Princkazon Stories

Princkazon Stories


Princkazon Stories
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American bondage and fetish illustrator, cartoonist and comic-book artist; Eric Stanton (Ernest Stanzoni) was born on September 30, 1926 and raised in New York City. He attended the Cartoonists and Illustrators School and began specializing in erotic bondage comics such … Continue reading →
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Big Muscles, Bigger Hearts

Hello, everyone. As I'm sure you're all aware by now, I've been criminally neglecting this group, and I cannot apologize enough for this. I've been having to cope with a great deal on my own side of the computer screen, and it hasn't done me any favors. College, trying to straighten out my life, trying to help out in the community, having an emotional breakdown and more have not done me any favors. That being said, this is still no excuse for neglecting my responsibilities. And if this group has suffered as a result, I only have myself to blame. And I can only ask your forgiveness and work to prevent such things from happening again in the future. I'm still working to straighten out much that is wrong in my life, but rest assured that I will maintain a greater presence here. I'm also going to be looking for additional help to help keep this group working the way it should. On a final note, I'd like to take a moment to thank KeirTanaka for doing so much to keep this group working smoothly in my absence. Thank you for your time and trouble. And again, I cannot apologize enough for my failures.

I'm Back...and I'm Sorry
January 9, 2018
1 Favourite

Greetings Staff & Members & Casuals Alike; This is your Co-Founder Speaking:       The Founder & I are preoccupied with personal things(+I have 2 other groups 2 worry about)at tha moment & such so we are at a loss for time to maintain this group proper! I however am determined to not allow this group to fall and as such am willing to force free time to work on everything that goes into maintaining this group and that brings me to tha main issue I wanna get across to everyone!       This group's official purpose/goal require submissions of either a specific nature or depicting an individual of a specific nature...but most people prefer to submit pin-ups and because of this I then have to look online for info on the character to make sure they align with our purposes & goals! I think this contention speaks for itself but I'm gonna cut 2 tha chase here! If'n you all wish to submit pin-ups of muscle women rather than depictions of actual kindness & heroics & such that's fine but your submission will be thoroughly ignored altogether if you don't clearly indicate in the title or descript that this is a pin-up of 1) an existing heroine from an established publication(Marvel/DC & so 4th) or 2) an existing heroine from an unestablished source(a dA-OC or relatively unknown content creator) or 3) a villain(ess) featured beside a hero(ine) wherein tha 2 R not fighting and cooperating okay-like preferably or 4) a nebulous depiction of a muscle woman not based on any specific preexisting muscular heroine...or anti-heroine!        1 way of doing this would be writing in tha descript that(4 example)tha woman on tha right is _ and the man on the left is _ and that person way in tha back is _ then proceed to write a brief description about em or link to another source(journal of your own or a public wiki of any kind)that details their personality traits and/or relation to the others depicted when applicable unless they happen to be a random thought-up muscle woman! As long as you have info on hand and aren't slowing me down asking these unnecessary questions about character & such then we will not ignore you then again I will link you to this so you understand why we haven't acknowledged you yet!         I would prefer your submissions not go unnoticed no matter the quality(or lack thereof; jk, lol)put into her! I will try to the best of my ability to help you to help me to help help us really because ultimately this group needs your stuff more than your stuff needs our approval! We would really have no group without your submissions! . . If you would like to help me/us out then copy & paste the following paragraphs to the comms of tha DA- hq : "One of tha most tedious/time-consuming/inconvenient jobs in being tha founder & only admin of your group is going over submissions to determine if any of em will serve the image of your group right: it entails opening tha group page of submissions, bypassing any that you've selected yourself, opening a submission in a separate window to get a closer look at tha deviation itself and maybe get some background info thereof...sometimes that's it but 6x out of 10 there's an issue with it so, ya gotta go back & click the "No Comments" button under the "YES/NO" buttons to maybe open that in another separate window to ask about any issues you have with said submission, actually ask tha sender about the issue(s) or talk privately about it with your subordinates(this is about being the only admin however), wait patiently for response or make judgment right then & there! I propose making the submission screen very much tha same as tha search screen with tha deviation display set to Full View so we can now have a close-up of the deviation from tha start along with any info tha deviator felt necessary to attach to it on top of having tha comms system(each seperate side or just tha "visible to sender" comm)at tha ready with "YES/NO" where the "Fave List" button would normally be!" That Is All & don't forget... ---- "WINNERS DON'T USE DRUGS"

November 14, 2015
No Favourites

This month in Canada, the 2015 Women's World Cup will be taking place, with female soccer teams from all over the world taking part in the competition, competing for the fun and the glory. So for this Monthly Salute, I'd like to take a moment to salute the women of the sporting world. The athletes who put everything on the line for both the gold, and those who look on and enjoy the show. Submit your entries to GentleGiantesses with "Sports" either in the title or in the description. All entries will be featured in the "Monthly Salute: Sports" folder, and will eventually will be placed in our Monthly Salute Archive.

