Private Class

Private Class


Private Class
Answered 2 years ago · Author has 1.2K answers and 1M answer views
private InnerPrivate mObjInnerPrivate;  
public InnerPrivate getInnerPrivate()  
mObjInnerPrivate = new InnerPrivate();  
Can I declare a class as private in Java?
What is "public class" in the Java language?
Is it necessary that the main class is public in Java?
Why can't I create a static top level class in Java?
Answered 3 years ago · Author has 299 answers and 227.1K answer views
Why are static (non-nested) classes not allowed in Java?
What is the relationship between class and object in Java?
I am currently learning Python, but should I switch to Java?
What is a “Class” and a “class” in Java?
In Java, can I use a private class as an instance?
Can I use two public classes in a java program?
What are the basic differences between class and object in Java?
Answered 2 years ago · Author has 65 answers and 146.6K answer views
Answered 8 years ago · Author has 12.8K answers and 64.3M answer views
What is the difference between a sub class and a child class in Java?
Answered 3 years ago · Author has 134 answers and 119.3K answer views
Can we make a program in Java without class?
Answered 3 years ago · Author has 1.6K answers and 1.3M answer views
If a class is not declared explicitly under a package, what is the access modifier of such a class in Java?
Answered 3 years ago · Author has 152 answers and 142.8K answer views
Why can't we define 2 public Java classes in a single file?
Answered November 27, 2020 · Author has 475 answers and 127.7K answer views
Can a Java program contain more than one "main" method in a class?
public static void main(String args[]){  
Answered 6 months ago · Author has 153 answers and 90.2K answer views
Can I declare a class as private in Java?
What is "public class" in the Java language?
Is it necessary that the main class is public in Java?
I am currently learning Python, but should I switch to Java?
What is a “Class” and a “class” in Java?
In Java, can I use a private class as an instance?
Can I use two public classes in a java program?
What is abstract method? Why do we use it?
Why do we need a class to contain our program, in Java?
In what circumstances is a class derived privately in Java?
Can I declare a class as private in Java?
What is "public class" in the Java language?
Is it necessary that the main class is public in Java?
I am currently learning Python, but should I switch to Java?
Well to my knowledge, you can’t have a private class that is its own class file - To my knowledge only nested classes may be private or protected and then the answer to your question is that a private class is pretty identical to a private field/variable and/or method in a class - Basically you can only see/create instances of it from within the surrounding class. For example:
The problem is that while this will compile (I’m almost certain - never went as
I think many of the previous responders either didn’t understand your question or were a bit mean about answering it.
The TL;DR version of the answer is very simple: the only meaning of “static” is in reference to a containing class. But that might not be very helpful, and this subject is confusing to many people, so let’s start by explaining what a static class is .
Say A is a (top-level) class, and B is an inner class defined inside it. If B is not static, then every instance of B “belongs to” an instance of A. Essentially, it has a second “this” pointer. When you write “new B()” in a method of A, this second “this” is implicitly set to the current A instance. In other situations, you have to provide it explicitly.
This can be useful. For example, consider an iterator on a data structure lik
It is not completely clear what a static (non-nested) class would mean in Java. For a nested static class, it basically means it is independent of any particular instance of a surrounding class . For non-nested classes that is a given, since there are no surrounding classes. Thus, there is no obvious generalisation.
In some languages, a static (non-nested) class is interpreted to mean that there is no instances at all of the class. This is a useful concept, and one which Java does not have. However, note that this use of static is somewhat incompatible with the use of static for nested classes which Java does have, so adding it might be somewhat confusing. I’m guessing this is the reason Java doesn’t have it, but I don’t know for sure. (If someone who has talked to Gosling about this care to
Class is the blueprint of an Object and likewise, Object is an instance of a class.
What we define in a class determines what an object of that class would look like and what all things it would be capable of doing.
E.g) Let us take an example from our daily life.
If Human is a class, now we start defining our class,
Attributes - Nose , Ears, Eyes, Hands, Legs, Kidney, Liver, Lungs (to name a few)
Methods - Respiratory system, Cardiovascular system, Digestive system, Immune System (again few examples)
Now, each of these methods will use the attributes of its class to perform various functions defined in a human body.
So, we can say that this is the blueprint of our Human class.
If we create an instance of this class, let say Object O , then O will have all the attributes (Nose , Ears, Eyes, Hands,
The question have already been answered but I would like to add a different perspective to it.
The world is full of objects, Anywhere you see and anything you see is an object. When God created humans he must have decided that humans will have 1 nose, 2 ears, 2 legs etc. He basically had a general idea about how she/he is going to create humans. I know you are not going to believe that he/she had a mould for humans in which all these properties were embedded. Later, she/he decided what humans can do and what they will be capable of and wrote it all on a golden slate. The mould and slate acted as a prototype on How humans will look like and how they will behave. That prototype was the ‘ Class ’ we humans belong to and that helped God in creating us(the Objects ) of this beautiful wo
