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Private Celebrity


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Sometimes we forget celebrities are humans, too. Here are 10 celebrities who shy away from the limelight!
By Aja Dandridge Published Jan 27, 2019
In the world of stars, being in the limelight just comes with the territory. Celebrities are always caught in the crosshairs of mass media attention, whether it be a new love interest or they’re committing stupid antics that can jeopardize their careers. While some celebrities love the extra press, others rather spend a quiet evening at home with their dog. We get it, everyone has boundaries and their personal lives are not public property. The whole world doesn’t need to know every little thing about us, including celebrities. They have lives like everyone else and sometimes we forget they’re human, too. Here are 10 celebrities that are super private, and with good reason.
This actress may have starred in a show where secrets come to light, but offset she is the queen of privacy. She got married and bared two children without a single person noticing. How does a woman even hide a baby bump for nine months? Kerry Washington, however, wasn’t always this closed-lipped about her personal life. In fact, she stated during an interview that she used to be “very public with her relationships.” Over the years, Kerry realized that over-sharing just wasn’t her style anymore and decided to keep a lower profile.
After going through a very messy and public divorce, we understand Sandra Bullock’s decision to retreat into a quiet lifestyle. The Bird Box star went through a hard time and she certainly wasn’t going to make that mistake again. Bullock may have starred in successful films, but she’s always been the type to keep to herself. The actress is so tight-lipped that she hardly ever talks about her boyfriend and her two children. We only hope that her new relationship leads her to a life that’s full of love. Clearly, the mother of two wants to protect her family from the public eye.
The R&B musician has been known to have a few great hits from time to time but for the most part, we hardly hear from Ms. Keri Hilson. She’s a hard worker when it comes to making new music in the studio but anything outside of work is off-limits.
Back in 2016, we learned that the musician was dating NBA star Serge Ibaka, which only lasted for a year. Then in 2017, she soon entered a new relationship with another professional sports player, which sadly didn’t last long. While her last breakup may have been very public, Keri Hilson is careful about what information she wants to be leaked to the press. As a matter of fact, she is pretty quiet about her personal life and plans to keep it that way.
Action is this actor’s middle name and he sure knows how to keep audiences on the edge of their seats. Most fans recognize Matt Damon from the 2004 Bourne Supremacy film series that was almost never-ending. Of course, we can’t even forget the movie that started his whole career, the 1997 film Good Will Hunting with legendary actor Robin Williams. Since then, Damon has gone on to star in a variety of films ranging anywhere from drama to sci-fi. His latest work was the 2017 film Downsizing. Despite Matt Damon being one of Hollywood’s most sought-after actors, he lives a very private life. He has a wife and four children, all of whom he never talks about in interviews. Damon is certainly doing a good job of keeping them secret.
Pop icon and legendary singer Janet Jackson has been in the spotlight since the days of The Jackson Five. Over the years though, she’s managed to make a household name for herself, separate from her brother Michael's mega success. We all remember her greatest hits like “Rhythm Nation” and “Rock With U.” Though, Janet has been in and out of the spotlight for some years now, we recently learned a few new things about her that the public never knew. She was married to billionaire tycoon Wissam Al Mana for five years and had a child by him on her 50th birthday. As it turns out, the queen of pop had a lot more secrets than we thought. Since the divorce, Janet has kept her personal life pretty quiet. Sometimes one needs a break from the public eye to get back on their feet.
This next actress has been in the movie-making business since the '90s and doesn’t show any signs of slowing down. Like all stars, however, they have their limits and Natalie Portman has clearly drawn a line in the sand. Not only does she refuse to share her personal life with the media, but she’s even kept her PR team tight-lipped. That’s impressive, even for a big-time actress. Portman obviously has some serious powers of persuasion that even her own team doesn’t challenge. Perhaps all the fans have to look forward to are her movies, including her latest work in the 2018 film Vox Lux. Maybe her PR team can stir some hype around that without offending the actress.
Not only is this R&B artist one of the most legendary musicians of the 21st Century and 2019s newest trendsetter, but he is super secretive about his life. He is so private to the point that he absolutely refuses to leak new songs from his junior album that still hasn’t been released. Then again, this is Frank Ocean we’re talking about. Just look at how long it took for him to release the Blonde and Channel Orange albums. Not only is the guy super private about the release of new music, but the Grammy winner doesn’t share anything about his dating life, either.