Monthly Salute: Sports
June 7, 2015
No Favourites

Welcome, all members of GentleGiantesses ! I'm happy to announce the start of our very first contest! Presenting... The Heroes of Summer Contest!!!! Media We accept all medias, ranging from digital and traditional drawings, animations, videos, 3D works, or even cosplay or morphs. Written works and comics are also accepted, but only if they're a single deviation. No Multi-deviation works allowed! Theme As suggested by the title, we want to see works featuring muscular woman in the roles of heroes. Whether they be the tried and true comic book heroes, crossover characters, original characters, or any heroic lady fighting for what's right, we want to see them in action!! Rules It must be a new deviation created specifically for this contest. You must be a member to participate. The deviation must pertain to the contest theme. All entries must be submitted directly to the The Heroes of Summer Contest folder. All material must be original. No copies or stolen works. If discovered, the submitting Deviant will automatically be disqualified. Any entry that does not follow the theme of this contest will be disqualified. One entry per member. Timeframe The contest starts today, May 5 2015, and will end September 22, 2015. Once the deadline has passed, we will accept no further entries. Prizes First Prize - Full Color Character Image, Full Color Character Image (Fullbody) Second Prize - Greyscale Character Image, Full Color Character Image (Headshot) Third Prize - Black-and-White Character Image, Digital Sketch Honorable Mention Color Drawing, (Anomymous Donor) Clean Character Sketch More prizes may become available before the end of the contest. We will keep you all updated as it progresses. I hope you all enjoy yourselves!

May 2, 2015
No Favourites

Everybody has a mother, that goes without saying. Mothers of all shapes and sizes, and given that Mother's Day is coming up on May 10, I think it's only appropriate that for this Monthly Salute, we celebrate the best mothers. The kind ones, the educators, those that protect and give their children the gifts of both a place to grow, and the wings to find their future. So this month, I'd love to see all your pictures and stories about muscular women who make the best mothers. Submit your entries to GentleGiantesses with "Mother's Day" either in the title or in the description. All entries will be featured in the "Monthly Salute: Mother's Day" folder, and will eventually will be placed in our Monthly Salute Archive.

Monthly Salute: Mother's Day
May 2, 2015
1 Favourite

Jan 9, 2018

I'm Back...and I'm Sorry

Nov 14, 2015


Jun 7, 2015

Monthly Salute: Sports

May 2, 2015


May 2, 2015

Monthly Salute: Mother's Day

May 2, 2015

End of May Update

Apr 2, 2015

Monthly Salute: Rape Awareness

Apr 2, 2015

End of March Update

Mar 2, 2015

Monthly Salute: Stop Crush

Mar 2, 2015

End of February Update

Feb 2, 2015

Contest Prize Call

Feb 2, 2015

Contest Prize Call, New Blood

Feb 2, 2015

End of January Update

Jan 2, 2015

End of December Update

Dec 31, 2014

Happy New Year A Resolution Of My Own

Dec 7, 2014

The Issue Of BDSM

Dec 1, 2014

Monthly Salute: Physical Fitness

Dec 1, 2014

End of November Update

Nov 29, 2014

It Makes Me Sick...

Nov 1, 2014

Monthly Salute: Military Heroes

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Great selection! My kid loves "Owl babies" apart from illustrations it is pretty educational and warm. But the biggest find of these days in terms of early education is personalized books for kids. I ordered My Custom Book personalized book for my toddler with her name on the cover and inside the book. It is about forgiveness, and she just loves it. What do you think of such approach in children books?

30 books that make kids laugh out loud link took me to this stunningly illustrated books instead. i found it on pinterest. could you fix it so that i can find the right one please
Copyright ©2022 · Childhood101 - All Rights Reserved ·
One of my first tips for choosing picture books that kids will fall in love with has always been – choose books with captivating illustrations . It is no surprise that the pictures inform your child’s first impression of a book, so choosing books with wonderful illustrations is a perfect place to start, which led me to compile this list of thirty truly beautiful children’s books .
Illustrations inspire a child’s imagination, and in picture books the illustrations really do contribute as much as the story shared. This collection of books includes illustrations that truly are works of art, representing a range of artistic mediums and styles. They are also a fabulous reminder that picture books are not just for tiny tots, in fact many of these stories are more suited to children in the early and even middle years of primary/elementary school. 
For more information about the titles listed below, each is linked to an online bookstore page where you can find reviews and age recommendations for titles you are unfamiliar with (these are affiliate links).
These beautiful children’s books are true classics. They make wonderful keepsakes and are perfect baby shower or first birthday party gifts.
Printables | Learning Activities | All Ages
Christie Burnett is a teacher, presenter, writer and the mother of two. She created Childhood 101 as a place for teachers and parents to access engaging, high quality learning ideas.
Inside: 10 super handy books for children starting preschool.

