Private Hd

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Private Hd

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PrivateHD is a Private Torrent Tracker for HD MOVIES / TV

PrivateHD is the internal tracker for multiple release groups
PrivateHD is the sister-site of AvistaZ , CinemaZ , ExoticaZ and AnimeTorrents
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Awesome site for how new it is. Great catalog of newer stuff.
Stunning layout and Forums make this tracker stand out from the rest. It’s still new hence (BETA) but so far its off to a great start. I can’t stress how great the community is for being so new, everyone is very helpful and you’ll find request are filled faster and more frequently then most places. The content is very diverse bringing in all sorts of goodies. The only negative thing I would have to say is its still new :P other than that a great place for everyone whether your noobish or a vet.
It’s not technically new. PublicHD closed and PrivateHD took its place. The same staff are behind it, most of the same users, the only real difference is the site design, which underwent a massive revamp. It is a great site now, but credit where credit’s due, or in this case, isn’t due.
definitely a shit site! focus on profit and adds and donations and money and money …. money
You mean that unnoticeable donate button on the top?
And they don’t even have ads!
They need donations because that’s how they pay their hosting bills.
And so what if they make some money out of it themselves? They spend a huge deal of time building and maintaining a site which provides movies, series, and music of the highest quality for free.
Open again. Not really worth it but open anyways
Just joined – still open dont believe the others below
Open till they hit 100k members (bit less than 25k to go)
The biggest flaw of this tracker is that it does NOT have an AUTOSEED bot for TV series/shows (SCENE).
Generally speaking, it is new and fine.
I personally find that really great. I’ve been in the tracker for a month or two, and I can see all the releases of a given day in one page. It’s usually a movie os a Tv show pack. It’s a top-tier tracker.
ohhh God what a waste !!! Definitely a BAD site nhac nhac
Its okay. Not great. Worth a try for newbies.
The Community is just excellent, the request section could use some improvements but man they are filled pretty vigorously. I will agree with alot its a great site for newbies as they even have a help section in the forums for those who end up with a bad ratio/etc. It might not be the place where everything is there first but its still new and quality is better than quantity. The actual standards for uploading are probably the best laid out of any HD site I have been to “just about”. If your content with HD trackers you have then enjoy them but if your looking for a place this was is great! Only gripe I have is most Full Bluray’s have to be uploaded as .iso most of the time and its pretty aggravating having to pack releases into .iso’s “main reason I don’t upload a lot of sources there” Its also a great place to learn as there are many helpful tutorials and members. Every site has its flaws but don’t believe the hype PrivateHD is here to stay!
They fixed the full bluray issue. now you don’t have to pack it into an .iso
Im new to private trackers but have tried a few now and nothing comes close to privateHD. The community is great and helpful, only good quality uploads, fast seeders, and the layout/search function is fantastic! Plus it is easy to keep a good ratio; been with them for a month now and have 560GB DL/17TB UL=31.0 ratio
i ca´t make a sing up. It thinks that i have a yuser bu i don´t
The web design is great but that’s all it’s got going for it.
Community is not the greatest and pretty much non existing.
Site feels like is being run by a single person, not very professional.
Torrents are uploaded pretty late compared to every single other site I’ve used which is around 8 others from what I could tell.
Speed is also slow and has many hit and runs on each torrent.
Content is very much lacking, if you’re looking for something specific you’ll never find it.
3/10 Stay away from this tracker , there are many other better alternatives than this even some public open trackers are better than this it’s a shame.
I guess these guys should’ve stuck with their main site instead of trying to branch out into this horrible mess.
I signed, it is a good site, but only if you will donate and you will have freeleech non stop. Otherwise is shitty tracker, 80.000 users and only 10.000 torrents? that is a joke. I registered today and I wanted to upload couple of torrents but it is impossible due to my user “newbie” class. I have 250Mbps upload speed and more than 20TB scene packed 1080p movies, but is impossible to upload any of it because they want to have unpacked releases, so fook them and their childlish tracker, I will better stick to digitalhive and IPT.
Holy shit you lazy or what? You’re only newbie for a week if you uploaded more than 5GB.. Is it to hard for you? Why would they want packed releases…?
You’re probably right.. You should stick to those trackers.
>sign up
>>send confirm email
>>>no email to be found
And.. did you check the spam folder?
Hardly worth replying to him/her. If it didn’t occur to them that ~100,000 other people managed to sign up just fine, they can’t figure out e-mail, and yell about it like a 3 year old … fuck em, they’re not worth it.
I would love to join this site as one of my favorite release groups just started posting there. (5 points if you can guess who)
Is there any way to get an invite or to know if/when it will open up again?
Uni-Team are a pack of wankers, they go grab raw blu-ray and encode it and expect nobody else to take theirs and post it anywhere else as if they some how own it now. They even got a copyright and registered symbol on their stuff, fucking morons.
I maintain a 2.25 ratio and would love to join privatehd.
Yes even I would like to know when the site will open up again. Or where can I ask someone for invite.
Open again with a new layout.(although i loved the old one) still it is an awesome tracker now with an internal HEVC release group….
Opentrackers should do at least a little bit of selection before adding everyone.
This one is a good one..finally after 2 scam sites finnaly useful one.
BEWARE. Registration Useless. Captcha IS UNRESPONSIVE.
PRIVATE HD Staff… Will you fix it?????
DO NOT Register with IE. Firefox works fine.
DO NOT IE … it’s just shorter that way ;)
You can still join if you join their irc, just need to provide a ratio proof from another private tracker
invite only site what a crock of horseshit
Day 1 on the tracker scene huh? Welcome!
Coming from hdbits I have to say that this website really surprised me. Probably one of the best private trackers for HD movies (after hdbits of course lol)
