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Education and e-Learning Institutions
Education and e-Learning Institutions
Max Wilbert is a passionate writer, live streaming practitioner, and has strong expertise in the video streaming industry.
Over the past decade, digital technology has expanded the reach of information worldwide. However, it has also exposed businesses and other professional organizations to more online vulnerabilities.
Cybercrime has cost the world $3 trillion in 2021. By 2025, cybercrime damages are forecasted to cost the world $10.5 trillion annually, up from $6 trillion in 2021. To avoid becoming part of this statistic, broadcasters must choose a streaming solution that provides professional-grade privacy and security features.
Today, we’ll be focusing on important security considerations for broadcasting private live streams . We’ll review the 10 best private streaming platforms that deliver the tools and functions you need to maintain security and peace of mind online for private live streaming. 
Most professional streaming platforms update their features and pricing regularly. We have updated this post with the most recent information for the 10 best private live streaming platforms as of July 2022.
One of the most effective ways to connect with viewers is through live streaming and video content. According to research by Livestream , 80% of consumers would prefer to watch live videos then read a blog, and 82% of people prefer a live stream over reading a social media post. 
When it comes to consuming content, video is where it is at. 62% of people aged 18-34 regularly watch live streaming content. Younger generations are more interested in live streams than pre-recorded content, and overall, viewers are watching more live streams now than they were even a year ago. 
Live streams capture people’s attention in ways that pre-recorded videos don’t. Watching someone in real life can feel thrilling like you are part of a bigger moment. 
When it comes to live streaming, you want to stream in as many locations as possible. Multistreaming or simulcasting is when you live stream to multiple platforms at the same time, such as: 
Live streams have been shown on multiple platforms to hold viewers’ attention longer than VOD. So if you want to connect with modern viewers, and hold their attention, you need to create live streams. 
Want to enjoy the benefits of live streaming? Work with one of the 10 best private streaming platforms discussed later in this article. With all of the streaming platforms discussed in this article, you can provide your viewers with private live streams.
While sometimes broadcasters stream to reach large audiences, that is not always the case. That’s where private live streams come into play.
A private live streaming event is a broadcast meant to be streamed to a select group of people rather than to the public.
There are many events where you may want to limit access and viewership, such as: 
There are numerous paid private virtual events you could host, such as: 
Live streams have a multitude of purposes in the world of business video hosting . You could stream webinars, conferences, training sessions, and even to multiple platforms simultaneously.
Which broadcasts are public and private is to be determined by the broadcaster.
Typically, private video sharing would be those intended for internal use. However, private video sharing can also be used for paid public events, where you only want those who paid for access to attend the event.
Public outdoor streaming , for example, would be those intended for an audience that goes beyond your company or authorized viewers. There are many use cases for private streams for businesses. Public streaming is when anyone, without any access requirements, can view your live streams.
Setting up a private live stream is much like setting up any other live stream. However, you need to take additional measures to ensure that you’re setting up your live event video streaming service correctly for a successful private streaming experience.
With a private live stream, you need measures in place that allow you to limit access to your event, such as password protection or domain restrictions. 
Let’s run through a quick tutorial on how to stream privately using a private streaming platform. 
Winging it may work sometimes with a live stream; however, if you want to run continuous successful live streams, you need a plan. When it comes to planning a private live stream, you can plan it out on multiple levels: 
It is important to know who you are streaming for, and what your goals are with your stream. 
What is the goal of your stream? Knowing what you want to achieve with your stream will help you craft the content and refine your audience. 
For examples, your goals could to be inform your audience about a product, educate internal company employees about a new intuitive, entertain the audience, or share a private moment with family and friends. 
Once you know your audience and goals, it is time to choose a topic for your live stream. You should choose a narrow and specific topic that you want to cover. Choose a topic that addressed your audience’s needs. 
After you choose your topic, start to write the content for your lifestream. You don’t have to follow a script, however, you should have a general outline you want to follow. 
Once you create an outline, fill in the details. Are there stats you need to look up? Are there areas of your live stream where you want to share other audio or visual content? Having a plan allows you to add more depth to your live stream. 
Now it is time to build your team! Who do you need to help you produce your live stream? You may develop a live stream on your own, or with a team of individuals. Coordinate the roles and responsibilities of everyone involved, so when you go live, everyone knows their jobs and what to do. 
Finally, establish your live streaming set-up. 
With a solid plan, you can run a successful live stream that meets the needs of your target audience, and is engaging, entertaining, and hits your goals for the content.
When exploring how to stream privately, the best way to live stream an event is with the help of a professional live private streaming platform that is equipped with the tools you need to reach your individual goals.
For example, if you’re hosting a large paid event, monetization features are a must. However, if you’re leaning towards internal video streaming for the members of your team or organization, monetization is not necessary.
Streaming at the professional level also calls for branding customization and the elimination of third-party ads and logos.
