Private Class

Private Class


Private Class
class PublicCounter {
constructor ( start = 0 ) {
let _count = start ;
let _init = start ;
this . increase = ( x = 1 ) => _count += x ;
this . decrease = ( x = 1 ) => _count -= x ;
this . reset = ( x = _init ) => _count = x ;
this . getCount = ( ) => _count ;
get current ( ) {
return this . getCount ( ) ;

class PrivateCounter {
#count ;
#init ;
constructor ( start = 0 ) {
this . #init = start ;
this . reset ( start ) ;
increase ( x = 1 ) { this . #count += x ; }
decrease ( x = 1 ) { this . #count -= x ; }
reset ( x = this . #init ) { this . #count = x ; }
get current ( ) {
return this . #count ;

const total = new PrivateCounter ( 7 ) ;
console . log ( total . current ) ; // expected output: 7
total . increase ( ) ; // #count now = 8
total . increase ( 5 ) ; // #count now = 13
console . log ( total . current ) ; // expected output: 13
total . reset ( ) ; // #count now = 7

const score = new PrivateCounter ( ) ; // #count and #init are now both 0
console . log ( score . #count ) ;
// output:
// "Uncaught SyntaxError: Private field '#count' must be declared in an enclosing class"

class BadIdea {
constructor ( arg ) {
this . #init = arg ; // syntax error occurs here
#startState = arg ; // syntax error would also occur here
} // because private fields weren't defined
} // before being referenced

class BadIdeas {
#firstName ;
#firstName ; // syntax error occurs here
#lastName ;
constructor ( ) {
delete this . #lastName ; // also a syntax error

const planet = {
name : 'Terra' ,
radiusKm : 6371 ,
radiusMiles : 3959 ,
} ;

const planet = {
name : 'Terra' ,
radiusKm : 6371 ,
radiusMiles : 3959 ,
#secret : 'central inner core' ,
} ;
// result:
// "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier"

class colorMixer {
static #red = "rgba(1,0,0,1)" ;
static #green = "rgba(0,1,0,1)" ;
static #blue = "rgba(0,0,1,1)" ;
#mixedColor ;
constructor ( ) {
// …

class CustomClick extends HTMLElement {
#handleClicked ( ) {
// do complicated stuff in here
constructor ( ) {
super ( ) ;
this . #handleClicked ( ) ;
connectedCallback ( ) {
this . addEventListener ( 'click' , this . #handleClicked )

customElements . define ( 'chci-interactive' , CustomClick ) ;

class Counter extends HTMLElement {
#xValue = 0 ;
get #x ( ) { return this . #xValue ; }
set #x ( value ) {
this . #xValue = value ;
window . requestAnimationFrame ( this . #render . bind ( this ) ) ;
#clicked ( ) {
this . #x ++ ;
constructor ( ) {
super ( ) ;
this . onclick = this . #clicked . bind ( this ) ;
connectedCallback ( ) { this . #render ( ) ; }
#render ( ) {
this . textContent = this . #x . toString ( ) ;

customElements . define ( 'num-counter' , Counter ) ;

class Scalar {
#total = 0 ;
constructor ( value ) {
this . #total = value || this . #total ;

add ( s ) {
// check the passed object defines #total
if ( ! ( #total in s ) ) {
throw new TypeError ( "Expected an instance of Scalar" ) ;
this . #total += s . #total ;

const scalar1 = new Scalar ( 1 ) ;
scalar1 . add ( scalar1 )
scalar1 . add ( { } ) // throws informative exception

