Private Gold 200

Private Gold 200


The Seller confirms all procedures, documentation and compliance will be in accordance to the LBMA (London Bullion Market Association).
COMMODITY: Gold Bullion (Arum – AU).
HALLMARK: LBMA internationally accepted hallmarks and not older than five years.
REFINER: Internationally Accepted Assay stamp with LMBA congruence.
AU LOCATION: xxxxxxxxxx, Switzerland.
QUANTITY: 200 Metric Tons with rolls and extensions.
PAYMENT: Bank to bank, preferably Ledger to Ledger. Payments will be executed as wire transfer following the TARGET2-System (“in time exchange goods for money”). Title Deeds (ownership) exchanged simultaneously with Payment before delivery.
DELIVERY: Consigned FOB, xxxxxxxxxx, Switzerland.
PRICE: The price will be calculated on the physical gold obtained the weight and finesse according to the Assay reports on file and Buyer’s own Assay report.
PAYMENT CALCULATION: The price will be based on the (LBMA) London Bullion Market Association Second Fixing Index per gram in the currency agreed.
DISCOUNT: Swiss: Gross 9 % Net 6% Intermediaries 3%
LBMA (London Bullion Market Association)
This Commodity transaction is fully compliable with the LBMA stringent procedures and documentation provided will be within the required parameters of the LBMA requirements.
The transaction/s will be managed exclusively within the secure confines of the banking system under full banking scrutiny and vigilance and in conformity with applicable laws and international standards and regulations.
On acceptance of this Buy Sell Arrangement Buyer will send fully binding LOI with their bank officer name and contact details.
Buyer’s ability to purchase the required amount and Seller’s ability to supply will be confirmed by bank to bank or via Brinks, Malca Amit or similar.
* Once this is done for the reassurance of the Buyer and Seller the rest we can adjust slightly to suit both Buyer and Seller.
After successful POF and POP *Seller will send *Buyer invitation to attend a table top meeting where the following will be exchanged:
* Seller *Buyer also refers to appointed authorized persons with signatory rights
To provide Buyer or Buyer’s bank officer with the following documentation:
Confirmation of ownership of the AU.
Confirmation the AU is free of any financial or other type of obligation.
SKR showing where the AU is stored.
To provide Seller with acceptable Proof of Funds (POF) if not already done so, confirming the total amount required for purchase.
Buyer can view the AU Gold Bullion after POF has been accepted by the Seller’s Bank and KYC has also been verified by the Seller’s Bank.
All payment/s must be bank to bank and where possible Ledger to Ledger.
Payments will be executed as Wire transfer following the TARGET2-System (“in time exchange goods for money”) on the agreed amount indicated in the Price Calculation.
The Buyer will deposit the amount per Tranche less the net discount into a holding account in the Seller’s Bank under full control of the Buyer until the AU Bullion has been successfully Assayed an the documentation and title deeds accepted, after which the payment will be released as follows:
Seller’s Bank Account less gross discount
Intermediaries Seller’s side
Intermediaries Buyer’s side
The Buyer acknowledges the AU Gold Bullion cannot be uplifted from the Seller’s Secure Facility until it has been paid in full or cost per tranche deposited in a holding account in the Seller’s Bank under the Buyer’s control.
The payment calculation will be based on the weight and finesse of the AU Bullion based on the LBMA Second Fixing index of the same day or day before the exchange is
The Buyer has the right to verify all documentation, and have the AU Gold Bullion Assayed before purchase, using methods agreed by the Buyer & Seller that will not cause any loss to the Seller. The Buyer will inform Seller’s side the Assay method to be used, which also has to be approved by the Bullion Bank or Secure facility.
If the Buyer wishes to have the AU Bullion Smelted in a refinery of their choice at their expense the full or cost per tranche based on the LBMA Second Fixing calculated with net discount should be deposited in a holding account in the Seller’s Bank under the Buyer’s control.
Every tranche will be executed in the same manner; verification of all documentation and Assay testing of the AU Gold Bullion by the Buyer’s nominated Assayer that will confirm purity and weight at the Buyer’s cost.
Buyer will receive gross discount; based on the LBMA daily rate “second fixing”:
Discounts may alter according to market changes, and will be re-confirmed once the Buyer has confirmed this offer with a legally binding Letter of Intent (LOI)
Gross Discount 9% (Nine percent)
Net Discount 6% (six percent)
The difference will be paid to the Facilitators and Intermediaries.
The Buyer acknowledges a fee being the difference between Gross and Net discount will be paid to Facilitators and Intermediaries divided as follows:
Buyer’s Side 1.5% (one point five percent)
Seller’s Side 1.5% (one point five percent)
The AU Gold Bullion Commodity will be consigned by the Seller; FOB of the city’s international airport. The Seller will provide any export license if and where required.
Delivery to Buyer’s International Airport can be arranged and deducted from discount; a cost quotation directly from the specialised international courier will be sent to the Buyer for approval and sign off.
