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By Matt Blake Updated: 17:25 BST, 6 March 2012
An alleged sex gang was today accused of setting up a abuse ring involving thousands of men with young 'white girls in the middle', a teenager who fell pregnant claimed today.
But one of the alleged victims, 13, told a court that 'no one was raped', saying she thought the men, some of whom were in their late 40s and 50s, were her friends.
She claimed she would sometimes drink a litre of neat vodka before being intimate with the men because it made her feel 'loud and good'.
Kabeer Hassan (left), from Oldham, and Qamar Shazad (right), from Rochdale, both deny rape
Speaking about a 59-year-old defendant, who cannot be named for legal reasons, she said: 'He wouldn't hurt a fly. He was one of the nicest people you could ever meet.
She told Liverpool Crown Court that she would get phone calls from 'strangers' who would ask her if she wanted to go 'chilling'. She said she agreed and was passed around by different men.
The girl became pregnant by one of 11 men alleged to be involved in a child sex exploitation ring, the court heard.
Mohammed Amin (left), who denies sexual assault, was among the defendants on trial along with Abdul Qayyum (right)
She made the revelation during an interview with officers about the alleged abuse of under age girls - some as young as 13 - between 2008 and 2009.
During interviews played to a jury at Liverpool Crown Court, the girl told officers she had been in a six-month relationship with a man called Billy who she says made her pregnant.
She said she told him at the time that she was 16 and that she decided to have a termination.
The girl told police she slept with Billy and other men after being taken as far afield as Bradford and Leeds, jurors heard.
The Crown says Billy is Adil Khan, 42, one of 11 men from Rochdale and Oldham who deny sex offences. The girl is one of five teenagers the prosecution say were sexually abused by the men.
Mohamed Sajid (left) denies trafficking, two counts of rape and one allegation of sexual activity with a child while Abdul Rauf (right) denies trafficking for sexual exploitation while
The prosecution says a number of men used the girl for sex although she told police she thought they were her friends.
She told officers men would wait until she was sober before they asked for sex.
The girl said she met the men at takeaways in Rochdale and drank vodka upstairs.
Liquat Shah denies two counts of rape
Addressing allegations the girls had been abused, she told police: 'They have all consented. No one was raped.'
She described being taken to a flat in Falinge, where she said she had sex with a man called Ray who owned the property.
Photographs of Ray"s children were on the walls and his wife was in Pakistan, the girl said.
She told police she would 'neck' a whole bottle of vodka which made her feel 'loud and good'.
The girl said a number of white girls were brought to the flat and she saw a list of men who owed Ray money for using the flat.
During the hearing, Phillip Boyd, defending one of the 11, questioned whether she was mistaken in identifying his client and asked her about how much she would drink on these occasions.
He said: 'There would be occasions when you would be drinking a litre of vodka at one sitting?'
'Yeah', said the girl, who was giving evidence via a video link.
The girl, who is now 16, said she was drinking heavily 'three or four times a week'.
Kabeer Hassan, 24, Abdul Aziz, 41, Abdul Rauf, 43, Mohammed Sajid, 35, Adil Khan, 42, Abdul Qayyum, 43, of Ramsay Street, Rochdale, Mohammed Amin, 44, Qamar Shahzad, 29, Liaquat Shah, 41, and Hamid Safi, 22, are charged with conspiracy to engage in sexual activity with children under the age of 16.
They have all pleaded not guilty along with a 59-year-old man, who also denies two counts of rape, aiding and abetting a rape, one count of sexual assault and an allegation of trafficking within the UK for sexual exploitation. Mr Hassan, of Lacrosse Avenue, Oldham, and Mr Shahzad, of Tweedale Street, Rochdale, also deny rape.
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Samantha Owens was taken to parties to have sex with men, most of them Asian aged between 20 and 60, sometimes three or four times a week, multiple times a day
SAMANTHA Owens was just 13 when she was taken to a gathering of five men in a ground floor flat by her best friend and left there to be raped by one of the older men.
“This man took me into a bedroom, grabbed at the flat skin on my chest – I didn’t even have breasts yet – did his business and finished,” Samantha, now 25, from Grimsby, tells Sun Online.
“Afterwards, I curled my legs inwards, feeling so ashamed and heartbroken. I cleaned myself up and left but that night changed my life. It’s a night I’ll never be able to erase.”
Samantha is telling her shocking story in a new memoir, Pimped, published today, to encourage other victims to speak out about sexual abuse.
Having been brought up as the oldest of six kids in a family of chronic neglect, Samantha was in foster care.
Sexually abused aged five by a friend just a few years older, her mum told Samantha at nine that the man she called Dad wasn’t her real dad, which left her reeling.
When he left, her mum slid into a life of promiscuity and Samantha and her siblings were taken into nearby foster care homes.
"Getting caught by the cops one too many times playing truant, I was seen as a problem child but, because I was also labelled ‘at risk’, social workers started to take an interest in me and I began having regular contact with them," she says.
She met Amanda Spencer randomly, just after she moved to Sheffield from Grimsby, while walking down Sheffield high street with her brother David.
She saw Amanda smoking in front of a shop and was dared by David to introduce herself.

