Prettiest Assholes

Prettiest Assholes


Prettiest Assholes
Tony Stark Steve Rogers Bucky Barnes - I love them all fight me
She’s trying to revive the triceratops with dark magicks
Just another Man Crush Monday for Dean Winchester
“My body, my choice” only makes sense when someone else’s life isn’t at stake.
Fun fact: If my younger sister was in a car accident and desperately needed a blood transfusion to live, and I was the only person on Earth who could donate blood to save her, and even though donating blood is a relatively easy, safe, and quick procedure no one can force me to give blood. Yes, even to save the life of a fully grown person, it would be ILLEGAL to FORCE me to donate blood if I didn’t want to.
See, we have this concept called “bodily autonomy.” It’s this….cultural notion that a person’s control over their own body is above all important and must not be infringed upon. 
Like, we can’t even take LIFE SAVING organs from CORPSES unless the person whose corpse it is gave consent before their death. Even corpses get bodily autonomy. 
To tell people that they MUST sacrifice their bodily autonomy for 9 months against their will in an incredibly expensive, invasive, difficult process to save what YOU view as another human life (a debatable claim in the early stages of pregnancy when the VAST majority of abortions are performed) is desperately unethical . You can’t even ask people to sacrifice bodily autonomy to give up organs they aren’t using anymore after they have died. 
You’re asking people who can become pregnant to accept less bodily autonomy than we grant to dead bodies. 
But, assuming the mother wasn’t raped, the choice to HAVE a baby and risk sacrificing their “bodily autonomy” is a choice that the mother made. YOu don’t have to have sex with someone. Cases of rape aside, it isn’t ethical to say abortion is justified. The unborn baby has rights, too. 
First point: Bodily autonomy can be preserved, even if another life is dependent on it. See again the example about the blood donation. 
And here’s another point: When you say that “rape is the exception” you betray something FUNDAMENTALLY BROKEN about your own argument.
Because a fetus produced from sexual assault is biologically NO DIFFERENT than a fetus produced from consensual sex. No difference at all.
If one is alive, so is the other. If one is a person, so is the other. If one has a soul, then so does the other. If one is a little blessing that happened for a reason and must be protected, then so is the other. 
When you say that “Rape is the exception” what you betray is this: It isn’t about a life. This isn’t about the little soul sitting inside some person’s womb, because if it was you wouldn’t care about HOW it got there, only that it is a little life that needs protecting.
When you say “rape is the exception” what you say is this: You are treating pregnancy as a punishment. You are PUNISHING people who have had CONSENSUAL SEX but don’t want to go through a pregnancy. People who DARED to have consensual sex without the goal of procreation in mind, and this is their “consequence.” 
^ THIS. This is this this THIS THIS THIS . THIS!!!!!
This is probably the strongest and well worded/supported argument for abortion that I have ever read.
Yep, this was flagged for me too. Which is why I’m going to reblog it several time until Tumblr implodes.
i think we need to start finding some new names team
Being a mom and an anarchist and trying to figure out the whole “parenting” song and dance from that perspective makes me think 8-year-olds have about got it figured out. I hate school. I hate tests. I hate bedtime.
No like here’s the thing: children are an oppressed class. I mean that 100% sincerely. Children m are an oppressed class. They quite literally do not have the right to be free human beings.
Reposting from my twitter here , but: you wouldn’t prevent an adult from speaking to their friend or eating when they were hungry. In your personal life that’s abusive behavior, in the work sphere a suppression of workers’ rights. Other places these rights are violated include: prison.
In Education and Peace , Maria Montessori describes the culture of war and identifies it as originating, on a personal level, in the struggle between the adult and the child that begins as soon as the child is born. This is the very first conflict. The adult subjects the child to their own wants and needs and completely disregards the needs, development and personhood of the child. This struggle continues throughout childhood, between both parents and children and other adults and children:
“Both the adult and the child are unaware of their own characteristic natures. They fight one another in a secret struggle that has gone on for countless generations and is becoming more violent today in our complicated and nerve-racking culture. The adult defeats the child; and once the child reaches adulthood the characteristic signs of the peace that is only an aftermath of war—destruction on one hand and painful adjustment on the other—remain with him for the rest of his life.”
