Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy


The following privacy notice describes how we, PT BALI INTERNET RENTAL SOLUTION and/or its affiliates (“Pick Me”) collect, store, use, process, control, transfer, disclose and protect your personal information. This privacy notice applies to all users of our mobile applications (including user applications, merchant applications and partner applications), websites, services and products (collectively referred to as "applications"), unless specified in a separate privacy notice.

This Privacy Notice is presented in a tiered format so that you can navigate to the specific sections available below. Please read this Privacy Notice carefully to ensure you understand our data protection practices.

Confirmation and consent

By agreeing to the Privacy Notice, you acknowledge that you have read and understood this Privacy Notice and agree to its terms. Specifically, you agree that we collect, use, share, disclose, store, transfer or otherwise process your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Notice.

In circumstances where you provide us with personal information relating to another individual (for example, personal information relating to your spouse, family member, friend or other party), you represent and warrant that you have obtained the consent of that individual to collect, use , disclosure and processing by us of their personal information and you hereby consent on behalf of that individual to our collection, disclosure and processing of their personal information.

You may withdraw your consent to any or all collections, uses or disclosures of your personal information at any time by giving us reasonable notice in writing using the contact details provided below. You may also withdraw your consent to certain communications and information from us by using the "opt out" feature or the "unsubscribe" option available in our communications to you. Depending on the circumstances and the nature of the consent you withdraw, you must understand and acknowledge that once such consent is withdrawn, you may no longer be able to use the application or services. Withdrawing your consent may terminate your account or your contractual relationship with us, subject to full compliance with all rights and obligations arising. Upon receipt of notice of withdrawal of consent to the collection, use or disclosure of your personal information, we will inform you of the possible consequences of such withdrawal so that you can decide whether you wish to withdraw consent in any case.

What information do we collect about you?

We collect personal information when you use our applications. We also collect device and technical information from you, as well as other information that you may provide while using our applications. If you choose not to provide such information, we may not be able to provide you with the app as usual.

How do we use information about you?

How we use your information depends on whether you are a user or a service provider. If you are a user, we use your information to set up and manage your account with us, communicate with you, and otherwise provide you with various services and features available in our applications. If you are a service provider, we use your information to verify that you can provide the service, so that you can provide the service to users, set up and manage your account with us, communicate with you, and otherwise provide you with various services and features, available in our application. We also use your information to perform maintenance on our applications and tailor our products and services to your preferences. In addition, we use your information to market our products and services to you and to our group companies, partners and agents (with your consent where required by applicable laws and regulations).

Who do we share your information with?

We share your data with users and service providers (as applicable) to facilitate the provision of services for you or through you to our third-party partners and providers to the extent necessary for them to provide their services, such as payment processing, claim handling and insurance verification. We use these third party services solely to process or store your information for the purposes described in this Privacy Notice. We also share your information with our affiliates for the purposes described in this Privacy Notice and with other government agencies and authorities as required by applicable laws and regulations.

Where do we process your information?

Our servers may be located outside of the region. We may also share your information with our affiliates and third party vendors and partners outside of the region for the purposes set out in this Privacy Notice.

How long do we keep your information?

We retain your information for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected or as required by applicable laws and regulations.

How can I exercise my right to my information?

You may have various rights in relation to your data under applicable laws and regulations, and you may contact us to exercise your rights.

Contact us

If you have any questions, concerns or complaints, please contact us using the contact information provided in the "Contact Us" section.

How will we notify you of changes?

We will make changes to this Privacy Notice from time to time and notify you of updated versions through our application or your registered email to us. Please check back periodically for any updates or changes to this Privacy Notice.

Further explanation of the above can be read in the section below.

Types of personal information we collect about you

"personal information"

means information that identifies or can be used to identify, contact or locate the person or device to which the information relates. Personal information, including, but not limited to, name, address, date of birth, occupation, telephone number, email address, bank account and credit card information, gender, identification information (including passport or national identity document) or others government-issued ID, vehicle information, photo, citizenship, phone numbers of Users and non-Users in your mobile phone contact list, health data, financial-related information, and biometric information (including but not limited to facial recognition ). In addition, to the extent that other information, including a personal profile and/or a unique identifier, is associated or combined with personal information, it is also personal information.

The type of personal information we collect depends on the circumstances of the collection and the nature of the service requested or the transaction being performed.

