Prison Spank

Prison Spank


Prison Spank

Author's note: I have been fascinated with the concept of a spanking
machine for as long as I can remember. The very idea of a cold, impersonal
mechanical object, whose only purpose is to inflict as much pain as
possible with no regard to the recipient....well, that is simultaneously
scary and intriguing. This is the latest manifestation of that fantasy.
Even though I am a spankee who has the utmost admiration and respect
for a punishment very well laid on, the degree of severity in this
story is certainly beyond what I would ever want to actually receive.
I guess therein lies the difference between fantasy and reality.
the year 2120, the state of Georgia decided that the crime rate in
prison was rising too drastically. Therefore they decided to reinstitute
corporal punishment in their prison system. They further reasoned
that if this discipline was of a very severe nature, not only would
it reduce crime in prison, but it might well serve as an additional
deterrent to members of society at large.
There was, however, one
interesting twist in their decision: due to the possibility of lawsuits
regarding unfair treatment at the hands of one or another of the guards,
all corporal punishment would be administered by a computer-controlled
spanking machine. A system of punishments for the infraction of rules
was set up, and the prison hired a "Punishment Administrator", Stephen,
whose job it was to keep a ledger of all spankings and to set up the
machine with the proper punishment for any unfortunate miscreants.
Of course, the rules also accorded more severe punishment for successive
visits to the spanking machine.
It was in this institution that
Timothy found himself. Timothy was anything but a model prisoner,
and had found himself on the receiving end of the spanking machine
several times in his first month of incarceration. Thinking that he
couldn't take another 5 years of the beatings, Timothy successfully
engineered his escape. Much to his chagrin, he was re-captured after
a mere 3 days of freedom.
Upon his return to the prison Timothy
was immediately marched to the punishment room by two burly guards.
The room was large and soundproof, located next to the prison's infirmary
for obvious reasons. The Punishment Administrator's face lit up when
he saw Timothy enter the room. "Ahh, Timothy...welcome back! I knew
you'd get caught, but the time you were out allowed me to get your
punishment programmed into the machine. You see, your offense is the
most severe, short of murder, and we've never had reason to set up
a punishment of the calibre you're about to receive. Please disrobe
and place yourself over the bench for the preparation. Guards, please
remain in the room to ensure Timothy's compliance."
The bench, which
looked like a normal spanking bench, was elevated in the center to
make the buttocks more prominent. After stripping, Timothy was strapped
to the bench, and Stephen began the preparation. First Timothy's bottom
was shaved, and then thoroughly scrubbed with a piece of steel wool.
This scrubbing was ostensibly to clean all hair and shaving cream
from the spankee's bottom, but in reality was designed to roughen
up the ass and remove a few layers of skin. With a freshly-shaved
and scrubbed bottom, the upcoming beating would be felt MUCH more
intensely and cause considerably more longterm damage and pain.
buttocks tingling and already a little sore, Timothy was directed
to take his place at the spanking machine. He placed his feet on the
two small yellow x's, and his ankles were cuffed into position with
his legs spread wide. Next, a padded bar was raised and positioned
at his waist. Timothy's hands were then pulled straight out in front
of him, and drawn well forward, making him bend tighly stretched over
the bar. They were fastened to an upright pole, which had a video
monitor, a digital clock and a small red button next to his right
hand. The spanking apparatus, which looked like an upside down "U"
was positioned directly over the small of his back. Attached to the
device were 4 arms, one on each side and two suspended from the top.