Gosling is another one of those mega stars that somehow stirs up the press but not to the point where we know anything about his real life. Maybe there’s a balance between being famous and keeping out of the public eye.
Ryan Gosling loves talking about his work but he refuses to answer inquiries made about his love life. It took the media a while to figure out that he was dating Eva Mendes and there were even rumors swirling around about a possible marriage in 2016. And while we can't prove they're married, they did have two children together.
The press has been after Gosling for years, asking why the actor was so secretive. The answer is pretty obvious, it’s none of their business. Some people are just too noisy for their own good.
Probably best known for her role as Erin Garnett in the 2006 ATL film, Lauren London has been a star on the rise. Since the success of the movie, London has gained even more attention. She was cast to play the part of Keira Whitaker for the BET TV show The Game, which only added to her stardom and lead to more roles. Additionally, she had a very public relationship with Lil Wayne back in the early 2000s. In spite of her relationships and her rising stardom, Lauren London has somehow managed to escape the public eye. We didn’t even know she was in a relationship and had children! Gosh, London really knows how to fly under the radar. Perhaps she could teach celebrities a thing or two about keeping their personal lives, well, personal.
Having gone from unnoticeable to an overnight success, the former Twilight star has a lot of press surrounding him these days. People can’t get enough of Robert Pattinson’s Jedi-costume at this years Paris Fashion Week! Not to mention, the very public and sadly embarrassing breakup he had with co-star Kirsten Stewart a few years back. We can see why the actor retreated from the spotlight, especially when it came to his love life. In fact, since his sudden rise to fame, Pattinson has tried his hardest to run from the press. He even kept his newest relationship so secret to the point that we had no idea they were engaged in 2015. Now that he and FKA Twigs broke up, Robert is certainly making a lot of headway again. Sorry Robert, some stars just aren’t meant to stay out of the limelight.
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Who says you can't lead a private life in Hollywood? Celebrities have a hard time hiding from the bright lights of the paparazzi‘s cameras. Everywhere they go, there are people asking for pictures, au
Who says you can't lead a private life in Hollywood? Celebrities have a hard time hiding from the bright lights of the paparazzi‘s cameras. Everywhere they go, there are people asking for pictures, autographs, even a kiss. Some throw their underwear in desperate attempts to have a celebrity zero in and look at them.
However, some celebrities have been able to master the art of hiding; staying out of the public eye all while maintaining a pretty steady and lucrative career. Many celebrities complain about their lack of privacy yet famously shows up to Hollywood hot spots where they know are havens for paparazzi and fans alike. Nobu, Chateau Marmont, Koi, the Roosevelt; these are just a few of the locations that should be avoided if you are a celebrity trying to stay out of the grips of the paparazzi. Privacy is one of the most sought after gifts a celebrity would like to receive, unfortunately for them it is not something that is easily attainable, and it is a luxury.
The perks of being a celebrity should outweigh their lack of privacy; the swanky parties, the gifts, the endorsement money and best of all having a job where you get paid to play another person and can have as much down time as you like. These perks apparently wear off quickly as you cannot get some celebrities to leave their house even for a great filming location. These notoriously private celebs are just the tip of the iceberg, there are so many more out there.
Think about it-- when was the last time you saw Julia Roberts in public? When was the last time she did any press? The film Money Monster is out and where was she on the red carpet at the premiere? She seems to be a modern day recluse; popular enough to be a sought after actress but refusing to be caught in public. Roberts has not always been so behind the scenes. In the 90s she carried on high profile relationships and she used to kill the red carpet with amazing gowns and perfect make up. Now you would lucky to get her to show up at an after party in her honor.
The only time you see Daniel Craig is when a James Bond film is in its final stages and he is making the rounds and appearing in commercials for the items that will be plugged in the film. Besides that if you were not up on your celebrity news you would not even know that he is married to Rachel Weisz; in fact, no one knew until about a year later. There is no way Craig is compromising his privacy for anything. He does not even live in LA which is why you do not see him at any of the hot spots and why you will never see him working out on that amazing physique.