All documentation to be provided bank to bank or via appointed lawyers who act on behalf of the Seller and Buyer and must be in strict compliance and requirements of the LBMA:
1. Commercial Invoice and or similar made out to the Buyer
2. Original Certificate Ownership
3. Certificate of Origin and Internationally accepted Assay stamp of the refiner
4. Serial Number per Gold bar
5. Fineness (to four significant figures)
6. Year of manufacture
7. Weight and size of each Gold Bar
8. Packing list and packing specifications (for uplifting)
Original documentation will be exchanged after Buyer’s Bank has confirmed they are satisfied with the verification.
Confidential information refers to any data which may be personal and or professional supplied the Buyer to the Intermediary and the Intermediary to the Buyer which could be harmful personally or professionally. Confidential information should not be revealed to third parties without prior written permission from the party to which the information refers to.
The Seller will surrender deeds of ownership to the Buyer with full declaration the Gold Bullion Commodity is not associated with and or does not belong to any country, organization or individual listed under current restrictions or embargos listed by the United Nations. The Buyer confirms that they have no connections with the embargoed countries, organizations or person/s.
This Agreement supersedes any and all prior agreements and represents the entire Agreement between the parties.
Each of the parties to this agreement represents that it has full legal authority to execute this agreement and that each party is bound by the terms and conditions set forth herein. Each party agrees that this agreement may be executed simultaneously by and between the parties via email transmissions, which shall be deemed as original in nature.
This agreement shall not be deemed valid until signed by both parties, thereafter, any additions, deletions or amendments are not valid unless rendered in writing and signed by both parties, including any additions, deletions or amendments. Copies transmitted via emails shall be regarded as originals if duly signed.
The Seller and Buyer each declare unto one another that the commodity offered herein for sale, and the origin of the funds used for purchasing the commodity, do not contravene:
The Drug Traffic Offenses Act 1986, The Criminal Act 1988, the Prevention of Terrorism (Temporary Provisions) Act 1989, The Criminal Justice (International Cooperation) Act 1990, The Criminal Justice Act 1993, and the Money Laundering Regulations 1993, or any other illegal or criminal activity. and accordingly each party to this agreement indemnifies each other against any such allegation.
The undersigned parties do hereby accept and agree to the provisions of the international chamber of commerce (I.C.C.) non-circumvention and non-disclosure regulations with regard to all parties with full reciprocation.
Seller and Buyer will adhere to the commission break down and will not attempt to exclude the facilitators for this entire supply or future purchases of this Commodity.
Both Seller and Buyer will be fully committed to pay all the facilitators on the success of all purchases executed between Seller and Buyer. Any circumvented transaction will be carry a penalty being equal to double the commission agreed of the total purchase.
Nor will the Seller or the Buyer attempt to divert any business, which either party has enjoyed, solicited, or attempted to solicit, from other individuals or corporations,
during this period.
The Buyer to confirm acceptance by issuing a Binding Letter of Intent (LOI), which should include the Buyer’s Attorney or Bank Officer Contact details.
The Seller will provide an (SPA) which need to be confirmed by both Buyer and Seller before the Seller’s Bank issues invitation to a TTM.
If you are interested send me an email:
Mr. Guido Poggi
Commodity Direct
Looking for gold bars
July 8, 2020
In "Commodity Direct"
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The Seller confirms all procedures, documentation and compliance will be in accordance to the LBMA (London Bullion Market Association).
COMMODITY: Gold Bullion (Arum – AU).
HALLMARK: LBMA internationally accepted hallmarks and not older than five years.
REFINER: Internationally Accepted Assay stamp with LMBA congruence.
AU LOCATION: xxxxxxxxxx, Switzerland.
QUANTITY: 200 Metric Tons with rolls and extensions.
PAYMENT: Bank to bank, preferably Ledger to Ledger. Payments will be executed as wire transfer following the TARGET2-System (“in time exchange goods for money”). Title Deeds (ownership) exchanged simultaneously with Payment before delivery.
DELIVERY: Consigned FOB, xxxxxxxxxx, Switzerland.
PRICE: The price will be calculated on the physical gold obtained the weight and finesse according to the Assay reports on file and Buyer’s own Assay report.
PAYMENT CALCULATION: The price will be based on the (LBMA) London Bullion Market Association Second Fixing Index per gram in the currency agreed.
DISCOUNT: Swiss: Gross 9 % Net 6% Intermediaries 3%
LBMA (London Bullion Market Association)
This Commodity transaction is fully compliable with the LBMA stringent procedures and documentation provided will be within the required parameters of the LBMA requirements.
The transaction/s will be managed exclusively within the secure confines of the banking system under full banking scrutiny and vigilance and in conformity with applicable laws and international standards and regulations.
On acceptance of this Buy Sell Arrangement Buyer will send fully binding LOI with their bank officer name and contact details.
Buyer’s ability to purchase the required amount and Seller’s ability to supply will be confirmed by bank to bank or via Brinks, Malca Amit or similar.
