Private Constructor

Private Constructor


Private Constructor
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        Console.WriteLine( "Private Constructor" );
        // This line raise error because
        // the constructor is inaccessible
    // Creating private Constructor
        Console.WriteLine( "Welcome to Private Constructor" );
    public Geeks( string a, int b) {
        // This line raises error because
        // the constructor is inaccessible
        // Geeks obj1 = new Geeks();
        // Here, the only default 
        // constructor will invoke
        Geeks obj2 = new Geeks( "Ankita" , 2);
        // Here, the data members of Geeks
        // class are directly accessed
        // because they are static members
        // and static members are accessed 
        // directly with the class name
        Console.WriteLine( + ", " + Geeks.num);
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Prerequisite: Constructors in C# Private Constructor is a special instance constructor present in C# language. Basically, private constructors are used in class that contains only static members. The private constructor is always declared by using a private keyword.
Note: If we don’t use any access modifier to define a constructor, then the compiler takes that constructor as a private.
prog.cs(40, 13): error CS0122: `Geeks.Geeks()’ is inaccessible due to its protection level
Explanation: In the above example, we have a class named as Geeks. Geeks class contains the private constructor, i.e. private Geeks() . In the Main method, when we are trying to access private constructor using this statement Geeks obj = new Geeks(); , the compiler will give an error because the constructor is inaccessible.
Explanation: The above example contains a class named as Geeks . This Geeks class contains two static variables, i.e. name , and num and two constructors one is a private constructor, i.e. private Geeks() and another one is default constructor with two parameters, i.e. public Geeks(string a, int b) . In the Main method, when we try to invoke private constructor using this statement Geeks obj1 = new Geeks(); will give an error because the private constructor does not allow to create instances of Geeks class. The only default constructor will invoke.
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Where do we need private constructor? How can we instantiate a class having private constructor?
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Private constructor means a user cannot directly instantiate a class. Instead, you can create objects using something like the Named Constructor Idiom , where you have static class functions that can create and return instances of a class.
The Named Constructor Idiom is for more intuitive usage of a class. The example provided at the C++ FAQ is for a class that can be used to represent multiple coordinate systems.
This is pulled directly from the link. It is a class representing points in different coordinate systems, but it can used to represent both Rectangular and Polar coordinate points, so to make it more intuitive for the user, different functions are used to represent what coordinate system the returned Point represents.
There have been a lot of other responses that also fit the spirit of why private constructors are ever used in C++ (Singleton pattern among them).
Another thing you can do with it is to prevent inheritance of your class , since derived classes won't be able to access your class' constructor. Of course, in this situation, you still need a function that creates instances of the class.
One common use is in the singleton pattern where you want only one instance of the class to exist. In that case, you can provide a static method which does the instantiation of the object. This way the number of objects instantiated of a particular class can be controlled.
private constructor are useful when you don't want your class to be instantiated by user. To instantiate such classes, you need to declare a static method, which does the 'new' and returns
the pointer.
A class with private ctors can not be put in the STL containers, as they require a copy ctor.
It is reasonable to make constructor private if there are other methods that can produce instances. Obvious examples are patterns Singleton (every call return the same instance) and Factory (every call usually create new instance).
It's common when you want to implement a singleton. The class can have a static "factory method" that checks if the class has already been instantiated, and calls the constructor if it hasn't.
For example, you can invoke a private constructor inside a friend class or a friend function.
Singleton pattern usually uses it to make sure that nobody creates more instances of the intended type.
One common use is for template-typedef workaround classes like following:
Obviously a public non-implemented constructor would work aswell, but a private construtor raises a compile time error instead of a link time error, if anyone tries to instatiate MyLibrariesSmartPointer instead of MyLibrariesSmartPointer::type , which is desireable.

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Private constructors allow us to restrict the instantiation of a class . Simply put, they prevent the creation of class instances in any place other than the class itself.
Public and private constructors, used together, allow control over how we wish to instantiate our classes – this is known as constructor delegation.
There are several patterns and benefits to restricting explicit class instantiation, and we'll go through the most common ones in this tutorial:
Let's see how to define a private constructor :
We define private constructors similarly to public constructors; we’ve simply changed the public keyword to private .
The singleton pattern is one of the most common places we'll encounter the use of a private constructor. The private constructor allows us to restrict class instantiation to a single object instance :
We can create an instance by calling SingletonClass.getInstance() – this either returns an existing instance or creates one if this is the first instantiation. We can only instantiate this class by using the getInstance() static method.
Another common use case for private constructors is to provide a means of constructor delegation. Constructor delegation allows us to pass parameters through several different constructors while restricting initialization to specific places .
In this example, ValueTypeClass allows initialization with a value and type – but we only want to allow it for a subset of types. The general constructor must be private to ensure that only permitted types are used:
We can initialize ValueType Class via two different public constructors: one accepts an int , and the other a boolean . Each of these constructors then calls a common private constructor to complete the object initialization.
Uninstantiable classes are classes that we cannot instantiate. In this example, we'll create a class that simply contains a collection of static methods :
The StringUtils class contains a couple of static utility methods and can't be instantiated due to the private constructor.
Really, there's no need to allow object instantiation since static methods don't require an object instance to be used.
The builder pattern allows us to construct complex objects step by step, rather than having several constructors providing different ways to create the object. A private constructor restricts initialization, allowing the builder to manage object creation instead .
In this example, we've created an Employee class that holds the name , age , and department of an employee:
As we can see, we've made the Employee constructor private – therefore, we cannot instantiate the class explicitly.
We'll now add an inner Builder class to the Employee class:
The builder can now create different employees with a name , age , or department – there's no constraint on how many fields we must provide:
We've created an Employee with a name of “ baeldung ” and a department of “ Builder Pattern “. Age is not provided, so the default primitive int value of 0 will be used.
Another possible use for private constructors is to prevent subclassing of a class. If we tried to create such as subclass, it would be unable to call the super constructor . However, it's important to note that we'd normally make a class final to prevent subclassing rather than using a private constructor .
The primary use of private constructors is to restrict the instantiation of classes. Private constructors are especially useful when we want to restrict the external creation of a class .
Singletons, factories, and static method objects are examples of how restricting object instantiation can be useful to enforce a certain pattern.
Constants classes and static method classes also dictate that a class should not be instantiable. It's important to remember that we can also combine private constructors with public constructors to allow code sharing inside different public constructor definitions .
The code for these examples can be found over on GitHub .


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Updated date Sep 16, 2020





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