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It's common to want to make fields or methods private, but JavaScript has lacked such a feature since its inception. Conventions have arisen — such as prefixing fields and methods that should be treated as private with an underscore, like _hidden — but these are merely conventions. The underscored features are still fully public.
Private class features deliver truly private fields and methods, with that privacy enforced by the language instead of convention. This confers benefits such as avoiding naming collisions between class features and the rest of the code base, and allowing classes to expose a very small interface to the rest of the code.
To understand how private fields work, let's first consider a class that has only public fields, but uses the constructor to encapsulate data—a somewhat common technique, even if it is a bit of a hack. The following class creates a basic count that accepts a starting number, allows that number to be increased or decreased, and can be reset to the original starting value or any other value.
The idea here is that once a new counter of this type is spawned, its starting value and its current value are not available to code outside the counter. The only way to modify the value of _count is through the defined methods, such as increase() and reset() . Similarly, _init can't be modified, because there are no methods inside the class to do so, and outside code is unable to reach it.
Here's the same idea, only this time, we'll use private fields.
The "hash mark" ( # ) is what marks a field as being private. It also prevents private fields and property names from ever being in conflict: private names must start with # , whereas property names can never start that way.
Having declared the private fields, they act as we saw in the public example. The only way to change the #count value is via the publicly available methods like decrease() , and because (in this example) there are no defined ways to alter it, the #init value is immutable. It's set when a new PrivateCounter is constructed, and can never be changed thereafter.
You cannot read a private value directly from code outside the class object. Consider:
If you wish to read private data from outside a class, you must first invent a method or other function to return it. We had already done that with the current() getter that returns the current value of #count , but #init is locked away. Unless we add something like a getInit() method to the class, we can't even see the initial value from outside the class, let alone alter it, and the compiler will throw errors if we try.
What are the other restrictions around private fields? For one, you can't refer to a private field you didn't previously define. You might be used to inventing new fields on the fly in JavaScript, but that just won't fly with private fields.
You can't define the same name twice in a single class, and you can't delete private fields.
There is another limitation: you can't declare private fields or methods via object literals . You might be used to something like this:
If you try to include a private class feature when doing this, an error will be thrown.
On the other hand, you can have static private fields, for things you want to be both private and set in stone at construction.
Just like private fields, private methods are marked with a leading # and cannot be accessed from outside their class. They're useful when you have something complex that the class needs to do internally, but it's something that no other part of the code should be allowed to call.
For example, imagine creating HTML custom elements that should do something somewhat complicated when clicked/tapped/otherwise activated. Furthermore, the somewhat complicated things that happen when the element is clicked should be restricted to this class, because no other part of the JavaScript will (or should) ever access it. Therefore, something like:
This can also be done for getters and setters, which is useful in any situation where you want to only get or set things from within the same class. As with fields and methods, prefix the name of the getter/setter with # .
In this case, pretty much every field and method is private to the class. Thus, it presents an interface to the rest of the code that's essentially just like a built-in HTML element. No other part of the JavaScript has the power to affect any of its internals.
JavaScript code will throw if you attempt to access a private method or field that does not exist (this differs from a normal/public method, which will return undefined ). If you need to write code to test whether a private feature has been defined you might use try / catch , but it is more compact to use the in operator. This returns true or false depending on whether or not the property is defined.
The code below demonstrates the approach using the example of a class for adding Scalar values. The class uses the in operator to check that added objects have the #total private class field, and throws an informative exception message if a different type of object is passed.
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Last modified: Aug 23, 2022 , by MDN contributors
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Why can't we declare a private outer class? If we can have inner private class then why can't we have outer private class...?
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Private outer class would be useless as nothing can access it.
private modifier will make your class inaccessible from outside, so there wouldn't be any advantage of this and I think that is why it is illegal and only public , abstract & final are permitted.
Note : Even you can not make it protected .
If we can have inner private class then why can't we have outer
private class...?
You can, the distinction is that the inner class is at the "class" access level, whereas the "outer" class is at the "package" access level. From the Oracle Tutorials :
If a class has no modifier (the default, also known as package-private), it is visible only within its own package (packages are named groups of related classes — you will learn about them in a later lesson.)
Thus, package-private (declaring no modifier) is the effect you would expect from declaring an "outer" class private, the syntax is just different.
You can't have private class but you can have second class:
Also remember that static inner class is indistinguishable of separate class except it's name is OuterClass.InnerClass . So if you don't want to use "closures", use static inner class.
private makes the class accessible only to the class in which it is declared. If we make entire class private no one from outside can access the class and makes it useless.
Inner class can be made private because the outer class can access inner class where as it is not the case with if you make outer class private.

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