To the extent permitted by applicable laws and regulations, we may collect, use, store and transfer various types of personal information about you, which we have categorized as follows:

A. User identification data includes first name, patronymic, identification card, tax identification number, user identification data or other identifier, position, date of birth, gender, place of birth, occupation, citizenship, photo and/or biometric data.

b. Contact information includes billing address(es), shipping address(es), email address(es), phone number, and contact list.

V. Compliance Data includes, in relation to service providers, licenses, permits and other authorizations that allow you to drive a vehicle and provide transportation or other services, as well as information about your insurance policy.

e. Transaction Data includes the purchases or orders you make, your interests, preferences, user feedback and survey responses, types of services requested, search and/or delivery details; and for service providers, the types of services that are currently available.

f. Financial data includes bank account and payment card details, such as the type of card or payment account used, the name of the card or payment account issuer, the name of the card or payment account holder, the account or payment card identification number, the payment card or account confirmation code, as well as the expiration date of the relevant financial history (including, but not limited to, the transaction history of the payment card or account, the details of the payment card or account, and the display and / or status of the payment card or account) and credit rating (scoring).

f. Payment Data includes details of payments or transfers made with e-money and/or e-wallets provided by us, such as usage information, payment information, recipient details (including their account details), payment amounts paid, payment and billing details.

d. Technical data includes information about your use of our application, such as internet protocol (IP) addresses, information about previously viewed or subsequently viewed web pages, the duration of each visit/session, Internet device identifier (ID) or address media access control, advertising ID, and other device information, including information about the manufacturer, model, and operating system of the device you are using to access the application, as well as crash logs.

hour Location data includes mode.

We may create, use, license or disclose aggregated data such as statistical or demographic data for any purpose. Aggregated data may be derived from your personal information, but will not be considered personal information as this data will not directly or indirectly reveal your identity, as we guarantee: that all identifiers have been removed in such a way that the data, individually or together with any other available data, cannot be attributed to you, cannot identify anyone, and then the data is combined with similar data so that the original data is part of a larger data set.

2. If you provide incomplete personal information

if we need to collect personal information to comply with the law or pursuant to the terms of an agreement we have with you, and you choose not to provide such personal information or provide us with incomplete personal information upon request, we may not be able to comply with the agreement that we have or are in the process of being agreed with you (for example, to provide you with goods or services).

3. How we collect your personal

the personal information we collect may be provided by you directly or by third parties (for example: when you register or use the application, when you contact our customer support, or otherwise when you provide us with personal information). We may collect information for a variety of forms and purposes (including those permitted by applicable laws and regulations).

a. Information that we collect directly from you or your mobile device

may provide us with Identity, Contact, Compliance, Profile, Financial and Billing Information, including in circumstances where requested by US or as required by applicable laws and regulations, when interacting with us directly or corresponding with us by mail, e-mail or otherwise. This includes personal information that you provide when you:

i. register and create an account with us using the application;

ii. use the application, including if you register as a service provider or use the service as a user;

iii. use of any e-money and/or e-wallet that we provide (either as a payer or a payee);

iv. register as a registered or verified account holder in the electronic money system;

v. add funding sources for in-app payments;

vi. use the chat feature in the app; And

vii. leave us feedback or contact us.

b. information collected each time you use the application,

you may provide us with technical and location data each time you use and/or visit the application. Whenever you access the application through your mobile device, we will track and collect information about your geographic location in real time. In some cases, you will be asked to enable the Global Positioning System (GPS) on your mobile device so that we can provide you with a better app experience (for example, provide you with information about how close your service provider is to you). You can always temporarily disable geo-location tracking on your mobile device. However, this may affect the features available in the app.

If you use and/or when payments or transfers are made through e-money and/or e-wallets provided by us (either as a payer or a payee), we may collect certain financial, profile and payment data in connection with such payments and translations.

