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Private Founding

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Malcolm Tatum

Last Modified Date: August 06, 2022

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"Private funding" is a term used to describe funding that comes from sources other than commercial lending sources. Typically, funding of this type is obtained from private investors or lenders who see potential in a particular project and are willing to provide the funding to manage the launch of the new venture and keep it going until it is able to produce enough revenue to become self-sustaining. Private loans may be provided to individuals and companies for a number of purposes, sometimes with rates and terms that would be difficult to obtain through commercial channels.
One of the more common examples of private funding is the private loan. This approach involves a lender determining to underwrite a loan to the debtor in exchange for repayment terms that are agreeable to both parties. A simple example of this type of loan situation is a short- term loan between two friends that allows the debtor to manage the purchase of a car. The debtor agrees to repay the lender a certain amount of interest on the total amount borrowed, broken down into a series of payments according to a schedule that the two parties draft together. An arrangement of this type often allows the debtor to make the purchase even if his or her credit is damaged and would not qualify for a bank loan.
As it relates to the start-up of a business operation, private funding takes the form of money that is committed to the venture by one or more private investors. In this scenario, the investors agree to provide the business owner with a certain amount of revenue during the early operations of the business, with the understanding that the company can reasonably be expected to turn a profit within a certain period of time. Once the company does develop a client base and is operating at a profit, the investors begin to receive payments on the principal and the interest associated with the funding. Those payments may be in cash only, or a combination of stock shares and cash.
Private funding may also involve lending arrangements between two companies. For example, this type of corporate funding may involve a vendor lending money to a client that is going through a temporary cash flow issue, offering relatively liberal repayment and interest terms. This strategy may be in the best interests of the vendor, since doing so will help ensure that once the customer emerges from the temporary financial issue, the volume of orders and the revenue realized from those orders will continue.
There are a number of reasons why private funding may be preferable to seeking some sort of commercial funding . At times, the more liberal repayment terms may be especially attractive. Lower rates of interest may also be the motivation. Depending on the type of situation involved, and the goals of both the lender and the debtor, a private funding arrangement can provide both tangible and intangible benefits for everyone concerned, with some of those benefits being impossible to enjoy with a commercial funding arrangement.
After many years in the teleconferencing industry, Michael decided to embrace his passion for
trivia, research, and writing by becoming a full-time freelance writer. Since then, he has contributed articles to a
variety of print and online publications, including SmartCapitalMind, and his work has also appeared in poetry collections,
devotional anthologies, and several newspapers. Malcolm’s other interests include collecting vinyl records, minor
league baseball, and cycling.
After many years in the teleconferencing industry, Michael decided to embrace his passion for
trivia, research, and writing by becoming a full-time freelance writer. Since then, he has contributed articles to a
variety of print and online publications, including SmartCapitalMind, and his work has also appeared in poetry collections,
devotional anthologies, and several newspapers. Malcolm’s other interests include collecting vinyl records, minor
league baseball, and cycling.
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When searching for ways to fund your business, you’ll probably come across the terms “private capital” or “private funding”. Many successful entrepreneurs have used these funding options to transform their vision of a profitable business into a reality. Let’s take a closer look at what is private funding for businesses, how it works, and where can you find it?
Private funding involves seeking funds from a non-banking organization or investment firm. Some entrepreneurs automatically assume that a bank loan is the only solution for funding their business. While this may be a viable option for some, there are other channels through which an entrepreneur can acquire funding for his or her business. The term used to describe funding from these non-banking institutions is private funding .
A common example of private funding for businesses is venture capital . In this funding method, a private investment group offers funding to startup businesses in their early stage in exchange for partial ownership of their company. According to Statista , venture capital investments in the United States total nearly $60 billion, making this a popular funding option for entrepreneurs and small business owners.
Another example of private funding for businesses is private equity. Like venture capital, it involves a small investment firm that buys partial ownership of a company. However, the key difference between the two is that venture capital occurs during the startup or seed stage, whereas private equity occurs later after, typically after a business has already generated revenue.
Of course, there’s also angel funding. An angel is an investor who provides funding for an entrepreneur in exchange for partial ownership of his or her company. Like venture capital, this typically occurs during the business’s early stages. Angels, however, bring more to the table than just funding. They also offer expertise, connections and advice. After all, it’s in their best interest for the company to succeed. If the company in which they invested their money succeeds, the stock shares go up; thus, earning them more money.
Hopefully, this gives you a better idea of private funding for businesses. Whether it’s angel funding, private equity or venture capital, all forms of private funding involve non-banking institutions or investors. This generally makes financing more flexible, easier to acquire, and better suited for startup businesses with little-to-no track record of success.
This article was brought to you by� Intrepid Private Capital�Group �� A Global Financial Services Company. For more information on startup and business funding, or to complete a funding application, please visit our� website .
Intrepid Private Capital Group • January 18, 2018
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Those in search of funding are encouraged to explore, in addition to governmental funding, the possibilities presented through private funding sources -- e.g., associations, businesses, foundations, and societies. The private funding sector includes thousands of sponsors with established funding programs and the full range of missions, interests, and goals -- some general, and others quite specific. Sample listings of such sources are offered within the following subsections:
For a comprehensive search for private -- and, if desired, governmental funding sources -- we encourage you to make use of our Funding Databases and associated services. Those resources allow a tailored search based on keywords and other criteria to identify potential sponsors within particular areas of interests, matching appropriate sponsors to each proposed project.
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Main Office - 2 Gilmore Hall
The University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA 52242

From The CEO
I saw the need and demand for asset-based private lending in 2010 as banks were still tight-fisted with their money and only those with significant cash could take advantage of the extremely low-priced housing created from the 2008 housing crisis. I started my company to secure private funding for anyone buying or holding rental real estate, based on the property’s value, rather than the borrower’s credit report or income source. Since that time I have been able to approve and underwrite nearly $200,000,000 in small loans, mostly under $100k, to assist real estate investors in leveraging their funds and buy and hold more rental real estate. I hope you will allow me to share the benefits of my lending company with you.

Secure Private Funding will help you receive cash back on your free and clear rental properties and assist you with your investment real estate purchases. We will not check your credit score or look at your monthly income for you to qualify for our loans. You will increase your working capital to better take advantage of this real estate market. You could increase your monthly cash flow with each additional rental property you purchase. Financing your real estate may create tax deduction opportunities, rather than only paying taxes on the rents you receive. Obtaining private financing will assist you in securing bank financing by reducing bank waiting periods, which could further lower your loan payment.
No seasoning requirements for refinancing your private loan with a bank loan.
Owning more rental real estate increases your appreciation on multiple properties.
Leverage your opportunities by using our funds to increase your investment real estate purchasing power.
Create tax deduction opportunities rather than paying taxes on rental income without offsetting interest expenses (please consult your tax accountant).
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Phone: 801.400.1001
Address: 51 West Center Street, #507, Orem, UT 84057
For more information contact Secure Private Funding at:
Office Phone: 801.400.1001
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Address: 51 West Center Street, #507, Orem, UT 84057

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