Private Friends

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Private Friends

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Shay Priel of The CyberInt Group, which focuses on information security and cyber warfare, recently revealed the hack in a blog post . He also reported the hack directly to Facebook.
The gist of the issue is that even if you set your personal friends list to be private, that doesn't exclude your friendship from showing up on your friend's newsfeed, on a list of mutual friends, or as Facebook puts it in a reminder in its settings, "If people can see your friendship on another timeline, they'll be able to see it in news feed, search and other places on Facebook."
So if you're friends with Sally, and I'm friends with Sally, when you go to my profile, you will see that Sally is a mutual friend, even if my friends list is private.
Priel claims that using Facebook Graph Search you can tap into this Mutual Friends list even without being friends with either user. So if you go to , you will see a list of Mark Zuckerberg and Chris Hughes' mutual friends, even if you aren't friends with either user, and despite the fact that Zuckerberg's friends list is private (Hughes' list is public, which is why this works). 
You can reconstruct this hack yourself by looking through Facebook Graph Search for potential friends of a user with a private friends list. So for Zuckerberg, you could search "People that work at Facebook and live in the United States," which would produce Chris Hughes as a result. You then plug in the likely friend with a public friends list into the the Mutual Friends URL.
Priel even wrote up some code to automate this process to show how large a loophole this could be. You can download the code from Github at .
When Priel reported this flaw to Facebook, they responded:
So unless you make sure to only be friends with Facebook users that keep their friend list private, there may not really be such a thing as a "private friend list."

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Social Media

How to Make Friendships Private in Snapchat
Snapchat is an amazing app that allows us to share photos and videos with our friends and family on a daily basis. Moreover, it’s a great way to stay in touch with your loved ones without having to write long messages.
If you’re concerned about you or your child’s privacy on Snapchat, you’ll be happy to hear that it’s possible to make friendships private. In 2018, Snapchat introduced a new feature called Friendship Profiles that allows you to store all photos and messages that you’ve shared with your friend. Keep reading to learn more about this useful feature.
If you use Snapchat often, chances are you’ve shared hundreds of photos with your close friends. In order to help keep your memories in one place, Snapchat has introduced Friendship Profiles. When you create a Friendship Profile with a certain friend, you’ll have a unique place where all your memories will be saved.
In the beginning, people shared content with many people on Snapchat. But some users prefer to use the app to stay in touch with people who really matter to them and share more private content.
Some will be comfortable sharing their new haircut or their dinner with the whole world, while others prefer to send a photo just to their best friend. And there’s no better app than Snapchat to quickly and easily share moments just like that. This new feature, therefore, is perfect for people who like to keep their special moments private.
All messages, photos, and videos that you’ve once saved in your chat will now be located in this Friendship Profile. You can also find links and other attachments. Unlike some other apps that encourage sharing content with thousands of users, Snapchat now encourages close relationships and friendships as well.
If you’re not sure how to enter your friendship profile, here’s what you have to do:
Since you’re there already, take the time to explore and let Snapchat remind you of all the happy memories you’ve made together.
Yes, friendship profile is private and its content will be visible only to persons who are part of it. It’s possible to make a friendship profile among two or more users. This means that you can create various friendship groups and stay in touch with different friends.
If you’ve allowed sharing your location on Snapchat, your Snap Map location might be visible to your friends from the group. If you’re concerned about your privacy, you can always turn the location service off.
Have you noticed that some emojis appear next to the avatars of people on your friend list? Confused? Let us explain what this beautiful feature is all about. Friend emojis change over time, based on the interaction that you’ve had with that friend. They’re private and only you can see them!
If you see a yellow heart next to your friend’s avatar, it means that you’ve sent the most snaps to that person and that they’ve in turn sent the most snaps to you. He or she is your Snapchat best friend!
The red heart indicates a person with whom you’ve been in best friend status for two weeks. If that status continues for two months, you’ll get two pink hearts as a sign of your dedicated friendship.
Snapchat uses this cute emojis to remind you of the importance of your friendships and that you should always nurture them!
Now you know how to make friendships private on Snapchat. We hope that this feature was useful and that it will encourage you to use Snapchat to help you stay in touch with your friends. All you have to do is send them a photo every couple of days, just to let them know that you’re thinking about them.
Do you rather make private or public posts on Snapchat? Do you know any other trick when it comes to this app? Feel free to share your experiences in the comments section below.
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With FriendMatch, you can make friends from nearby or from around the world.
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FriendMatch is an online service to help you meet new people from your neighborhood or from around the world.
Did you just move? Looking to find new friends in a new city? Or maybe you didn’t move, but you want to meet someone like you from somewhere else in the world…your options are endless, and you can make as many friends as you want. Types of Friends: Exercise partners, couple friends, new parents, book clubs, dinner party clubs, just someone to have coffee with and talk about life…etc.
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You can keep your friendship strictly online, or when you feel safe and comfortable, arrange to meet in person.
We provide tips and tools to help you keep in touch with your friends- a blog with inspirational friendship stories and tips, speed-friending networking events – because life is busy and we want to help!
FriendMatch is an online service to help you meet real new friends, from your neighborhood or from around the world.
Types of Friends: Exercise partners, couple friends, new parents groups, book clubs, dinner party clubs, just someone to have coffee with and talk about life…etc.
Use our search tools to find new friends. Search by age, gender, location, interests, or just by keyword.
Send a message and introduce yourself to people you’d like to get to know better, and then take your friendship from there!
We provide tips and tools to help you keep in touch with your friends- a blog with inspirational friendship stories and tips, speed-friending networking events – because life is busy and we want to help!
In a FriendMatch world, friends gather for brunches, book clubs, or just to hang out. Couples host cheerful dinner parties and runners all have running partners. We motivate and inspire each other, we are happier and healthier to share our experiences.
There’s a friend out there , and we can find each other because of FriendMatch.
FriendMatch is an online service to help you meet real new friends, from your neighborhood or from around the world.
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