In addition, each time you use and/or visit the application, certain information may also be collected automatically through the use of cookies. Cookies are small application files that are stored on your computer or mobile device. We use cookies to track user activity in order to improve the user experience and user experience. Most mobile devices and internet browsers support the use of cookies; however, you can change the settings on your mobile device or internet browser to refuse certain types of cookies or certain specific cookies. Your mobile device and/or browser also allows you to delete any previously stored cookies at any time. However, this may affect the features available in the app.

c. information collected from third parties

we may also collect your personal information from third parties (including agents, vendors, vendors, contractors, partners and others who provide services to us, collect personal information and/or perform tasks on our behalf or with whom we do business). In such cases, we will collect your personal information only for purposes related to such third parties or for the purposes of our cooperation with such third parties (as applicable). In particular, when you register a payment card or account through the App and/or access, add and/or link your payment card or account in the App (depending on whether this is applicable in your country), we may collect certain financial information and your financial records (including but not limited to transaction records, payment card details and location or account, and/or the status and country of your payment card or account) of the issuer of such payment credentials or any other third party.

d. about third parties you provide us with information

you may provide us with personal information relating to other third parties (including personal information relating to your spouse, family member, friend or other individual). In such cases, you will of course need their prior consent to do so - see “Confirmation and Consent” above for more information.

If you use the messaging features of our mobile applications, you will provide the phone number stored in your mobile phone contacts so that you can use our messaging features for other purposes.

e. Recording in the car

we do not require, endorse or prohibit the installation or use of in-vehicle recording devices in any vehicle. If such a device is installed and used in a vehicle, we do not collect any personal information from vehicle records using such a device, and the collection of personal information from such vehicle records is not done on our behalf. The collection of personal information from such vehicle records is at the discretion of the service provider. We do not control the collection of such personal information by service providers and any use or disclosure by service providers of collected personal information. If you are a service provider and choose to download and use such recording devices in your vehicle, you are solely responsible for notifying the user. If you are a user and object to the use of a service provider's recording device in the vehicle, you must notify the service provider directly and this is your sole responsibility.

4. How we use your personal information

we may use the collected personal information for the following purposes, as well as for other purposes permitted by applicable laws and regulations ("purposes"):

a. If you are a user, we may use your personal information:

i. identify and register you as a user and administer, verify, deactivate or manage your account;

ii. to facilitate or enable any verification we deem necessary before a service provider provides you with a service or before we register you as a user, including Know Your Customer (KYC) and as applicable);

iii. to allow the service provider to provide the service you have requested;

iv. process and facilitate orders and payment transactions that you make, including, where applicable, transactions made using payment cards or accounts available in the application;

v. notify you of transactions or activities that occur on the app or other systems connected to our app;

vi. to facilitate the linking of accounts and/or wallets, if you perform or permit the linking of accounts and/or wallets between your Pick Me account or a third party platform wallet (as applicable);

vii. to contact you and send you information in connection with your use of the application;

viii. notify you of any updates to the application or changes to the services provided;

ix. process and respond to questions and suggestions received from you;

x. maintain, develop, test, improve and personalize the application in accordance with your needs and preferences as a user;

xi. track and analyze user activity, behavior and demographic data, including habits and use of various services available in the application;

xi. process and manage your bonus points (as needed);

xiii. offer or provide services from our affiliates or partners (as applicable); And

xiv. send you direct or targeted marketing messages, advertisements, vouchers, surveys and information, as well as information about special offers or promotions.

b. If you are a service provider, we may use your personal information:

i. identify you and register you as a service provider, and administer, manage or verify your account;

ii. to facilitate or enable any verification we believe may be required before we can register you as a service provider, including for KYC (Know Your Customer) and where applicable);

iii. to enable you to provide services to users;

iv. process, facilitate and settle accounts with you in connection with the services you provide;

v. to contact you and send you information related to the provision of your services, including to deliver custom orders to you and facilitate your acceptance of such orders;

vi. provide you with notices and updates to the application or changes in the way the service is provided;

vii. provide you with reports relating to the services you provide;

viii. process user feedback on the services you provide and respond to them;

ix. maintain, develop, test, improve and personalize the application in accordance with your needs and preferences as a service provider;

x. track and analyze user activity, behavior and demographic data, including service provider habits and responsiveness to various services available in the application;

xi. process and manage your bonus points (as needed);

xi. offer or provide services from our affiliates or partners; And

xiii. send you direct or targeted marketing messages, advertisements, promotions, surveys and special offers or promotions.

c. Whether you are a user, a service provider, or a party providing us with personal information, we may also use your personal information more generally for the following purposes (although in certain cases we will act reasonably and not use your personal information more than is necessary for these purposes):

i. to perform related business processes and functions;

ii. monitor application usage and manage, maintain and improve application performance, development, user experience and features;

iii. provide assistance with and resolve technical difficulties or operational issues related to the application or services;

iv. generate statistical information and analytical data for the purposes of testing, research, analysis, product development, commercial partnerships and collaborations;

v. prevent, detect and investigate any prohibited, illegal, unauthorized or fraudulent activities;

vi. to facilitate business asset transactions (which may take the form of mergers, acquisitions or asset sales) involving US and/or our affiliates;

vii. to enable us to comply with all obligations under applicable laws and regulations, including, but not limited to, responding to regulatory requests, investigations or directives, complying with filing, reporting and licensing requirements required by applicable law or regulations, and also conducting audits, due diligence and investigations; And

viii. for other purposes for which we notify you, and where required by applicable law, for which we obtain your consent.