This conflict positions children and adults relative to each other as two distinct classes , one with power and one without. Of course, there are other conflicts at play here—race is a huge one, gender another. And that’s not to say children can’t have power over parents, etc. But one of the most fundamental class conflicts is between adults and children.
Children exist in a state of war from day one. Their environment is completely unsuitable to them; they’re treated as if that’s their fault. They’ve literally been alive for less than a decade. Any action they take is done as a result of class conflict.
I work in childcare and multiple parents have been MYSTIFIED that I’m able to handle their “difficult” children (this includes both neurodivergent children and children who are just rude/mean/violent) and it’s impossible to get them to understand that 90% of the average kid’s behaviour “problems” are just frustration at having a lack of autonomy in their own lives. Some kids do have complicated problems, yes, but so many parents are confused by perfectly understandable reactions! Of course your child is acting out; they have no self-determination or right to their own resources and it’s the only avenue they have left to assert themselves! Of course your child just yelled at you and stormed off – you were just bullying them! I heard you doing it! They were responding extremely reasonably to being bullied!
I swear half the people in this world – including those who live with these kids 24-7 – somehow manage to forget or conveniently ignore that kids are, in fact, people, and will act like people in response to situations.
there is no reason a child should not be able to eat when theyre hungry and not eat things they dislike. if they dont like vegetables then teach them how to make it a way they do like. if you wouldnt yell at and hit your grandparents for not finishing their plate why would you do that to a child. they learn from you, not from what goes through your head while you punish them.
I gotta say the notes on this post have been really heartening b/c “Children are people and not property” has historically been one of my more controversial opinions
There is just something about the way this is delivered
superb I can imagine teachers 2000 years hence teaching this speech like teachers now assign Cicero and Shakespeare
the love story being so central to our flag means death really is mindblowing. i haven’t stopped thinking about it for months. it is, to its core, a romance. that was the point . the queer romance wasn’t written in in the second or third season because the fandom picked up on the homoeroticism and made a ship popular. it wasn’t added in because the fans demanded it or because the actors pushed for it later on it wasn’t forced into slowburn by a network it was there the whole time .
when stede showed ed his secret closet that was on purpose an allegory, when they shared the marmalade bread that was romantic intentionally , when they rowed away from the burning party boat and ed was looking at stede that was him FALLING IN LOVE . that’s how it was WRITTEN. ed really actually leaned in and almost kissed stede in the moonlight scene. and then. they actually kissed! like i know this is months old news now but i can’t get over how fucking different this feels to other queer romances i’ve seen. it is the core and central plot of the show and it’s beautiful . it’s funny it’s cute it’s heartwarming it’s GOOD. they did it.
Steve and Bucky fucked at SOME POINT between Steve arriving in Wakanda and them all going into battle and I have proof. 
Bucky’s hair when Steve gets off the jet: freshly washed, soft and luxurious, shiny and healthy with a cheeky wave. Iconic and beautiful. 
Bucky’s hair before going into battle: Damp (it hasn’t been raining??), messy, rip soft shiny hair, rip voluminous waves
Conclusion? He hasn’t started fighting yet, he hasn’t had to run anywhere but something CLEARLY made this boy sweat profusely between these two points and I’m not saying it was getting railed in T’Challa’s broom closet by one (1) genetically enhanced supersoldier but that’s absolutely what I’m saying.
He also has this happy glow about him, despite what’s going on in scene. And I’m not saying that Bucky and Steve exchanged bedroom eyes when they met in Wakanda, but they totally did . 