Stephen stepped to each side and positioned the arms, first at the
top of Timothy's buttocks and then at the thighs, approximately 3
inches below the bottom crease. Each position was entered into the
computer. The process was repeated with each of the upper arms. The
entire distance from left to right hip and top to bottom of the target
area was then entered into the computer. With a leering grin, Stephen
stepped in front of Timothy, and showed him two small objects he held
in his hand. "Timothy, just for you we've added something new for
your punishment. These are what we call "Crack Dividers". As you can
see, they have little pointy ends, and unscrew from the center to
widen them. Even by themselves they are quite uncomfortable, but when
you consider their purpose, they are downright devilish. You see,
we'll place one of these directly above your butthole, and one directly
below it. By widening them, the points will dig into some very sensitive
areas and hurt considerably. However, the real pain will come when
the tips of the lash land in your spread open crack, especially when
they land directly on your asshole!"
With a chuckle Stephen placed
the Crack Dividers, and stepped to the computer. "OK, Timothy. Here's
what's going to happen. You've been sentenced to receive 200 swats
with the lexan paddle, which is mounted to your left. You will also
receive 200 swats with the Fraternity paddle mounted to your right.
Of course both paddles have holes to ensure your bottom gets some
really good blisters. One of the arms above you contains a synthetic
birch rod, with which you will receive 75 cuts. The other contains
a tarred, knotted cat-o-nine tails, which is also set for 75 cuts.
The computer will randomly decide which implement will roast your
backside, and all strokes will be VERY hard. You will determine the
speed of the punishment by pushing the red button by your right hand
whenever you are ready for the next stroke. However, don't forget
that the timer tells you how long you have to complete your punishment.
We have allowed one hour for this punishment, and if you fail to administer
the 550 strokes within that time, you will be awarded one extra stroke
with each of the four implements for each 15 seconds over the time
limit. That comes to an extra 16 strokes for each minute over. Should
you reach 90 minutes, the timer will be turned off and the button
deactivated. The computer will then administer double whatever original
and or penalty strokes you may have remaining. All right, then...enough
of this small talk. Let the fun begin!"
The timer lit up with a
big "60" and the machine whirred to life. Timothy closed his eyes
and depressed the button. CRACK!! The lexan paddle smashed into his
bottom, leaving a bright red strip marked with small white circles.
One lick, and the blisters were already starting to form. About 10
seconds later, SWISH!! The birch rod dug into his left cheek, one
of the rods snaking into his spread crack. THWACK!! The cat bit into
that same cheek! Timothy screamed. CRACK!! The lexan paddle again.
CRACK!! The same implement yet again! WHACK!! This time the Frat paddle,
across his upper thighs and sit spot. The birch to the left cheek
again...the lexan paddle...the birch again, this time on the right...the
cat to the left...the Frat paddle...the Frat paddle...the cat directly
on his asshole.
Only thirteen strokes into his punishment, Timothy
finally summoned the courage to open his eyes. The monitor showed
his buttocks, which looked like a picture of the moon, but MUCH redder...almost
scarlet already. Especially the left cheek, which had gotten significantly
more attention and was showing signs that it might begin to bleed
soon. The timer showed a full 5 minutes had already elapsed. At this
rate it was going to take more than the maximum 90 minutes allowed!
Timothy knew he was going to have to pick up the pace significantly.
a gut-wrenching sob, Timothy screwed his eyes shut and pressed the
button again. A heavy price to pay for three days of freedom!

You are reading:
15 Real Confessions Of Female Prison Inmates

Louise Clark
Oct 09, 2017
Lifestyle , World

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Make a list of your top ten female prison fantasies. You’re going to need it once you’ve read some of the stuff that actually goes down in women’s prisons. Now, we’re not going to lie, you will find some of this a turn on, so go ahead and make space on that on you list of fantasies. Other confessions you’ll read definitely won’t be making an appearance in your list, so it all has to balance out.
Newsflash: women’s prisons are dark, dark places where some seriously questionable stuff happens. This might not be a surprise. After all, if you lock up a bunch of hardened criminals – things are bound to turn ugly. But you really wouldn’t expect women to get up to some of the things they’ve confessed to. We’re not talking girlie pillow fights here, this is prison-level action on a messed up scale. Oh and in answer to the question that’s on everyone’s mind… Yes, the women are hooking up. A lot. Read on and find out just what women do get up to when they’re locked up 24/7.
