they found good ROI in your company, they will take the risk to commit to the business. 
Venture Capital is required, when businesses look to expand and venture into riskier opportunities. In 2020, the global venture capital investment market reached US$ 197.7 Billion . Venture capitalists invest their for business expansion, in a return ownership stake in the firm.
Venture capitalists invest a higher amount than angels. Thus, it gets very important for founders to have a well-established business, a solid management team, and a proven business track. 
Venture Capital is a longer form of investment, thus it’s good to think about long-term involvement with venture capitalists, in the form of active participation in decision making, marketing strategies, managerial support, network access, and many more. 
Peer to Peer investment involves three parties, i.e. borrower, lender & a middle-party firm. The investment process happens when a borrower seeks loan options from middle party firms.
This middle-party is a well-established platform, that collects funds from a group of investors & provides it in the form of loans to borrowers. The investors(lenders) are here, to benefit through new revenue streams.
The middle P2P party handles the repayment of the interests and principal amount from borrowers to lenders. In return, both parties, pay a certain amount of fees to the platform. 
As the money is paid back along with interests, none of the investors has ownership, any of the firms. The interests, investors earn are higher than traditional bank loans. However, the risks are more, as there is no government protection for such money investments. 
Firstly, it is not a loan & an easier funding option than sourcing loans from the bank. The loan option comes with a mandatory tag of “Repayment” at any cost. Whereas, it isn’t applicable for private funding. Private Investors understand that if the business fails, their money gets lost & you’re not responsible for the payment. 
Private money financing doesn’t imply a traditional bank finance process. It doesn’t require any credit or proven financial history, like in the case of business lenders & bank financing. Thus, saving a great deal of time for yours. 
Private Investors are generally concerned about the profits they can make in the future and not what you’ve done in the past. 
Investors are backed with years of knowledge and investment experience. Their accomplishments and mastery are a great source of knowledgeable insights.
You may read thousands of books about startups, funding, or product success. But access to high-level knowledge through direct connection of private investors is unmatchable than any other book.
Most private investors generally expect ownership & share of profits, in exchange for their investment. This limits your upside potential if the business gets successful. Hence, keep a check on the number of shares that you gave out to investors. High share ownership, will impact your share earnings & won’t be beneficial in the long period. 
As Investors, play with higher risks, they expect higher performance from the business they invest in. This can create a lot of pressure on the team if the expectations are not met.
On that account, make sure your investors’ expectations are in line with your capabilities and potentiality. If not so, it’s better to find other relevant investors & business financing options. 
The admittance of Private Investors not only dilutes the share of earnings but also affects the founders controlling power. An increase in stakeholders leads to, makes founder more accountable to investors & hence, leading to a good delay in the decision process. 
Before you began with the quest of finding Private Investors, there are few crucial things that every founder should understand. It ranges from being well-prepared with your elevator pitch, pitch profile, executive summary, pitch deck, a proven business plan, and financial projections with at least three to four years of projections.
There is a kind of investors that bet their money on a founder. They evaluate founders to find the skill, potential, charisma, and a can-do attitude, to make the business a success. So working on yourself is as important as building a startup.
The five crucial things an investor looks for include:
No investor is interested in a firm that hardly makes any money. They, put a close lookout for EBITDA ( earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization) while evaluating the business. Because the increasing trend of EBITDA implicates more money as the business gets sold.
Investors need assurance, that the company stays within the liquidity agreement. As it’s difficult to estimate liquidity, weekly, monthly, and quarterly cash flow modeling is useful in maintaining track of it.
As businesses expand, companies may lose track of how much they are making profits and how much cash they are developing. Analyze product by product to find the true margins of the product. 
High expenses can break the firm. Have a controlled structure and mechanism of expenses. Lookout and control the triggers that spike expenses. 
There are numerous metrics & every business has it. However, measuring the right metrics is the key. Define them & research the parameters used by the competitors . Private Investors will definitely want to check these metrics to understand how the firm is performing in the market. 
Finding the ”Right” investor will make a whole lot of difference from just finding an investor. Have a solid business plan, know your expectations, be aware of your capabilities and present the right information to the investors, to get accepted by the right investors. 
Finding the right Investor will be fruitful when you search for them at the right places. To search for the right investor for the business, first, figure out the type of investor you need. 
By guessing it right, you must be here to know how to find the three crucial types of Investors- Venture Investor, Angel Investor & Equity Investor. 
Search online and look out for an online investor’s database. At AlcorFund, we have 9000+ active global investors, that are just specific to your industry & a right match for the business. 
Some of the other databases are Angel capital Association, Angellist, and Angel Investment Network. Another tip is to promote yourself. This can do wonders when you are active in business networks, engage in the corporate activities, and participate in startup events. 
On this quest, you will come across numerous investors, not all will work. Narrow down the list of potential investors to the “Most Relevant” Investors. A figure of 30 to 50 private investors with investor’s industry choice, preferences, average investment amount, country, and other vital information will work better than the big list. 
