Preteen Lolita Porn Xyz

Preteen Lolita Porn Xyz


Preteen Lolita Porn Xyz

どどん ★ 2022/09/09(金) 16:27:50.88 ID:4HK21MIk9

ブギー ★ 2022/09/09(金) 16:00:14.68 ID:tzlcx9hd9

Stargazer ★ 2022/09/09(金) 16:02:09.66 ID:g/mKqCWL9

Stargazer ★ 2022/09/09(金) 15:46:28.96 ID:g/mKqCWL9

神 ★ 2022/09/09(金) 15:23:26.73 ID:5mktresp9

Stargazer ★ 2022/09/09(金) 15:01:24.04 ID:g/mKqCWL9

愛の戦士 ★ 2022/09/09(金) 14:46:10.72 ID:12a/WG8k9

愛の戦士 ★ 2022/09/09(金) 14:41:45.47 ID:12a/WG8k9

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今月27日に日本武道館(東京都千代田区)で行われる安倍晋三元首相の「国葬」の案内状が9日、衆参両院の国会議員に届き始めた。13日までに出欠の返信を求めている。最大6千人程度の参列が想定されるため、長時間待機などに備えた留意事項が添えられている。 参院議員に届いた案内状によると、台紙に岸田文雄首相名で「故安倍晋三国葬儀を左記により挙行いたしますので御案内申し上げます」と記載。添付の「御留意事項」には服装や手荷物などに関する内容が記されている。例えば、参列者の服装は、略礼服または平服などとし、会場内には、缶やペットボトルといった飲料水、カメラの持ち込みを禁止している。 また、「多数の海外からの要人が参列されるため」との理由で、「開始まで、長時間お待ちいただくことが見込まれます」などと記されている。献花を終えるまで、5時間程度要するとのことわりもある。(鬼原民幸) 朝日新聞社
就職情報サイト「リクナビ」を運営するリクルートは9日、2023年卒業予定大学生の9月1日時点の就職内定率が90・8%だったと発表した。新型コロナウイルス禍の影響で採用活動が遅れた21年卒の同時期と比べて5・8ポイント増、22年卒と比べて0・8ポイント増。コロナ禍前の水準に向けて回復基調が続く。 学生が内定を得た業種は情報通信業が26・0%で最も多かった。文系学生の内定率は90・5%、理系学生は91・7%。男性は88・9%、女性は92・9%だった。
【ワシントン時事】英紙デーリー・メール(電子版)は8日、バイデン米大統領が取材に対し、同日死去したエリザベス英女王の国葬に参列する意向を示したと報じた。(2022/09/09-13:18) ※前スレ 【速報】バイデン米大統領、エリザベス英女王の国葬に参列へ ★2 [Stargazer★]
8日に亡くなった英国のエリザベス女王の国葬は、2週間以内に開かれる見通しだ。BBCは追悼行事について、「9日に弔砲が行われるとみられる」と報じた。チャールズ新国王による演説も9日に行われるという。 コードネームは「ロンドン橋作戦」 英女王埋葬までのシナリオとは BBCによると、エリザベス女王の棺は国葬の約4日前から、ロンドンのウェストミンスターホールの中央に安置され、一般公開される。エリザベス女王の実母エリザベス皇太后が2002年に亡くなったときには、約20万人の市民が追悼のために列を作ったという。 棺はロイヤル・スタンダード(王室旗)に包まれ、その上に王冠、十字架のついた宝珠、530・2カラットのダイヤモンドが装飾された杖が置かれる。 ※前スレ
夜行バス“乗客置き去り” 空調トラブルで…バス会社「対応は概ね正しい」 9/9(金) 11:33配信 バスの対応が物議を醸しています。 ■「新幹線で…」深夜に乗客“置き去り” 5日午前1時ごろに、京都駅で撮影された映像です。 撮影した男性は、大阪から東京に向かう夜行バスに乗っていました。 しかし、このバスは出発後、空調トラブルで車内は蒸し風呂状態になっていました。 乗客の話によると、しばらくして乗務員から運行の中止がアナウンスされ、朝になったら各自、新幹線で東京に向かってほしいこと、後日バス会社から新幹線の運賃相当の返金連絡があることなどが伝えられたそうです。 乗客全員が京都駅で降ろされたのは、午前1時ごろでした。撮影していた男性は…。 BIO2さん(乗客の男性):「(バスを降ろされてから)警察官が来て、言い寄っている客を囲んで、落ち着いて下さいと対応している間に、乗務員がその隙をみてではないが、バスに乗り込んであいさつもなく走り去ってしまったので、それはないだろうと。