Queen Beyonce has a funny situation going on; she is so public yet so private. You see her everywhere, you see her husband Jay Z, her kid Blue Ivy but you really know nothing about them. She is notorious for refusing to address public incidents and she never speaks of her life at home. When she does choose to be intimate it is always on her own terms and done in an indirect way. She is smart that way; she is actually known more for her music and career than her really private life (sans the tabloid gossip) and while she talks about “Becky with the good hair” you will never know who she is actually talking about.
Along with his beautiful wife Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt is so private we are not even sure what country he lives in. Paris? London? Los Angeles? Chances are we will never know. The couple together with their children is a rare and unique site. Jolie being an actress means nothing, as she rarely does press and she rarely appears in films unless it is one she writes, produces, directs and then casts her husband opposite her. That must be a very closed set. Did they even show up to the last two Oscars? The power couple must be enjoying their family so much they want for nothing more; kind of jealous over here.
He has been a rare site since Dallas Buyers Club. Matthew McConaughey has been known to drop off the map after doing successful films. He usually maintains his A-list actor status but besides what you see on the surface you know nothing else. He has always liked the simple life and he made no secret of this (like when he lived in a trailer on a beach). You forget that he is a married man with kids because he rarely speaks of his wife or his children; we mostly do not see her unless he decides to choose her over his mother to bring to a red carpet event.
The last time we saw Johnny Depp was by force. He was forced to make a video apologizing to Australia for sneaking his dogs into the country. Before that was when... hmmm not sure; Depp is kind of a weird guy. No we will not say weird we will say eccentric and his eccentricity has kind of put him in a tough spot; he is rarely seen in public and when he is, he looks like a pirate and only shows face to say, “hey, I’m still around,” and back to his home he goes. He manages to snag great roles; we just have to come to terms with the idea that we know nothing about him and probably never will.
You cannot talk about privacy without talking about Keanu Reeves. He is so private that no one has really seen him in a very, very long time. He is still a great topic of conversation but he remains a mystery and enigma of sorts. He has had a hard time in Hollywood; his wife died while pregnant with his child, his best friend River Pheonix overdosed in a very public way and well to be honest he has had some bad films (who has not?), so he could probably care less about maintaining a foothold in Hollywood and even less about making big blockbusters over indie films.
Like his Titanic co-star, Leo DiCaprio is notoriously private. The most we see from him is laying out on a beach or a yacht surrounded by a bunch of half naked models. Maybe all the women are there to deflect the attention from him (lightbulb). DiCaprio likes to be out and have a good time but not at the expense of his privacy. He would rather take another elaborate vacation where the paparazzi is nonexistent than go to Koi and have a steak dinner ruined by constant camera flashes. Can you blame DiCaprio for being so private? He is one of the most sought after actors of our time. He has to maintain some kind of dignity.
Michael who? Most of the time people forget he exists until he shows up in an outstanding film and then every women in the world falls at his feet. Fassbender is a single eligible bachelor if only we knew where he was half the time maybe one lucky girl could have her shot with him. Everything about his life is unclear. Who he is actually dating, where he really lives, why he is such a pseudo recluse. He seems to love being an actor but it seems like his age is working against him. He may want to run around like a young guy in his prime but he somehow realizes that at age 39 it is more beneficial for him to remain a closed door mystery.
Did anyone know when Ryan Gosling started dating Eva Mendes? Did they know when he was to be a father? Did they know when he became a father for a second time? Gosling is a master at keeping his personal life really personal. He never discusses his family, he rarely does interviews unless he is contractually bound to and furthermore, he seems to be amazing at hiding the fact that he is happy because when the paparazzi occasionally catch him he is all frown and no smiles. We get maintaining your privacy is key to maintaining your sanity but show us some love every now and again.
This could be partially due to the hate that people seem to have for Anne Hathaway but some of it, if not most, is voluntary. She shuns the glitz and glamour of Hollywood so casually that you cannot even tell that she is doing it. To her credit, she did host the Oscars and apparently pissed off a lot of people with her “poor hosting skills”. Who would not want to hide from the public? Besides that, Hathaway just seems like a really private person who enjoys a simple life; she married someone who is not in the business at all and if she has anything to do with it, that is all we will ever know about him.
Next 11 Celebrity Couples With Higher-Paid Females
Journalism graduate who is mastering her pop culture knowledge. A lover of movies, TV, music and all things entertainment.
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