При Просмотре Кружков В Телеграмме Гаснет Экран В Telegram

При Просмотре Кружков В Телеграмме Гаснет Экран В Telegram

При Просмотре Кружков В Телеграмме Гаснет Экран В Telegram
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Title: Обнаружен дефект: Кружки гаснут экран в Telegram

recentnye обновlenia v Telegram'e принесли пользователям новое удобство в виде круглых кнопок в интерфейсе ботов. Однако, это нововведение привело к неожиданной проблеме: при просмотре сообщений с круглыми кнопками экран гаснет.

Проблема наблюдается в следующих случаях:

1. Когда пользователь получает много сообщений с круглыми кнопками в короткое время.
2. Когда пользователь просматривает сообщения с круглыми кнопками в конце длинного текстового сообщения.

Причина этой проблемы заключается в том, что Telegram's media proxy service, which is responsible for handling and delivering media files, experiences some performance issues when dealing with multiple requests for circular buttons in a short time frame or in the context of long text messages.

This results in the application freezing or the screen going black for a few seconds, making it difficult for users to interact with the app during this period.

To mitigate this issue, Telegram developers are working on optimizing the media proxy service to improve its performance when handling multiple requests for circular buttons. In the meantime, users can try the following workarounds:

1. Disable automatic downloads for media files in settings to reduce the number of requests being sent to the media proxy service.
2. Use the "Mark all as read" feature to quickly clear your chat list and avoid having to view multiple messages with circular buttons at once.
3. Avoid sending or receiving multiple messages with circular buttons in a short time frame.
4. Update Telegram to the latest version, as the developers have been releasing bug fixes and performance improvements regularly.

Although this issue may be inconvenient, it is important to remember that Telegram is a constantly evolving platform, and its developers are actively working to address these types of problems. In the meantime, users can employ these workarounds to minimize the impact of the issue on their experience with the app.

In conclusion, the appearance of circular buttons in Telegram brought a new level of convenience to users, but it also introduced a problem that causes the screen to go black when viewing messages with these buttons. The cause of this issue is related to Telegram's media proxy service and its inability to handle multiple requests for circular buttons efficiently. Users can try some workarounds to mitigate the issue while developers continue to optimize the media proxy service.

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