その対応は、あまりにもひどいんじゃないかなとは思いました」 ■バス会社謝罪も…「対応は概ね正しい」 今回の対応について、バスを運行していた埼玉県久喜市に本社を置く「さくら観光バス株式会社」の社長に話を聞きました。 さくら観光バス株式会社 天野正幸代表取締役:「エアコンの故障ということで、熱中症気味になってしまうお客様が出る可能性が十分にある状況だったのが一点と。コロナのクラスターが発生してしまう可能性。危険だというところで、運行中止の判断をさせて頂きました」 新幹線の乗車運賃相当として設定された、およそ1万5000円の返金対応については、次のように説明しました。 天野代表取締役:「法律的に、こういったケースは、お客様からお預かりした京都から東京間、大阪から東京間、埼玉までのバス代金をお返しすると。実は、法的には問題ないはずです」 乗客が「置き去りにされた」と指摘している点については、一部の乗客が乗務員に対して罵声を浴びせ、暴力沙汰になりそうになったので警察に連絡。その警察に「帰りなさい」という指示を受けたため、出発したとしています。 今回の対応について弁護士は、次のように話します。 弁護士法人プロテクトスタンス・有賀祐一弁護士:「バス会社としては、乗客の方をきちんと目的地にまで運ぶという債務が存在する。今回難しいが、深夜の1時ごろということで、泊まる必要性が生じるし、バス会社も予見できると思うので。例えば、ホテル代を負担して頂くなどしたほうが、こういった問題にはならなかったのかなと思う」 さくら観光バス株式会社は、今回の対応についておおむね正しかったとしながらも、ホームページで謝罪しています。 (「グッド!モーニング」2022年9月9日放送分より)
【ワシントン時事】英紙デーリー・メール(電子版)は8日、バイデン米大統領が取材に対し、同日死去したエリザベス英女王の国葬に参列する意向を示したと報じた。(2022/09/09-13:18) ※前スレ 【速報】バイデン米大統領、エリザベス英女王の国葬に参列へ [Stargazer★]
テレ朝NEWS 9/9(金) 11:10 先週、「新宿駅のアナウンスが異常な件」というタイトルでSNSに投稿された動画が、物議を醸しています。 ■駅員「痴漢されたくないお客様は…」 動画が撮影されたのは、帰宅ラッシュでごった返すJR新宿駅の埼京線のホームです。 駅員:「防犯カメラは多く設置しておりますが、痴漢は多くいらっしゃいます。痴漢をされたくないお客様は、後ろの車両をぜひご利用下さい」 駅員は「先頭車両には痴漢が多い」とアナウンスしたうえで、「痴漢をされたくない“女性”の移動」を促していたのだといいます。 動画を撮影した男性がまず違和感を覚えたのが、痴漢に対して「いらっしゃる」と敬語を使っていること。さらに…。 動画を撮影した男性:「女性がやっぱり、エッ!マジ!?みたいな感じの表情をして移動することもありました。男性もなんとなく私も同じように、並びづらくなったので、不自然に移動する人はいました」 痴漢がいること自体を容認しているかのような駅員の言葉で、周辺の利用客も戸惑い、混乱していたというのです。 ■JR東日本「先頭車両の混雑緩和させようと…」 街では、一定の理解を示す人がいる一方で、次のような意見もありました。 会社員(30代):「『自己防衛しなかったら、(痴漢を)されてもいいんだよね』という前提のアナウンスに捉えられなくもないので。もう少し表現の仕方が違うものの方が、いいのかなという気はした」 会社員(40代):「ちゃんと捕まえる気持ちで、見張ってほしいなと思います。痴漢される人に言うんじゃなくて、痴漢してる人に発信してほしい」 この動画について、JR東日本に問い合わせたところ、次のような回答がありました。 JR東日本:「アルバイトの従業員が、先頭車両の混雑を緩和させようと、後ろの車両に誘導しようという意図でのアナウンスでした」としたうえで、「適切な表現ではなかった部分もあり、不快に思われた方にはおわびします」としています。 (「グッド!モーニング」2022年9月9日放送分より) テレビ朝日
TBSNEWS 9/9(金) 13:56 30代の女性に路上で声をかけ、公園に誘い込みわいせつな行為をしたとして、会社員の男が警視庁に逮捕されました。 強制わいせつの疑いで逮捕されたのは、東京・杉並区の会社員、四條隆直容疑者(33)です。 警視庁によりますと、四條容疑者は今年7月、JR西荻窪駅近くの路上で面識のない30代の女性に声をかけ、およそ20分間にわたりつきまとった上で、「10分だけ話そうよ」などと言って公園に誘い込んで下半身を触るなどした疑いがもたれています。 女性が抵抗したため四條容疑者は逃走していましたが、女性側の通報で警視庁が防犯カメラなどを捜査したところ、近くに住む四條容疑者の関与が浮上したということです。取り調べに対し「好みの女性だった」と容疑を認めているということです。 TBSテレビ

