Princess Jennifer Foot Worship

Princess Jennifer Foot Worship


Princess Jennifer Foot Worship

Check out the latest release by Fight Pulse : Madame Curie vs Sasha (onslaught) . Preview photos are available in this topic . Get this video at: Fight Pulse - FW-168 .

Princess Jennifer and the big slave baby

It was the summer before I left for college and life was looking good. I got accepted at a good school, got some scholarship money, and best of all, had a great job waiting for me when I graduated. My father and his business partner Jerry had made a killing importing machine parts from East Asia, and when I graduated I was going to be the new sales manager. To celebrate, the two families and assorted friends were having a midsummer cookout at Jerry's house, a sprawling mini-mansion out in the country.
I was sitting out in the back patio. My dad and Jerry, both hammered after a few too many cocktails, were having an arm wrestling match on a redwood picnic table. Jerry had just beaten my dad and motioned to me "C'mon, college boy, defend the family honor."
Jerry was an okay guy so I humored him and after a couple of strenuous minutes, he put my arm down. It wasn't a surprise. He probably outweighed me by fifty pounds. I took some good natured ribbing and the two of them went inside to join the wives in the kitchen. I was sitting there checking my phone when I felt some sit down opposite me. I looked up and it was Jennifer, one of Jerry's daughters. That's when everything got fucked up.
She was in the eighth grade, extremely cute, and extremely aware of it. A shade over five feet tall, she was well on her way to becoming a beautiful young girl. I had known her since she was a baby and hadn't paid much attention to her, in part because she was five years younger than me, and in part because she was stuck-up brat. To my surprise, she put her arm up in the arm wrestling position. "My turn," she said. "Let's see what you got."
I smirked. "Yeah, right," and went back to my phone.
"C'mon," she said, her voice rising, "I'm serious. I think I can beat you."
"Dream on."
"I almost beat my dad the other week."
I looked at her in disbelief. Her dad was way bigger than her. She must have thought I was an idiot. "Right. What are you, like a hundred pounds?"
"So what? Cheerleaders are strong. And I know I can beat you. You're such a game nerd you've probably never flexed a muscle in your life."
She was beginning to get on my nerves. "Beat it. Aren't there some little kids around the side you can play with?"
She moved her open hand closer to my face. "I'll tell everybody you were afraid to try me. My dad knows how strong I am. He'll believe it. Then he'll tell your dad. Then everybody will know you’re afraid to challenge me."
I know it was stupid, but she was getting under my skin. I decided to shut her up. "All right, Princess Jennifer. Why don't you show me some of that strength." I took her small hand in mine and glared at her in an attempt to intimidate her. Any normal 13-year-old would have been a little bit taken aback, but she just gripped my hand and smiled.
A little alarm went off in the back of my head. That small hand had quite a grip. A very tight grip. She said "Ready, set, Go!" and began to push my hand down.
I was figuring I'd let her get a false sense of confidence then shatter it with a big slam down. It didn’t happen. I let her take my hand down a few inches before pushing back. She paused for a moment, then resumed her progress. I redoubled my efforts, surprised she was still moving forward. Damn! The midget was strong! As my arm was now about halfway down I decided to end it and put everything I had into it so I could slam her down. I managed to get back up to neutrality and then was stopped. I couldn’t move another inch. I was grunting a little and looked up at her in disbelief. How was this happening? She was smiling calmly at me, not even looking at her hand. I could see her round upper arm swelling with muscle as she began to force my hand down. “Are you even trying, Dave?” she said.
In a panic, I reached under the table and grabbed a table leg to give me more leverage. I knew it was cheating, but the situation was getting way, way out of hand. Red-faced, I put my shoulder into it, and grunting with effort strained with every muscle in my body. As if from far away, I heard her imitate a sports announcer and say “Uh Oh. Looks like college boy is going to lose to a eighth-grader!”, and nearly going into shock, I saw my hand get slammed down by her tiny little hand.
She released my hand and raised her arms in jubilation. “Winner, winner, chicken dinner!”
I felt my face get hot. “You were so lucky right then. That was a total fluke.”
She put her hand up. “Wanna go again?”
“You better believe it. You were so lucky, there’s no way that could happen again.”