“At 15, she was only two years older than me but the way she dressed and acted made her seem so much older and I wanted to impress her,” says Samantha.
“She was pretty and skinny and friendly and we actually looked quite similar too which was bizarre – she had dark hair, brown eyes with a cool lip and eyebrow piercing and would wear her hair scraped back into a side ponytail.
"She was very sexual and would often point to various men around the markets and tell me she’d had sex with them.
"She even took a man around the corner one day, then came back boasting about how big he was. I was very naïve and a virgin so I did think she was a bit slaggy, but I liked her confidence.”
Soon after they met, Amanda’s grooming process kicked in.
She gave Samantha a makeover, bought her tight-fitting clothes and took her to houses filled with older men, making out that prostitution was something cool and a great way to earn money.
Samantha says: “Amanda would say to me, ‘I have sex for money and look at all the things I have,’ gesturing to the stuff in her room. 'It’s easy. It’s just sex.'
"In the end, I felt she was my best friend and the only one who seemed to really care about me so I went along with it.” I was constantly truanting from school at this point.

For three years, Samantha was taken to lots of different house parties and gatherings by Amanda.
It was here she'd have sex with men, most of them Asian aged between 20 and 60, sometimes three or four times a week, sometimes multiple times a day.
“I was going on jobs for Amanda nearly every day and taken from house to house like a toy,” says Samantha.
“Amanda took all the money and she gave me between £20-£80 each time but I had no idea how much she got herself.
"She also introduced me to drugs and alcohol and a lot of the time, when I had sex, I was completely out of it, as it felt like the only way I could cope.
"Amanda didn’t physically force me to have sex but emotionally, she made me feel like she was the only one who cared and I had to do these things to keep her friendship.
“Once, out of nowhere, this guy grabbed me and forced me onto the floor. I lay still as he raped me on the floorboards, thinking over and over again how proud Amanda would be of me. I was totally under her spell.”

Samantha’s life quickly fell even further off the rails.
The pair were caught shoplifting and Samantha was moved to a children's home in Chesterfield by social workers for her own safety.
It was here that she met boyfriend Blaine, 27, – a friend of someone at the home.
“Blaine treated me differently from all other men and didn’t seem to be interested in sex first,” says Samantha.
“But when I fell pregnant at 18, I realised I didn’t want to go the house parties anymore and I started to see that what Amanda was doing was twisted and wrong.
"In a way, I saw her as being worse than the men who’d abused me; she had led me there and had profited from my pain.
"It made me think that everything about our friendship had been a lie. I changed my number and broke off our friendship.
But it was too late for me and Blaine as I’d told him I wasn’t sure the baby was his – I felt it was my obligation - and he felt betrayed and ended it. I couldn’t tell him the truth. I was too ashamed. ”
In 2009, Samantha, then 18, was caught stealing some baby clothes one day and ended up in a youth detention centre, later confiding in a girl about her harrowing experiences.
“I realised I was just a child and Amanda was the perpetrator and she knew what she was doing,” says Samantha, who was released after 32 days without charge.
She started opening up to the police about Amanda’s involvement in the sex ring. “I didn’t want it to happen to any other girls like me.”
Police, who'd had suspicions about Amanda, were working on a case to bring her to justice.
In September 2012, Samantha gave birth to her son Jordan who was taken into foster care after two days, because of her history with drug and alcohol, which had become an addiction.
“I absolutely cried my eyes out,” recalls Samantha. “It was the hardest thing to ever go through, to have my baby taken away.
"But I had no choice. He was taken to a really nice family who were brilliant with him and at 10 months old he went to live with Blaine as he insisted on a DNA test and it turned out he was the dad.”