The next is perfecting your pitch. Your pitch is the decision-maker for investors. Have good visual communication, incorporate diagrams for projections and future strategy. Make it informative and to the point.
Being clear and concise & mentioning key data, will make the investors engrossed and increase the likelihood of getting funds. 
Getting an investor on board is tough. However, while investigating each investor don’t hesitate to strike out the wrong ones. Understand their management style, their values, their goals and track their past records. 
Examine the investors with proper due diligence, as the investors do for startups. Because as a fresh entrepreneur, there are few investors out there, with zero sense of handling business, and are just out there to target the newbies and run away with all you have. 
Stay away from the ones who have vague clauses and follow lengthy contracts. Avoid those investors who are keen on gaining control of the business. Don’t go for the one who is into taking over ALL key decisions. Some extent of mentorship is acceptable but complete authorization is not.
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Private investors are interested more in the growth opportunities provided by investment and, hence, are different from institutional investors. They invest for the long term and are focused on wealth creation and responsible ownership in addition to making profits. Angel investors and venture capitalists also fall into private investors despite their huge investment size. They invest in business ideas and provide inputs for the organization’s development. Active management participation aids in utilizing growth opportunities.

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Private investors are people or firms who possess expertise, knowledge, and an interest in investing. More often than not, they put their money into companies that require capital from them to succeed and get financial returns. They focus less on speculation and more on demonstrated growth and opportunity.
Private investments can become key drivers that push demand, create capacity, enhance labor productivity, induce new technology, allow space for creative destruction, and generate jobs. This is because the focus is on growth opportunities in the invested fields and not solely on profit. The goal is to achieve long-term, responsible ownership for wealth preservation.
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Private investors invest majorly in growth opportunities. They may hold investments away from the capital markets Capital Markets A capital market is a place where buyers and sellers interact and trade financial securities such as debentures, stocks, debt instruments, bonds, and derivative instruments such as futures, options, swaps, and exchange-traded funds (ETFs). There are two kinds of markets: primary markets and secondary markets. read more to focus on investments in high-quality organizations and infrastructure assets. They also intend to generate wealth by maintaining active, responsible ownership for longer periods. For example, private investors for real estate may buy a plot near a developing area and wait for development to reach there. This helps them get that area at a cheaper rate while not letting go of the development potential it has. Similarly, private investors for business opportunities look for emerging companies and potential organizations that have made significant progress in a short period. These organizations may take a while before becoming big, but early investment guarantees good returns at a profitable rate.
They typically hold on for five to eight years on average. Investors generate growth during the holding period by actively working with the management teams to improve the investment. It may be to improve the company or the asset performance, layout helpful strategic directions, or make operational changes. This is especially true in the case of private investors for businesses. For example, private investors in real estate may indulge in finding complementary acquisitions. Here, the goal is to develop a stable ownership structure and build long-term wealth. This can be achieved, especially when equity owners and the management team have aligned interests and work on improving them.
Cisco’s market cap as of 2022 is estimated at $205.88B. The private investors and the pre and post-IPO investors realized their value on investments due to their long-term commitment.
Private investors rely on the soundness of the ideas and look at their growth opportunities to invest long term. As shareholders Shareholders A shareholder is an individual or an institution that owns one or more shares of stock in a public or a private corporation and, therefore, are the legal owners of the company. The ownership percentage depends on the number of shares they hold against the company's total shares. read more , they get to be a part of the decisions made. For this, they work with the management to strategize business, develop the idea, and see it evolve into bigger, better plans. In short, these investors identify the potential and nurture it, and patiently realize the profit as a means to wealth creation. 
One can find private investors through multiple ways. Many entrepreneurs start out their business by convincing friends and family to invest in them. They can also do this by seeking out outsiders or loans. Here are two major private investors examples for the companies to pitch ideas:
The entrepreneur must offer a business proposal to the venture capitalist to find one. It could include providing information on target markets Target Markets A target market consists of different groups of individuals, households, and organizations towards which a company aims to offer its products and services. read more , estimated profit margins Profit Margins Profit Margin is a metric that the management, financial analysts, & investors use to measure the profitability of a business relative to its sales. It is determined as the ratio of Generated Profit Amount to the Generated Revenue Amount. read more , corporate objectives, and a road map to achieve those objectives. The companies must also provide an executive overview of the proposal’s predicted financials, competitive environment, and other elements. This gives venture capitalists a detailed view of the idea and the path it chooses to take. If the plan appears profitable for the capitalist, they will invest in it.
Angel investors Angel Investors Angel investors refer to wealthy investors who supply capital to budding businesses in return for a portion of their equity. read more are typically wealthy or high-net-worth individuals who seek out prospective startup firms to invest in, usually in exchange for an equity stake. In addition, the investor frequently contributes specialized knowledge to help the company achieve its objectives. Angel investors can be affiliated or non-affiliated. Affiliated investors can be wealthy friends and family and are easier to find. People can find non-affiliated investors by approaching investment bankers, accountants, or other professional contacts who can help them get in touch with private investors. There are also networks or websites where businesses can pitch ideas to find one.
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