Pretty Fucking Tired

Pretty Fucking Tired


Pretty Fucking Tired

Getting pretty fucking tired of being told to "smile more"
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For shit's sake, is smiling now a prerequisite for being a human being? Is your happy go lucky attitude the only way to go about life and if I don't meet some smiling quota by a month's end something terrible happens? Some people just smile less, that's a fact. I, personally, am generally content, barring the occasional mood swing. Nobody has life all figured out, at least not nearly enough to start dictating correct mannerisms as a key to a happier life.
Gosh, I agree with you so much. No, I'm not sad or angry, as a matter of fact, I'm quite content with my life: I just don't see the point in plastering on a fake smile 24/7, and I don't like the way my face looks when I smile.
People tell me I should smile more, I tell them they should talk less.
Don't let them know what you're against or what you're for...
Some guy who hates me tells me and others that I am "an asshole" just because I'm not cheery, nor optimistic, nor do I smile all the time. Man, I'm an anxious and depressed person, how come can I smile all the fucking time? I agree with you so much.
I deal with depression and anxiety. I read a study that said if you practice mindful smiling (basically remembering to force yourself to smile for short periods) that you could rewire your brain to be more upbeat. I was surprised that after a few weeks it kinda worked! I mean sure I'm still depressed and anxious but, I do seem to have a bit of a brighter mood.
But yeah, fuck people who say that sort of thing.
Hate this so much. Especially when I just happen to be thinking about whatever. Once I was literally just thinking about what I wanted to cook for dinner while walking to the store when some random dude demanded I smile. Like mind your own business.
I think the worst example I've seen happened to a girl who was at a city bus stop. Granted she did look really glum but the bus driver hassled her as soon as she stepped on the bus (she got on after me) for not smiling. He didn't even ask her what's wrong or if she was ok. Just demanded that she start smiling. She explained that it was her first day back to work after an extended hospital stay and that she was still feeling a bit sick. He was all apologies then. I felt so bad for the girl but at least after that he left her alone.
The random ones are the worst. This post was fueled by a coworker, 5 years younger than me (and I"m only 22) who said I should smile more, so I get where she's coming from, but around here everyone is "hypersocial" so randoms always take the time to comment.
I've found that talking or just verbally expressing your mood helps with this. Doesn't have to be a lot. Just saying "man it's been a long day" explains enough.
I hate having to explain myself though.
I hate that. My dad tells me that all the time, so i just give a fake, unsettling smile, then walk away. I have stopped explaining myself
I absolutely agree with you. Should be noted however that there are some data and research indicating faking something actually can make someone feel that thing which they're faking. But straight up telling someone to do such is just mean and disrespectful
I don't like getting told to smile, either. I'll smile when the situation warrants it.
Plus, people who smile ALL THE TIME kind of give me the creeps. Having a neutral expression is exactly that, NEUTRAL. Their emotions could go either way in relation to their face.
But with a perpetual smiler, they have a painted-on expression of happiness that might not be attached to their current emotions, so it comes off as creepy.
It's where you live. In many parts of the world, smiling too much makes people think you are a lunatic...
Swear to god I can see myself moving to the far far north of Sweden/Norway. They never heard of smiling.
When you smile, the world smiles with you. When you frown, you frown alone.
That's shit I had to listen to when I was a kid, and I still have random people tell me to smile, at least weekly. This is as happy as I get, fucko's.

I’m so fucking tired of everything. I’m tired of pretending all my life; I’m tired of eating, sleeping, living. It upsets me a lot actually. Or rather it used to. But now? Now I’m just so fucking tired.
I don’t see anything new, and anything that is new, doesn’t interest me.
I don’t remember the last time I was fully honest with someone. It makes me angry actually, makes me laugh. But its just empty laughter at that. Honestly, I fucking hate the masks and fucking walls I have built up over the years. Now I don’t even know how to get rid of them.
I don’t like being labelled. I really fucking hate it. Parents, teachers, my psychiatrist; they all put labels on me. I understand why; its easier to ‘treat’ me that way. To deal with me. But I don’t want to know that I have severe anxiety, clinical depression, ocd and shit like sleep problems. I hate it.
This is actually pretty fucking hard to admit actually, all the above, but it helps to know that its an anonymous post you know? No one’s going to know who I am. In fact, most people are just going to scroll past this post. Because what am I? Nothing special that’s for sure. All that I am is just another human being; breathing, but hardly living.
I’m so fucking upset, so emotionally exhausted. Emotionally, mentally and physically. All three hit at me. And I hate it.
See on top of that, it doesn’t help that I’m gay. It doesn’t make my life easy. What makes me laugh are ignorant fucks, saying how hard it is living the ‘cis white [INSERT GENDER]’ life.
I don’t feel like I belong anywhere.
Drifting. That’s all it is. I’m a drifter, and I find it hard to stick to one thing. I get bored of things far too easily, but in all truth nothing really interests me that much. My favourite thing is people watching. Its a fun activity, judging people, and their lives. You get to form little stories about them in your head. And no one’s going to know.
I live in England, and I’m under 20. As I said earlier, I’m a drifter. I’m not one for sticking to things. I’m not British, and although I was born in Poland, I don’t consider myself that. I have an accent, as does everyone else, but its hard to pin point. I’ve been called English, Irish, American, fuck even as far as Australian and at one point Spanish. Odd how they never consider Polish though isn’t it?
I used to be angry with everyone. Annoyed at anyone and everyone. I thought that the whole world hates me.
I realised that no one is special. No one is better than anyone. Nothing I do will ever change anything. I’m just one person in a world of over 7 billion people. I’m tired and sick and I hate myself. No one else is responsible; I just despise my very core being.
I don’t really know what else to say. There’s so much I’d love to. So many things to say, but only so many characters I’m willing to use up within this confession box.
I don’t know what to do with myself, and I don’t know how to talk to anyone. Maybe one day, I will be able to look myself in the eye without hating my being. But today is not that day. Today I have to get up and get to work. Just another day, I suppose.
Another tiring day. Sleepless nights and coffee filled mornings, I suppose that’s my life. I probably ranted a bit too much here.
I just wanted someone to see this. I don’t care much for who it is; just anyone. I don’t know how to talk to people, so this is the best I can do. Thank you if you actually spared some time to read through this, it may not seem like much but it really fucking is.
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