Prison monstres

Prison monstres


Prison monstres
The following individuals are 14 of the 23 inmates in British jails who will never be released. (The prison service refuses to reveal the names of the other nine serving 'whole-life' tariffs.) Below, barrister John Upton argues that even these prisoners deserve some hope of freedom

Special report: Prisons
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Hindley was sentenced to 25 years in 1966 for her part, with Brady, in the murders of Downey and Kilbride. She later confessed to killing Pauline Reade and Keith Bennett, 10. Successive home secretaries have ruled that she will end her days in prison, despite a number of legal challenges by Hindley.
Given a life sentence in 1971 for killing a prostitute, and released after 18 years. Five months later, in 1990, he killed, apparently without motive, a tourist from New Zealand whom he had befriended. He dismembered the body and dumped it, wrapped in plastic bags, at several spots along a road in South Wales. He was jailed again in 1991.
Between 1977 and 1978 Hall killed the former MP Walter Scott-Elliott and his wife Dorothy, for whom he worked as a butler, two accomplices, who were also thought to be his lovers, and his half-brother. He is serving four life sentences, and is believed to be the oldest prisoner serving a "natural life" tariff. In 1995 he wrote to the Observer pleading for the right to die.
The Moors murderer was given two life sentences in 1966 for the murders of Lesley-Ann Downey, aged 10, John Kilbride, 12, and Edward Evans, 17. The body of 16-year-old Pauline Reade, another victim, was discovered on Saddleworth moor in 1987. Brady has spent more than a year on hunger strike demanding the right to die; judges ruled last year that authorities at Ashworth special hospital were right to force feed him to keep him alive.
Hilton served a life sentence for murdering a man during a robbery at a south London shop in 1962. A month after his release on licence in 1978, he shot a diamond jeweller in the back during another robbery, and also accidentally shot his accomplice, who bled to death. He later confessed to the killings while in custody for another armed robbery.
Given five life sentences in 1986 for shooting his adoptive parents, his sister and her twin sons in order to land a £500,000 inheritance. In 1995 he lost an appeal against the then home secretary Douglas Hurd's ruling that he should never be released. Earlier this month, it was announced that the criminal cases review commission, which investigates possible miscarriages of justice, will review his case.
The so-called "railway killer" was given seven life terms in 1988 for two murders and three rapes between 1975 and 1986. He gained his nickname after stalking his victims to remote train stations before attacking them. In 1999 he admitted a further 17 sex offences.
The civil servant was jailed for life in 1983 for six murders and two attempted murders, having killed and dismembered 15 gay men. He picked up rent boys and homeless men at gay clubs in Soho, strangling them and keeping the bodies in his bedroom, sometimes sketching them or having sex with the corpses. He was caught when the drains at his north London house became blocked with body parts.
A computer operator, he indecently assaulted and murdered a 14-year-old boy after abducting him on his paper round in Hagley, Worcestershire, in 1988. Police believe he may have carried out 28 further sexual assaults; it was after being arrested for another attack that Miller led police to the boy's battered body, hidden under a pile of leaves. The court heard that he preyed on paper boys because they were particularly vulnerable. Has asked to remain in prison for the rest of his life.
Given 10 life sentences in November 1995 for helping her husband Fred rape, torture and kill young women at their home in Gloucester. He had admitted to 12 murders, but hanged himself in prison while awaiting trial. Among the victims were West's daughter, Heather, her stepdaughter Charmaine, and a lodger pregnant by Fred West.
A petty criminal who also had a history of violence, Hutchinson gatecrashed a wedding reception at the home of a Sheffield solicitor in 1983. He stabbed to death the bride's mother, father and brother, before raping her sister at knifepoint. A palm print on a bottle of champagne helped lead police to him. He was jailed in 1984.
An illegal immigrant who came to Britain from the Philippines in 1985, Castigador was jailed for life in 1990 for murdering two Sri Lankan security guards during a robbery at a Soho amusement arcade where he himself worked. Along with two other men, he tied up the guards and the female cashier, doused them in white spirit and locked them in a wire cage in the basement before tossing in lit matches.