Choosing a platform with an HTML5 white-label video player will help you achieve these things. Plus, an HTML5 video player is compatible with most internet-enabled devices. The nearly universal nature of this type of video player will help maximize your viewership.
Other valuable features to consider when weighing your options for a live event streaming service include:
You want a private live streaming platform that will allow you to share the stream with an audience around the world. You want a secure live streaming platform that has an easy-to-use content management system, customizable vidoe player, and 24/7 customer support. 
This will help ensure you can create a successful customized private live stream event.
Now, it is time to configure your live streaming setup. Most broadcasters need the support of a professional private live stream service.
Some more advanced streams require dedicated streaming software for mixing, editing, adding graphic overlays, chroma-keying (using a green screen), or simulcasting. The need for these types of software depends on your unique streaming goals .
That is why you want to establish what your streaming goals are before choosing a private streaming platform.
An organization that wants to host internal meetings is going to have different streaming goals than a company that wants to live stream exclusive private concerts or a business that live streams private events for customers, such as weddings. 
Make sure all of your equipment and digital tools are compatible with your chosen private streaming platform. For example, to enable a private RTMP stream, you need to make sure that the platform you choose supports your specific RTMP encoder.
Check out our streaming setup guide for more information on how to configure your streaming setup
Some private streams, such as paid virtual events , require promotion. Since it is a private event, it is important to require RSVPs so you can send the password or login credentials to verified participants.
Depending on your goal, you can promote the event on social media or through internal channels. Your promotion could be a simple “heads up” email blast, or it can use a full-blown marketing campaign. It is up to you to determine what is appropriate for your specific stream.
Here are a few ideas to promote your live steam before it begins:
Adapt these ideas to fit with the goals of your live stream. For example, if you are running an internal training, you can still schedule the vent, send out an RSVP, and create an internal teaser trailer. These strategies can be adapted to fit the needs of your specific live stream.
You want to ensure that your intended audience has access to your private stream. 
Now, let’s talk about the specifics on how to make a private stream secure. When you confirm your privacy settings for a private stream, password protection should be used as your first line of defense. Set a password for your stream that you can send out to viewers right before you go live. That will help ensure that only your intended audience has access to your private live streaming event.
Run through the other privacy and security setting options on your online video player, and enable any additional controls that you see fit.
Once you have your RSVP list, you can also set geographic controls on your stream for an extra layer of protection. For example, if our RSVP list only has participants from Canada, Guatemala, the United States, and Mexico, you can white-list those countries to prevent access from viewers in any other countries.
Domain restrictions are a key way to protect against piracy or the illegal use and distribution of your videos.
These restrictions allow you to control where your video player can be embedded. For example, if you only whitelist pages on your own site, the player won’t work if it is embedded into a site with another domain.
Another key way to protect against video piracy is to watermark your videos and to consider a platform that allows you to protect your videos with digital rights management (DRM).
Digital rights management is technology that is used to control and manage access to your digital copyrighted material. 
On a functional level, DRM uses codes that prohibit the copying of material. It can also use codes that limit hte number of times the video can be access or the number of devices a video can be accessed from. 
DRM is designed to protect against others copying and sharing your video content as your own, and profiting off it.
Once everything is set up, it is time to start streaming. It is a good idea to do a test run before you start the real stream so that you can identify any snags in the system before you’re live in front of an audience.
It is a good idea to have somebody monitor your stream th roughout so that you know if you go offline or experience any issues on the viewing end.
Now that you know the main steps for how to do a private live stream, let’s talk about repurposing your video content.
Many private streaming platforms have an option allowing you to record your live stream, so that at the end of your live stream, you have a video of it. 
Whether your purpose for live streaming was to monetize or not, you can extract a lot more value from your live streaming experience by repurposing it.
A few popular ways to repurpose a live steam include:
For example, you can turn the finished live stream into an on-demand video for internal use or a paid course. Or you can also consider extracting just the audio and using a private audio streaming service like Apple podcasts or Spotify.
Repurposing your content, in this case, your private live stream is a common practice to extract the most value out of your hard work.
Now that you know how to host a private live stream and what sort of security features you’re looking for, you’re likely left wondering which private streaming service is best. That’s why we’ve put together a review of the top secure private streaming platforms on the market. These services are long-standing, robust competitors that offer a variety of compelling features.
As you know, however, different users have different needs. By taking a closer look at the features and costs of live streaming solutions , you can make an informed decision about the right video platform for you.
We’ve evaluated many private live stream options and narrowed it down to the top 10 private streaming platforms for broadcasting private virtual events in 2022. Here they are.
Dacast is one of the leading online video platforms with a full-featured, self-service solution for live streaming and private video hosting . 
Dacast’s acquisition of vzaar , a video hosting, and distribution platform, has made our platform even more powerful and useful to broadcasters.