* Once this is done for the reassurance of the Buyer and Seller the rest we can adjust slightly to suit both Buyer and Seller.
After successful POF and POP *Seller will send *Buyer invitation to attend a table top meeting where the following will be exchanged:
* Seller *Buyer also refers to appointed authorized persons with signatory rights
To provide Buyer or Buyer’s bank officer with the following documentation:
Confirmation of ownership of the AU.
Confirmation the AU is free of any financial or other type of obligation.
SKR showing where the AU is stored.
To provide Seller with acceptable Proof of Funds (POF) if not already done so, confirming the total amount required for purchase.
Buyer can view the AU Gold Bullion after POF has been accepted by the Seller’s Bank and KYC has also been verified by the Seller’s Bank.
All payment/s must be bank to bank and where possible Ledger to Ledger.
Payments will be executed as Wire transfer following the TARGET2-System (“in time exchange goods for money”) on the agreed amount indicated in the Price Calculation.
The Buyer will deposit the amount per Tranche less the net discount into a holding account in the Seller’s Bank under full control of the Buyer until the AU Bullion has been successfully Assayed an the documentation and title deeds accepted, after which the payment will be released as follows:
Seller’s Bank Account less gross discount
Intermediaries Seller’s side
Intermediaries Buyer’s side
The Buyer acknowledges the AU Gold Bullion cannot be uplifted from the Seller’s Secure Facility until it has been paid in full or cost per tranche deposited in a holding account in the Seller’s Bank under the Buyer’s control.
The payment calculation will be based on the weight and finesse of the AU Bullion based on the LBMA Second Fixing index of the same day or day before the exchange is
The Buyer has the right to verify all documentation, and have the AU Gold Bullion Assayed before purchase, using methods agreed by the Buyer & Seller that will not cause any loss to the Seller. The Buyer will inform Seller’s side the Assay method to be used, which also has to be approved by the Bullion Bank or Secure facility.
If the Buyer wishes to have the AU Bullion Smelted in a refinery of their choice at their expense the full or cost per tranche based on the LBMA Second Fixing calculated with net discount should be deposited in a holding account in the Seller’s Bank under the Buyer’s control.
Every tranche will be executed in the same manner; verification of all documentation and Assay testing of the AU Gold Bullion by the Buyer’s nominated Assayer that will confirm purity and weight at the Buyer’s cost.
Buyer will receive gross discount; based on the LBMA daily rate “second fixing”:
Discounts may alter according to market changes, and will be re-confirmed once the Buyer has confirmed this offer with a legally binding Letter of Intent (LOI)
Gross Discount 9% (Nine percent)
Net Discount 6% (six percent)
The difference will be paid to the Facilitators and Intermediaries.
The Buyer acknowledges a fee being the difference between Gross and Net discount will be paid to Facilitators and Intermediaries divided as follows:
Buyer’s Side 1.5% (one point five percent)
Seller’s Side 1.5% (one point five percent)
The AU Gold Bullion Commodity will be consigned by the Seller; FOB of the city’s international airport. The Seller will provide any export license if and where required.
Delivery to Buyer’s International Airport can be arranged and deducted from discount; a cost quotation directly from the specialised international courier will be sent to the Buyer for approval and sign off.
All documentation to be provided bank to bank or via appointed lawyers who act on behalf of the Seller and Buyer and must be in strict compliance and requirements of the LBMA:
1. Commercial Invoice and or similar made out to the Buyer
2. Original Certificate Ownership
3. Certificate of Origin and Internationally accepted Assay stamp of the refiner
4. Serial Number per Gold bar
5. Fineness (to four significant figures)
6. Year of manufacture
7. Weight and size of each Gold Bar
8. Packing list and packing specifications (for uplifting)
Original documentation will be exchanged after Buyer’s Bank has confirmed they are satisfied with the verification.
Confidential information refers to any data which may be personal and or professional supplied the Buyer to the Intermediary and the Intermediary to the Buyer which could be harmful personally or professionally. Confidential information should not be revealed to third parties without prior written permission from the party to which the information refers to.
The Seller will surrender deeds of ownership to the Buyer with full declaration the Gold Bullion Commodity is not associated with and or does not belong to any country, organization or individual listed under current restrictions or embargos listed by the United Nations. The Buyer confirms that they have no connections with the embargoed countries, organizations or person/s.
This Agreement supersedes any and all prior agreements and represents the entire Agreement between the parties.
Each of the parties to this agreement represents that it has full legal authority to execute this agreement and that each party is bound by the terms and conditions set forth herein. Each party agrees that this agreement may be executed simultaneously by and between the parties via email transmissions, which shall be deemed as original in nature.
This agreement shall not be deemed valid until signed by both parties, thereafter, any additions, deletions or amendments are not valid unless rendered in writing and signed by both parties, including any additions, deletions or amendments. Copies transmitted via emails shall be regarded as originals if duly signed.
The Seller and Buyer each declare unto one another that the commodity offered her
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