The ex-soldier pleaded guilty in 1993 to torturing and murdering five gay men he picked up in a pub in Kensington, west London. Psychiatrists declared him sane at his trial at the Old Bailey, and Ireland admitted he was a sadist. The court heard that he had made a new year's resolution to become a murderer, and continued until he felt he would qualify as a serial killer.
Nicknamed the "black panther" because of his trademark balaclava, he shot dead three post office workers during robberies, and later kidnapped the 17-year-old heiress Lesley Whittle in an attempt to extort a ransom. Her body was later found in a drain in Staffordshire. Neilson was caught after two policemen spotted him acting suspiciously outside a pub in 1975.
These men and women have received mandatory life sentences. The home secretary has the power to release them on licence at any time. But he is under no obligation to do so. Neither is he under any obligation to refer their cases to, or accept recommendations from, the parole board, the body that advises on the release of prisoners. These men and women are serving "whole-life" tariffs. It has been decided - by politicians - that life, in each of their cases, really does mean life.
Even at this level, the whole-life tar iff seems remarkably unfair and open to abuse. It goes beyond the manipulation of approval ratings by vote-hungry governments, to the heart of our attitudes and the state of our nation. We exalt a number of this group of murderers as cultural icons and yet despise them intensely. We are faddish and jaded, and demand to be indulged. Michael Howard recognised this as an important aspect of the contract between the governing and the governed in our era when he introduced "acceptability to the public" as a criterion for release of life sentence prisoners.
In the 1960s, there was a brief flowering of policies concerned with the rehabilitation and reform of criminals, but these were terminated abruptly by the Thatcherite approach to law and order: they did it, now they pay. The Thatcherite market philosophy has also had an impact on the relationship between society and the way that murder is viewed. There has been a privatisation of the act - victims, relatives and murderers have become commodities. The members of the latter group are the most easily tradeable and their names trip off our tongue like those of pop stars or football players.
This objectification of murder has given rise to a pornography for which there is a seemingly unquenchable thirst. The ubiquitous "true crime" section in our bookshops, squeezed between the science fiction and horror shelves, is a testament to our overwhelming fascination with violence, sex and death.
The indefinite life sentence stands as a symbol of the ossification of our thought. As far as we are concerned, the murderers are fixed for ever at the moment in which they killed their victims.
Secretly (or not so secretly) we are relieved when the tabloids scream vengeance on our behalf. We allow ourselves to be convinced that we are not dealing with humans but with monsters. By weakly going along with this process, like proles attending an Orwellian Hate, we avoid ever having to consider the merit of each individual's development. Only by classifying them as faceless untermenschen can we justify this behaviour to ourselves.
It is by no means to belittle the victims of their crimes to recognise the dignity of a human being. In fact it is difficult to think of a more appropriate response in the face of the taking of life. It is not an insult to their memory to recognise the potential within people for genuine change. This, like murder, is a function of the human condition. It is also understandable that victims' relatives should feel anger and a desire for vengeance. That is why they should not be given responsibility for determining the fate of the wrongdoer.
It is not in dispute that those who are a danger to the public should be imprisoned; neither is the imposition of long prison sentences for serious crimes. What is wrong is the extinction of hope in those for whom it should still exist.
The whole-life tariff demonstrates our wilful refusal to look at the real person and willingness instead to scream at the hideous shadow that he casts on the wall behind him. This denial of justice is as serious in its own way as the taking of life. It is how we treat the vulnerable, including murderers, that demonstrates the respect we have for ourselves and our strength as a society.
The operation of this current sentencing practice is a tribute to the cynicism of our politicians and certain sections of the media. Their ability to create a climate of childlike, misinformed fear and emotional avarice is outstanding. We contribute to this state of affairs by devouring what we are offered without question.
The demonisation of these men and women puts them on a pedestal they do not deserve to occupy. It is not that they are inhuman; rather it is that they have exhibited all too human behaviour, albeit in its most destructive form. We should acknowledge this. For their sake and ours, they should not be accorded mythic status.

