Private Entrepreneur

Private Entrepreneur


Private Entrepreneur
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индивидуа́льный предпринима́тель

Dbnary: Wiktionary as Linguistic Linked Open Data

noun существительное мужского рода

en The city recorded more than 1,000 industrial enterprises and more than 7,000 private entrepreneurs .
en Moreover, describing Chinese private entrepreneurs as a "plutocracy" is grotesque.
en A semi-annual survey of private entrepreneurs based on Health Insurance Fund data
en Of course, some private entrepreneurs in China grew rich that way.
en Services provided by private entrepreneurs : ad hoc surveys
en Discrimination against indigenous private entrepreneurs in China goes beyond finance.
en Union of workers in small and medium‐sized businesses, consumer cooperatives, trade and private entrepreneurs
en The organization has actively helped Chinese private entrepreneurs to participate in poverty alleviation and development initiatives.
en There are also ongoing efforts to involve private entrepreneurs in the development and marketing of renewable energy technologies
en Territory care/super specialty institutions have been set up both by government and private entrepreneurs .
en provided information on the contribution of Chinese private entrepreneurs to poverty reduction and socially responsible programmes.
en Financing private entrepreneurs and small businesses is our key activity.
en The Ministry also played a role in housing-related activities by private entrepreneurs and international donors.
en So, estate, public and private entrepreneurs work together to build this beautiful water body.
en Moreover, describing Chinese private entrepreneurs as a "plutocracy" is grotesque.
en November 23, 2000 - Warning strike of private entrepreneurs , supported by more than 150 thousand people.
en Trade, consumers' cooperatives and private entrepreneurs
en The restriction of access to foreign exchange made it impossible for private entrepreneurs to run independent export businesses.
en The Ministry also played a role in housing-related activities by private entrepreneurs and international donors
en The Law firm «Your Jurisconsult» offers broad range of legal services for companies and private entrepreneurs .
en If you are private entrepreneur's employee (regardless of credit amount), you must have guarantee.
en If you are a private entrepreneur , it is necessary to provide additionally certificate about state registration.
en Trade, consumers’ cooperatives and private entrepreneurs
en A total of 19 private entrepreneurs took part in the course, which included class teaching, cooperation and visits.
en Besides, number of the self-employed people or people employed with private entrepreneurs has also risen.
Показаны страницы 1. Найдено 263 предложения с фразой private entrepreneur.Найдено за 14 мс.Накопители переводов создаются человеком, но выравниваются с помощью компьютера, что может вызвать ошибки. Они приходят из многих источников и не проверяются. Будьте осторожны.

private entrepreneur - Translation into Russian... | Reverso Context
private entrepreneur - перевод - Английский-Русский Словарь
private entrepreneur - Russian translation – Linguee
Translations of « Private Entrepreneur » (En-Ru) on ABBYY Lingvo Live
private entrepreneur in a sentence | Sentence examples by Cambridge...
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companies manufacturing construction materials.
по производству строительных материалов.
who, pursuant to the contract concluded
которое принимает банковские карточки
Санхуа за 19 лет существования стала ведущим производителем
Арендатором или концессионером может
issue, now it is impossible to employ
возможность привлечения работников по
her own small tailoring shop with support from the Program.
в жизнь свою мечту – создала собственное минииателье.
совета по вопросам предпринимательства и регуляторной политики
of an individual who are the investors
соответствии с законодательством другой
company became a winner of the prize
этом является резидентом Украины, в том
is granted by law, upon fulfilment of the
in a popular commercial district of
застрелен владелец сети СМИ, а месяц спустя
completed the publication of a work translated
публикацию произведения, переведенного
communities, minorities, indigenous
правительства, организации гражданского
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