Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Greetings for becoming a valued member of our community under the umbrella of Karina Stepanova ("Karina Stepanova," "we," "us," "our"). Your trust is paramount, and we are dedicated to safeguarding your privacy and personal information. If any queries or concerns arise regarding this privacy notice or our data practices, please reach out to us at

This privacy notice encompasses all information gathered through our services, including the mobile application ("App"), along with associated activities like sales, marketing, or events. Please note that we retain the right to modify this Privacy Policy, and the last modified date can be found at the bottom. Notable changes will be communicated, and your acceptance may be sought for a new version.

We furnish this Privacy Policy to apprise users of the measures we employ to secure their data while using our Apps. This document articulates the kinds of information amassed, how we employ and shield it, the retention period, and with whom we may share it. Furthermore, it elucidates your privacy rights and options. By utilizing the Apps, you assent to the collection and utilization of your information as delineated in this Privacy Policy.

Table of Contents

  1. What Information Do We Collect?
  2. How Do We Use Your Information?
  3. Will Your Information Be Shared With Anyone?
  4. Who Will Your Information Be Shared With?
  5. How Long Do We Keep Your Information?
  6. How Do We Keep Your Information Safe?
  7. What Are Your Privacy Rights?
  8. Controls for Do-Not-Track Features
  9. Do California Residents Have Specific Privacy Rights?
  10. Do We Make Updates to This Notice?
  11. How Can You Contact Us About This Notice?
  12. How Can You Review, Update, or Delete the Data We Collect From You?

1. What Information Do We Collect?

Information Voluntarily Provided by You:

We collect data voluntarily provided by you, such as email addresses and akin information when expressing interest or reaching out to us.

Payment Data:

For purchases, we gather payment data like credit card information, securely stored by Apple Pay. Refer to Apple Pay's privacy notice here.

Automatically Collected Information:

Upon App usage, specific information is automatically collected, encompassing IP addresses, device characteristics, and usage details. This is done for security, operation, analytics, and reporting.

Receipt Data:

Data related to your mobile device, push notifications, and App usage is collected.

2. How Do We Use Your Information?

We process your information founded on legitimate business interests, contract fulfillment, legal compliance, and/or your consent. This includes but is not limited to account creation, testimonials, feedback, user communications, account management, sending administrative information, protecting services, order fulfillment, prize draws, service delivery, user support, marketing communications, targeted advertising, and other business purposes.

3. Will Your Information Be Shared With Anyone?

Information is shared only with your explicit consent or for legal compliance, service provision, protecting rights, or fulfilling business obligations. This may encompass sharing data with business partners, service providers, and during business transfers.

4. Who Will Your Information Be Shared With?

We share information with third parties such as Apple iAd, Firebase, Apple Pay, and others when necessary for services and functionalities.

5. How Long Do We Keep Your Information?

We retain information only for the duration needed to fulfill the specified purposes, unless a longer retention period is mandated by law.

6. How Do We Keep Your Information Safe?

We implement both organizational and technical security measures to protect your information. However, despite our best efforts, 100% security cannot be guaranteed. Therefore, use the App in a secure environment.

7. What Are Your Privacy Rights?

Residents in specific regions have privacy rights, encompassing access, rectification, erasure, restriction, and data portability. You can withdraw consent, lodge complaints, and object to processing. Please be aware that we currently do not respond to Do-Not-Track signals.

8. Controls for Do-Not-Track Features:

As of now, we do not respond to Do-Not-Track browser signals.

9. Do California Residents Have Specific Privacy Rights?

California residents possess rights regarding access to personal information. Contact us for Shine The Light requests. If you're under 18 and have an account, you can request removal of publicly posted data.

10. Do We Make Updates to This Notice?

We update this notice to stay compliant with relevant laws. Refer to the "Revised" date for the latest version.

11. How Can You Contact Us About This Notice?

For questions or comments, please email us at

12. How Can You Review, Update, or Delete the Data We Collect From You?

Based on the applicable laws of your country, you may request access, changes, or deletion of your personal information by contacting

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