Considering Bucky mentioned it was “the end of the world” I wouldn’t put it past these two fuckers to have a “last fuck” just in case, just messy and desperate and brutal, and boy were they right; how do you think Steve felt when he saw Bucky disappear right in front of him after they maybe joked around a little bit about the subject of “just in case” like, boy was paler than death when he touched those ashes and looked so lost when he looked around for answers about what the fuck just happened to his bf. The pain is too real, man; they’re finally, finally together and then… again??? and especially with this context? Shit; neither of them saw this happening and now my heart is worse off than it was before. 
castiel: i am going to rescue the michael sword from hell and i am going to feel so powerful saving such a strong man we are going to bond over our combined power and masculinity
castiel: this is not a sword this is the most beautiful human being i have ever seen im going to make sure all his freckles are in the right spot i am going to make his eyelashes so long and pretty his lips are so pretty i love them i am going to make his hips so flexible about this <3 mwah my greatest creation goodnight sweet prince <3
I’m Romanian and I didn’t even know that’s what drujba meant, oh my god, this is hilarious.
I just realized this makes solving things with the power of friendship much more interesting

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FingerRings--> SFU - Mammon Rings (Box) @ Six Feet Under MainStore
Bracelets--> Badwolf - Sten Bracelets (ADD) @ Man Cave Event
when i get bored i just give myself tattoos and take pictures with them
So.. hit me up if you need or want to be f&f.
The unfortunate sight that awaited me when I got back to my truck after the weekend. They just wanted to break something, took the relays out of the fuse box so the motor would not start.
How do I feel right now?? If I find him I would like to break one finger a week for 10 weeks, not decided if it will be a new one every time..............
my parents told me i could be anything so i became an asshole lmfao
the thrown rock was a bullseye on baldie's head.
James steps away from the keyboard and busts out the guitar for a performance of a new song, Anonymous Asshole, about those spineless cowards that post comments on internet forums - they know who they are. Scotty J on bass and Storm in stripes.
The color was pretty good on this but I liked the crisp energy of B+W, and thought I'd shift it sepia-ward just for a contrast to the red red red of Dante's lighting.
This was from the 21 April 2010 Storm and WTF? show featuring Eric McFadden and the Crazy Enough band, with guests including an amazing classical guitar player and Stephanie Smith of Kleveland.
In the right-turn lane, next to a curb painted red, and a sign that says "NO STOPPING ANY TIME." But he had his hazard lights on, so I guess it's okay.
I'll give everyone three guesses as to who's drone is intruding in my shot. Definitely worth the 400 mile drive from Maine to get this. Fortunately, I got another shot without fuckface's drone in it, but seriously...
→ Hurry Hurry at The Men Jail until the 28th~!
♦Backdrop: [Box] Fatpack The Diversity - The Bearded Guy
The Doors - The Diversity - The Bearded Guy
↨ More gorgeous products~! Check them out~
[Kres] Iconic headbands - Asshole -
Now at the mainstore, check out the gachas ♥
♦NEW: Junk Food - Equal 10 Skittles & Liquor Bottles
♦ +FATHER+ - Tintable Heart Freckles - OMEGA ONLY
asshole boypussy booty femboy sissyboy
I drew this just now.. it's how Trump makes me feel!
I'm protecting myself with a Susan Richards (The Invisible Woman) type force field...and Trump is trying with all his might to smash thru it! 😦
Bad, bad Christmas. Wife and I both caught nasty colds in the week before Christmas. Christmas Eve, we went to the wife's brother's house for dinner. Took dyspeptic father in-law with us, and one granddaughter as well as daughter-in law in process of divorcing our son. Good food. Father-in-law had nothing to say and couldn't wait to go home. They had to force him to stay. As soon as we started eating, I felt a pain in my jaw, running from the ear down to the chin. Thought it was just a muscle cramp, but it didn't go away.
The father-in-law drove his car to our house from Fresno, as we live about midway between Fresno and Visalia, where the dinner was. Then wife and I drove f-i-l to dinner in his car. Wife's brother decides (rightfully so I guess) that 96 year old dad shouldn't be driving at night and it had begun to rain as well. (Truth is, f-i-l should not be driving at all. Ever). So, we hatch a scheme whereby I drive pops home and wife will go with daughter-in-law and granddaughter. F-i-l is not happy. So we take off with brother in law in followup vehicle so he can pick me up in Fresno and drive me the 25 miles back to Kingsburg. We get to Veteran's home where f-i-l resides, and I park his car and he goes inside. As we're leaving, I see f-i-l's parked car with the lights on. SHIT! I run back in and catch f-i-l before he has entered his room. Get the key and try to return through the building which we had entered. Doors locked. Rain starts. I'm pounding on door. Security guard shows up. I get in and run out to car in rain. Turn off lights and return key. Now I'm not only pissed off, but wet too. We get to my house, and brother-in-law let's me off. I had given my keys to the wife when we left, and she had not returned them. She hadn't come home yet (yeah, I guess she was having fun :-(). So in the rain I'm digging through a flower bed in the dark, looking for the damn stone thing that has a key in it. Would any burglar with half a brain not be able to find these things and use the key? Well, I can't find it because it's dark. Finally get in the house. Mood not good. Jaw aching.
