Princess Whore

Princess Whore


Princess Whore

Catherine Armecin

01/13/19 AT 7:38 PM
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Princess Diana and her own mother, Frances Shand Kydd, didn’t have a good relationship.
The late Princess of Wales’ former butler Paul Burrell shared an incident when he overheard a telephone call between Princess Diana and her mother.
“(Diana) said come and have a listen to this, and her mother ... berated her for being [seen] around with Muslim men,” Burrell said .
“You’re nothing but a prostitute and a whore, that’s what I’ve brought up, a prostitute,” Princess Diana’s mother said.
Burrell added that after the conversation, Princess Diana told him that she would never ever speak to her mother again as long as she lives. Princess Diana’s mom died in June 2004.
To make matters worse, Princess Diana didn’t have a good relationship with her stepmother, Raine Spencer . Princess Diana and her siblings would reportedly refer to their stepmother as “Acid Raine” and often sang “Raine, Raine, go away.”
When Princess Diana married Prince Charles in 1981, she wasn’t seated with John Spencer. She also didn’t appear on the Buckingham Palace’s balcony after the ceremony. There were also reports claiming that one time the Princess of Wales pushed Raine down the stairs.
However, their relationship improved after Princess Diana and Prince Charles’s split. According to Daily Mail , as Princess Diana was coming to terms with the collapse of her marriage with Prince Charles, she remained estranged from her own mother, so Raine provided her a “no-nonsense shoulder to cry on.”
Following Princess Diana’s fatal car crash, Raine spoke at the princess’ inquest and her affection and sympathy for the People’s Princess were obvious, BBC reported.
Raine recalled how Princess Diana would always tell her that she had no hidden agenda because there are so many people around her that wanted something from her. Raine also described Princess Diana’s life as “very draining.”
Raine also shared Princess Diana’s affection for her boyfriend Dod Al Fayed who was with her during the accident. According to Raine, the relationship between the two was not a “summer romance” and she described Al Fayed as “charming, sweet and modest.”
When the inquest was about to finish, Raine asked coroner Lord Justice Scott Baker’s permission for a short statement. She thanked everyone involved in the inquest and begged to solve the mystery surrounding Princess Diana and Al Fayed’s death, so they could truly rest in peace.
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Slan scolds the Skull Knight for having interrupted her moment alone with Guts . The Skull Knight does not play along with her playful words, instead speaking bluntly; he wonders why Slan was the only member of the God Hand summoned inside the cave, but she corrects him: she hadn't been summoned, but instead came of her own volition to see Guts. She adds that Griffith 's reemergence into the physical world is causing a much greater overlap of the layers of the universe and that she does not know the whereabouts of the other members of the God Hand. Slan having answered the Skull Knight's questions without his needing to ask them first, he draws his sword, ready to fight. In response, Slan summons four ogres that emerge from the bloodstained water she and Guts are in.

Schierke has erected two more bulwarks to protect her group from a horde of trolls : one bulwark for herself, and another for Isidro , Farnese , Casca and the women and children of Enoch Village . Schierke's eyes are closed and she is entranced, intending to cast a spell. As such, she cannot see that the trolls before her are armed with farm tools. Isidro knows that since the farm tools are from the physical world, they cannot be blocked by Schierke's bulwarks, so he steps out of his own bulwark's radius to face the trolls head-on to defend Schierke from their harmful weapons. Schierke herself is completely unaware of the events surrounding her in the physical world. She has mentally wandered back into the astral world, where she meets a giant creature that looks like the personification of a swamp.

Guts shoots Slan with his arm cannon.
The Skull Knight is able to effortlessly dispatch Slan's ogres. He then cuts through a summoned horde of trolls just as easily. Slan tells him that his efforts are futile as the "Uterus of Darkness" is her personal domain in which she can summon as many dark beings as suits her needs. Her words draw the Skull Knight's attention toward her, and he suddenly becomes the first of the two to realize the situation that Slan now finds herself in: she looks down at Guts, who has managed to point his prosthetic arm at her stomach and pull its secondary trigger with his teeth. The cannon is fired, and Slan takes the impact with a smile.

Isidro manages to beat the lead troll.
Isidro is able to ward off the first wave of trolls in front of the group. The lead troll steps forward, easily recognizable by the facts that it is nearly twice the size of the trolls around it and that it is armored and wielding both a crossbow and a intricately-crafted waraxe. Isidro is fearful of his new opponent, but seems to find inspiration when he glances at the salamanders which inhabit his salamander dagger . He then remembers how Morgan had almost lost his life while protecting Isidro back in Enoch Village. The troll aims its crossbow at the boy, who begins to move. As though unaware of his own actions, Isidro lights a small explosive and throws it at the troll leader, who blocks it with a lowly troll. Isidro rolls forward to dodge an arrow fired by the leader. Now within its axe's reach, Isidro rolls forward once more to dodge another attack. As his roll comes to an end, he draws his new blade and slices under the troll's arm. He ends his assault by stabbing it with the salamander dagger, which releases a burst of flame.