But to my great shame, it did. I started off strong, but slowly but surely the little blonde forced my hand down, the whole time saying “What’s the matter, Dave? Is the little girl getting lucky again? Can she be lucky two times in a row?” Smiling in delight, she pushed my hand down while I strained with every muscle in my body. She held my hand down for a long, long moment. “Admit it. I’m stronger than you.”
I tore my hand away, shaking in anger. I don’t know how she did it, but I’d had enough. “To hell with you, Jennifer. I’m not admitting anything.” I rose to my feet and headed inside, my mind reeling. How had that just happened? She was just a little girl!
Jennifer jumped up and followed me as I slid the sliding glass door open and entered the family room. Everyone else was down the hall in the living room. She trailed behind me, chanting in a sing-song voice, “Jennifer’s stronger than David, Jennifer’s stronger than David…”
“Shut up! You’re not stronger than me!”
“Jennifer kicked his butt…. Jennifer kicked his butt…”
And then, to really piss me off, she actually kicked me in the butt! She raised her little foot and kicked me in the butt! A eighth grade girl! I spun around, furious, and snatched at her arm. I was so angry, I don’t know what I was going to do, shake her a little I suppose, and scream in her face, but she surprised me. Instead of being intimidated, she suddenly leaped forward, into my body, avoiding my grasp and slammed her body into mine, throwing her arms around me in a bear hug.
“Oh, you want to wrestle? I can kick your butt even more!”
Furiously, I leaned back as much as I could and tried to push her off me, but she had locked her hands behind my back, and try as I might, I couldn’t push her away. She was squeezing me around the waist and laughing. “Got ya!”
I gave up trying to push her away and reached behind me to pry her hands apart but she was pushing into me and we went lurching around clumsily with her body clutching onto mine. Before I could get free, she hooked her foot behind my knee and twisted and we went crashing to the ground. The shoe was on the other foot then because I landed on top of her and her hands broke loose, I spread my legs out wide to maintain leverage and taunted her. “Who’s got who, you little brat? You’re going to be so sorry you messed with me...”
She was squirming frantically underneath me and I was hard pressed to stay on top. She was a wildcat! I had to give everything I had to stay on top. I let my full weight press down on her and fumbled around feeling for her wrists. I was going to pin her arms down and sit on top of her. Then I was going to teach her a lesson. But it was taking a long, long time. We fought against each other for minute after minute rocking from side-to-side as she struggled to get out from underneath me and I struggled to stay on top. Despite my sixty pound weight advantage I barely was able to keep her from getting away. It seemed like the longer we fought the stronger she got. Finally I managed to grab onto her wrists and tried to pull them up next to her head and pin her down, but I couldn’t do it! She had her elbows tucked into her sides and no matter how much I tried I couldn’t pull her arms up next to her head. “Get off me you dork!” she yelled.
“How does it feel now, Princess?” I said. Frustrated, I let go of her right arm and raised myself up so I could grab her other arm with both hands, I didn’t care if it took both hands, I was going to grab that little hand and yank it upwards.
That proved to be a mistake. With one arm free she managed to slip her body slightly to the side and gathering her leg under her, suddenly pushed against me, and just like that, our positions were reversed. I was now lying underneath her with her little hundred-pound body pressing down on me. “Who’s on top now?” she laughed. “You thought you had me? ” Despite my flailing about crazily, she was able to grab my wrists. “You’re going down!” Then, I was introduced to the wrestling hold I later found out was called the Grapevine. I didn’t know what was going on, all I knew was that her feet were hooked on the inside of my knees spreading them apart and it felt like I was being ripped in half.
“AAAHHH!!!! Stop it! Stop it!” I yelled. Now she was the one that had my wrists and was pulling them up next to my head, and much to my consternation, she was doing it! The very thing I couldn’t do to her she was now doing to me! She forced my arms upward and triumphantly pinned them next to my head.
“I have you now,” she said. Her head was buried in my neck as she pressed against me. She spoke in a low, confident voice, her mouth right next to my ear. That really bothered me, because that’s where my girlfriend used to kiss me and it felt funny to have this little girl’s lips so close to my ear. She whispered “I can do anything I want to you.”
“You’d better get off me,” I threatened, but it wasn’t very convincing. I was exhausted from constant straining to break free. Even as I bucked and writhed I could feel my strength ebbing. In a matter of minutes I had gone from aggressively attacking her to fending off attacks. I glanced at the door. What if someone came in and saw us? What would they think seeing a nearly full-grown man being held down by a thirteen-year-old? “You’re going to get it,” I panted.
