Pretty Girls Make Graves

Pretty Girls Make Graves


Pretty Girls Make Graves

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Preview — Pretty Girls Make Graves
by Steffanie Holmes

Don’t go outside on Devil’s Night. I’m always the good girl. I never stand out. I follow the rules. At Blackfriars University, there’s one whispered rule: Stay inside the night before Halloween. Hide under your blankets and hope the Orpheus Society isn’t the monster outside your window. If they get you, you won’t just be humiliated. They’ll put you six feet under. But I’ve scr
Don’t go outside on Devil’s Night. I’m always the good girl. I never stand out. I follow the rules. At Blackfriars University, there’s one whispered rule: Stay inside the night before Halloween. Hide under your blankets and hope the Orpheus Society isn’t the monster outside your window. If they get you, you won’t just be humiliated. They’ll put you six feet under. But I’ve screwed up. I found bones in a shallow grave. Another good girl, just like me. Now I’ll do whatever it takes to get to the truth. I’ll catch the eye of the cruel aristocrat with a haunted gaze. I’ll tempt the dark priest with forbidden tastes. I’ll be their shameful little secret. Their plaything. Their sacrifice. Maybe I don’t want to be a good girl anymore. Maybe it’s time to break all the rules. Pretty Girls Make Graves is a dark romantic suspense and part one of the Dark Academia duet. If you enjoy tales of clever heroines, ancient rites, secret societies, cruel princes and wicked priests, dusty libraries and decadent parties, twisted relationships and buried secrets, then prepare to enter the halls of Blackfriars University. You may not return.

November 10th 2021
by Bacchanalia House

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Pretty Girls Make Graves ,
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Taylor (25thavenuewest)

It is a MMF romance!


8 months ago

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Taylor (25thavenuewest)

This is technically 4 books, but the first two follow George. After that, the MC's change. So it is a duology. …more This is technically 4 books, but the first two follow George. After that, the MC's change. So it is a duology. (less)


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Jan 08, 2022


rated it
did not like it

Seriously!? Fuck this book. "To be continued"!? No no no no no no. I need to know the ending so I don't have to read any of this stupidity ever again. For Christ's sake.
Seriously!? Fuck this book. "To be continued"!? No no no no no no. I need to know the ending so I don't have to read any of this stupidity ever again. For Christ's sake.


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Oct 04, 2021


rated it
it was amazing

***I seriously want to give this book more than 5 stars*** Like a fish out of water American student George gets the chance to study at Blackfriars University. A so called prestigious school full of entitled students who are quick to put anyone they dont like or they deem doesnt fit in in their place. A secret society, murder, underhand people, secrets, lies and a smoking hot love triangle. Theres so many plot twists in this book that it certainly keeps you on your toes. Its bloody brilliant and
***I seriously want to give this book more than 5 stars*** Like a fish out of water American student George gets the chance to study at Blackfriars University. A so called prestigious school full of entitled students who are quick to put anyone they dont like or they deem doesnt fit in in their place. A secret society, murder, underhand people, secrets, lies and a smoking hot love triangle. Theres so many plot twists in this book that it certainly keeps you on your toes. Its bloody brilliant and i seriously wanted to punch someone after that ending!!! Bring on book 2 because Ill be on tenterhooks until i get my hands on it


