Private Declare Function

Private Declare Function


Private Declare Function

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Used at the module level to declare private variables and allocate storage space.
Private [ WithEvents ] varname [ ( [ subscripts ] ) ] [ As [ New ] type ]
[ , [ WithEvents ] varname [ ( [ subscripts ] ) ] [ As [ New ] type ]] . . .
The Private statement syntax has these parts:
Private variables are available only to the module in which they are declared.
Use the Private statement to declare the data type of a variable. For example, the following statement declares a variable as an Integer :
You can also use a Private statement to declare the object type of a variable. The following statement declares a variable for a new instance of a worksheet:
If the New keyword isn't used when declaring an object variable, the variable that refers to the object must be assigned an existing object by using the Set statement before it can be used. Until it's assigned an object, the declared object variable has the special value Nothing , which indicates that it doesn't refer to any particular instance of an object.
If you don't specify a data type or object type, and there is no Deftype statement in the module, the variable is Variant by default.
You can also use the Private statement with empty parentheses to declare a dynamic array. After declaring a dynamic array, use the ReDim statement within a procedure to define the number of dimensions and elements in the array. If you try to redeclare a dimension for an array variable whose size was explicitly specified in a Private , Public , or Dim statement, an error occurs.
When variables are initialized, a numeric variable is initialized to 0, a variable-length string is initialized to a zero-length string (""), and a fixed-length string is filled with zeros. Variant variables are initialized to Empty . Each element of a user-defined type variable is initialized as if it were a separate variable.
The Private statement cannot be used inside a procedure; use the Dim statement to declare local variables.
This example shows the Private statement being used at the module level to declare variables as private; that is, they are available only to the module in which they are declared.
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Optional. Keyword that specifies that varname is an object variable used to respond to events triggered by an ActiveX object . WithEvents is valid only in class modules . You can declare as many individual variables as you like by using WithEvents , but you can't create arrays with WithEvents , nor can you use New with WithEvents .
Required. Name of the variable; follows standard variable naming conventions.
Optional. Dimensions of an array variable; up to 60 multiple dimensions may be declared. The subscripts argument uses the following syntax: [ lower To ] upper [ , [ lower To ] upper ] . . . When not explicitly stated in lower , the lower bound of an array is controlled by the Option Base statement. The lower bound is zero if no Option Base statement is present.
Optional. Keyword that enables implicit creation of an object. If you use New when declaring the object variable, a new instance of the object is created on first reference to it, so you don't have to use the Set statement to assign the object reference. The New keyword can't be used to declare variables of any intrinsic data type . It also can't be used to declare instances of dependent objects, and it can't be used with WithEvents .
Optional. Data type of the variable; may be Byte , Boolean , Integer , Long , Currency , Single , Double , Decimal (not currently supported), Date , String (for variable-length strings), String length (for fixed-length strings), Object , Variant , a user-defined type , or an object type . Use a separate As type clause for each variable being defined.