“Really?” she said, “are you trying your best? Is this really everything you have?”
“If you don’t get off of me right now you’re really going to pay.”
“HAHA! I don’t think so. I can feel you getting weaker. You’re like a little baby zebra and I’m a lion. I’m going to eat you!” She raised her head and laughed right in my face and chomping her teeth like she was going to bite me.
It got worse.
I gave a last-ditch effort with what was left of my energy and raised up off the floor but she bounced her body down and I was flat on my back again, out of gas and flooded with shame. I squeezed my eyes shut. Why couldn’t I get her off me? How was she stronger than me?
“Awww, is the little zebra going to cry? No! I know! You’re not a little zebra, you’re a sad little baby.” She released my legs from the Grapevine and scooted up so that she was sitting on my chest. From there she could look straight down at my face. I refused to meet her gaze, turning my face to the side. “Look at me,” she commanded, “Look me in the eye or I’ll make it a lot worse. I want to see the expression on your face when you look up at me and realize I beat you fair and square.”
A lot worse? How could it get worse? I decided I didn’t want to find out and looked up at her. It was so humiliating to see her so brazenly confident. To rub it in even more, she scooted up even further and pinned my arms with her knees, placing her hands on her hips. I should have been able to throw her off, she wasn’t even using her arms! But as much as I twisted and fought, I couldn’t. She just smirked at my feeble efforts. I had never felt so exhausted.
“You’ve been a jerk to me my whole life, always bossing me around and yelling at me like you’re so much better than me. Who’s the boss now?” she said, cupping my chin and leaning over to stare at me from just a few inches above. “Who’s the boss, little baby?” she repeated. Then, she began slapping my face side to side using two hands, just enough to humiliate me.
“Get off of me!” I said desperately.
“Make me.” Slap, slap.
“Get off!”
“Say please.” Slap, slap.
I couldn’t take any more of this. She was torturing me. “Please,” I said
“Say pretty pleqse.” Slap, slap.
Oh my god! Could anything be worse? She was just sitting on me bouncing up and down and I couldn’t throw her off!
Then it got worse.
She cupped one hand over my mouth and pinched my nostrils together with her other, shutting off my air. She was suffocating me!
“Say pretty please with sugar on it.”
I kicked and squirmed as much as I could, but it was no use. She rode me comfortably and kept her small strong hand clamped over my mouth. Just before I ran out of air she released her grip and I gasped for air. “Pretty please, pretty please with sugar on it” I was begging now. Begging a little girl not to suffocate me.
“No! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Now tell me – who’s the boss?”
I wanted her off me so bad. This was the worst! Was she going to keep me here forever? It seemed like the only way to get her off was to concede. I gritted my teeth and admitted the painful truth. “You are”.
“HAHAHA! I’m the boss of a Senior! And I’m not even in ninth grade! Wait til I tell everyone.” She leaned over me, chanting in that sing-song voice again; “You’re a big baby, you’re a big baby…” Suddenly her eyes widened. “Wait! I have even a better idea!” Leaning backwards, she reached her arms out behind her. I didn’t know what she was doing, then I felt her hands fumbling with my belt buckle. She was taking off my belt! Why was she taking off my belt?
I tried bucking her off again but she rode me easily, and pulled my belt off and held it up in front of my face. “See this?” she said. Before I could figure out what was going on she rolled off me and, grabbing an arm, cruelly twisted it until I forced to roll over and lay on my stomach, my arm twisted painfully behind my back. I couldn’t believe how she was able to overpower me so bad. It really hurt!
“Stop it! You’re breaking my arm!” I cried out.
“Not yet. But I might if you don’t shut up, you big baby.” She planted herself on my butt and looped the belt around my wrist. Then, even as I flailed wildly, she grabbed my other wrist and pulled the belt tightly around both wrists. Then she finished tying it off and stood up. I was completely hogtied with my hands behind my back, lying on my stomach at her feet. She planted her bare foot on my butt and raised her hands in victory. “New world champion of loser teenage babies!” Looking down at me squirming uncomfortably, in a show of athletic balance, she raised her foot and put the ball of her foot on my head, pushing it back to the floor. “What’s the matter little zebra? Not too comfy?” She began to rub her foot on my face, tracing the outline of my face with her big toe, using that annoying sing-song voice, “you’re my little prisoner, you’re my little prisoner… Oh! I just got an awesome idea!”