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Oct 27, 2021

Jess *lovetolovebooks*

rated it
it was amazing

”I never doubted my path before,” Sebastian continues, the rosary clinking in his hands. “But then you walk into that garden and I’m made dizzy by you, by the divine you carry inside you. By your quiet strength and your curiosity and your kind heart. Being near you is an ecstasy that feels blessed by God’s kiss, like wanting you is the most holy, most perfect thing I can do.” Holy fuck (no pun intended). This book. It was absolutely perfect to read towards the end of October. We are following George
”I never doubted my path before,” Sebastian continues, the rosary clinking in his hands. “But then you walk into that garden and I’m made dizzy by you, by the divine you carry inside you. By your quiet strength and your curiosity and your kind heart. Being near you is an ecstasy that feels blessed by God’s kiss, like wanting you is the most holy, most perfect thing I can do.” Holy fuck (no pun intended). This book. It was absolutely perfect to read towards the end of October. We are following George (I freaking adore her character) who has flown across the sea to attend her first term at Blackfriar’s University. I’d say the first 100ish pages or so is mainly her getting settled into life at university. Along the way we meet William who is a part of this popular rich kid clique called the Orpheus Society. Not much is known about what goes on in this society but what we do know is that no one is allowed outside on Devil’s Night which seems to be a night where the Orpheus Society runs wild and free on campus. They break shit, graffiti shit, and after her roommate disappears George thinks that something more sinister is taking place inside this secret society. They have the money to pay off anyone including the local police but George, who has a thriving true crime podcast and is determined to find out the truth, refuses to stop sniffing and digging for answers even though William and his society buddies bully, torment, threaten, and taunt her every step of the way. She knows she is in danger but nothing will stop her from finding and revealing the truth and bring the Orpheus Society and its members to their knees. Please, kiss me until I believe you can be mine. Kiss me until your God blesses our betrayal. Kiss me until sin has no meaning. In chapter one we also meet one of the priests, Sebastian, in a very naked swimming situation which is the perfect way to start a book in my opinion. The two are immediately drawn to each other and their once kind friendship develops into something more forbidden, taboo, and dirty. They both fight so hard to remain friends because Sebastian loves his faith and George doesn’t want to be the one to make him sin but fate is a steamy little bitch isn’t she? The atmosphere of this school is so eery and full of secrets and skeletons in the closets. It was an amazing experience and had me on edge. I loved that George was into true crime and I truly felt like I was right there with her trying to figure out what in the actual hell is going on at this school and while we don’t find out much because of continued research, friendships, boys, budding romances, and other things, I am just excited to be along for the ride. Answers will come when they come. Until then I’m left in my little reader hole of making guesses and hanging in the suspense. This one is definitely a 2021 fave. Warning: this book does end on a cliffhanger and the concluding book isn’t out yet. TWs: Kidnapping, drug use, drinking, talk of possible ritualistic sacrifice, scientific experiments with already dead rabbits, graphic depictions of a crime scene including autopsy, murder, discussion of past rape/sexual assault, ptsd and anxiety related to past rape/sexual assault, bullying, discussion of grief and losing a parent Overall rating 5 stars Steaminess 3 stars


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Dec 15, 2021


rated it
did not like it

absolutely fucking not. Georgina is not like other girls, she gets picked on by 'mean girls' who she cannot relate in any way or form, doesn't care about looks, she's so unique and everyone should call her George instead of Georgiana because her dead father used to call her that so it was the most quirky thing to do, also, THEY FUCKING TIE HER UP, PEE ON HER AND WE'RE SUPPOSED TO MOVE ON FROM THAT? I've been here before. I'm not going down that road again. even the hot naked priest couldn't save t
absolutely fucking not. Georgina is not like other girls, she gets picked on by 'mean girls' who she cannot relate in any way or form, doesn't care about looks, she's so unique and everyone should call her George instead of Georgiana because her dead father used to call her that so it was the most quirky thing to do, also, THEY FUCKING TIE HER UP, PEE ON HER AND WE'RE SUPPOSED TO MOVE ON FROM THAT? I've been here before. I'm not going down that road again. even the hot naked priest couldn't save this one.


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The title already tempted me, but the moment I had the book in my hands the book refused to leave me alone. It wanted to be read. Even though it's not a supernatural story, I was incredibly curious. The atmosphere, the setting, it sounded like something I was gonna love. And since I have great experiences with Steffanie Holmes and haven't read a book by her that I didn't like, I just couldn't wait any longer and dove in yesterday. Once more this book proved how terrible I am with names. It took m
The title already tempted me, but the moment I had the book in my hands the book refused to leave me alone. It wanted to be read. Even though it's not a supernatural story, I was incredibly curious. The atmosphere, the setting, it sounded like something I was gonna love. And since I have great experiences with Steffanie Holmes and haven't read a book by her that I didn't like, I just couldn't wait any longer and dove in yesterday. Once more this book proved how terrible I am with names. It took me some time to realize that the George in this story is the same George as the one in the Stolen Girl series. Even though I still have to read the last book in that series, I enjoyed this book immensely. After all, George had a relatively minor part in the other series, but from the very first page I was reading from her point of view I felt this connection. We had so much in common, we were so alike. As I already expected it was the atmosphere in this book that truly stole the show. I live in Europe and I've visited quite a few castles and even though I normally don't really have imagines in my mind when reading I now could see the school quite clearly. Holmes describes its oldness, the hidden niches and she made sure I could almost taste the history, but she never lost herself in endless info-dumps. I was in a place my mind could create combining Holmes' descriptions and my knowledge of European castle and churches. I can totally imagine that this book might not be for everyone. The plot is amazing, the mystery is great, the location is awesome, but the guys are not the easiest guys to like. It's clear that they have a lot of secrets and a shared past. And where George comes across as this honest, loyal and fierce young woman, it's clear that her guys are anything but honest and also have some issues with loyalty. They're bad boys in every possible way. But they're delicious bad boys and I somehow fell in love with them.