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I was asked a very interesting question during a C interview: How can you implement a function f() in such a way that it can only be called from a particular g() function. If a function other than g() tries to call f() it would result in a compiler error.
At first, I though this could be done with function pointers and I could get close to blocking the call at runtime. But I was not able to think of a compile time strategy. I don't even know if this is possible using ansi C.
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Another way, if you can guarantee that f() and g() are the only functions in the file, is to declare f() as static .
EDIT: Another macro trick to cause compiler errors:
Put g() and f() in the same module, and declare f() as static. The static keyword makes f() available only to functions in the same module, or source file.
You might also want to mention that no other methods should be allowed in the module with f() and g(), otherwise they could call f().
PS - I really think Chris Lutz' answer is actually the best. It mentions this approach, but also a clever macro renaming that works with fewer environmental conditions (does not require the module file specifically for these two functions).
Note also that with a macro, you could do the following:
Which would present a nice error message, and auto-completers (like Visual Studio) would show that tip when the user types f().
You can make module-private functions with the static keyword:
Then, func() can only be called by other functions defined in the same file (technically, the same translation unit : other functions whose definitions are included by a #include directive can still access it). func is said to have internal linkage . All other functions (that is, without the static keyword) are said to have external linkage.
Beyond that, no, there is no way to make functions inaccessible. You can use macros to change the name of the function, but other code can always still access it with the appropriate name.
Place f() and g() in the same source file, declare f() static.
An option for GCC is to use nested functions . While it's not standard C, it works quite well.
It is only possible coincidentally.
If functions f() and g() are both in the same source file, and there are no other functions in the file, and if g() never returns the function pointer to f() to any of its callers, then making f() static will do the job.
If other functions must appear in the same source file, placing f() at the bottom of the file as a static function, and only defining g() immediately after it would achieve more or less the same effect - though if you didn't tell the compiler to generate errors on 'missing declarations' other functions could call it with warnings.
Clearly, this technique cannot be extended reliably to another pair of functions in the same file - x() and y() - such that x() and only x() can call y() while g() and only g() can call f() at the same time.
However, normally you would rely on the programmers' discipline and simply make f() static in the source file, along with a comment that only g() may call it, and then discipline anyone who modifies the code so that a function other than g() calls f().
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Declares a reference to a procedure implemented in an external file.
Sometimes you need to call a procedure defined in a file (such as a DLL or code resource) outside your project. When you do this, the Visual Basic compiler does not have access to the information it needs to call the procedure correctly, such as where the procedure is located, how it is identified, its calling sequence and return type, and the string character set it uses. The Declare statement creates a reference to an external procedure and supplies this necessary information.
You can use Declare only at module level. This means the declaration context for an external reference must be a class, structure, or module, and cannot be a source file, namespace, interface, procedure, or block. For more information, see Declaration Contexts and Default Access Levels .
External references default to Public access. You can adjust their access levels with the access modifiers.
Attributes. You can apply attributes to an external reference. Any attribute you apply has effect only in your project, not in the external file.
Modifiers. External procedures are implicitly Shared . You cannot use the Shared keyword when declaring an external reference, and you cannot alter its shared status.
An external procedure cannot participate in overriding, implement interface members, or handle events. Accordingly, you cannot use the Overrides , Overridable , NotOverridable , MustOverride , Implements , or Handles keyword in a Declare statement.
External Procedure Name. You do not have to give this external reference the same name (in name ) as the procedure's entry-point name within its external file ( aliasname ). You can use an Alias clause to specify the entry-point name. This can be useful if the external procedure has the same name as a Visual Basic reserved modifier or a variable, procedure, or any other programming element in the same scope.
Entry-point names in most DLLs are case-sensitive.
External Procedure Number. Alternatively, you can use an Alias clause to specify the ordinal number of the entry point within the export table of the external file. To do this, you begin aliasname with a number sign ( # ). This can be useful if any character in the external procedure name is not allowed in Visual Basic, or if the external file exports the procedure without a name.
Parameter Data Types. If Option Strict is On , you must specify the data type of each parameter in parameterlist . This can be any data type or the name of an enumeration, structure, class, or interface. Within parameterlist , you use an As clause to specify the data type of the argument to be passed to each parameter.
If the external procedure was not written for the .NET Framework, you must take care that the data types correspond. For example, if you declare an external reference to a Visual Basic 6.0 procedure with an Integer parameter (16 bits in Visual Basic 6.0), you must identify the corresponding argument as Short in the Declare statement, because that is the 16-bit integer type in Visual Basic. Similarly, Long has a different data width in Visual Basic 6.0, and Date is implemented differently.
Return Data Type. If the external procedure is a Function and Option Strict is On , you must specify the data type of the value returned to the calling code. This can be any data type or the name of an enumeration, structure, class, or interface.
The Visual Basic compiler does not verify that your data types are compatible with those of the external procedure. If there is a mismatch, the common language runtime generates a MarshalDirectiveException exception at run time.
Default Data Types. If Option Strict is Off and you do not specify the data type of a parameter in parameterlist , the Visual Basic compiler converts the corresponding argument to the Object Data Type . Similarly, if you do not specify returntype , the compiler takes the return data type to be Object .
Because you are dealing with an external procedure that might have been written on a different platform, it is dangerous to make any assumptions about data types or to allow them to default. It is much safer to specify the data type of every parameter and of the return value, if any. This also improves the readability
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