When it comes to security and privacy controls, Dacast gets an A+. This streaming platform makes broadcasting private live streams a breeze.
Dacast is known for its easy-to-use platform and custom white-label streaming solution . Brand new broadcasters can create a live channel and start streaming in minutes and maintain 100% ownership of their content. 
The platform was designed for professional broadcasters with security in mind and features a robust video solution that meets their business requirements. Dacast offers a multitude of features for private live streams, including top-notch AES encryption , a video paywall for monetization, password protection , referrer restriction, and an analytics dashboard to track user events.
Dacast offers high-end features with competitive pricing plans. These include ad-free broadcasting, white-label service, and secure CDN video delivery .
It is also one of the few streaming solutions of its caliber that offer video delivery to China.
Dacast includes four packages in their streaming pricing plans :
Dacast has all the tools you need for secure private live streaming, making it one of the best private streaming platforms you can work with. 
Vimeo is one of the largest streaming platforms on the market, and it has been around since 2007. Vimeo’s acquisition of Livestream in 2017 has allowed the platform to expand the service from only VOD to both VOD and live streaming services even though Livestream pricing plans are different.
This platform streams over 10 million events annually. This is delivered by a combined effort of hardware, software, and cloud services.
When it comes to privacy and security, Vimeo is well equipped with all the right features.
Vimeo is both a private live streaming and video hosting platform . This service provides tech support via email for its users. Live support comes with Premium and Vimeo OTT custom plans.
Livestream and other premium plans from Vimeo support private live streaming and VOD hosting. This program integrates smoothly with a variety of powerful services.
Vimeo Livestream offers three main pricing plans, including:
For more details , check out our comprehensive guide to Vimeo Livestream pricing .
Vimeo offers insightful analytics and can handle private live streams of all sizes. 
JW Player is a private streaming platform that originated in 2005. The technology used in this platform’s video player was originally a part of the open-source code that eventually contributed to the original YouTube video player.
JW Player was originally known for its HTML5 video player for VOD platforms. In recent years, JW expanded its platform to include live streaming capabilities.
One of the most valuable aspects of JW Player is that it supports MPEG-DASH playback, CSS skinning, DRM, and other advanced features that other OVPs do not have. 
In terms of JW live channels, the platform supports HLS adaptive live streaming, multi-bitrate transcoding, simulcast to FB Live, and real-time analytics. 
The service advertises itself as simple-to-use with a four-step process for beginning a live stream. Overall, JW live channels were designed for users with a large budget and/or a large business enterprise.
JWPlayer pricing plans include the following tiers:
If protecting the direct rights management of your content after the live stream is over is important to, JW Player is a strong choice for a private streaming platform solution. 
Wowza is a private streaming platform that was founded in 2005 as a bootstrap start-up. It offers private live streaming and on-demand video hosting . Wowza is also known for its top-notch security features.
Wowza offers two main products. The first is the Wowza Streaming Engine . This product is widely used in the industry for self-hosted streaming . The second is the Wowza Streaming Cloud offering.
This functionality includes a variety of features aimed at providing low-latency content access to global audiences.
Wowza is geared mostly towards developers, event producers, and technical entrepreneurs. It is a bit more technical than the other competing platforms.
Wowza revised its pricing structures recently and added a slew of other unique features. These plans are broken down into Streaming Cloud and Streaming Engine.
Streaming Cloud offers four distinct pricing plans and services, including:
All of these Live Event plans reflect rates when paid monthly and include full brand control, multi-bitrate streaming, and HD and UHD streaming.
The Wowza Streaming Engine has its own pricing plan packages. These professional-grade streaming plans are billed annually and include:
If you have private live events that you want to stream to a single location without monetizing the content, Wowza is a good private streaming platform for your needs. 
IBM Cloud Video (formerly UStream) was founded over a decade ago to connect military personnel overseas with loved ones back home. This private streaming platform was formerly known as UStream, but it was acquired by IBM in 2016.
IBM Live Video is primarily a live streaming company, but it also has VOD capabilities. This OVP offers two main packages: free, paid, and enterprise. Most of the features are available with paid packages, but the enterprise packages are all-inclusive.
One of the most notable features of IBM Cloud Video is its unique built-in CDN. This is available in the Premium plan, which also has a unique customer support structure. 
Lower level packages have access to a self-help forum while Enterprise packages have award-worthy customer support.
IBM pricing plans range from $99 to $999 per month and include the following:
IBM Cloud’s focus is on live streaming events that need to reach a global audience. They have a robust CDN network capable of reaching many remote locations. 
Founded way back in 2004, Brightcove is among the oldest private streaming platforms on the market. Brightcove supports both live streaming and VOD hosting.
Brightcove’s custom plans have phenomenal security features, but its more basic plans do not.
Brightcove provides a few different services. These include Video Cloud hosting, a video player, server-side ad insertion, video st
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