Christmas morning it's breakfast at 7:30. Good food, but can't much enjoy as dyspeptic f-i-l is being his miserable self, and I'm in pain. Presents opened we go home and I hit the sack. That afternoon we were due to have lunch at a nice restaurant in Fresno with son, his now love, grandkids, and--you guessed it-- dyspeptic f-i-l. Once again the pain kept me from enjoying the good food. Son gives me socks for present. I note that when you stretch them out, it starts to look like an asshole. Then the obvious made itself known. It IS an asshole.
Finally home by 6 p.m. and Christmas is over. But the pain gets worse and worse and by now the right side of my face is swollen up like a rotten watermelon. Visions of root canals were pleasant compared to the other potentials. Like would I be the next Elephant Man with a football growing from my head? Oh, I was thinking the worst. Believe it. The pain got so bad that I couldn't stop shaking and became nauseous. The wife calls Kaiser advice nurse. Run through the history, and then she wants to know if I have a fever. Wife cannot find a thermometer. (It just gets better and better, doesn't it). So, seven or eight at night on Christmas Day the wife heads out the door and hits a couple of neighbor's houses. Nobody answers. I guess they were all out having fun, while I was experiencing the wrath meted out to non-believers on Christmas. Wife gets in car and drives to daughter-in-laws for thermometer. Get's back and now we get a call from the doctor in the ER at Kaiser. Fever is just 100.5. Doctor makes an appointment for me the next morning with my regular physician, and advises that if I have a fever--any fever--I'm to come in to the ER, which is 35 or so miles away. By now, I'm thinking the only way I'm moving is if someone comes in and carries my carcass out of the house. So we took a chance. The night was long, but made bearable by the powerful painkillers the wife has. Without them, I would have had no choice but the ER.
Doctor says she doesn't think it's and abscessed tooth and not a tumor. It's good to know that a tumor will generally not provide the experience of excruciating pain. And that's the good news.
Today the swelling is way down. They injected me with antibiotics, and set me on a ten day course of oral antibiotics. Still painful to touch right side of face, but I'm a very happy camper.
And this post is about the first thing I've accomplished since the whole episode began unfolding.
Hope you all had a Merry Christmas or Fabulous Festivus or whatever.
Sorry to write bummer stories at the time of year when you all are celebrating the birth of Jesus and are full of hope for 2019. But on the bright side, it all seems to be getting better. All, except a certain POTUS, which I'm trying to ignore at least until we get into the new year.
Around the globe, in every city there are parts of the neighborhood that's looking a little worse for wear. Abandoned, for one reason or another, and usually occupied by house-squatting hippies, the cool kids on the block or homeless people... And now, also, the mob. Exploiting the privacy and the opportunity to stay under radar they've got eyes on these little hidden treasures, serving as a sanctuary to be found only by those who knows it exists. -Usually right under the nose of the city residents and the police.
These properties are owned by a shell company, within another shell company that is owned by people no one's ever heard of, one of them is 'Alexander Smith', the 'accountant' of a small company which name is of little importance.
What all these houses have in common is that despite the decaying building, the doors are sealed. And can only be opened by a very specific keycard.
If you've been given this keycard, and have found one of it's matching doors. It will let you in, the inside of the building will not match the exterior, and there will be armed guards. Perhaps one, two or four. And you can be sure the working staff are armed too. They'll also want to see your keycard. - But once you're in, you're in.
-It is a neutral zone. You do not have to like all the guests
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