I’m surprised at some of the negativity shown above. This tracker is very good for HD TV and movies. It’s also quite simple to maintain ratio.
shitty tracker don’t waste your time. If you are looking for HD content try HDBits, AHD, HDT, UHDBits
You’re on all those trackers, and you joined PHD looking for something not on any of those other trackers, and you were so angry when they didn’t have it you just had to post … here?
Or did your ass get banned for being shit? And you posted a vacuous “review” to get back at them? Haha … if that really is the case, I guess that makes you da man, right? Good going chief.
maybe he liked the ui and realized the tracker is shit.
Nobody that works their way up the HDBits doesn’t know about trackers, HDBits is near impossible to join, so much so that you would want to be building ratio on other trackers for over a year to get there and you would by that stage know whats what on other trackers, you tool.
i have an invite code>how should i use it?
No you don’t, you get an invite email and just click the link, if you got a code thats not what you need to join.
The irc to get into this website is fucked. Tried on several occasions to get in but got no replies to any of the staff, never seen such insolence.
It’s a pretty valuable TV Series tracker. Recommended.
It says open registration, but when you click on your website, it is closed and invite only?
Not worth the application. Alpha Ratio has better shit than them.
Tracker sucks, you’ll be at a disadvantage if you’re new because you won’t be able to download stuff that’s new. Must be at least a week old before you can download.
So your seeding will be piss poor even with their double upload.
Problematic in having a good ratio.
Agree with you… That makes no sense for users that have seedbox and are able to seed at high upload speeds…
I gave up this tracker for this reason.
You cannot download torrents unless they’re at least 5 days old. So you miss out on being able to build ratio. That is unless you pay for premium or senior member.
Like above poster mentioned, new users are disadvantaged.
Not only is there double upload there is also Freeleech on a large number of high torrents. If you can’t build a ratio even when there’s Freeleech you’re doing something wrong. Freeleech makes it so damn easy to build ration on PHD.
The way their system is setup is to squeeze money out of members for upload credit, ask yourself this….. why bother with a site like this that makes you wait 5 days before your allowed to download new stuff when there are 500 thousand other private trackers to choose from….
I say DON’T waste your time with this one and simply move on to a different better one, it wont be hard to find a better site because this site is like a ponzi scheme, obviously the 5 day wait is to motivate users into giving them money so that they no longer have to wait its obvious.
@PacM Oh of course someone can seed 5gb. But why download old crap to seed that?
All the new stuff have to wait.
And honestly, you don’t have free leech on the best content, mainly on old crap.
And to the person who said this will beat BTN, lmao, no chance.
RARBG beats privatehd this.
nothing stays the same, btn is dormant and has been for years
you can lmao all you like it does not make you right
why free leech why mooch
you whine a lot good thing you are not in our community you loser mooch
I was able to get my ratio up with the freeleech torrents.
The newbie test or whatever is probably good for the site, keeps all the lazy fucks out. If you can’t upload 5GB on a HD tracker, seriously, re-evaluate yourself — you suck.
the site doesn’t force u to donate, it never did. all u lot whining because u want everything free without seeding back.. stick to Rarbg
All the bitter people here are trolls will never get in so buzz off.
>how to get in
If you have good ratio on other popular private trackers, you can get invited by Submitting an Application
Is there still any way to reach the staff for this site? Either by irc or e-mail? There is no info on the main site itself. I’d like to ask whether I could have my disabled account due to inactivity, re-enabled again please?
Error 403: Registration Application is Disabled!
AvistaZ is also Open for Application Signup!
If you want a reply you need to paypal 20$ US to:
I joined this site and made a donation. I asked a support question and received this:
We manually disable to upload of users that are clearly incapable of uploading to our site (because they lack a significant amount of knowledge). You are that user.
Avoid this site at all cost. Unprofessional staff.
IPTorrent is a much better source in my option.
you have to pay for an answer wtf HAHAHAHAHAH!!
at last a decent tracker to sign up to
We 99.99999% sure that you are the joke.
WHAT THE FUCK!! sign up are closed now.
you snooze , you loose , is nice here in PrivateHD
This site is only for elite pirates who have experience in private trackers.
how long do they takes to accept or refused the applications ?
3 weeks had passed and no response, How about you?
at that time I registered on the site and accepted about 1-2 days
maybe if your aplication is refuse, i think you haven’t experience in another private torrent
Closed now. Will reopen January 1st & 2nd, 2020.
Best tracker, even better than elite hdbits.
No EPSiLON releases anymore. No internal releases anymore. It’s currently a ghost tracker. So bad. But, you can find old releases.
I used to have an account on this tracker. There was a minimum download requirement you had to meet every 90 days or get banned, I didn’t meet that requirement because everything was bloated and I didn’t want the garbage.
this website is risky risky. use a vpn at all times. watch out for all chinese uploads
i’m member too, use to be good tracker but EPSILON has gone. So, it’s dying one. SAD ;(
Without EPSILON, what’s the POINT! LMAO …. get your tail in their open sign ups private tracker pretty awesome place hurry up
ME TOO I WOULD TO JOIN IN PRIVATEHD great site looking for a coder drop by thanks great site looking for a coder drop by thankyou

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Tracker Reviews

PrivateHD | PHD | HD | 2021 Review

This tracker is my go to tracker if I need remux movies or series.
Especially with older and rare content is where this tracker differentiates itself from other trackers like Beyond- HD and HD -Torrents.

Content that can't be found elsewhere can be found here almost all the time - and well seeded!

One of the trackers I wouldn't want to be without!

PHD got a new internal, TRiToN, who started posting with increasing frequency lately.
If you took the release group names off TRiToN and EPSILON you wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

Do they have 4K TV packs? if not who does?

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