The devastation of losing her child sent her into a deeper downward spiral and she returned to drugs and alcohol to blot out the pain, ending up in prison for robbing a couple of people in the street in 2013.
Inside, she befriended a girl called Bunny who had also been induced into the prostitution ring by Amanda and who later committed suicide.
It was the friendship with Bunny and the three years she spent in prison – 18 months for the robbery and then another 18 months for breaking parole - that made Samantha realise she needed to make a change.
“It was awful what happened to Bunny and when I came out of prison, I knew I wanted to live a different life.
"I wanted to help people come forward and warn people that these older people weren’t friends but just wanted to use you,” says Samantha.
After about eight months in prison, Amanda's trial started and Samantha was called to be a witness.
She bravely told the court all that Amanda had put her through.
In 2014, Amanda was imprisoned for 12 years having been found guilty of 14 counts of arranging or facilitating child prostitution and two counts of causing or inciting child prostitution.
In April 2017, she received an additional sentence of three years for four counts of arranging or facilitating child prostitution between 2005 and 2012.
Four men have also been jailed for their roles in the sex ring – they were brothers Christopher, 23, Matthew, 25, and Shane Whiteley, 30, all of Hackenthorpe.
They were found guilty of multiple sexual offences including rape, sexual assault against a child under 13 and conspiracy to arrange child prostitution and theft.
During the six-week trial, Whiteley and Amanda Spencer were identified as the main players in the child prostitution ring. The group was jailed for a combined total of 43 years.
When Samantha was released from prison in 2015, she was moved to a flat just behind where Blaine was living and it didn’t take long for them to realise they still had strong feelings for each other.
They became a couple and slowly, but surely, she became a mother to Jordan.
“I took it slowly as he barely knew me," says Samantha. “He went from calling me his friend, to ‘Sammy mummy” to just ‘mummy’ which made me so happy. And now we have so much fun together. ”
She had another son, Quinlan, with Blaine six months ago and is fiercely protective of both her children after her experiences.
“Jordan has only just been to his first birthday party because I would never let him go to any party for three years, because I didn’t know or trust the people and didn’t want to let him out of my sight,” says Samantha.
“He’s still begging for sleepovers but I can’t do it. I’m too scared for him. I’d die if anything happened to him.”
She won’t let anyone hug or hold Quinlan either, wary of all adults after what she has experienced.
“I just hope I don’t have a daughter as I really don’t want a girl,” says Samantha.
“I know men and boys get abused but I’d be absolutely terrified. I would never let her out of the house.”
As for Amanda, Samantha doesn’t think about her very often but when she does, she feels angry she only got nine years for what she did to her.
“I’m still suffering from what I went through and I will for the rest of my life,” she says. “She should have got longer.”
Pimped by Samantha Owens is published by John Blake today, priced £8.99.
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Parents stunned after girl has sex with as many as 2 dozen boys in school bathroom

and last updated 2:38 AM, May 24, 2016
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Give Light and the People Will Find Their Own Way
FORT MYERS, Fla. – Students and parents are in shock after a group of teenagers had sex in a high school bathroom in Fort Myers, Florida, and then posted a video of the act on social media.
A teenage girl had sex with as many as two dozen boys after school Tuesday afternoon at South Fort Myers High School, according to a Lee County Sheriff's Office incident report.
Deputies said 25 males were spotted via a hallway camera entering the restroom while the female was inside, the News-Press reported .
"A bunch of football players went into a room with a girl and had sex with her, and a bunch of the football players were suspended," student Alex Bailey told WBBH . "So we might not have a football team this year."
"The fact that that could've happened is just crazy in my mind," another student said.
Parent Megan Roldan said the incident proves some parents need to be more aware of what their children are getting up to when school ends.
"And apparently, obviously the parents need to be talking to their kids more,” Roldan told WINK . “And being aware of what their children are doing after school."
Even though the incident happened after hours, some students are wondering where the administration was when all of this was going on.
"I just don't see how that could've happened because there is so much security in
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