Private method in java means - you cannot access or call that method outside the class to which the method belongs to. You can access or call a private method in that particular class only ..not in other class.
system.out.println (“Hello world!”);
public static void main (String args []){
Here in this code we have a private method -call () and we try to access this method under the main method which lies in the same class Hello. Hence we get the desired output.
But if you try to call this private method - call () in some other class then you won't get the desired output. Because when you write a method as private then it's accessibility is limited to that particular class only.
There isn't really any such thing as a "child class" in Java. It's an informal name given to subclasses.
There are, however, "inner classes". That's probably not something you need to know about as a n00b, since they're not necessary, but they are pretty handy. They're classes that are contained inside another class, like this:
The InnerClass is not a subclass of Foo ; as I've written it here, it's a subclass of Object . It's kind of a way of giving "scope" to the inner class, similar to the way packages do; you'd refer to it as Foo.InnerClass .
There's a lot more complications I'm leaving out, and the details are a bit tedious, but the point is that an inner class is not the same as a subclass, and it's not correct to call it a "child class".
No you cannot make a java program without class! Because without a class you cannot make objects!
I found this in oracle documentation! Just to make it clear have a read!
In the real world, you'll often find many individual objects all of the same kind. There may be thousands of other bicycles in existence, all of the same make and model. Each bicycle was built from the same set of blueprints and therefore contains the same components. In object-oriented terms, we say that your bicycle is an instance of the class of objects known as bicycles. A class is the blueprint from which individual objects are created.
You can read it more just follow this link below:
Futhermore , I found a thread in quora with the same question have a look at it too :
If a class is not in a package (Meaning no package name is given) it gets put into a pool of non-packaged classes.
Java allows this for convention of small applications, so you don’t have to organize your code. If your playing around or something this may be good (But I like my playground organized so I can use it for references, then again I am either showing someone how something works or working on complex elements in my playground).
In any event it is bad form and a terrible habit to get into.
Alternatively it seems you could be talking about the access modifier not being declared.
In such as case it is package access (Meaning any class in the same package has access).
If the class is not in a named package it is in the “default” package.
Classes in the empty package can access classes in it
As per the java specification ,2 public class can not be there in same file.
To justify the above statement lets have a scenario that tell you why it not possible in java making 2 public class in same file.
A and B are public class defined in same file,now give the file name say you compile this file and compiler wants to create .class file then compiler get confused to decide which name he has take while creating .class file since both are public and we know that public modifier has highest precedence among all modifiers,in this case it creates avoid this kind of scenario java specification did not allow to 2 public class in a single file.
A private class is one in which the access modifier is set to private . This is only done for inner classes , as a top level private class is well useless to the other class in the package.
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Yes. You can simply overload the main method like any other method.
The private access modifier is accessible only within the same class. ... The best use of private keyword is to create a fully encapsulated class in Java by making all the data members of that class private. If we make any class constructor private, we cannot create the instance of that class from outside the class.

Private class fields - JavaScript | MDN
What is a private class in Java? - Quora
private (C++) | Microsoft Docs | Learn more about: private (C++)
Private class in C#
JavaScript's New Private Class Fields, and How to Use Them - SitePoint

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When preceding a list of class members, the private keyword specifies that those members are accessible only from member functions and friends of the class. This applies to all members declared up to the next access specifier or the end of the class.
When preceding the name of a base class, the private keyword specifies that the public and protected members of the base class are private members of the derived class.
Default access of members in a class is private. Default access of members in a structure or union is public.
Default access of a base class is private for classes and public for structures. Unions cannot have base classes.
For related information, see friend , public , protected , and the member-access table in Controlling Access to Class Members .
In CLR types, the C++ access specifier keywords ( public , private , and protected ) can affect the visibility of types and methods with regard to assemblies. For more information, see Member Access Control .
Files compiled with /LN are not affected by this behavior. In this case, all managed classes (either public or private) will be visible.

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