Private Function Call

Private Function Call


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While methods are made private in Java to prevent them from being called from outside the owning class, we may still need to invoke them for some reason.
To achieve this, we need to work around Java's access controls. This may help us reach a corner of a library or allow us to test some code that should normally remain private.
In this short tutorial, we'll look at how we can verify the functionality of a method regardless of its visibility. We'll consider two different approaches: the Java Reflection API and Spring's ReflectionTestUtils.
For our example, let's use a utility class LongArrayUtil that operates on long arrays. Our class has two indexOf methods:
Let's assume that the visibility of these methods cannot be changed, and yet we want to call the private indexOf method.
While the compiler prevents us from calling a function that is not visible to our class, we can invoke functions via reflection. First, we need to access the Method object that describes the function we want to call:
We have to use getDeclaredMethod in order to access non-private methods. We call it on the type that has the function, in this case, LongArrayUtil, and we pass in the types of the parameters to identify the correct method.
The function may fail and throw an exception if the method does not exist.
Now we need to elevate the method's visibility temporarily:
This change will last until the JVM stops, or the accessible property is set back to false.
We have now successfully accessed a private method.
The first argument to invoke is the target object, and the remaining arguments need to match our method's signature. As in this case, our method is static, and the target object is the parent class – LongArrayUtil. For calling instance methods, we'd pass the object whose method we're calling.
We should also note that invoke returns Object, which is null for void functions, and which needs casting to the right type in order to use it.
Reaching internals of classes is a common problem in testing. Spring's test library provides some shortcuts to help unit tests reach classes. This often solves problems specific to unit tests, where a test needs to access a private field which Spring might instantiate at runtime.
First, we need to add the spring-test dependency in our pom.xml:
Now we can use the invokeMethod function in ReflectionTestUtils, which uses the same algorithm as above, and saves us writing as much code:
As this is a test library, we wouldn't expect to use this outside of the test code.
Using reflection to bypass function visibility comes with some risks and may not even be possible. We ought to consider:
In this article, we looked at how to access private methods using the Java Reflection API and using Spring's ReflectionTestUtils.
As always, the example code for this article can be found over on GitHub.
Get started with Spring 5 and Spring Boot 2, through the Learn Spring course:
Quick Guide to Take Advantage of JUnit 5

C++ | Private member function Example: Here, we are going to learn about the private member function in C++ with Example.
Submitted by IncludeHelp, on September 19, 2018
A function declared inside the class's private section is known as "private member function". A private member function is accessible through the only public member function. (Read more: data members and member functions in C++).
In this example, there is a class named "Student", which has following data members and member functions:
Here, inputOn() and inputOff() are the private member functions which are calling inside public member function read().
Error: When you try to call the private member function inside the main with the object name.
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