Locked up for a long stretch? There are going to be times when there’s an itch you just have to scratch. Some girls hook up – more on that later, and others? Well, they take matters into their own hands, with a little help from an unusual source. One female inmate dished the dirt in a Reddit confession. Here’s what she learned during her prison stay:
“Every few days they passed out electric shavers, there was one for each bunk and there would be a line of girls using these old shavers to dry shave their legs in the bathroom. Some of them would flip them and use the non-cutting side as an adult toy on others.”
If you’ve ever watched Orange Is The New Black you’ll know the majority of the contraband came in via the kitchen for much of the first season. Except this isn’t how things go down in real prisons. How do the inmates get their stuff? Someone just throws it over a fence. There’s always the ‘old fashioned’ way. An anonymous inmate fessed up to C “Smuggling things in with your fun parts was also a very popular method. They don’t do full cavity searches, so as long as you’ve been doing your kegel exercises, you can get an iPod shuffle past the guards, no problem.”
Ever heard of the phrase gay for the stay? Apparently it’s a real-life phenomenon in prisons. Women hook up ALL. THE. TIME. Possibly just about the only male fantasy about prison that happens to be real. Don’t believe us?
A recently released prisoner opened up to C , and told them: “It’s not just lesbian and bi women, either. ‘Gay for the stay’ is definitely a thing. Women who are adamant they’re straight end up in relationships with women for the comfort. In closed prison plenty of women get together. The environment means that it usually ends up in fighting and both women being put in segregation, however.”
There’s a universal stereotype in prison movies and TV shows: the food is always nasty and dull. But did you ever see a maggot crawling around one of those prison issue beige trays? This inmate gives us a grisly insight into conditions in the prison canteen.
‘They had been cleaning one day and figured they would open up the meat grinder because it hadn’t been cleaned for a while. As they opened it they found about a million maggots inside it. Basically it hadn’t been cleaned a lot longer then people thought, and the whole prison had been eating maggot meat.’
Female prisoners love to get crafty, except some women aren’t exactly wholesome when it comes to their extra-curricular activities. This shocking confession reveals how female inmates molded melted candy into very personal adult items:
“The women inmates made [toys] out of Jolly Ranchers (which were bought at the canteen). They would melt them using the microwave oven and shape them into d**ks, even with realistic veins. We called them “swirlies” because they were made in different colors.”
This confession raised a ton of questions on Reddit – all far too controversial to post here. Basically, they’re 100x the worst things you’re imagining could happen.
Not every correctional facility is the same. Some are maximum security, while others are a little more lax. And then you get those that have corrupt guards. Nicole Brooks found herself in this nightmare at Julia Tutwiler Prison for Women in Alabama. She says: “”I was scared every day of my life in there … They just do anything they can do to demean you and belittle you,” she adds. “You already feel bad about yourself. You already know you’re at the lowest point you could be in your life, and they just want to beat you down more.” Another Tutweiler inmate claims she personally witnessed assaults and harassment during a three-month stay in the prison. Earlier this year, federal officials revealed conditions at Tutwiler were unconstitutional. Guards were accused of harassing and abusing the female inmates for nearly two decades.
We all know that in a male prison you have to be prepared to take a beating or two. But what about a female jail? Are things just a little bit more civilized there? Hell, no. Female inmates at Silverwater Correctional Centre in Australia shared their prison confessions in a one-off documentary last year. And this revelation proved that life on the inside is just as tough for women. An inmate named Meagan told the filmmakers about the time she got into a fight, saying: “I broke her nose, I split her lip and I broke her two fingers. She just kept mouthing off… she was a snitch.”
Drink too much coffee and you’re going to end up feeling pretty wired. But what happens when you snort the stuff? Well, you start meowing apparently. This county jail confession spills the (coffee) beans on how female inmates take their cup of joe.