5ch.netにおけるコンテンツの権利はLoki Technology, Inc. に帰属します。

The Standard Group Plc is a multi-media organization with investments in media platforms spanning newspaper print
operations, television, radio broadcasting, digital and online services. The Standard Group is recognized as a
leading multi-media house in Kenya with a key influence in matters of national and international interest.

Standard Group Plc HQ Office,
The Standard Group Center,Mombasa Road.
P.O Box 30080-00100,Nairobi, Kenya.
Telephone number: 0203222111, 0719012111

I am a 28-year-old career woman, a banker to be exact. Unlike many girls my age who are getting ready for marriage and planning weddings, I am in a relationship people may call bizarre. I am in love with a man who cherished me as a baby and watched me grow up. This is the man who has never stopped calling me beautiful, whose love is broad-spectrum and is in and out of season. That man is my father.
Don't be hasty to judge me, I have no regrets nor am I ready to change my mind.
It all began when I was 13. Those were the days I badly needed love. My mother gave more attention to my two younger brothers and often I felt left out. She kept finding fault with me; throwing tantrums at the slightest provocation and blaming me sometimes for things my brothers did.
"You should be their role model," I remember every beating from my mother. Justly speaking, it was not all uphill with her; there were some good times but I can dare say that the bitter moments outweigh the good ones by far! I grew to hate her too. I am not embarrassed that I found love and consolation from her husband.
Daddy is a businessman; so many times he'd be away on business trips. When he came home, I would lie on his chest and cry asking him not to leave me behind next time he went for a trip. "Darling, you're still in school," he'd gently tell me and press me hard on his chest. I was only a little girl then. If my mother shouted at me in his presence, he'd reprimand her. Those were the only times I felt justice being done to me.
At the age of 12, after my first menstruation period, I dared my mother for a woman-to-woman chat. "Why don't you like me? Is it that you expected a boy and you got me? Did dad rape you on the night you conceived me," I recited what I had been coached by my peers. She insisted she loved me but her actions continued to be different.
Then, my hips started growing and I was turning into a pretty woman. I often caught my dad stealing glances at me especially at the dining table. I didn't know about man-to -woman love then and it's much later I that I realised my dad had fallen in love with me long before I knew it. My mother cautioned me against men generally and talked ill about all of them.
But dad was and is still different from all the men I have ever met. He's charming, caring, listening and willing to understand. I can describe my dad as my father, my friend, counselor and my lover. No man can match him! As a little girl, I could see jealousy written all over my mother's face and at some point I started enjoying it. I would sit on dad's lap and wrap my little hands around his neck just to provoke her. She'd make a face but not at any time did she ever stop me. Maybe if she had talked to me about incest then, things would be different today.
On my thirteenth birthday, Dad had a surprise for me: a trip with him to South Africa. I can't narrate the joy of being alone for a whole week with a person who loved me dearly and away from my mother's quarrels. A nice hotel in Jo'burg was my birthday place. I had a nice spacious room all to myself and dad's room was opposite mine.
On the second night he came to my room and without any preambles he held me tightly and gave me a long deep kiss on the lips. I felt a sense of belonging and a very special attachment to him. That is the night I gave my virginity to my dad. That night we discussed many things and he told me that he wouldn't mind telling the world that he loved me were it not for societal outlook.
We'd keep it secret though sitting on his lap and him hugging me and kissing my forehead or cheek would continue. I left Jo'burg with many presents but above all, feeling gratified that I had been ushered into adulthood by a man who loved me and whom I loved.