5. Disclosure of your personal information

we may disclose to provide access to your personal information to affiliates and other parties or share with them for the following purposes, as well as for other purposes permitted by applicable laws and regulations:

a. if you are a user, allow the service provider to perform or provide services, including contacting you;

b. if you are a service provider, allow users to request or receive services from you, including contacting you;

c. as required or permitted by applicable laws and regulations (including, but not limited to, responding to regulatory requests, investigations or guidelines, or complying with statutory filing and reporting requirements or conditions), for the purposes specified in applicable laws and regulations ;

d. at the direction, request, order or permission of the competent government, for the purposes specified in the applicable public policy, regulation or law;

e. if there is any legal process of any kind between you and US or between you and any other party in connection with or in connection with the Services for the purposes of such legal process;

f. in connection with any verification processes that we or third parties require before the service provider provides services to you, or we register you as a user, including KYC (Know Your Customer) and processes, if applicable);

g. when our services are available on any third party platform, (i) to help us obtain your personal information and/or (ii) register you or help you use our services on such third party platform;

h. in an emergency related to your health or safety (whether you are a user or a service provider), in order to address such an emergency;

i. in situations related to your health or the public interest (whether you are a user or a service provider), we may share your personal information with the competent government and / or other institutions that may be appointed by the competent government or cooperate with us, for contact tracing purposes, support of government initiatives, policies or programs, public health and other purposes, as reasonably required;

j. in connection with a merger, sale of company assets, consolidation or restructuring, financing or acquisition of all or part of our business by or to another company for the purposes of such transaction (even if the transaction is subsequently terminated);

k. in connection with the insurance claim process, we will share your personal information for the purpose of processing insurance claims with insurance companies that cooperate with us;

l. third parties (including agents, vendors, suppliers, contractors, partners and other parties who provide services to us or you, perform tasks on our behalf or with whom we have a commercial relationship), for or in connection with the purposes for which such third parties are involved parties, disclose to such third parties information related to third parties that is technically necessary to process your transaction or the purpose of our cooperation with such third parties (as applicable), which may include allowing such third parties to present or offer products or services to you , verify your identity or associate you with an account or engage in other activities, including marketing, research, analysis and product development; And

m. in the event that we share personal information with affiliates, we will do so with the intent that they assist us in providing the application, to operate our business (including when you subscribe to our mailing list, for direct marketing purposes) or for purposes of data processing on our behalf. For example, an affiliate of PT BIRS - Pick Me in another country may process and/or store your personal information on behalf of PT BIRS in your country. All of our affiliates are required to process the personal information they receive from us in accordance with this Privacy Notice and applicable laws and regulations.

Where personal information does not need to be associated with you, we will make reasonable efforts to unlink such personal information from you as an individual before disclosing or sharing such information.

We will not sell or rent your personal information.

Except as set forth in this Privacy Notice, we may disclose and share your personal information if we notify you and obtain your consent to such disclosure or sharing.

6. International transfers

when you use our apps and services in other countries where our apps are available (“destination countries”), we may transfer your personal information from your home country (“home country”) to the destination country so that you can access and provide an uninterrupted customer service on your third out-of-state use of our apps.

Your personal information may also be stored or processed outside of your country by our personnel working for us in other countries or by our third party service providers, vendors, manufacturers, partners, contractors or affiliates.

We will comply with all applicable laws and use our best efforts to ensure that our affiliates in other countries and all third party service providers provide a level of protection equivalent to our obligations in this Privacy Notice and in accordance with the laws of your country.

You understand and consent to the transfer of your personal information outside of your home country and/or country of origin as described in this Privacy Notice.