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Ranobes » God's Eyes » Chapter 1085: Prison Monster

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Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years

The Main Heroines are Trying to Kill Me

Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years

I Got A Cheat Ability In A Different World, And Become Extraordinary Even In The Real World (LN)

Each book is a new life filled with new adventures.


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Jason figured that the situation was far more difficult to explain than expected.
As such, he avoided stating the terms they normally used to describe one's cultivation stage.
The humans around him made use of different means to cultivate than the ordinary and commonly known ways as well.
Thus, he remained silent for a moment before nodding his head.
"Alright. Let's just ignore this for now. How many Veils…I mean, these purple cracks…how many of these exist in the space all around your planet, and the stellar system?" 
Jason had to figure out how many places with Veils existed. After all, he was supposed to help them clean them slightly.
He had already figured that the Veils had devoured traces of the Universe's energy, which he could clearly feel as the Veil above him was still devouring some of the universe's energy.
Somehow, this pained Jason a lot when sensing it.
It was as if his heart was being torn apart, preventing him from thinking straight.
Because he wanted to distract himself, Jason averted his focus from the Veil to the others, who were unable to answer his question.
Even the person, who had answered him before had no idea about the correct answer.
With nobody to answer him, Jason decided to switch his attention to the Veil wave, and the heavy downpour of Vile existences instead.
Preventing the Vile existences from devouring the universe's energy was more important than finding out more about the stellar system's current situation.
Thus, Jason disappeared. He teleported himself thousands of kilometers ahead while initiating a massacre, leaving behind a bloody trail of Vile existences he had killed with a single wave of attacks.
His energy never seemed to decrease, and even after more than a day had passed, he was fighting with all his might.
A slight trace of excitement filled him, but he was more angered by the fact that the Universe's energy was still being digested by the Veil.
It made him furious, and he was unable to think straight.
Only his soulbonds were able to calm him down, which they did with tremendous efforts.
"Should I just go up there?" Jason wondered, looking up at the Veil once again.
The wave seemed to have ended by now, and with the use of his purifying capabilities, the damages in the surrounding had been restricted to the destruction Jason caused via his attacks.
He wanted to return to the humans to ask them questions, but it was at this moment that a ginormous monster appeared and nearly covered the sky.
It attracted Jason's interest, not because it was powerful nor due to its gigantic size.
Instead, Jason noticed the ginormous monster that spanned more than a thousand meters imprisoning more than a dozen powerful Vile existences.
All of them were comparable to newly advanced Gods in terms of their strength, and each of them seemed to have absorbed some of the Universe's energy.
The Vile existences were giving their utmost efforts to escape the belly of the ginormous existence.
But Jason could clearly tell that this was impossible because the Vile existences had been sealed inside by an even more powerful existence.
Meanwhile, the stomach of the ginormous monster seemed to be able to deprive the Vile existences of their energy, or at least partially.
It was as if the monster itself was a ginormous prison for the vile existence.
This was something Jason found to be quite helpful, and he decided to approach the monster right away.
The Universe's energy pulled him towards the monster.
It was almost as if the energy screamed at him, telling him to save it, and to…devour it!
Jason felt that this was a little bit unexpected, but he approached the monster nonetheless.
He had already noticed a woman standing on top of the ginormous beast.
She had seen him fighting against a few of the Vile existences, and according to the report of the others, he had protected them before continuing to finish off the entire Veil wave all by himself.
This was something the Emperor, and his entire Circle was thankful for as the number of powerful Vile existences prevented them from moving towards the smallest Veil around their home planet.
Her brunette hair fluttered in the air as her big hazel eyes looked down at him.
It would be a lie to say that she was a beauty, but Jason was totally unbothered by this.
'A Goddess, great! At least, they seem to have some of them.'
Jason was not really happy that the first God to arrive to help them was more than an entire day too late.
If not for Jason, the Veil wave would have devastated the entire surrounding, its effect spanning thousands of kilometers, at that.
Maybe, it would have even been possible for them to devour more of the Universe's energy before providing it to the Veil.
"Who are you?" The Goddess suddenly asked while radiating her tremendous battle intent.
Despite her overwhelming demeanor, Jason was quite unfazed by this as he smiled lightly before answering.
"My name is Jason Stella. What should I call you?" 
Unaffected by the Goddess' presence, Jason could casually talk to her. This was something the woman realized which made her peer at him curiously before replying,
"Melanie Zanyr. I haven't seen you before. Are you one of these Primordials that visited us before?"
Jason wanted to nod his head at first, but upon listening to the question, he frowned a bit before a frustrated smile appeared on his face.
"I'm from outside, and you could say that I'm a descendant of a Primordial race, yes. But please don't link me to them." He said, just to add,
"I heard that the ruler of this place had beaten up a few Primordials. I should really thank him for that once I see him!" 
The smile on his lips widened slightly, while his Celestia aura mirrored his emotions.
This was something Melanie Zanyr deemed interesting before she said.
"What makes you think that you will ever see the Emperor, let alone assume that he will accept you in our home?" 
Jason had not expected this question because it was slightly weird to ask him this right now.
As such, Jason could only look at Melanie Zanyr for a moment before answering honestly.
"Probably because I'm the only one around who can help you expel the devoured Universe's energy out of the Vile existences that you guys seem to imprison. 
You are likely to be forced to do this to prevent the Veil to grow. I should even be able to expel the Universe's energy from the Veils if they didn't devour it in their entirety!"
There was no need for him to lie, and if he were to be honest, he didn't even think that Melanie would believe him.
But she just nodded her head after a moment of astonishment before countering,
Jason didn't think that the Goddess would trust him, just like that.
And that was evident based on the fact that she even ordered her monster to spit out the weakest Vile existence. 
A huge broadsword manifested in her hand, and she cut off the Vile existence's legs and arms, ignoring its screams completely before throwing the body towards Jason.
It was as if she was ordering him around, but Jason didn't even hear Melanie Zanyr anymore.
His gaze was fixated on the faint trace of Universe energy within the Vile existence, and his eyes were gleaming.
The energy was calling to him, and Jason had finally arrived!

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