Jennifer then went over to a lamp by the window. My cheek against the carpet, I watched her unplug an extension cord and come back over. “What are you doing?” I said, my voice quavering.
“I’m going to show you off,” she said “You’re my trophy”, and kneeling by my feet, despite my desperate kicks, wrapped the cord around my ankles. In a few moments I was completely trussed up, hands and feet. What a turn of events! Only twenty minutes earlier I had been a hot shot, now I was an eighth-graders prisoner, tied up hand and foot and lying at her feet while she laughed.
Jennifer then went to my feet, picked up my ankles, braced herself, and pulled. Stooped over and tugging backwards, she began to drag me slowly across the carpet. “Stop! Stop!” I yelled frantically, twisting from side to side, “What are you doing?”
Very matter-of-factly, she said “I’m going to drag you down the hallway and into the living room where everyone is sitting. I want to show everybody how I beat you up. Can you imagine the look on everyone’s face when they see you like this? It’s going to be awesome!” She paused her dragging me long enough to laugh at how scared I looked. “Can you imagine your Mom and Dad sitting there, talking about whatever, then looking up and seeing a 13 –year-old girl dragging their high school senior by the ankles into the living room while he’s crying like a little baby? They’re going to freak!”
“Wait, wait, Jennifer, don’t do this. I’ll be ruined!”
“Like I care. They are going to be so shocked at what a wimp you are – they might even make me sales manager instead of you. HaHa! What a riot!”
“I’ll make it up you,” I said desperately, “I can be very valuable to you.”
She paused, looking at me skeptically. “Like how?”
“I have a car! I have money! I can take you places, buy stuff for you!”
A look came over her face that, had she not been so cute-looking, might have been described as diabolical. “Now that is the first thing you’ve said that makes any kind of sense.” She dropped my legs to the floor and looked down at me, thinking. Then she walked around to where my head lay, thinking some more. She stood over me, then, slowly squatted, her butt coming closer and closer. “ Stop! What are you doing?” I twisted my head back and forth. Was she going to sit on face? Was she going to smother me? Was this how I was going to die?
She paused with her butt just a few inches above my face. “We’re going to make a deal,” she said, “and to seal it with a kiss, you’re going to kiss my butt.”
“Jennifer, you’re crazy!”
“Are you going to kiss it? If not I’m going to finish what I started.”
“Yes! Yes!”
“That’s what I thought. Now kiss my butt.” She lowered her ass cheek until it was in inch above my mouth. “Raise your head up and do it. I don’t want to make you. I want you to do it voluntarily, because you want to. Don’t you want to kiss my cute little butt?”
“Yes, “ I said, nearly blubbering.
“Then say, “Please Jennifer, may I please kiss your cute little butt?”
“Please, Jennifer, may I please kiss your cute little butt?”
“Why, thank you for asking! Yes, you may. “ And I raised my head and kissed her butt.
“Longer,” she commanded, and I pressed my lips to her butt cheek for long seconds. Finally, she was satisfied and stood up again.
“That was too funny. Okay, okay, here’s what we’re going to do. I liked what you called me earlier – Princess. From now on that’s what you’ll always call me. And I’ll call you slave baby, because that’s what you’ll be, my little slave baby. Got it?”
I nodded weakly.
“Say it!”
“Yes Princess.”
She laughed delightedly. “This is going to be so cool! When I call you and tell you to come over to pick me up and take me somewhere you’ll say ”Yes Princess”. And I’ll call you Slave Baby. And it will be our little secret. I won’t tell anyone I can beat you up. Is it a deal, my little butt-kissing Slave Baby?”
“Yes, Princess.”
She laughed again. “HAHAHA! I really control you now! I have my own little slave. This is awesome!”
She bent down and untied the extension cord and loosened the belt from my wrists. I stood up slowly, flexing my hands to get the circulation going again. She really tied it tight.
“Get down on your knees,” she ordered. Slowly, I got down on my knees.
“Kiss my feet.”
I didn’t think I could sink any lower but when I looked up at her I realized I was afraid of her, of how she could physically overpower me. Plus, she seemed to have discovered a mean streak, and I was now her victim. I lowered my head and kissed her little foot.
“Good job. I never had a slave baby before. This is going to be fun.”
She went over to door and slid back into her flip flops. Her bouncy walk and swinging ponytail really brought home how young she was. Sh
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