Our love blossomed by the day and we'd go out many times. He'd pick me from boarding school and we'd spend the afternoon together. The world knew dad loved me but perhaps their interpretation was different. This continued until I joined university.
At the University I could see my peers with their little boyfriends and at some point I thought I would give it a try. I got myself a boyfriend but the relationship lasted barelya week. He was childish, noisy and hyperactive! That is the complete opposite of my dad. My relationship with dad is mature. He has taught me to be calm and how to handle issues maturely. I am not surprised he pushes away any young man who comes close to me.
The day my mother caught me on her bed with dad, she faked surprise and I had to tell her bluntly to stop pretending. Was she so blind all those years to see dad was treating me better than her? He'd give me money to pay workers. We'd go shopping with him and have night-long loud-laughter chats in the study. We went for his international business trips together and even have a joint bank account! When she caught us and kicked him out of their bedroom, the poor man ran to me. I now share my bedroom with him without an iota of remorse. My brothers hate me but because my dad has always been there for me, I must fight to make him happy.
Though we denied it when summoned by the clan elders, thanks to my mother's big mouth, our love is not ending anytime soon. I know the science behind having a child with a blood relative that's why dad and I have kept it on hold.
When the right time comes, I may opt to adopt. Meanwhile, I continue being dad's best friend and lover. We have never fought over anything over the years. Though people may call us insane, from my intellectual eye, I notice even the elders who stood to condemn us admire our relationship.
- The identity of the person telling the story has been hidden to protect her and others involved from stigma
Incest is a serious public health issue but it's usually ignored in order to protect involved families. Father and daughter incest is common in many African countries and as Allan Kimani, a counseling psychologist at Nairobi Counseling Services explains, many incest victims suffer from Stockholm Syndrome where they develop irrational empathy for their assailants.
"Whether the girl is a minor or an adult, consented or not, the girl remains a victim because the father has the upper hand in the illegitimate relationship", says Kimani.
Section 20 and 21 of the Sexual Offences Act stipulates that if two adults of close relation get involved in sex, the two are guilty of incest and can face a jail term of not less than ten years. Consequently, in the case of an adult daughter and the father, the two can be charged in court.
Dr Kevin Wamula, a psychiatrist at Mathari Hospital points out that incest is more of a criminal than a mental illness. He however notes that in extreme cases between a father and daughter, mental evaluation is paramount. "The evaluation can determine whether any of the two is suffering from schizophrenia or any other mental illness," he said.
Schizophrenia is a mental disorder which affects how a person thinks, feels and behaves. Dr. Wamula advises that should a person detect that they are sexually attracted to close relatives, they should seek either counseling or mental health services to prevent regrettable situations.
Scientifically, a baby conceived out of such a relationship is likely to inherit genetic defects and terminating the pregnancy would be the safer option.
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The Standard Group Plc is a multi-media organization with investments in media platforms spanning newspaper print
operations, television, radio broadcasting, digital and online services. The Standard Group is recognized as a
leading multi-media house in Kenya with a key influence in matters of national and international interest.

Standard Group Plc HQ Office,
The Standard Group Center,Mombasa Road.
P.O Box 30080-00100,Nairobi, Kenya.
Telephone number: 0203222111, 0719012111