“Some of the girls would order coffee from their canteen and snort it, which led to them staying up all night ‘meow’ing to each other.” Riiight. You have to find some way to stay entertained when you’re locked up 24/7, but THIS? Doing your time must really be tedious if snorting coffee is how you get your caffeine kicks.
Look, we know prison is meant to be a punishment. But lice? Really? A female inmate reveals her time in the cells with more than a few unwanted guests.
“I got lice in jail, was quarantined with another girl who also had lice. Needless to say, their lice “treatment” did not work, and the lice festered to an unimaginable point. We picked lice out of each others hair every day and tried drowning them in a cup of water. They don’t f***ing die. Also people treat you like the grossest thing to walk the planet when you have lice in jail.”
When you think of women’s prison, you might well picture Piper Chapman hanging out with her cellies in Orange Is The New Black . Except the reality of doing some serious time is that it’s a seriously lonely life. And what happens when you’re alone with all that time to spare? Your mind starts to dwell on how you ended up there. One anonymous inmate shared her story online, saying: “More than anything, it is just absolutely, crushingly lonely, just this big grey box where you’re ultimately locked up with yourself, and all of your mistakes and s****y choices, with nothing to distract you from the fact that you put yourself there.”
If you’ve ever wondered if you could handle some serious jail time, this confession will make you think twice. A former female inmate fessed this grim story up to ES Magazine and it’ll have you dry heaving all the way until lunchtime.
“My first night in Holloway Prison was hell. I was in a cell with a crazy woman who picked off her toenails and put them in my tea mug. There were people screaming and it was terrifying. There was a bucket to pee in, and at 5 a.m. I was told to ‘slop out’ — when you throw out the contents of the bucket. I got a glob of porridge in the morning that I had to eat with ‘toenails lady’ in my cell.”
Ok so maybe this might not be a bad thing if you’re into ladies or submission or just dig the uniform… but it also has to be seriously creepy when fantasy becomes reality. This female inmate recalls a time where things got awkward with a female prison warden.
“I got a come-on from a warden once myself. There was a water shortage at the time and you were only allowed a bath once a week in an inch of water. The warden came in and she just sat there watching me. There wasn’t much I could do about it. Most of them were into women; that’s why they did the job.”
Women in prison may be hooking up regularly, but things get seriously disfunctional and quick, when you’re being watched 24/7. You also have to remember that inmate relationships are banned, so if you’re caught, you’ll be facing a serious punishment. An anonymous female inmate told C about the lengths women go to for a quick hook up:
“The girls learn to ‘prime themselves,’ so to speak, just prior to the intricately planned encounter, because you’ve got about five minutes, tops, to get the job done. There’s little romance involved [and] no chance of getting fully naked. All [the] secrecy is necessary because getting caught might mean a trip to maximum security.”
If your worst fears about jail involve the prison psychopath, this confession is for you. In a spine-chilling revelation a Redditor who’d served time in a women’s prison recalled a scary inmate she’d been locked up with. If this doesn’t put you off a life of crime, frankly nothing ever will.
“There was a lady we called Madball. She used to chip off pieces of walls, or anything with heft and store it. Then, she’d put it in a sock and beat other girls with it like a nunchuck. She beat one girl within an inch of her life.”
Despite female inmates regularly hooking up, the relationships come with a depressing side order of domestic violence. An inmate named Sally spoke to M about the differences between the real world of female incarceration and the fictional world of Orange Is The New Black .
She told the online magazine: “Some [inmates] beat their wives. There’s a lot of domestic violence between female partners… They fight and brutalize each other… being incarcerated is a violent environment… it comes with racism and homophobia.”
The violence goes unchecked because as another inmate revealed “No one wants to admit to it because you’ll be put in solitary confinement while they investigate, even if you didn’t do anything wrong… there’s a huge disincentive to report anything.”
... but it costs a lot of money to get that done.
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