Private Dark

Private Dark


Private Dark
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Are your privates darker than the rest of your body? Have you ever wondered why it is dark down there? You came to the right place! Here is the why, how, and what of Dark Privates.

Skin color ranges from the darkest browns to the lightest creams. Like any other body part, the color of the skin also changes with age. The color of your privates is always a shade or two darker than the rest of the body.
All the perfect beauty standards aside, even skin tone is a dream for most of us. That thought might have brought you here and this is what you should know.
First of all, this is not a disease, this is nothing to be worried about and it is absolutely normal to be dark down there. The color of your skin does not define the way it functions and it is definitely nothing to be ashamed of. 
It is a shame that in this day and age, people are still obsessed with fair skin. To bring about this stereotype to your privates is not cool.
With age, the color of your nipples, penis, labia, and your anus tend to get darker. This can be caused by one or more of the following reasons. 
Like so many other changes in the body, the darkening of the privates is also caused due to hormonal changes. Melanocytes (1) are cells that contain melanin which gives color to the skin. The melanocytes down there are very sensitive.
During puberty, pregnancy, and aging, there is a change in levels of sex hormones in the body. This change can stimulate the production of melanin, ultimately darkening the pubic region.
This is the primary reason for dark privates. Daily activities like walking, running, sitting, working out, sex, etc causes friction. Yes, you heard that right! This friction can thus activate the melanocytes and increase melanin production.
In the folds of the skin (like in the groin), skin rubs against the skin causing friction. All these are out of our control and are very normal.
Infections in the genitals can cause inflammation of the skin. The aftermath of any inflammation is hyperpigmentation. Say, for example, you get a pimple; when the pimple calms down, it leaves a mark on the skin for a long period of time. This hyperpigmentation (2) can also happen in the private region. 
Proper airflow is highly essential for the intimate region. Tightly fitted underwear and other garments don’t let air flow down that area which causes sweat and increases friction.
Shaving and waxing cause inflammation and thus increase the chances of hyperpigmentation. 
There is actually not much that you can do to completely stop the darkening of your intimate region. But you can control it by making simple changes in your lifestyle. 
All those sexy tight fitted panties are just not good for you. Of course, they look amazing on you and make you feel so hot! I know! But they can be a reason for the darkening. Wear cotton or moisture-wicking undies. And when you can, do not wear underwear; go commando.
If the hair still bothers you, get a close trim. Laser hair removal is an alternate option if it’s affordable for you.
Proper sleep and a balanced diet can regulate and balance the hormones. This can help with the hyperpigmentation of skin too.
The sweat and dirt caused by daily activities are other villains. For this, it is highly essential to clean the area regularly with mild soap.
Now coming to home remedies, including the following ingredients into your daily body care routine could help you lighten the skin down there.
Yogurt when applied topically, balances the pH of the vagina and also deals with the odor. ( 3 ) Applying a mixture of yogurt, honey, and oat flour in a light circular motion can exfoliate the area. This can remove the dead skin cells and help you with pigmentation . After exfoliating, do rinse with warm water and apply a moisturizer.
ACV also has the ability to balance the pH level. Applying diluted ACV with a cotton ball and let it rest for a few minutes helps to regulate the skin texture and complexion. 
These ingredients are amazing for treating pigmentation and hydration. Apply a mix of these ingredients to the desired area and wash it off when dry.

Darkening of the pubic skin is natural. There is nothing wrong with your body if you experience darkening in the private region.

Pigmentation change during pregnancy is not an irregularity. The hormonal changes in the body during pregnancy can cause hyperpigmentation in different parts of the body. Some pregnant women experience discoloration in patches(chloasma). These may or may not lighten up post-partum.

Yes, it is. Just like your nipples, discoloration of the vaginal lips is also quite common. Don’t let the beauty standards make you think otherwise.

Pubic skin is sensitive to a lot of changes. Since it is highly sensitive and prone to infections, care must be taken as to what and how much of an ingredient you are applying down there. If it is highly important for you to lighten your private region, do consult a medical expert or a specialist
It is high time that we move ahead of the stigma around dark skin. Unrealistic beauty standards portrayed in media have corrupted our minds but having a dark private region is a natural phenomenon and it must be accepted as is. 
Well if the color of your skin is too important to you, consult a medical expert before experimenting with random products down there. You can of course patch test the suggested ingredients and try them on your pubic skin as they are all pretty mild.
You do not have to make your skin lighter for the sake of your partner or for someone else. The color of your skin is not something that you should be ashamed of; own it and flaunt it. 
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