7. Data security

the privacy of your personal information is of the utmost importance to us. We will make every effort to protect your personal information from access, collection, use or disclosure by unauthorized persons, as well as from unlawful processing, accidental loss, destruction or similar risks. However, the transmission of information over the Internet is not completely secure. While we will do our best to protect your personal information, you acknowledge that we cannot guarantee the integrity and accuracy of any personal information you provide over the Internet or guarantee that such personal information will not be intercepted, accessed, disclosed, altered or destroyed unauthorized third parties for reasons beyond our control. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account information and you must not share your account information, including your password and One Time Password (OTP), with anyone, and you must at all times maintain the security of the device you use and be responsible for him.

8. Data storage

your personal information will only be stored for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected, or for as long as such storage is required or permitted by applicable laws and regulations. We will stop holding personal information, or have no intention of associating such personal information with you as an individual, as soon as it is deemed that the purpose for which the personal information was collected is no longer required for the storage of the personal information and the storage is no longer required for business purposes. or legal purposes.

Please note that it is still possible that some of your personal information is stored in some way by other parties, including government agencies. In the event that we share your personal information with authorized government agencies and/or other agencies that may be designated by the authorized government or cooperate with us, you agree and acknowledge that the storage of your personal information by the relevant agency will comply with each agency's data retention policy. Information provided through communication between users and service providers other than the use of the application (for example, through phone calls, SMS, mobile messages or other means of communication and the collection of your personal information by our agents) may also be stored in several ways. We do not permit the storage of personal information in this way and we are not responsible to you for it. To the extent permitted by applicable laws and regulations, we are not responsible for the retention of your personal information. You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless us, our officers, directors, employees, agents, partners, suppliers, contractors and affiliates from any and all claims, losses, liabilities, costs, damages and costs (including, but not limited to, legal costs and consequential damages arising directly or indirectly from any unauthorized storage of your personal information).

9. Your legal rights

may have certain rights under applicable laws and regulations to request that we access, correct and/or delete your personal information in our possession and control. To the extent these rights are available to you under the provisions of applicable laws and regulations, you may exercise such rights by contacting us at the details below.

We reserve the right to refuse your request to access, correct and/or delete some or all of your personal information that we hold or control if permitted or required by applicable laws and regulations. This includes circumstances where personal information may contain links to others, or where a request for access or a request for correction or deletion is due to reasons we deem inappropriate, frivolous or complex. Subject to applicable laws and regulations, we reserve the right to charge an administrative fee for any requests for access and/or correction.

10. Other websites and services

the app and marketing materials may contain links to websites operated by third parties. We do not control and accept no responsibility for this website and for the collection, use, maintenance, sharing or disclosure of data and information by such third parties. Please review the terms and privacy policies of these third party websites to learn how they collect and use your personal information.

When you use our application and enable fingerprint and/or face scan on your mobile device for authentication purposes, please note that we do not store such biometric data. Unless otherwise notified to you, such data is stored on your mobile device and may be stored by third parties such as the manufacturer of your mobile device. You agree and acknowledge that we are not responsible for any unauthorized access to or loss of any biometric data stored on your mobile device.

The ads contained in our apps or marketing materials serve as links to advertisers' websites and as such, any information they collect based on your clicks on those links will be collected and used by the respective advertiser in accordance with that advertiser's Privacy Policy .

11. Marketing and promotional materials

we and our partners (including merchants, resellers, merchants and/or other third parties with whom we have contact for commercial and/or non-commercial purposes) may send you direct marketing and promotional communications via app push notifications, messages via the App, Post, phone calls, short message services (SMS), chat platforms, social media and email (“marketing materials”) if you have agreed to subscribe to our mailing list and/or agree to receive marketing and promotional materials from us. You may opt out of receiving such marketing communications at any time by clicking on the “unsubscribe” option contained in the relevant message or by contacting us at the contact details provided below. Please note that if you opt out, we may still send you non-promotional communications, such as receipts or information about your account.

12. Updates to this Privacy Notice

we may review and amend this Privacy Notice from time to time, at our sole discretion, to ensure that this Privacy Notice complies with our future developments and/or changes in legal or regulatory requirements. If we decide to change this Privacy Notice, we will notify you of such changes by means of a general notice posted on the app and/or website, or to your email address associated with your account. You agree that you are responsible for reviewing this Privacy Notice from time to time for the latest information about our data processing and data protection practices, and that your continued use of our application or website, communication with us, or access to and use of the services after any changes to this Privacy Notice will be deemed your acceptance of this Privacy Notice and any changes thereto.

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