I am a 28-year-old career woman, a banker to be exact. Unlike many girls my age who are getting ready for marriage and planning weddings, I am in a relationship people may call bizarre. I am in love with a man who cherished me as a baby and watched me grow up. This is the man who has never stopped calling me beautiful, whose love is broad-spectrum and is in and out of season. That man is my father.
Don't be hasty to judge me, I have no regrets nor am I ready to change my mind.
It all began when I was 13. Those were the days I badly needed love. My mother gave more attention to my two younger brothers and often I felt left out. She kept finding fault with me; throwing tantrums at the slightest provocation and blaming me sometimes for things my brothers did.
"You should be their role model," I remember every beating from my mother. Justly speaking, it was not all uphill with her; there were some good times but I can dare say that the bitter moments outweigh the good ones by far! I grew to hate her too. I am not embarrassed that I found love and consolation from her husband.
Daddy is a businessman; so many times he'd be away on business trips. When he came home, I would lie on his chest and cry asking him not to leave me behind next time he went for a trip. "Darling, you're still in school," he'd gently tell me and press me hard on his chest. I was only a little girl then. If my mother shouted at me in his presence, he'd reprimand her. Those were the only times I felt justice being done to me.
At the age of 12, after my first menstruation period, I dared my mother for a woman-to-woman chat. "Why don't you like me? Is it that you expected a boy and you got me? Did dad rape you on the night you conceived me," I recited what I had been coached by my peers. She insisted she loved me but her actions continued to be different.
Then, my hips started growing and I was turning into a pretty woman. I often caught my dad stealing glances at me especially at the dining table. I didn't know about man-to -woman love then and it's much later I that I realised my dad had fallen in love with me long before I knew it. My mother cautioned me against men generally and talked ill about all of them.
But dad was and is still different from all the men I have ever met. He's charming, caring, listening and willing to understand. I can describe my dad as my father, my friend, counselor and my lover. No man can match him! As a little girl, I could see jealousy written all over my mother's face and at some point I started enjoying it. I would sit on dad's lap and wrap my little hands around his neck just to provoke her. She'd make a face but not at any time did she ever stop me. Maybe if she had talked to me about incest then, things would be different today.
On my thirteenth birthday, Dad had a surprise for me: a trip with him to South Africa. I can't narrate the joy of being alone for a whole week with a person who loved me dearly and away from my mother's quarrels. A nice hotel in Jo'burg was my birthday place. I had a nice spacious room all to myself and dad's room was opposite mine.
On the second night he came to my room and without any preambles he held me tightly and gave me a long deep kiss on the lips. I felt a sense of belonging and a very special attachment to him. That is the night I gave my virginity to my dad. That night we discussed many things and he told me that he wouldn't mind telling the world that he loved me were it not for societal outlook.
We'd keep it secret though sitting on his lap and him hugging me and kissing my forehead or cheek would continue. I left Jo'burg with many presents but above all, feeling gratified that I had been ushered into adulthood by a man who loved me and whom I loved.
Our love blossomed by the day and we'd go out many times. He'd pick me from boarding school and we'd spend the afternoon together. The world knew dad loved me but perhaps their interpretation was different. This continued until I joined university.
At the University I could see my peers with their little boyfriends and at some point I thought I would give it a try. I got myself a boyfriend but the relationship lasted barelya week. He was childish, noisy and hyperactive! That is the complete opposite of my dad. My relationship with dad is mature. He has taught me to be calm and how to handle issues maturely. I am not surprised he pushes away any young man who comes close to me.
The day my mother caught me on her bed with dad, she faked surprise and I had to tell her bluntly to stop pretending. Was she so blind all those years to see dad was treating me better than her? He'd give me money to pay workers. We'd go shopping with him and have night-long loud-laughter chats in the study. We went for his international business trips together and even have a joint bank account! When she caught us and kicked him out of their bedroom, the poor man ran to me. I now share my bedroom with him without an iota of remorse. My brothers hate me but because my dad has always been there for me, I must fight to make him happy.
Though we denied it when summoned by the clan elders, thanks to my mother's big mouth, our love is not ending anytime soon. I know the science behind having a child with a blood relative that's why dad and I have kept it on hold.
When the right time comes, I may opt to adopt. Meanwhile, I continue being dad's best friend and lover. We have never fought over anything over the years. Though people may call us insane, from my intellectual eye, I notice even the elders who stood to condemn us admire our relationship.
- The identity of the person telling the story has been hidden to protect her and others involved from stigma
Incest is a serious public health issue but it's usually ignored in order to protect involved families. Father and daughter incest is common in many African countries and as Allan Kimani, a counseling psychologist at Nairobi Counselin
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