My children’s … [Read More...]
Inside: This free, printable The Color Monster Emotions Activity is a fabulous … [Read More...]
These emotions themed 2D shape preschool activity pages are a great resource … [Read More...]
Change Sings: A Children’s Anthem by Amanda Gorman. Illustrated by Loren Long
A celebrated poet and fabulous illustrator pair up in this lyrical celebration of change, reminding children that they have the power to make a difference in the world.
Available: Amazon | The Book Depository
The Day You Begin by Jacqueline Woodson. Illustrated by Rafael Lopez
“There will be times when you walk into a room and no one there is quite like you.” This award winning affirming book is about the many reasons you might feel different, starting in a new place when you know no one, and so much more. A beautiful, evocative picture book for kids right up into middle elementary/primary grades.
Available: Amazon | The Book Depository
Florette by Anna Walker
When Mae’s family move to a big city, all Mae wants to do is bring her garden with her but there is no room for a garden at their new home. Mae feels lonely and sad – until she discovers a beautiful place full of green in the middle of Paris, and she discovers there is something truly beautiful that will make her feel much more at home.
Available: Amazon | The Book Depository
Happy: A Children’s Book of Mindfulness by Nicola Edwards. Illustrated by Katie Hickey
This poetic introduction to taking time to be present, slowing down to appreciate moments of happiness, offers a soothing introduction to mindfulness and emotions.
Available: Amazon | The Book Depository
We Are Together by Britta Teckentrup
Each of us is wonderful and special on our own but when we team up with other we can make truly amazing things happen. Beautiful illustrations and clever diecut pages combine with this wonderful message to make a truly engaging picture book.
Available: Amazon | The Book Depository
How to Catch A Star by Oliver Jeffers
We haven’t found an Oliver Jeffers book that hasn’t instantly become a firm favourite but I particularly love the illustrations in How to Catch a Star.
Available: Amazon | The Book Depository
Kissed by the Moon by Alison Lester
A beautiful, calming lyrical tale that is sure to become a beloved bedtime pick with toddlers and preschoolers.
Available: Amazon | The Book Depository
Extra Yarn by Mac Barnett. Illustrated by Jon Klassen
The clever combination of black and white and colour illustrations is integral to this lovely story of kindness and generosity.
Available: Amazon | The Book Depository
Mirror by Jeannie Baker
All of Jeannie Baker’s books featuring collage illustrations are spectacular. I love that Mirror compares the lives and stories of two families who live worlds apart.
Available: Amazon | The Book Depository
Animalia by Graeme Base
This is an alphabet book like no other, Graeme Base is such a master of fascinating, detailed illustrations that we created a whole post about his stunning books – Graeme Base Author Study .
Available: Amazon | The Book Depository
For more fabulous books by Australian authors like Graeme Base, check out our 50 Best Australian Picture Books and 35 Books About Australian Animals booklists.
The Lion and the Mouse by Jerry Pinkney
Aesop’s classic fable retold through stunning illustrations, this award-winning, wordless picture book is clever and captivating.
Available: Amazon | The Book Depository
Owl Moon by Jane Yolen. Illustrated by John Schoenherr
A girl and her father head out on a nighttime adventure to go owling. The beautiful watercolour illustrations in Owl Moon are .
Available: Amazon | The Book Depository
Iggy Pack, Architect by Andrea Beaty. Illustrations by David Roberts
Iggy has one passion – building – but when his second grade teacher dislikes architecture, what is Iggy to do – clever, humorous, spectacular!
Available: Amazon | The Book Depository
The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs by Jon Scieszka. Illustrated by Lane Smith
A very funny, fractured fairy tale, straight from the wolf’s mouth, with very special illustrations.
Available: Amazon | The Book Depository
Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak
Let the wild rumpus begin! There are many reasons why Where the Wild Things Are is an acclaimed classic, the fabulous illustrations being just one.
Available: Amazon | The Book Depository
Rapunzel by Paul O. Zelinsky
A classic tale shares will beautiful illustrations that are thankfully nothing at all like the Disneyfied version!
Available: Amazon | The Book Depository
The Polar Express by Chris Van Allsburg
In this celebrated classic, a young boy takes a magical trip to the North Pole on Christmas Eve.
Available: Amazon | The Book Depository
Actual Size by Steve Jenkins
The paper-cut collages of Steve Jenkins are amazing and the concept of this non-fiction picture book – where children can see how they measure up to the actual size of a range of animals from around the world – is ingenious.
Available: Amazon | The Book Depository
The Street Beneath My Feet by Charlotte Guillain. Illustrated by Yuval Zommer
This very clever non-fiction book uses a unique format and outstanding illustrations to take readers on a journey to the centre of the earth, and then back again.
Available: Amazon | The Book Depository
Journey by Aaron Becker
A fabulous wordless wonder, Journey is the story of a lonely girl who draws a magic door on her bedroom wall as an escape to a world of adventure, wonder and possibly even a little danger!
Available: Amazon | The Book Depository
Flotsam by David Wiesner
A young beachcomber finds a camera wash
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