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romance ,
contemporary ,

on a dark academia hunt, so definitely adding this one to my list!
“The Orpheus Society is a student supper club here on campus. You have some famous collegiate secret societies in your country, like Skull and Bones at Yale. The Orpheans are similar, although their origins go back much further, to Benet of Blackfriars himself.”
colour me intrigued. ☆ Blog | Twitter ☆
on a dark academia hunt, so definitely adding this one to my list!
“The Orpheus Society is a student supper club here on campus. You have some famous collegiate secret societies in your country, like Skull and Bones at Yale. The Orpheans are similar, although their origins go back much further, to Benet of Blackfriars himself.”
colour me intrigued. ☆ Blog | Twitter ☆


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Mar 10, 2022

Mandy’s Book Reviews

rated it
it was amazing


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Oct 25, 2021

Robin Powers

rated it
it was amazing

What a dark, crazy, twisted academy book! I freaking loved it. George sees herself as a punk misfit with a podcast and is addicted to everything mysterious. Attending university in Great Britain, she's an unwanted, friendless Yank as the posh, incestuous clique makes it abundantly clear she's not welcome in their secret society. And oh the secrets and lies! While George is an atheist, she finds herself drawn to a young priest, Sebastian. Although she knows her feelings are taboo, she can't seem
What a dark, crazy, twisted academy book! I freaking loved it. George sees herself as a punk misfit with a podcast and is addicted to everything mysterious. Attending university in Great Britain, she's an unwanted, friendless Yank as the posh, incestuous clique makes it abundantly clear she's not welcome in their secret society. And oh the secrets and lies! While George is an atheist, she finds herself drawn to a young priest, Sebastian. Although she knows her feelings are taboo, she can't seem to stop finding comfort visiting with him. And then there's William...member of the cruel Orpheus society and friends with her mean girl roommate. She feels an inexplicable attraction to him but he's dressed in a huge red flag. I can't forget to mention there are girls that go missing from Blackfriars University. All of this has my head spinning from the intricately woven plot, insane bullying and unpredictable roller coaster of emotions. Every time I have a grasp on where I think the story is headed, George (and I) are taken by surprise and kicked in the gut. I can't wait for the rest of this story because I'm holding a HUGE grudge against some people. HUGE!


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Nov 10, 2021


rated it
it was ok

I read the warning Spoilers ahead. In the notes the author says that the male leads aren’t involved *physically* with any of the sh!t that happens to her…first of all that was a lie. She also said that the female lead wouldn’t take any sh!t & gives as good as she gets….also a lie. I’m pretty sure the FL’s middle name is doormat. The FL is also really f_cking d_mb. Idk why she trusted someone that watched & participated in the horrible sh!t done to her. Situation A: he forces her to pose in the n_
I read the warning Spoilers ahead. In the notes the author says that the male leads aren’t involved *physically* with any of the sh!t that happens to her…first of all that was a lie. She also said that the female lead wouldn’t take any sh!t & gives as good as she gets….also a lie. I’m pretty sure the FL’s middle name is doormat. The FL is also really f_cking d_mb. Idk why she trusted someone that watched & participated in the horrible sh!t done to her. Situation A: he forces her to pose in the n_de. The only reason she absolutely has to do it is bc the professor threatened to write her up & she’s a scholarship student so she kind can’t get a write up…I let the FL slide on this one Sit B: his friend kidnaps her & ties her up in the boys restroom where they p!as on her & other things & he literally doesn’t help her That’s just the tip of the ice berg. One thing I don’t get is why the FL would believe them (the group of psychos) when they were being kind to her after all they’ve done….. like you’re that desperate for friends???? Read at your own risk. I just want one ONE bully romance where the FL actually stands up for herself & isn’t constantly in heat *eye roll*


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Nov 19, 2021

Tabatha Reed

rated it
it was amazing

Pretty Girls Make Graves is a wild ride. This story will whip you in all different directions. I think it might be impossible to prepare your heart and mind for the journey this book will take you on. Our heroine, Georgina Fischer, George for short is a delight. She’s authentic and righteous and flawed in the best of ways. She’s not a pushover and these wicked bullies put her through the ringer and she never breaks. The bullying here is not for the faint of heart. It starts off mild but works up
Pretty Girls Make Graves is a wild ride. This story will whip you in all different directions. I think it might be impossible to prepare your heart and mind for the journey this book will take you on. Our heroine, Georgina Fischer, George for short is a delight. She’s authentic and righteous and flawed in the best of ways. She’s not a pushover and these wicked bullies put her through the ringer and she never breaks. The bullying here is not for the faint of heart. It starts off mild but works up to a shocking and painful crescendo that was difficult to read. My heart was broken for George. There is a particularly horrific scene in the boys bathroom that is honestly one of the most vile and vicious bullying incidents I’ve come across in all my bully reads. I don’t know how George didn’t shatter. This girl is made of steel. Our hero/anti-hero here are an odd pair. They might be brothers. There is definitely enough vitriol between them. Father Sebastian Pearce is a sinfully hot priest who works at the school. He and
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