Despite having a large hole blown into her stomach, Slan is more aroused at being injured than concerned. The wound she has begins to close, and she tells Guts that killing her takes much more than a simple cannon blast. The Skull Knight calls out to the shocked Guts, saying that Slan can be injured by the Dragon Slayer (due to it existing in the Interstice after being used to kill apostles ). Guts heeds the Skull Knight's words and stabs Slan with half of the blade's entire length.

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Little boys have fantastic role models — the best in the world actually. Steve McQueen, Ty Cobb, Hercules “Rowdy” Roddy Piper; all of them great men of integrity and dignity. And that’s exactly what the little boys who worship them become: great men of integrity and dignity.
Indiana Jones never aborted anything because he couldn’t hold a job that paid more than minimum wage. What would they call that installment exactly? Indiana Jones in the Welfare Miscarriage.
That would be a short fucking movie.
Women have horrible role models. One of their biggest is Paris Hilton believe it or not. She teaches them that drunk driving isn’t as dangerous as everyone says, racism is okay as long as you don’t think the camera is on, and blowjobs will make you famous.
The odds of a blowjob making you famous are like a trillion to one. Bad role model.
Women are likewise obsessed with the Disney Princesses. Sleeping Beauty is their John McClane, and Tinkerbelle is their Nicolas Cage. Disney’s stable of Princesses generate over 3 billion dollars a year in lunch pails, shitty coloring books, and Cinderella outfits that a woman I took to Disneyland one time wouldn’t try on because the biggest size they had was “youth medium”.
Well no shit the biggest size they have is a “youth medium”. Princesses are supposed to hit a treadmill every now and again.
Snow White is exactly what happened to women.
At some point in history, women were all perfectly happy living perfectly fantastic lives with perfectly reasonable responsibilities: clean, cook, shut the fuck up. Then a bitter old hag (Mary Wollstonecraft) came along and shoved an apple poisoned with equality down their throats. In the Disney movie, a man comes along and wakes Snow White up from her silly and stupid dreams using some magic pills a wizard gave him or something. I don’t remember the movie because I haven’t seen it since I accidentally watched it at a dentist’s office about a decade ago. I preferred the drill. The point is, in real life, women didn’t wake up. Their mindless sleep turned into nightmares of worthless degrees, “business cleavage”, and reports they could barely hold right-side up let alone understand.
Oh boy, was she a whore. What women who worship Cinderella don’t realize is that they’re actually worshiping the shame they have for their perverted sexual fantasies. Cinderella wasn’t running away from a prince at midnight because she was poor. What woman gives a fuck about being poor? They all spend money they don’t have anyway. You can’t be poor when someone’s always willing to credit your ass.
Cinderella was running away because midnight marks the beginning of “business time”, and that meant her crude, womanly desires for sexual satisfaction were about to take hold of her mind like the jaws of a dead rat. Ever met a woman who’s favorite position isn’t doggy style? I rest my case.
A woman being poor is like secretly replacing her birth control with Spanish Fly. Every guy with two nickels to rub together turns her into Lady Godiva. Why isn’t Lady Godiva a Disney Princess? Is she not enough of a whore?
This one is goldbricking par excellence . I don’t remember the guy’s name from this movie, but if I had to guess, it would be Prince Who Has a Dick And Went Through a Lot of Bullshit To Get Here Today. No woman can make it past the age of five without learning that lesson and this Disney princess is why.
Slaying a dragon can eat a dick. In some parts of the world, women will fuck you for helping her move a sofa. These parts of the world are found anywhere not covered in water.
Teaching young girls that looks don’t matter and that personality does, is basically teaching them that looks don’t matter and that money does. What’s on the inside counts? Bullshit. What’s on the inside of his wallet you mean. If that ugly fucking baboon didn’t have a castle and talking flatware, a Disney “princess” would not have given a shit about getting to know his furry ass.
Nice sea shells by the sea shore. It’s obvious to me that all women from 12-15 are taking life lessons from The Little Mermaid. Those lessons are: dress as provocatively as possible and while doing so, sink your father into so much fucking debt with your bullshit delusions you call “dreams”, he has to sell his soul to haul you out. In real life, the IRS is an evil half-woman, half-octopus with ten million tentacles and the voice of a drag queen.
When I saw the adverts for this film, I remember thinking to myself, “Jesus, that cartoon is wearing lingerie.”
You can buy that lingerie at Disneyland. However, it only comes in a “youth medium”.
The real tale of Pocahontas is one rich in pedophilia. That may be okay for women and their lack of morality, but as a man, pedophilia is something I’m dead-set against.
When I saw Rocky for the first time, I went home and started training to become a boxer. I did the same thing w
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